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The power in modeling

20-sim is a modeling and simulation program that allows you to enter models graphically, similar to drawing an engineering scheme. With these models you can simulate the behavior of dynamic systems, such as electric, mechanical, or hydraulic systems, including computer control loops.

With 20-sim you can improve your system with respect to speed, vibrations, robustness etc. Using code generation, you can export C-code to run on hardware boards. Rapid Prototyping tools like 20-sim 4C, allow you to start and stop the code and measure the results.

20-sim contains model libraries with domainoriented components, block diagram and bond graph elements. You can compose your model by dragging library components into the 20-sim Editor. Electric



Various voltage and current sources. Inductors, resistors and capacitors. Diodes, op-amps and rectifiers. Motors and piezo actuators.

Inertia's, springs and dampers. Bearings, backlash and clutch models. Belts, spindles, gears and differentials. AC / DC motors.


Block Diagrams

Orifices and laminar resistances. Cylinders, accumulators and tanks. Pumps, motors and valves. Flow, power and pressure sensors.

Linear and non-linear blocks. Sources & sinks. Filters and controllers. Transfer functions.


Bond Graph

Heat capacity and heat flow. Convection and radiation elements. Heat generators.

Storage elements. Transformers and dissipators. Sources & sinks.

Open Library
The 20-sim library models are open. You can inspect the underlying equations and change them. The equations are written in SIDOPS+. This is a language which uses a standard mathematical notation and is very easy to learn. 20-sim supports a wide variety of dynamic systems, including linear, non-linear, discretetime, continuous-time and hybrid systems.

Bond Graphs
All standard bond graph elements are available in 20-sim. Causality is automatically assigned. Algebraic loops and derivative causalities are removed using symbolic manipulation of the model equations.

Export to Matlab


Every 20-sim model can be exported to Matlab / Simulink as an m-file or S-function. 20-sim linear system models can be exported as a transfer function or state space model.

Simulation algorithms
20-sim contains powerful simulation algorithms for solving ordinary differential equations (ODE) and differential algebraic equations (DAE). 20sim has a variety of numerical integration methods: fixed and variable step size, one-step, multi-step and multi-order methods.

20-sim supports continuous and discrete time modeling. Discrete time loops are automatically detected and assigned a separate sample rate.

Time Domain Toolbox

The Time Domain Toolbox allows you to use six powerful model analysis methods with a few mouse clicks. Parameter sweeps, Optimization and Curve Fitting will help to improve model performance. Sensitivity Analysis, Monte Carlo Analysis and Variation Analysis, will help you to check the validity bounds of virtual prototypes.

Frequency Domain Toolbox

The 20-sim Frequency Domain Toolbox consists of the Linear System Editor, FFT analysis tools and model linearization functionality. The Linear System Editor is a specialized tool for the design of linear systems. The editor supports continuous-time and discrete-time SISO systems. The linear systems can be inspected and edited in ABCD state space, transfer function, zero-pole-gain and eigen frequency representation. Any 20-sim model can be linearized and shown in the linear system editor. Fast Fourier Transforms can be applied to any time-domain plot in 20-sim. Both simulation results and measurement data can be handled and displayed as bode plots.

Control Toolbox
The Control Toolbox consists of the controller design editor, a filter editor and a neural network editor. The controller design editor allows you to design a feedback system with a linear plant, controller and pre-filter. With the filter editor you can create your own linear filters according to your specifications.


3D Mechanics Toolbox
The 3D Mechanics Editor is an advanced editor for creating 3D dynamic models. The 3D models can easily be assembled by dragging and dropping bodies, joints and other objects in a 3D workspace. The representation of objects (e.g. shape, color or size) can be changed independently from their properties (e.g. mass, inertia or orientation). Bodies are interconnected by joints. Next to bodies and joints, forces and sensors can also be applied in the editor.

Animation Toolbox
Simulation results in 20-sim can be shown as a movie using the 3D Animation Toolbox. Any variable of a 20-sim model can be connected to 3 dimensional objects to show animated output. Standard objects like cubes, spheres, spirals, cones and cylinders can be manipulated using model variables or static values. These variables and values can also be used to set colors and sizes of objects and lights. Bitmaps and CAD drawings can be imported in 3D Animations. With a button click you can generate a movies in various formats (Youtube, Flash, AVI, WMV, etc.)

Rapid Prototyping

Mechatronics Toolbox
The Mechatronics Toolbox contains the Motion Profile Wizard, the Cam Wizard and the Servo Motor Editor.  The Motion Profile Wizard can be used to create motion profiles using 14 different profiles.  The Cam Wizard can be used to create models with an output motion profile as function of an input axis.  The 20-sim Servo Motor Editor helps engineers to choose the proper servo motor for any electro-mechanical system.

20-sim 4C
20-sim 4C is a prototyping environment that enables you to connect 20-sim models to physical systems. The models can be executed as real-time C-code on hardware like PC's or ARM-9 based processor boards. This enables you to perform various tasks:  Measurement and Calibration : From 20-sim 4C you can export C-code that will operate and read sensors.  Machine Control : With 20-sim 4C you can export code to external targets to control the operation of machines. In 20-sim 4C you can start and stop the controller and change parameters during run-time.  Rapid Prototyping : 20-sim models can be exported to 20-sim 4C with a few clicks of a button and executed on a target with a second click. This makes 20-sim 4C a valuable tool for rapid prototyping.

Contact Info
Controllab Products B.V. Drienerlolaan 5, HO-8266 7522 NB Enschede, Netherlands Tel: +31-(0)53-4893096 Fax: +31-(0)53-4892223 E-mail: Web:

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