1st VFW Sops - 030110

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OPR: Demo-94th-VFS Certified by: Borock-27th-VTS

Pages: 143 Distribution: 401st VAS, 94th VFS, 71st VFS, 29th VFS, 27th VFS

*This document provides a one-stop shop for 1st VFW Standard Operating Procedures, organic training documents, and resources and references for all our pilots. It is not prescribed to supplement other official training documents, such as the Initial Qualification Training documents; instead it is a complement to said material. Use this document in conjunction with all of the training material that we offer our members. If you have any questions about the material covered in this document, email me at Demo@1stVFW.com or PM me in the forum. This instruction is affected by the Privacy Act (PA) of 1974. Authority to attain this information is 10 U.S.C. 8012 and E.0. 9397.

*SUMMARY OF REVISIONS *This edition of the 1st VFW Tactical Fighter Handbook is version 2.0, updated on February 8th, 2009. The
information contained in this document incorporates elements of the 1st VFW Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), the IQT and MQT Training Material, and miscellaneous resources. Therefore, when those documents are updated, this document will also be updated. To verify that you have the current version, please refer to the following information or visit the Private Downloads section of the 1 st VFW website.

Updated: 03/02/10 Changes: NONE Author: Demo CO 1st VFW / 27th VFS Assisted by: Lt Col Jammer XO 1st VFW / 401st VAS

Flying Operations, F-16 Combat Aircraft Fundamentals 11-F16 Vol. 5 F-16 A/B Mid-Life Update Production Tape M1/M2 - The Pilots Guide (Mar 2000) Multi-Command Handbook 11-F-16 Volume 5-F-16 Combat Aircraft Fundamentals Air Force Instruction 11-202, Vol. 1, 23 November 2005 Flying Operations Aircrew Training Air Force Instruction 11-202, Vol. 3, 5 April 2006 Flying Operations General Flight Rules Air Force Manual 11-249, 2 March 2007 Flying Operations T-37 Primary Flying Naval Air Training Command T-34 Instruction P-357 (rev. 09-06) USAF - F-16C AN/APG 68 (V5) - Operations Guide Multiservice Air-Air, Air-Surface, Surface-Brevity Codes FM90-38 MCRP NWP 6-02.1 USAF Instruction 11-2F-16, Vol. 2, 20 June 2006 Flying Operations F-16 Pilot Training F-16C Flight Manual, General Dynamics AF11-205 Cockpit & Formation Flight Signals AFI 11-2F-16 Vol. 3, F-16 Operations Procedures

1st Virtual Fighter Wing


CHAPTER 1 Multiplayer SOPs 1.1. Open Falcon Multiplayer Standard Operating Procedures 1. 2. Allied Force Multiplayer Standard Operating Procedures Page 5 Page 9

CHAPTER 2 In-Flight SOPs 2.1. In-Flight Standard Operating Procedures 2.2. Basic Brevity/Comms SOPs 2.2.1. Definitions 2.2.1. Acknowledging Radio Transmissions 2.3. Ramp Start Procedure 2.4. Taxi Procedures 2.5. Takeoff Procedures 2.6. Ops Check Procedures 2.7. Air-to-Air Engagement Procedures 2.7.1. Basic Air-to-Air Brevity 2.8. Air-to-Ground Engagement Procedures Page 12 Page 12 Page 12 Page 13 Page 15 Page 17 Page 18 Page 22 Page 22 Page 22 Page 26

CHAPTER 3 How to Host/Connect in Open Falcon 3.1. Open Falcon Connection Standard Operating Procedures 3.1.1. Why Do We Need Open Falcon Connection SOPs 3.2. The Rapace Launcher 3.2.1. Why Do We Use It (Rapace Launcher) 3.3. Before You Use IVC 3.3.1. Running the Voice Set Up.exe 3.2.2. Teamspeak Key Bindings 3.4. Who Should Host 3.4.1. Additional Comments 3.5. How to Host 3.5.1. Step-By-Step - If You Are the Host And No IVC Page 29 Page 29 Page 29 Page 29 Page 31 Page 31 Page 31 Page 31 Page 31 Page 32 Page 32

1st Virtual Fighter Wing

3.5.2. Step-By-Step - If You Are the Host And Using IVC 3.6. How to Connect to the Host 3.6.1 Step-By-Step - If You Are NOT the Host And No IVC 3.6.2. Step-By-Step - If You Are NOT the Host And Using IVC 3.7. Step-By-Step - If You Are the IVC Host 3.8. How-To: Connect w/ Two Hosts 3.8.1. Step-By-Step - If You Are the TE Host 3.8.2. Step-By-Step - If You Are the Not the TE or IVC Host 3.9. Using different hosts for the IVC & TE Cautions 3.10. Testing IVC 3.10.1. How-to do the IVC Mic Check in the Chat Lobby (In Game) 3.11. Final Thoughts & Considerations

Page 32 Page 33 Page 33 Page 33 Page 34 Page 34 Page 34 Page 35 Page 35 Page 36 Page 36 Page 36

CHAPTER 4 Open Falcon Install, Settings, and Basic Use Guide 4.1. 1st VFW OF 4.7 Install Guide 4.1.1 Rapace Launcher Set Up 4.1.2 IVC Set Up 4.2. Open Falcon In-Game Settings 4.2.1 Simulation Tab 4.2.2 Graphics Tab 4.2.3 Graphics Advanced Tab 4.2.4 Sounds Tab 4.3. Open Falcon Config Editor Settings 4.3.1 Rapace Launcher Settings 4.3.2 OF Config Editor Settings 4.4 1st VFW Approved Mods & 1st VFW Patch Contents 4.4.1 Approved Mods 4.4.2 Mods Not Approved for Use 4.4.3 1st VFW OF 4.7 Patch Contents 4.5. Data Cartridge (DTC) in Open Falcon 4.5.1 Precision Steerpoints 4.5.2 Preplanned Threat Steerpoints 4.5.3 Additional Steerpoint Lines 4.5.4 The EWS Tab of the DTC 4.5.5 The Mode (MFD) Tab of the DTC 4.5.6 The Comms (Radio) Tab of the DTC 4.5.7 Loading the DTC in the Cockpit 4.5.8 The Improved Data Modem 4.6. Unique Weapons Employment in OF 4.6.1 Dumb Bombs 4.6.2 Mavericks (AGM-65) 4.6.3 Laser Guided Bombs Page 37 Page 41 Page 43 Page 45 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 50 Page 59 Page 59 Page 61 Page 62 Page 64 Page 64 Page 67 Page 71 Page 74 Page 77 Page 78 Page 82 Page 84 Page 89 Page 89 Page 89 Page 89

1st Virtual Fighter Wing

4.6.4 JDAMs 4.6.5 JSOW (AGM-154) 4.6.7 JASSM (AGM-158) 4.6.8 SNIPER Advanced Targeting Pod 4.7. Frequently Asked Questions & Common Fixes

Page 90 Page 91 Page 92 Page 94 Page 102

CHAPTER 5 Brevity Codes 5.1. Multi-Service Brevity Codes Page 116

1st Virtual Fighter Wing



1.1 Open Falcon Multiplayer Standard Operating Procedures

BEFORE YOU FLY ONLINE: Confirm your Teamspeak keybindings are functioning properly Confirm your Track IR is working Confirm your HOTAS/flight controls profile is loaded and functioning Close any unnecessary programs running in the background Complete any other pre-flight checks as needed to ensure youre ready to fly

BEFORE HOST AN OPEN FALCON MISSION ONLINE: Before you host any mission in Open Falcon, regardless of if its a tactical engagement or campaign, make sure all flights are ready and configured correctly prior to any pilots connecting to you. Any changes to steerpoints, flight path, takeoff times, etc should all be done offline prior to hosting the mission. Editing these things when players are connected to you can lead to connection and CTD issues. If players connect to you and you need to change the takeoff time or flight path, all players should disconnect and go to desktop while you make the changes, and once completed the host should then save the mission and re-host it when ready. Ensuring the mission is ready to fly before you host it will not only ensure stability, but it will also prevent lengthy delays. 1. Prior to beginning the connection process, the Host will direct the rest of the pilots to the TS channel he/she has reserved in the ATO. 2. Then in order to save time and eliminate any confusion, the Host will post his/her IP into Teamspeak for everyone to see and/or copy into their Rapace Launcher. If you don't know your IP, look in 'Network IP' section of the Rapace Launcher. All OF flights will be launched from the Rapace Launcher. If you are hosting the flight, you will need to enter in the 'Specify the host IP' section of the Rapace Launcher. All other pilots will post the host IP in that section and click 'Update the Phonebook'. 3. The Host will then announce the following parameters: Theater to be used (Standard Korea / Korea Strong / Korea Old / Balkans / Israeli Theater / Aegean (Ege)

1st Virtual Fighter Wing

Bandwidth - Host will set his bandwidth to 80% of his upload, and all other pilots will set their bandwidth to 100. If you dont know your upload speed, run a speed test online. Taxi Time - Taxi time will always be 4mins, but it is necessary to make sure pilots check their taxi time setting. Specify if IVC will be used, and if IVC will be used, provide the IP for IVC.

4. If IVC is to be used, the Host must also post the IP for IVC in Teamspeak so the pilots can put it into the 'Voice Server' section of the Rapace Launcher (and press 'apply'). If the flight will be a Force-on-Force TE, the Host needs to specify Red or Blue team for the pilots. The Host IP and the IVC IP can be different. If the flight will have more then 4 pilots, we suggest that have one person host the game, and another host the IVC. 5. Prior to launching the sim, the Host will ask "Does anyone have any questions? to ensure all pilots are ready. If the TE is a Force-on-Force flight, the Host needs to give a situation brief to everyone prior to launching the game since the Red Team will move to a different Teamspeak channel once they connect to the Host in-game. 6. The Host will then announce "Launching the sim". This means that all pilots are to launch OF from the Rapace Launcher and wait for further instructions. 7. The Host will then announce "Comms are up" once he has clicked 'Connect' in the OF user interface and see's his/her Callsign in a chat lobby. Once the Host announces that the "Comms are up", all pilots are to click 'Connect' to enter the chat lobby. 8. Once you are in the chat lobby, you will do a text check-in by entering in the number of pilots that you see in the chat lobby. For example, if you see 3 pilots (including you), you would put a "3" in the text field and hit enter. If you only see yourself in the chat lobby, you need to announce that in case you entered too soon, or so the Host knows to wait for you to reconnect. You are allowed 5 mins to try and resolve the issue. 99% of the time it is because you have a firewall up (could be Window's firewall or an anti-virus program firewall), don't have your ports forwarded, or didn't hit 'Update the phonebook' in the Rapace Launcher or copied the Host IP incorrectly. The Host is not allowed to bring up the game until all pilots have done a text check-in. 9. If the flight is using IVC, the Host will do a mic check over IVC before bringing up the game to check each pilots IVC is working. The Host will hold down F1 and say "[Callsign of first person in chat lobby list], mic check" and wait to hear the pilots response, which should be "5 by 5, how me?" if he hears the Host's mic check loud and clear. Then the Host will move on to the next pilot in the Chat Lobby and repeat the process until all pilots have successfully completed a mic check. IVC mic checks in the game user interface are always done by holding F1 while transmitting. Expect the voice quality to be poor. All that matters is that you can hear the Host's mic check, and he can hear you. F1 will not work in the game. For most, in game Comm1 (UHF) will be Alt+ 1 and Comm 2 (VHF) will be scroll lock, backslash, or Alt+2.

1st Virtual Fighter Wing

10. Once all pilots have completed a text check-in confirming they see each other, the Host will bring up the game by clicking on his saved TE or campaign, set the rules of engagement, and announcing "The game is up, clocked stopped". All settings should be on realistic except for padlock, which should be set on "Enhanced". When hosting a campaign, the Host should specify which squadron/airbase the pilots should select before entering the map screen. If the TE is a Force-on-Force flight, the Host needs to specify which flag the Red Team should click on prior to entering the game. You do not want the Red Team to join the Blue Team mission screen because they will see your flights, weapons, etc... The Host must also tell the Red Team which TeamSpeak channel they need to switch to right after he brings the game up. 11. After the Host announces "The game is up, clocked stopped", all pilots will go to the online tab of the Campaign/Tactical Engagement/Dogfight section, click on the Host's game, and click on the airplane on the bottom right of to commit to the game. Make sure your settings match the Host's settings in the Rules of Engagement section, and click OK. One you are in the game, stop the clock and say "[Your Callsign]'s in, clocked stopped". For example, I would say: "Demo's in, clocked stopped". After you make the call that youre in the mission screen and the clock is stopped, remain silent until ALL pilots have made the same call and wait for instruction from the Host. 12. Once every pilot announces that they are in and the clock is stopped, the Host will give a situation brief about the TE or Campaign and make sure all pilots are seated in the correct flights. After the situation brief, the Host will assign Teamspeak channels for each flight depending on the order of the flights in the FRAG order. For example, if the first flight to takeoff is an OCA Strike, and the SEAD Escort is the second, the OCA Strike will switch to Teamspeak channel Flight 1, and the SEAD would switch to Flight 2. If you are late and dont get connected prior to the briefings, you cant participate in the flight. This rule is in place so guys who are late dont hold up the entire flight, and therefore cause problems for others schedules. 13. Each flight will then do their planning for the mission, including setting threat steerpoints, additional steer points to mark the kill box or tanker track, and plan of attack. If weapon loadouts are not locked (specified by the Host) you can change your weapons loadout. Only the flight lead in each flight can enter the munitions screen to change loadouts. Once each flight has completed their planning, their flight lead will broadcast "[Callsign] is ready to brief". For example, if our Callsign for the package was Cowboy, I would broadcast, "Cowboy is ready to brief". Once all flight leads have announced they are ready to brief, they will broadcast a briefing in order of the FRAG Order (or takeoff time). Each flight lead should expect to do a thorough brief. See the Classroom section of the forum or Gipodiablos Pills in this document for details about how a briefing should be done. 14. After all flights have conducted a brief, the Host will announce that we will be committing to Ramp, Taxi, or Takeoff, and advise each flight to check-in when ready. Each flight lead will ask his flight members if they are ready. There are two appropriate responses to the ready check: "[Flight Position] ready" or "[Flight Position] standby 1".

1st Virtual Fighter Wing

For example, if I am #2 in a flight, I would say "Two is ready" or "Two, standby one" if I wasnt ready yet. Once all pilots have checked in ready, the flight lead will broadcast "[Flight Callsign] is ready". 15. Once all flight leads have broadcasted they are ready, the Host will broadcast "[Callsign] is committing to Ramp/Taxi/Takeoff, Commit Now". The "commit now" should be broadcasted once the Host has hit commit and can see the clock (that countdowns once you pick Ramp/Taxi/or Takeoff). When you hear commit now, its your cue to commit to Ramp/Taxi/Takeoff. Do not commit before hearing the commit now call from the Host. If you have a slow clock, it is most likely that a pilot hasn't committed yet, or someone is taking off before your flight, and therefore, the clock will countdown in real time (hence why the Host should plan on takeoff times being within a few mins apart). ONCE YOU HAVE COMMITTED TO RAMP/TAXI/TAKEOFF, THERE SHOULDNT BE ANY COMMMS UNTIL YOU ARE IN THE JET. This means when in the loading screen, there should not be any comms. 16. Once in the jet, each pilot will transmit locally (to their channel, not broadcast) that they are in the jet. The call is "[Your flight position]'s in the jet". For example, if I was #2 in a flight, I would transmit "2's in the jet". There is no need to broadcast your "in the jet" call. If you don't hear anything from other flights you can assume they got in the jet Ok. If anyone has a problem, his/her flight lead should announce the issue to the Host and/or Mission Commander. A pilot will be allowed two chances to reconnect (making a total of three attempts). After the 3 attempts, the pilot will be dropped from the flight. The only time you should broadcast to other flights is right before you taxi by completing a checkin call. See the Classroom section of the forum for more details on package comms. 17. From this point on the mission should go on as planned. If a pilot gets shot down or crashes, he/she is not allowed to re-enter the game. We strive for realism in the 1st, and therefore, when a pilot is down, he is down. If you are not the Host, you can request to back out of the 3D world. This is done by broadcasting [Callsign] requesting to back out and then waiting for the Host and other pilots to say you are clear to back out. In Open Falcon the Host is not allowed to back out of the 3D world until ALL other pilots have backed out. The Host is not allowed to back out to the mission screen if he is shot down, he must stay in the 3D world until ALL pilots have backed out. If the pilot has a CTD, he must ask for permission to re-enter the game from the Host. Multiple exits and re-entrances into the 3D world can also cause problems with OF (warping, FPS issues), so under no circumstances are pilots allowed to re-enter the 3D world without permission. 18. After each ATO flight, we will conduct a debrief. The debriefing will not be each pilot telling us each step of their mission over and over again. The debriefing is used to discuss how you thought the flight went, discussion of engagements and tactics that were successful/unsuccessful, brevity, etc... See the Classroom section of the forum for more details.

1st Virtual Fighter Wing

1.2 Allied Force Multiplayer Standard Operating Procedures

BEFORE YOU FLY ONLINE: Confirm your Teamspeak keybindings are functioning properly Confirm your Track IR is working Confirm your HOTAS/flight controls profile is loaded and functioning Close any unnecessary programs running in the background Complete any other pre-flight checks as needed to ensure youre ready to fly

1. If needed, prior to the Host giving the flight connection parameters, he/she will advise all pilots to switch to the Teamspeak channel that was listed in the ATO. 2. The Host will post his IP in Teamspeak in case a pilot does not already have the Host's IP already in the phonebook in the Multiplayer section of the user interface. The Host will also let the pilots know if his IP has changed recently so they know they will need to copy his new IP. 3. The Host will announce the theater that will be used, and then transmit "Launching the Sim" once he is launching the sim. After that call has been made, all pilots will launch the sim and wait for further instructions. 4. Once the Host has launched the sim, he will initiate a chat lobby, and announce "Comms are up", which means all pilots should connect to the Host. Once in the chat lobby all pilots will perform a text check-in by entering in the number of pilots he/she sees currently in the chat lobby (including yourself). For example, if I saw my callsign and two other callsigns in the chat lobby, I would enter a 3. This is repeated until all pilots have entered the chat lobby. 5. After all pilots have entered the lobby and completed a text check in, the Host will launch his/her Campaign/TE/Dogfight, set the rules of engagements, and announce "The game is up, clock is stopped", after which all pilots will connect to the game in chat lobby order, ensure their setting match the Host's setting in the Rules Of Engagement section, and broadcast "[Callsign] is in, clock stopped" as they stop the clock. Once you have made the call that you are in the mission screen, you should remain silent until all pilots have entered the mission screen. 6. Once all pilots have entered the Host's game, the Host will make sure all pilots are seated in the correct flights, give a situation brief for the mission, and assign Teamspeak channels for each flight according to each flights position in the FRAG Order (or takeoff time). 7. After each flight has switched to the appropriate channel, all pilots will start planning for the mission. If the Host specifies that the weapons loadouts are not locked, each flight

1st Virtual Fighter Wing

lead will be able to change their weapons loadout. Only the flight leads are allowed to make changes to the loadout. 8. After each flight has completed their planning for the mission, each flight lead will broadcast "[Flight Callsign] is ready to brief". After all flight leads have broadcasted that call, they will conduct a thorough briefing in order of the FRAG Order (or takeoff time). See Classroom section of the forum for more details on how to conduct a briefing. 9. After all flights have conducted a brief, the Host will announce that we will be committing to Ramp, Taxi, or Takeoff, and advise each flight to check-in when ready. Each flight lead will ask his flight members if they are ready. There are two appropriate responses to the ready check: "[Flight Position] ready" or "[Flight Position] standby 1". For example, if I am #2 in a flight, I would say "Two is ready" or "Two, standby one" if I wasnt ready yet. Once all pilots have checked in ready, the flight lead will broadcast "[Flight Callsign] is ready". 11. Once all flight leads have broadcasted they are ready, the Host will broadcast "[Callsign] is committing to Rampstart/Taxi/Takeoff, Commit Now". The "commit now" should be broadcasted once the Host has hit commit and can see the clock (that countdowns once you pick Ramp/Taxi/or Takeoff). ). When you hear commit now, its your cue to commit to Ramp/Taxi/Takeoff. Do not commit before hearing the commit now call from the Host. If you have a slow clock, it is most likely that a pilot hasn't committed yet, or someone is taking off before your flight, and therefore, the clock will countdown in real time. Once you are in the loading screen, you should remain silent until you make your In the pit call in flight order. There should be no radio traffic during the loading screen. 12. Once in the jet, each pilot will transmit locally (to their channel, not broadcast) IN ORDER OF THEIR FLIGHT that they are in the jet. The call is "[Your flight position]'s in the jet". For example, if I was #2 in a flight, I would transmit "2's in the jet". If I am #3 in a flight and I get in before #2, I will not transmit "3's in the jet" until #2 has called "2's in the jet". There is no need to broadcast your "in the jet" call. If you don't hear anything from other flights you can assume they got in the jet Ok. If anyone has a problem, his/her flight lead should announce the issue to the Host and/or Mission Commander. A pilot will be allowed two chances to reconnect (making a total of three attempts). You should always ask for permission to exit or re-enter a game from the Host. After the 3 attempts, the pilot will be dropped from the flight. 13. From this point on the mission should go on as planned. If a pilot gets shot down or crashes, he/she is not allowed to re-enter the game. We strive for realism in the 1st, and therefore, when a pilot is down, he is down. If you are not the Host, you can request to back out of the 3D world. This is done by broadcasting [Callsign] requesting to back out and then waiting for the Host and other pilots to say you are clear to back out. If the pilot has a CTD, he must ask for permission to re-enter the game from the Host. Multiple exits and re-entrances into the 3D world can also cause problems (warping, FPS issues), so under no circumstances are pilots allowed to re-enter the 3D world without

1st Virtual Fighter Wing


permission. Once the mission is completed, the Host will wait until all other pilots have exited the 3D world before backing out. 14. After each ATO flight, we will conduct a debrief. The debriefing will not be each pilot telling us each step of their mission over and over again. The debriefing is used to discuss how you thought the flight went, discussion of engagements and tactics that were successful/unsuccessful, brevity, etc... See the Classroom section of the forum for more details.

1st Virtual Fighter Wing



Vol. 1
By Demo Updated 02/01/09

2.1. Introduction
The following is part of the 1st VFW Fighter Pilot Handbook. It is a description of some basic In-Game SOPs for our new pilots, and general tips about flying online in F4. If anything it can be used as a guide on how flights should go. Ill try to cover each of the basic steps of a flight, starting from the time you get into the cockpit. Please keep in mind its a basic overview, and just reading it wont be enough. A lot of it has to do with basic brevity, and using brevity correctly takes a lot of practice. What I suggest doing is looking through some of the brevity codes given in this post, and try to use one new code in each flight Thats what I used to do For example, I saw that Stripped was a term I should be using when Im out of formation, and Sniper can be used when Im firing a HARM at a specific target. Over time trying to use one or two new codes each time you fly, you will start using them without even thinking about it. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via this thread or a PM.

2.2. Basic Brevity/Flight Comms Rules

Before we talk about anything related to brevity or comms, I need to explain the basics of brevity. Whenever you are transmitting on the radio, you will want to follow the 3-1 rule. The 3-1 rule basically stands for Call Sign, Directive, Descriptive. In other words, whenever you are transmitting you will give the following info: Who you are talking to What do you want them to do Why you want them to do that Next, there are two types of radio transmissions: directive and informative. Most comms in an air-to-air engagement are of the latter variety, where we discuss what is going on in the environment around us. But when things start to get exciting, the important traffic will be directive, such as Falcon1 break right, missile 3 oclock!. 2.2.1. Basic Definitions Directive Call: Telling your flight/wingmen what to do - (ie Falcon1, check 30, new heading 090) Informative Call: Telling your flight/wingmen what you are doing, what you see, or an acknowledgement of someone elses transmission informing them that you heard them (ie Falcon1 is defensive, one time, right hand turn at angels 2)

1st Virtual Fighter Wing


(ie Falcon1 sees a column of enemy vehicles running North to South) (ie Falcon 1, wilco) Usually directive calls (except for break calls) are made by flight lead, or element lead in a four ship formation, but its almost always by the flight lead because they are telling the flight what to do. For example, the simple call Falcon1 push steerpoint 2 is a directive call because its telling the flight/wingman what to do. More examples of directive calls: -Falcon 1 climb to angels 2-5 -Falcon flight, action right -Falcon1 engage bandit at bull 124 (pause) 33, angels 2-5, 25 miles, nose hot -Falcon lead, break left, break left, bandit your six, shooting Informative calls are always as brief as possible so that other calls are not stepped on, such as AWACs warnings of the ever changing tactical situation. Moreover, when radio calls are made in the heat of battle it is not always possible to recognize a muffled and strained voice, so the callsign becomes VERY important. Using a callsign also allows other fighters in the area to either "tune out" or "tune in" calls that are unimportant or critical. When there are eight flights in the air on the same frequency it becomes essential so each pilot knows who is transmitting, and who needs to tune in and listen. An example of an informative call is Falcon1, fuel state is 052 or Falcon1 is RTB. Both are informative calls because they arent telling anyone what to do, they are just giving information. More examples of informative calls: -Falcon 11 is passing thru angles 5 for 2-5, heading 0-9-0, 3-5-0 knots -Falcon 1 is engaged offensive, shot in five -Falcon flight is GO -Falcon 1, magnum, SA-6 at target Understanding the difference between directive and informative calls will make a lot of the following a lot easier to understand. See an IP for more information or questions. 2.2.2. Acknowledging Calls The single most important thing to remember when you are in any flight is to acknowledge every single call made by your flight lead. This means whenever flight lead

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makes a call, you respond with your flight number in order. For example, if Reaper flight lead says Reaper flight, new heading 090, each flight member would immediately respond 2, 3, 4 in order. Its always good practice for flight lead to call out any pilot who forgets to acknowledge his call. For example, if my #3 didnt respond, I would say 3, did you copy my last? just to make he heard my call and to remind him to acknowledge the call. Or if you are #4 and #3 forgot to acknowledge leads call, you can say 4 did you copy leads last?, since you cant respond until #3 does, but its mostly flight leads responsibility to make sure each pilot is acknowledging calls. The main reason it is important you acknowledge his calls is because he needs to know you heard him, however, a good flight lead wont take any action until each member has acknowledged the call. For example, if I tell my flight to turn to a new heading, I have to wait for each pilot to respond before I start my turn. If we are in a tight formation and I start my turn before each pilot in flight acknowledged, I risk running into a pilot because he didnt know I was going to turn. So really make an effort to acknowledge leads calls immediately after he transmits. If there was one thing I want you to takeaway reading this document, its to acknowledge flight leads calls in flight order immediately after he transmits Its also important for flight leads to acknowledge calls by other flight leads. For example lets say Im the lead in Cowboy flight and Jammer is the lead in Falcon flight and Jammer says Falcon is pushing the target, I need to acknowledge his call by broadcasting Cowboy, copy so he knows I heard the call. Only the lead of each flight should communicate with other flights to avoid too much chatter over the radio. The exception to this rule is if flight lead gets shot down. If you dont already know, element lead (#3 in a flight of 4) takes the lead if flight lead gets shot down, so #3 would take broadcast responsibilities if flight lead goes down. Another valuable tip regarding brevity (comms) is to think before you speak. It sounds simple, but youd be surprise how often pilots forget. It can be very frustrating if you are trying to direct your flight to do something but there is someone broadcasting Falcon. Uh are you engaging. Uh the . Let me see here the western most target?. The pilot who broadcasted that long drawn-out transmission shouldve have thought about what he needs to transmit, and said it quickly: Falcon, confirm you have the western most target. And this doesnt just apply to broadcasting to other flights. Even within your own flight, think before you speak. Its called brevity because its supposed to be brief and to the point. The next tip about basic brevity pertains to broadcasting information to other flights (when you are using ALT+1 to talk to another human flight). Whenever you need to ask another flight a question, you will always want to call them first and let them know you need to talk to them. We do that so you dont start broadcasting when the other flight isnt ready to listen or is talking themselves. You do this simply by saying the callsign of the flight you are trying to reach, then your own callsign, for example: (Im in Falcon flight, and I want to talk to Cowboy flight) Falcon: Cowboy1, Falcon1. (Thats all I need to transmit to call Falcon)

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When Cowboy is ready to listen, Cowboy lead will respond: Cowboy: Falcon1, Go or Go for Cowboy (both of which mean Cowboy is ready to copy (listen) to what Falcon has to say.) You should always use the info above whenever you are trying to communicate with another flight. The only exception is when you are making a global informative call, such as Falcon is GO. Falcon is Go is a informative call to all flights letting them know Falcon is airborne, and since its directed to all flights, theres no need to call the other flights before broadcasting. Another example of this would be when Falcon is In Hot on the target or RTB, both of which are global informative calls. And finally, the last SOP/tip about basic brevity is about flight discipline. Flight discipline means doing what you are told to do (and nothing else), and following flight SOPs like the procedures described in this post/document. For example, you should never fire a weapon without permission from your flight lead, and if you are on the six of a bandit and flight lead calls you off him, you do exactly what lead said even if you have the perfect shot and youre dying to get that last kill. Flight discipline is critical for an effective deployment. Without it, pilots will get shot down. Theres an old adage that says if flight lead made a big hole in the ground, his wingman better follow him into the same hole. Although you shouldnt take that literally, it makes the point that you have to trust and follow your flight lead for better or worse. That is what the chain of command is all about. If you disagree with a directive that lead gave you, suck it up and do what he says. There will be time during the debrief to give flight lead constructive criticism about why you disagreed with his/her tactics or decisions. But if you want to be a good wingman and make your flight lead happy, do exactly what he says immediately after he says it. Flight lead may not have enough time to explain why he directing you to do something, so it may not make sense at the time, but its your job to trust him.

2.3. Ramp Start Procedure*

*The following ramp start procedure is using OF. The AF ramp-start is very similar, with the exception of the Datalink and IVC procedures. I will request that one of our AF IPs post about AF ramp start procedures. If all else fails, refer to the official ramp start checklist (available in our Downloads Library or the AF manual in your Lead Pursuit\Battlefield Operations\Docs folder). Im going to focus mostly on the comms for the following procedures. See other the Classroom (Training) section of our forum for specific (technical) steps of the ramp start. 1. Once you are in the cockpit, call [Callsign] in the pit. Be sure to use your flight callsign, such as Reaper 1-2 in the jet, or just your flight position, such as 2 in the pit if you are in the #2 slot. Do not start your aircraft until your flight leads directs you to do so If he forgets, ask him if its ok to start your aircraft.

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2. If youre using IVC (which is standard for our OF flights), power on the jet, ensure CNI switch is set to Back-Up (its the default position) and the UHF radio is ON and set to BOTH and GUARD. Turn your Comm1 volume up, and then perform the UHF 6 com check-in (Alt+1) before you start the jet. For example: Reaper 1-2, checking in on uniform 6, how copy after flight lead makes the call Reaper flight check in. 3. Once everyone in your flight checks in on UHF 6, flight lead will direct you to start your aircraft. Follow your ramp start checklist. Only your anti-collision light should be on until you make the Ready to Taxi call once youve completed your rampstart. 4. Once you have the jet up and running (70% RPM), make the informative call [Callsign], Good Jet. For example, if I am #2 in a flight, I would say 2, Good Jet, which means I started the aircraft and Im continuing my ramp start procedure. If lead doesnt hear this call from a flight member during the ramp start, he will assume you are having trouble and will ask you wants wrong. So dont forget to do it. 5. Once you are waiting for the jet to align, enter the datalink address, and enable it even if one of your other flight members already did (meaning you can see them on your HSD before you enable Datalink on your own aircraft). Each flight member should always enable their Datalink because if only one pilot enabled Datalink and that pilot gets shot down, everyone will lose Datalink. During the ramp start theres no need to broadcast your Datalink address to other flights because you can see each flights address by looking at your left kneeboard. If you dont know your Datalink address (or another flight in your package Datalink address), they are in order on your kneeboard briefing page starting at 11 and going down in sequence (ie 11, 21, 31, etc). For example, if my kneeboard had Reaper1 listed at the top, then Blade3, then Falcon1, here would be their respective Datalink addresses: Reaper1 (Datalink Address = 11) Blade3 (Datelink Address = 21) Falcon1 (Datalink Address 31) (Keep in mind those are the flight Datalink addresses. So, for example, for Reaper flight, their Datalink addresses are 11, 12, 13, and 14. And Blades addresses are 21, 22, 23, and 24. Once you know the flight Datalink address, you will know each aircraft in that flights Datalink address since it goes in order starting with flight lead). 6. Set your Bingo/Joker per leads instructions (Hit LIST then 2 on the ICP and enter the bingo fuel number). 7. Set your Hard Deck (if needed) Hit 4 on the ICP (ALOW). A Hard Deck is an altitude you are not allowed to go below. 8. Set up weapons (if needed) For example, set fuse delays, burst altitudes, release angles, bombing profiles (JDAMs), etc If you have Mavericks (AGMs), you may want to start powering them up since in OF it takes some time. Flight lead should have briefed your attack profile for surface attack missions, so set up your weapons accordingly.

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9. While you are waiting for you INS to align you can run through a few tests that are included in our ramp start checklists such as: -Check your warning lights by going to the back left TEST panel and clicking on MAL & IND LTS, then right-click on the same button to turn the warning lights off. -Extend AIR BRAKES to confirm they are functioning properly, and then retract them. -Turn your PARKING BRAKES OFF, then step on the wheel brakes as you run the engine up to 80% RPM to confirm your wheel brakes are functioning properly and check gauges to see if engine gauges look good (80% power and FTIT below 700C), then set the PARKING BRAKES BACK ON. -Check your flight controls to ensure they are responding. 10. Once your INS is aligned, and youve completed your pre-taxi checklist, turn your landing light on and your wing/fuselage lights on to FLASH. Your wing and fuselage lights will be set to flash whenever you are moving the aircraft on the ground because it lets the ground crew know your aircraft is about to move. You will set them to solid when on the active runway preparing for takeoff. (Do not turn your landing lights until you are ready to taxi because its an indication that you are ready to taxi. You should only have your anti-collision lights on until you are ready to taxi). 11. Next call [Callsign], Ready for Taxi. For example, 2, ready for taxi, and wait for flight leads taxi instructions. Once every has made the call ready for taxi, flight lead will make the informative call, Standby, taxi, words, which means listen up because Im calling the tower for taxi instructions. After the tower responds, he will give you a runway to taxi to, such as Reaper1, taxi runway 1-5, hold short. Many times in OF we wont use the AI ATC because we have a human ATC or we just choose not to use the AI ATC because its poorly modeled. In those cases, your taxi instructions may be more specific, such as Reaper, taxi runway 1-5 via taxiway Alpha, hold short and contact departure, which basically is saying the same thing except its giving you a taxi to use en-route to the active runway, and contact ATC to request permission to takeoff.

2.4. Taxi Procedures*

*Reference the GT-1.2 Ground Operations IQT training presentation for more detailed information about taxiing your aircraft. During taxi, you should never exceed .03 on the MACH number (on your HUD), or 20kts ground speed (which you can access using the ICP). If you are in a trail taxi, you should be 300ft (or 4 aircraft lengths) behind the aircraft in front of you. If you are in a staggered taxi formation, you should be 150ft (2 aircraft lengths) behind the aircraft in front of you. In either taxi formation, you can use the ~ button to get a satellite picture to see how far behind you are until you find a visual cue of where you should be. Also, using the satellite view can be useful to see where you are located at the airbase in relation to the active runway before taxing. Always look around your aircraft before moving it to

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ensure its safe to move the aircraft. Be careful looking down when taxiing because the aircraft in front of you may slow down, or stop and you could run into it. Its very important that you taxi in formation, in the correct order. Do not move the aircraft until you know its your turn. Its especially important when theres more then one flight taxing. Theres nothing more frustrating then not knowing who is who and having to taxi around an aircraft that didnt follow instructions. In F4, ground operations provide some serious safety concerns, so be careful. Also, always remember to enable your nose wheel steering (NWS) prior to taxiing (SHIFT+/), and check your flight controls (make sure your flight stick is working).

2.4. Takeoff/Formation Takeoff Procedures

*Reference the GT-1.3 Normal & Emergency Operations IQT training presentation for more detailed information about taxiing your aircraft. Before taking the active, flight lead should do an informative call giving the wind. For example, Winds are 228 at 10kts, cleared for departure runway 01. Then each aircraft will call [Callsign] taking the active. Lead should have already giving the takeoff parameters during the brief (including rejoin procedures, altitude, and formations). In any case, flight lead will maintain runway heading at 350kts once airborne, and wont push steerpoint 2 until the second element calls rolling to assist the rejoin. 1 and 2 in the flight should keep comms to an absolute minimum until the second element is airborne. Therefore, theres no need for #2 to request speed or heading once airborne because both are already known. You want to keep comms clear because the second element needs to radio for takeoff and cant have you tying up comms. Runway Lineup Procedures The following is the standard line-ups for formation takeoffs with or without intervals. Please note the direction of the wind, runway width/length, and loadout whenever considering any of the following (more then one-ship) departures. We require a 5 second interval on all takeoffs when carrying air-to-ground weapons (w/ the exception of AGMs). No interval takeoffs are allowed when carrying air-to-groun-missiles (AGMs) such as Mavericks or HARMs.


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Two-Ship Runway width > 150ft Lead should always line-up downwind Wingman lines up cockpit w/ Flight Leads wing tip/missile rail No interval takeoffs not permitted when winds > 15kts, or when aircraft have dissimilar loadouts, or when carrying air-to-ground weapons (except for AGMs). Standard interval with air-to-ground loadout is 5 seconds

3-Ship Vic Runway width > 150ft Should not be used when winds exceed 15kts Wingmen lines up cockpit w/ Flight Leads wing tip/missile rail No interval takeoffs not permitted when aircraft have dissimilar loadouts, or when carrying air-to-ground weapons (except for AGMs). Standard interval with air-to-ground loadout is 5 seconds

3-Ship Echelon Runway width > 200ft Flight lead should always line-up downwind Wingmen lines up cockpit w/ Flight Leads wing tip/missile rail No interval takeoffs not permitted when winds > 15kts, or when aircraft have dissimilar loadouts, or when carrying air-to-ground weapons (except for AGMs). Standard interval with air-to-ground loadout is 5 seconds 4-Ship Echelon Runway width > 250ft Flight Lead should always line-up downwind Wingmen lines up cockpit w/ Flight Leads wing tip/missile rail No interval takeoffs not permitted when winds > 15kts, or when aircraft have dissimilar loadouts, or when carrying air-to-ground weapons (except for AGMs). Standard interval with air-to-ground loadout is 5 seconds 19

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Formation Takeoff See my post in this section of the forum (Classroom) for more details about formation takeoff procedures. Remember, if you are lead, you should line up on the downwind side of the runway. This means lead lines up on the opposite side of the incoming wind so that he doesnt get blown into #2 when he gets airborne. So just to give you an example, if you are taking off on runway 36, and winds are coming from 090, lead would line up on the left side of the runway. Also, there are certain situations when you shouldnt do formation takeoff, such as when carrying air-to-surface stores (except for AGMs like HARMs or Mavericks), the winds are over 15kts, and/or the runway width is less then 125ft. You are allowed to do a formation takeoff when carrying any air-to-groundmissile (AGM), which includes Mavericks, HARMs, JSOWs, etc However, when carrying heavy AGMs like the JASSM, I would advise doing a single ship departure (but its not against the rules). The following is the comms for a formation takeoff, starting from where the wingman (#2) takes the active and is in position ready for takeoff: Wingman (#2) - "2, in position" (This means two is in position ready for takeoff) Flight Lead (#1) - "Roger, Brakes Set. Run 'em up" (This means step on the brakes and run your engine up to 80%. Do not exceed 80% because your thrust could overpower your brakes. Once you get to 80%, check your gauges to make sure everything looks ok (80% power and FTIT below 700C)). When #2 has a confirmed good engine and is ready for take off hell make the call: Wingman (#2) - "2 in the green And flight lead will respond: Flight Lead (#1) - Copy, standby brakes, brakes, ready, now At the command now both aircraft will release brakes, lead pushes to full gate (full afterburner) and #2 does whatever it takes to stay in position. There is no need for 1 or 2 to say "rotate", "gear-up", or "airborne" because its obvious and comms should be clear for emergencies during takeoff and the second element preparing for takeoff. Once Lead and 2 are rolling, the second element will take the active and repeat the same process: Element Lead (#3) - "3, taking the active 32 right" Element Wing (#4) - "4, taking the active" Element Wing (#4) - "4, in position" Element Lead - "Roger, Brakes Set. Run 'em up" Element Wing (#4) - "4 in the green" Element Lead (#3) - Standby brakes, brakes, ready, now As the second element repeats the same process as the first element, it is important that 1 and 2 keep comms clear unless of an emergency. Flight Lead and 2 will maintain runway heading and 350 KCAS until Flight Lead hears Standby brakes, brakes, ready, NOW!

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from element lead (#3). Once he knows the second element is rolling he will advise 2 to push steerpoint two by saying: Flight Lead (#1) - "Falcon flight, push 2" Wingman (#2) -"2" The reason 1 and 2 maintain runway heading until 3 and 4 are rolling is to make the rejoin much easier. It will save fuel for 3 and 4 because they won't have to be in burner for a long time to catch up. Once the second element is airborne, Element Lead (3) and Element Wing will make the calls: Element Lead (#3) - "3 airborne" Element Wing (#4) -"4 airborne" 3 and 4 say airborne so Flight Lead will know everyone is airborne and broadcast: Flight Lead (#1) - "Falcon is GO" Falcon is GO is an informative call letting the other flights know all of Falcon flight is airborne. Remember during the rejoin, flight lead may tell you which steerpoint to push by sending you data (OF only), so listen for the Data call from Betty. Note: if you are doing singleship takeoffs carrying live A-G ordnance, spacing between aircraft should 5 second intervals unless briefed otherwise. Its also important that the second element rejoins ASAP and calls when they are in position so lead can anchor the flight and perform an Ops Check, etc The standard formation (if one is not given) for the rejoin is Finger Four (2 on the left wing of lead, 3 on the right wing of lead, and 4 on the right wing of 3). Do not get out of formation. As a wingman, it is your job to stay in formation. There is absolutely no excuse for you to fall out of formation. Also, a quick note about the Say Speed calls. If you are not in a combat formation, there really isnt much of a reason to ask for leads speed (unless you are doing an air show tight formation). If you are falling behind, speed up. If you are over-taking lead, slow down. A good flight lead will let you know what his speed is. The only time you should be making the Say Speed call is when you are in a combat formation, or if you are in hostile airspace, because you have more important things to do then worrying about staying in formation. In those circumstances you are operating weapons systems, looking for threats, etc Therefore, making the Say Speed call is justified so you can focus on the task at hand. If you do not know your flight leads airspeed you can single bug him in TWS mode to get his airspeed. If you are doing single ship takeoffs or you are in the element of a four-ship flight, once you are airborne you will want to advise lead of whether or not you can see him visually or on radar so he knows you are able to rejoin quickly. The two calls for that situation are Tied and Visual. Tied means you have a soft lock (single bug in TWS mode)

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on flight lead (or his wingman) on radar and you are using that to aid you in the rejoin with flight lead. Visual means you can visually see flight lead (see the brevity codes at the end of this document for more details on Visual as it means more then just being able to see lead). Once the flight has rejoined, flight lead will ask for Ops Check.

2.5. Ops Check Procedure

If you are new to the 1st VFW, you may not be familiar with Ops Checks. According to the USAF manuals, Ops Checks should be done when: During climb or at level-off after takeoff. When external fuel tanks (if carried) are empty. Prior to each A-A engagement or intercept. Prior to entering an air-to-surface range, once while on the range if multiple passes are made, and after departing the range, or air-to-surface engagement An Ops Check in real life includes checking for fuel imbalances, but since that is nearly impossible in OF we dont require that check during our Ops Checks. This means we dont require our pilots to give us their fuel in each external fuel tank individually and then their total fuel. Instead we do the total fuel in both external tanks combined (or centerline), then the total fuel in the aircraft. The following describes how to do an Ops Check. How-to do an Ops Check: The way you do an Ops Check is to give the fuel state of your external tanks (if carried), then total fuel, and Tanks Feeding or Tanks Dry (depending if you still have fuel in your external tanks or not). For example, lets say I am #2 in a flight and I have 1,500lbs in my external tanks, and 8,600lbs total fuel. I would say 2, Ops Check, 015, 086, tanks feeding. If I had 0lbs fuel in my external tanks, and 5600lbs total fuel, I would say 2, Ops Check, 056 tanks dry. There is no need to say your external tanks fuel state if they are empty, because the tanks dry implies that. And if you are not carrying external fuel tanks, then lead will most likely just ask for your fuel state, in which you just reply with your total fuel. Also, two other things I should point out. In order to do an Ops Check, you should have your Fuel Quantity Selector (to the right of the HSI), set to Ext Wing (when carrying wing tanks), meaning External Wing, and Ext Cent (when carrying a centerline). When you have the Fuel Quantity Selector set to Ext Wing or Ext Cent, the needles on the fuel gauge will give you your external fuel tanks fuel state, and the number on the gauge will still give you your total fuel state. So you should have it set to Ext Wing when you are carrying wing tanks. The last thing about Ops Checks is that whenever you give your fuel state (even when youre not doing an Ops Check), you should always give your fuel state by giving the first three numbers. For example, 11,500lbs = 115, 5600lbs = 056, 900lbs = 009.

2.6. Basic Brevity for A-A Engagements

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2.6.1. Basic Air-to-Air Brevity/Procedures Here are some basic SOPs for air-to-air engagements. Well start with a BVR engagement. Lets say I am #2 in a flight, and I have a radar contact 38 miles out. I will inform the flight I have a contact by doing the following: Contact, Bull 0-8-5 (pause) 1-1-3, angels 2-0, 38 miles, heading 0-9-0, nose hot In the statement above Im giving all the information necessary for everyone in my flight to find the contact on radar. Remember BRAA for calling out threats. BRAA stands for Bearing, Range, Aspect, Altitude. If you only give those 4 things, you are doing your job, however you should always include a Bullseye for the radar hit youre referencing so other pilots can find it on their radar. In the radio call above, Im giving the Bullseye, altitude, range, contacts heading, and whether he is coming at us or going away from us. Its important to point out that when you are making Bullseye calls, you dont want to say Bullseye 114 for 085 because some might confuse the for for 4. Whenever you are calling out numbers, say then individually. For example, airspeed 350kts should be called 3-5-0 knots, and not three hundred and fifty knots. So when you call out bullseyes, say the first set of numbers, make a short pause, then say the last set of numbers. If you are not the flight lead in the flight, you need to wait for lead to tell you it's OK to declare the hostile target. Only flight lead should be declaring targets unless you are already in an engagement and lead is busy. Too many people declaring targets at once can cause more problems then help. Coming back to my example above, if someone else in my flight above made that call (and Im #3 in the flight now), I would look at my radar and try to find that radar contact. I would use the information he provided, and then inform the flight if I found it by saying one of the following: 3, has hits there 3, Tally 3, No Joy I would say 3 has hits there if it is a bogey (meaning we dont know if it is hostile or not). Has hits there means I found the radar contact on my screen where you said it would be. I would say 3, Tally, if the bogey was declared hostile (which thus makes the bogey called a bandit. Bandit implies hostile). Note: See brevity codes at the bottom of this post about the difference between Tally, Visual, Blind, Naked, No Joy. And I would say No Joy if I cant find the target on radar. It seems like a small difference between the three, but as you get more experience with A-A engagements, the small things make a huge difference. If I havent already, Id highly recommend that you read the Dash-34 for Open Falcon, and the Allied Force manual for AF. In there you will learn about special features that will help you in air-to-air engagements. For example, in OF you can assign radar targets to your wingmen by pushing a button, or even show them what target you are engaging. Knowing how to things like that will really help you sort

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targets. Always wait for flight lead to give you instructions about which target to engage when sorting. If you arent sure which target lead wants you to engage, ask him by giving the Bullseye of the target you think you are supposed to engage, and give other descriptions, such as altitude or position on your radar scope (ie Confirm you want me to engage the trail target? or I have the western target on the left). Next, lets talk about BFM (Basic Flight Maneuvers) / Within Visual Range Engagements. Whether you are close up in a knife fight, or just got jumped by some MIGs, its very important to stay cool and provide critical information to the others in your flight if you want to survive. Things happen so fast that if you dont react quick enough, you or your wingman are dead. And the most important thing you can do to help your wingman (or others in your flight) is to communicate as clear and concise as possible. So lets say we just got jumped by some MIGs that just took off below us, and you see the MIGs but your wingmen dont. Whether you are the engaged fighter or supporting fighter, you should continue to transmit descriptive calls, especially at the beginning of the fight. Whoever IDs the threat first must continue to transmit descriptive calls until everyone tallys the threat. The use of the clock (ie Bandit 7 oclock low) is especially important because it tells you where to snap your head. However, merely giving a clock position isnt enough in the heat. You need to say whether the bandit is high, low, or medium and range from you or your wingman. A very helpful tool is to say whether you are engaged offensive (you are on the six of the bandit), engaged neutral (neither you nor the bandit are on each others six or have the advantage), and engaged defensive (you are in a defensive posture with the bandit on your six/or having an advantage on you). This simple call helps your wingmen to identify the aircraft, and/or come help you if you are in trouble because it tells him which aircraft is you when he visually IDs the two aircraft in a dogfight. Another useful call is to add a right turn/left turn and a One/Two/Three Time call to your Engaged Offensive/Neutral/Defensive call. For example: Reaper1, engaged defensive, one time, right hand turn, angels 2 That quick and concise call says a lot. It says you are in trouble. You have one bandit on your six. You are in a right hand turn (with the bandit on your six), and you are at angels 2. The One time call is letting your wingmen know how many aircraft you are engaged with. For example if I had two aircraft on my six in the above example, I would say: Reaper1, engaged defensive, two times, right hand turn, angels 2 The two times lets the flight know there are two aircraft on my six. And the other information says Im turning right at 2,000ft. So, just saying that will help your wingmen to sort the aircraft to find the hostile aircraft and you, because all they have to do is find the aircraft turning right with two aircraft behind him at 2,000ft. The 1,2,3 times call also applies to offensive calls. You would just say Engaged Offensive instead of Defensive.

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Now lets say Im the wingman and I just got the call above that my wingman is in trouble. Once I see my wingman and the bandit, I would say: Tally, Visual, Supporting (If I didnt have clearance to engage). Tally means I can see the bandit, and Visual, means I can see my wingman too. Supporting means Im maneuvering to engage the fight once Im cleared to engage and/or sanitize the area looking out for other threats and providing my wingman with any additional information. Tally, Visual, Engaging (If I have clearance to engage and Im entering the flight. And if your wingy is engaged defensive with two aircraft on his six, you better be engaging.) If I dont see the bandit or my wingman, I would say: No joy, blind (No Joy means I cant see the bandit, and Blind means I cant see my wingman) If I see the bandits, but I dont see my wingman, I would say: Tally, Blind, Say Status (the Tally means I see the bandit, but I dont see you or I dont know who you are, and the Say Status means tell me who you are) If I see my wingman but no the bandit, I would say: No Joy, Visual In a knife fight, its really important to keep comms clear and concise, especially when my wingman is engaged defensive because I need him to tell me where he is, so I can help and tell him when I have a window open to enter the fight. Theres A LOT more info about BFM/ACM and Mutual Support, but if you remember just to use the few calls listed above, you already are helping your flight survive the engagement. Just remember to continue informative calls until everyone sees the threat. I cant stress enough how important it is to make sure everyone sees the threat. =Advanced A-A Brevity= Aside from the informative calls listed above, there are a few more important brevity terms that you can use. They are a little more advanced, so you dont have to use them. Im just including them because they are very useful. The first is the use of Continue and Press. You will learn more about those two terms in my power point presentation about Mutual Support. But heres what they mean. Continue Continue is sometimes added to the end of the call to tell your wingman know that he can continue the current maneuver he is doing since it looks good to you. So if your #2 is already breaking right and that seems correct, tag on the word continue.

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Many times these calls (directive and descriptive) are combined: -For example, "Cowboy 1, break right NOW <pause to see if he does it> Bandit right 3, 1 mile high, shooting, continue"

This transmission info is vital to allow the other fighter to start the right BFM to engage the bandit, or start his best defensive BFM, depending on what the situation calls for. Press Press is a directive to start or continue a attack; mutual support will be maintained, and the supportive role will be assumed. It basically means, you are now the engaged fighter, or shooter, and you are cleared to engage. For example, lets say Im in a dogfight and Im starting to lose the fight, and I want my #2 to help by engaging the bandit. During the fight, my number 2 should be maneuvering for an entry into the fight once I tell him to, and Press is how I would let him know he is cleared to engaged, and I will now switch roles with him by becoming the supporting fighter and not the engaged fighter. For instance: 1, Blind, Off Left, Press" (In this example 1 clears 2 to engage, and 1 disengages from the fight by coming off to the left per 2s deconfliction instructions. Now roles will reverse by 1 becoming the Supporting Fighter and 2 the Engaged Fighter) Both the use of Continue and Press are advanced comms for new pilots, but they are fairly easy to use and they say a lot without saying a lot. So try to get comfortable using them when youre ready.

2.8. Air-to-Ground Engagements

There is so much to talk about in an air-to-surface engagement, so I wont bore you with everything (plus Im getting tired of typing). But here are a few things to remember: Ask any question about your attack profile during the briefing. Dont wait until you are 20 mile out from target to ask how many passes can you make, or whats your attack heading. Both you and your lead should focus on getting bombs on target. Set up weapons during the ramp start, and not during the ingress to target. You should be focused on the task at hand when flying a combat mission, not setting up weapons on the way to target. If flight lead or the Forward Air Controller (FAC) gave you a hard deck, dont go below the given altitude. The hard deck is given to keep you alive. If you make a mistake and have to break the hard deck (for whatever reason), let your flight lead or the FAC know by saying [Callsign] is breaking the deck so they know to look for SAMs or enemy ground fire until you are back above the hard deck. Dont always fall into a trail formation when attacking a target. By the time #3 and #4 reach target the enemy you have lost the element of surprise and sufficiently pissed them off (which means the second element is more likely to get hit or shot down). Use the briefing to develop a plan, such as starting the attack

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from different headings and altitude simultaneously so enemy doesnt know where its coming from. (See my Tip #1 about the Danger Zone in the Classrom Training section of our forum for more info about altitudes). If you are below 15,000ft over target, drop flares as a precaution even if you dont see any SAM launches. MANPAD shoulder launched SAMs wont give you a warning, so take preventative measures in case they shoot at you. Be very fast over target (450+) so you give the enemy less of a chance of shooting at you. And once the bombs come off, dont fly straight and level. Make it difficult for the enemy to engage you. MOST IMPORTANT: Never drop a bomb or fire a missile without clearance from flight lead. I dont care if you have the perfect shot, you should never fire without lead saying you have release authority, such as Weapons Free or Cleared Hot. If you arent sure if you are free to start dropping bombs, ask lead by saying permission to fire?, and wait for leads response. Flight lead will describe the plan of attack for a air-to-surface attack during the briefing, so everything should be crystal clear before you are airborne.

If flight lead has briefed you on the attack profile for a air-to-surface attack, he may use the brevity Action to direct you to start the briefed attack. Action [DIRECTION] The Action call is used to inform the flight to begin their attack without saying it over the radio. Action includes all the information described in the briefing. For example, if lead said during the briefing that he wants you to rolling in from the right of the IP steerpoint, he would simply say [Callsign] Action Right, and that would be all you need to make your attack run. If you see a surface target on radar, or visually, you still use the brevity code Tally. However, there are some other brevity codes you will need to know for air-to-ground engagements: Naked You dont see the SAM or surface-to-air threat Mud [Direction] You have an A-G spike on your RWR. You should include a direction using the clock following this call. e.g. Mud, 2 oclock Clean - 1. No radar contacts (air to air as well). 2. No visible battle damage. 3. Aircraft not carrying external stores. Clear Your RWR scope is clear (no symbols on it)* -Clear has other meanings, see brevity codes below for more info. Nails - RWR indication of AI radar in search. Add clock position/azimuth, if known. "SA-[SAM #], [Clock Position]" - When you have a SAM spike on your RWR, you should give the location of the SAM spike on your RWR, and the SAM number. e.g. "SA-2 Spike, 3 o'clock"

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Aside from the brevity codes above, there are only a few other basic brevity terms you should know for A-G engagements. The first two are informative calls letting the flight know you are making your pass: In hot, from the north (which means you are making your run, weapons release authority has been granted, and your going to drop your bombs) The other call is what you say after you make your pass: Off target to the south, dry (which means you made your pass but not bombs came off. Usually after that call you will give a reason why that happend) "Off target to the south, hot" (same thing, except you did release your bombs) In air-to-ground engagements or when you are ingressing on a surface target, the best thing you can do is build a picture of the threats and target(s). You do that by making informative calls to your wingmen and other flights in your package, such as the SEAD flight. By doing that, you will be a clear picture of the situation, and that will really help you because you will know what to expect before you get to target. You want to spend as little time over target as possible because you want to limit your exposure to threats. Also, the F-16 doesnt carry as much ordnance as other aircraft, so you need to make each bomb count. You can do that by making sure you are attacking the right target, and you and another pilot are not doubling up on a target.


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3.1. Why do we need OF Connection SOPs?
Open Falcon is a unique multiplayer application. As we all know, it is the product of the F4 community, and its devoted fans. As a result of that, there are A LOT of variations of the sim, and customizable options. Thats one of the reasons we love it so much. However, because it isnt the product of a flight sim brand like Lead Pursuits Falcon 4.0: Allied Force. multiplayer connections can be very sensitive to mistakes. We have our SOPs to provide the most stable online environment as possible. Therefore, from our experience and research, weve created standard operating procedures that follow the correct way to connect to ensure a stable online experience.. If everyone connects the same way every time, you reduce the risk of bad connections or CTDs. Furthermore, it makes it easier to connect with pilots youve never flown with. Its the same as our Multiplayer SOPs. I know when to connect when the host says Comms are up. The same goes for the technical side of connecting. 3.1.1. I like to do it my way, and Ive done it that way for years. Why do I have to change the way I connect if it works for me? Because we said so! No, just kidding. You should connect according to our SOPs for the same reasons you should follow our Multiplayer SOPs. If you standardize a process everyone will be on the same page. If you are having issues, we may be able to help you if you connect the same way we do. Also, like I said above, if everyone connects the same way, you reduce the possibility of mishaps. And if for no other reason, you should do it out of respect for the other members of our wing. If you connect your way and someone has a CTD, it could be your fault. And thats not fair for you to risk their online experience because its more convenient for you to do it your way.

3.2 The Rapace Launcher What is it?

The OF Rapace Launcher (RL) has been basically designed as a command line editor for Open Falcon. Actually it has become more than that, since it performs various checks to ensure the best multiplayer compatibility. What makes the RL unique is to allow the host of an upcoming flight to share critical items that are needed to ensure the maximum compatibility between host and clients. 3.2.1. Why do we use it?

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We use the RL for several reasons. The first is that it allows use to set up our multiplayer connection parameters before we launch the sim to ensure we have the correct info. The second is to ensure multiplayer compatibility. There are a lot of multiplayer critical options in OF. Multiplayer critical means that all pilots must have the same setting or you will run into trouble. Examples of multiplayer critical options are Display Trees and Turbulence. So the RL allows us to view our settings and confirm they match the hosts settings. The last reason we use the RL is it is a valuable tool to troubleshoot problems by using the Lobby tab where we can check another pilots ports and/or set up. The Rapace Launcher is arguably the best thing to happen to the OF multiplayer experience. Like I said earlier, we are all about a stable, dependable multiplayer experience, and the RL is the best tool to ensure that when flying Open Falcon. See the following page for Multiplayer critical settings/data entry fields. You can see a better explanation of the Rapace Launcher in the OF 4.7 Install Guide later in this document.

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3.3. Before You Use IVC

3.3.1. Running the voicesetup.exe Before you use IVC for the first time, you need to run the voicesetup.exe file thats in your Falcon4 folder (C://Microprose/Falcon4). It will run you through a couple of easy steps of setting up your soundcard. You need to run this program any time you reinstall OF or install a new sound card or change any settings. You only have to do it once, not before each IVC flight. 3.3.2 Teamspeak Key Bindings There is one Teamspeak (TS) key binding that is not included in the official 1 VFW Teamspeak Key Bindings that Jammer created (available on the Teamspeak page of our website), and thats the mute microphone key. Every pilot needs to set up a hot key in TS to mute their microphone once they are in the cockpit and are going to use IVC. If you dont mute your microphone, everyone in the flight will hear a horrible echo when you transmit. I use Numlock for my TS mic mute, but you can set it to whatever yo want. Just make sure its not a key used in the sim (Numlock and back slash arent use in game). Its absolutely crucial you set a key to mute your TS mic, and test it before launching the sim. You do it by going to the Settings menu in TS, then Key Settings. Then hit Add, and click on Set and it will tell you to press the key you want to use to mute your TS mic. After you do that, go to Toggle then Mute Microphone, hit OK and you are done. Now test it before flying!

3.4. Who Should Host?

From the DASH-34:

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Quote: If you are the host initially (i.e., the one who puts in the connection box) and you (and whoever youre flying with) are using IVC, you will be the voice host. The person who puts up the mission (TE,DF, Campaign) is the host of the mission. The person with the most bandwidth and fastest machine should be the voice host, and maybe even the mission host as well depending on the clients. In large missions with humans, running a voice host and the mission can induce quite a load on the host machine and lower fps can be expected. When possible, have one person with a lot of bandwidth and CPU power host voice and another with bandwidth/CPU power host the mission. Ideally, the best way to use IVC is with a dedicated voice server. 3.4.1. Additional Comments If you have a broadband connection (which all 1 VFW members should have), you will have no problem hosting the TE and IVC with 4-5 pilots. Above 4-5 pilots you may want to consider having one pilot host IVC and another the TE. If you have to choose between being the IVC Host or the TE Host, the Dash-34 quote above says the guy with the fastest connection should host. However, in my experience the TE will require more bandwidth then IVC. But that is simply my opinion and not one of our SOPs. I cant stress enough how important it is that the IVC Host initiates the Chat Lobby and the TE Host brings up the game after he has connected to the IVC Host and performed the IVC test. Also, equally important is that you enter different IPs for the TE Host (entered in the Specify the Host IP field) and the IVC Host (entered in the Voice Server field). If you have the same IP for the TE IP and the IVC IP, only one pilot will be hosting both, regardless of who brings up the game once youre in the chat lobby. So please follow these SOPs during ALL online flights.

3.5 How-To: Connect (Host)

3.5.1. Step-By-Step - If You Are the Host And No IVC Post your IP in Teamspeak and follow 1 VFW SOPs Put in the Specify the Host IP in the RL, and hit Update the Phonebook Set your Bandwidth Parameter to 80% of your upload speed and hit Add to Command Line Announce all the connection parameters per our SOPs (bandwidth 100 for pilots who are not the host, 4 minute taxi time, display trees, turbulence off, NO IVC, and the theater the TE will take place in) Launch the sim, and click on Comms. You should then confirm you see in the Connect to IP Address field Click Connect and once the Chat Lobby is up, announce Comms are up

3.5.2. Step-By-Step - If You Are the Host And Using IVC Post your IP in Teamspeak and follow 1 VFW SOPs

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Put in the Specify the Host IP in the RL and hit Update the Phonebook Set your Bandwidth Parameter to 80% of your upload speed and hit Add to the Command Line Announce all the connection parameters per our SOPs (bandwidth 100 for pilots who arent the host, 4 minute taxi time, display trees, turbulence off, the theater the TE will take place in, and that you are using IVC) Announce use of Internal Voice Comms (IVC) and the IP for the IVC Host. In this example, you are hosting both the TE and IVC. You will put in the Voice Server data field then hit Apply, make sure Use of Internal Voice Comms is checked and announce that everyone should have their settings to Blue Team and Hi-fi. *The only exception is when you have a pilot flying the red side and you dont want him/her on your channels. The red air pilot would select Red Team and still Hi-fi Launch the sim and click on Comms. You then should confirm you see for both the Dedicated IVC Server AND Connect to IP Address Once youve confirmed you see the correct IP, hit Connect When you see the Chat Lobby is up, announce Comms are up, and perform a IVC Mic Check

3.6 How-To: Connect to the Host

3.6.1 Step-By-Step - If You Are NOT the Host And No IVC Enter the TE Hosts IP in Specify the Host IP in the RL and hit Update the Phonebook Make sure your connection parameters match what the host announced (bandwidth should always be 100, and Use of Internal Voice Comms should not be checked) Wait for the Host to announce Comms are up Launch the sim, and click on Comms. You should then confirm you see the Hosts IP in the Connect to IP Address field (if you didnt that means you forgot to hit Update the Phonebook) Click Connect and perform the text check-in per our Multiplayer SOPs

3.6.2. Step-By-Step - If You Are NOT the Host And Using IVC Enter the TE Hosts IP in Specify the Host IP in the RL and hit Update the Phonebook Make sure your connection parameters match what the host announced (bandwidth should always 100, and Use of Internal Voice Comms should be checked Enter the IVC Hosts IP in the Voice Server field and hit Apply Make sure Blue Team and Hi-fi are checked (*If you are flying on the red air side you should have Red Team checked instead of Blue Team) Wait for the Host to announce Comms are up

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Launch the sim, and click on Comms. You should then confirm you see both the Hosts IP in the Connect to IP Address (the same entered into Specify the Host IP in the RL), and the Dedicated IVC Server field) Click Connect and perform the text check-in per our Multiplayer SOPs Perform an IVC test by holding down the F1 key then speaking (transmit). Once youve confirmed others can hear you on IVC, and you can hear them, return to using Teamspeak until in the cockpit

3.7 How-To: Connect w/ Two Hosts

3.7.1. Step-By-Step - If You Are the IVC Host Enter the TE Hosts IP in Specify the Host IP and hit Update the Phonebook Make sure your connection parameters match what the TE Host announced (bandwidth should always be 100 if you are not the TE Host) Enter your IP into Teamspeak text by entering: IVC Host IP XXX.XX.XXX.XX) so they know which IP is used for IVC Enter in the Voice Server field in the RL and hit Apply Announce the IVC settings (default should always be Blue Team and Hi-fi). Its good practice to remind everyone to make sure Use of Internal Voice Comms is checked and that they hit Apply so your IP will be entered into their RL Once everyone is ready, the IVC Host will launch the sim FIRST and click Comms The IVC Host will then confirm he/she sees in the Dedicated IVC Server field and the Hosts IP in the Connect to IP Address field Then hit Connect and announce Comms are up. THE IVC HOST WILL ALWAYS INITIATE THE CHAT LOBBY FIRST. NOBODY SHOULD CLICK CONNECT UNTIL THE IVC HOST HAS ANNOUNCED Comms are up Wait for everyone to connect, perform the text check-in, then the IVC Host should run a IVC Mic Check to confirm everyone has good comms Once the IVC Host has confirmed everyone has good comms, everyone should revert to using Teamspeak in the map screen (UI) until you get in the cockpit The TE Host will then bring up the game, and announce The game is up, clocked stopped THE TE HOST WILL BRING UP THE GAME AS HE NORMALLY WOULD, NOT THE IVC HOST The TE Host will be the first to commit to Ramp/Taxi/Takeoff Once you are in the cockpit in the 3D world, you announce [Flight Number] In the pit, then mute your Teamspeak mic and wait for the IVC mic check on UHF 6 (the default)

3.8. How-To: Connect w/ Two Hosts

3.8.1. Step-By-Step - If You Are the TE Host

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Enter your IP address in Teamspeak. Put Host IP: XXX.XXX.XX.XX in TS so the pilots know that is the TE Host IP. You will enter in the Specify the Host IP field in the RL and hit Update the Phonebook Announce the TE/Campaign connection parameters, and set you bandwidth to 80% of your upload speed Enter the IVC Host IP in the Voice Server field in the RL and hit Apply Wait for the IVC Host to announce Comms are up then launch the sim The TE Host should then confirm he/she sees in the Connect to IP Address field and that the IVC Hosts IP is in the Dedicated IVC Server field Then hit Connect and perform the text check-in per our MP SOPs Perform the IVC Mic check by waiting for the IVC Host to do the check with you Once the IVC Host has confirmed everyone has good comms, everyone should revert to using Teamspeak in the map screen (UI) until you get in the cockpit The TE Host (you) should then bring up the game, and announce The game is up, clocked stopped THE TE HOST WILL BRING UP THE GAME AS HE NORMALLY WOULD, NOT THE IVC HOST The TE Host will be the first to commit to Ramp/Taxi/Takeoff Once you are in the cockpit in the 3D world, you announce [Flight Number] In the pit, then mute your Teamspeak mic and wait for the IVC mic check on UHF 6 (the default)

3.8.2. Step-By-Step - If You Are the Not the TE or IVC Host Enter the Host IP address in the Specify the Host IP field in the RL and hit Update the Phonebook Make sure your connection parameters match the TE Host (bandwidth 100, etc..) Enter the IVC Host IP in the Voice Server field in the RL and hit Apply (use the IVC Host IP entered in TS as a guide) Wait for the IVC Host to announce Comms are up then launch the sim You then should confirm you see the TE Hosts IP in the Connect to IP Address field and that the IVC Hosts IP is in the Dedicated IVC Server field Then hit Connect and perform the text check-in per our MP SOPs Perform the IVC Mic check by waiting for the IVC Host to do the check with you Once the IVC Host has confirmed everyone has good comms, everyone should revert to using Teamspeak in the map screen (UI) until you get in the cockpit The TE Host will then bring up the game, and announce The game is up, clocked stopped THE TE HOST WILL BRING UP THE GAME AS HE NORMALLY WOULD, NOT THE IVC HOST The TE Host will be the first to commit to Ramp/Taxi/Takeoff Once you are in the cockpit in the 3D world, you announce [Flight Number] In the pit, then mute your Teamspeak mic and wait for the IVC mic check on UHF 6 (the default)

3.9. Using different hosts for the IVC & TE CAUTIONS

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You must use a different IP for the TE Host and the IVC Host if you want to split the bandwidth load of the mission and IVC. If you do not use a different IP for the TE Host and the IVC Host, you will be flying off ONE host, and not TWO. Some guys thought you could put one pilots IP in the Rapace Launcher for both IVC and the TE, then have a different pilot host the TE once they were in the chat lobby. THAT DOES NOT SPLIT THE BANDWIDTH BETWEEN THE TWO PILOTS AND IT IS NOT 1st VFW SOPs! ALL PILOTS ARE STILL RUNNING OFF THE TE IP THEY PUT IN THE PHONEBOOK SECTION OF THE RAPACE LAUNCHER!

3.10. Testing IVC

3.10.1. How-to do the IVC Mic Check in the Chat Lobby (in game): When using IVC, you should always test it before bringing up the game. Its a very simple and effective process. Heres the 1 VFW SOPs for the IVC Mic Check: :The IVC Mic Check should be performed after everyone is in the Chat Lobby and has performed the text check-in confirming everyone can see each other (per our Multiplayer SOPs) The IVC Host should start with the first pilot in the list of callsigns in the Chat Lobby The IVC Host will say [INSERT PILOT CALLSIGN] mic check on IVC. Mic check, how copy? The pilot will then respond Five-by-Five, how me? if he can hear the IVC Host loud and clear (thats what 5x5 means) The IVC will then respond Five-by-Five if he hears the pilot loud and clear, then move on to the next pilot on the list in the Chat Lobby If the IVC Host cant hear the pilot or vice versa, they should communicate on Teamspeak and troubleshoot the issue. Once the IVC Mic Check has been successfully completed, everyone should revert back to using Teamspeak in the map screen (user interface) until you are in the cockpit

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Original Microprose Falcon 4.0 Installation CD (see below for DL link) Open Falcon 4.5 OIC Download HERE Open Falcon 4.7 Update Download HERE 1st VFW OF 4.7 Patch v2.0- Download HERE Rapace Launcher - Download HERE

Install Guide 1. Install Falcon 4.0 using your original Microprose Falcon 4.0 installation CD. Perform either a "typical" or "full" installation. If you don't have the original Falcon 4.0 CD, you can download the original Falcon 4.0 CD HERE (if you know how to work with ISO files) 2. Download the Open Falcon 4.5 One-Click-Installer via link above or - HERE 3. Extract the files to a folder on your desktop 4. Download this file (BAZT FIX), found - HERE 5. Extract the BAZT Fix file to the Packages folder of your installation files 6. Inside the extracted folder double click the Installer.exe 7. Read and accept the License Agreement

8. The Open Falcon Installer window opens. All options except "Music (Beta 4.0)" and "GUI Season Switcher (v1.1)" are grayed out. Check both of these to "on" and click "Install".

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9. The "HiTiles Selector" window opens. Unless you have the payware Hitiles (for Falcon 4.0, AF Hitles will not work) and know how to install them for OF, choose the freeware tiles option in the middle labeled as Better Quality in the image below.

10. Allow the Open Falcon Installer to operate. The Open Falcon installation process can take 30mins to an hour max depending on your PC.

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11. Near the end of the installation process (Update 5) the "Global Falcon Patch (OF 4.5)" window will prompt you to patch your "F4-BMS.exe". Use the "..." button to browse to your Falcon install directory and select the "F4-BMS.exe". Click "Start". (See image below)

12. The "F4Patch - Open Falcon 1.0 Config Editor" will open. Click "Exit" without making any changes (see image below).

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13. Installation of Open Falcon 4.5 is now complete. Close the Open Falcon Installer, and run the OF47Update.exe. The OF 4.7 patch is pretty straightforward, and there aren't any special options that you have select/deselect. The only thing that's important is that you have a vanilla OF 4.5 (or it won't work). Click Next after double clicking on the exe and follow the Setup Wizard. (See image below)

14. Next you are going to install the 1st VFW Open Falcon OCI patch. It's very easy to do if you just follow these instructions: 1st VFW OF 47 OCI Patch Install Guide *The installer will overwrite the necessary files in your install, so if you have a skin or something you don't want to lose, back it up! Download Link to Patch - HERE 1. Double click on the 1stVFW OF 47 Patchv2.0.exe file. Make sure it's pointing to your C:\Microprose . It will take less then 5mins to run and you'll know when it's finished. Note: If you have OF installed on a different drive then C, point to the correct drive where you have OF installed, then Microprose (ie DRIVE:\Microprose) using the "Browse" feature. Don't point the installer to C:\Microprose\Falcon4. Only point it to C:\Microprose.

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This patch includes the NEW version (v2) of the JanHas models and textures, so you can install the patch even if you have his version 1 mod installed. But do NOT run either one of his LaunchViper installers after installing the patch because it will remove the models from your install.

4.1.1. Setting Up the Open Falcon Rapace Launcher

The Open Falcon Rapace Launcher is basically a tool that enables stability and compatibility for online multiplayer flights. We use the Rapace Launcher every time we fly. OF is not like Allied Force or Red Viper where you launch to the game via a shortcut. Even if you are flying offline it's recommended you use the Rapace Launcher to launch Open Falcon. The basic features of the Rapace Launcher are being able to enter the Host of the TE IP, bandwidth settings, select a theater, and entering the IP of the IVC host. By entering that data into the Rapace Launcher prior to launching OF, the Rapace Launcher will automatically insert the data into OF so when you are in the OF user interface, all you have to do is click connect. The Rapace Launcher also has the ability to check player installs to verify compatibility, and to configure your OF to match the configuration of our standard install. Configuring your install to match ours is what we will focus on during the next step. By installing our Rapace Launcher set up file, the Rapace Launcher will automatically configure your Config Editor settings for you. 1. The following will guide you through downloading the Rapace Launcher and setting it up according to our wing standard install. 2. OF comes with the Rapace Launcher. It can be found in your Utilities folder in your Falcon4 folder (C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\Utilities). You can also download the Rapace Launcher files HERE 3. Extract the contents of Rapace Launcher to location OUTSIDE of your Falcon 4 installation folder. For example, create a folder called Rapace Launcher on your desktop, put the RL_OF.zip file in it, then right-click it and select Extract Here. Once extracted, double click on the OF_Rapace_Launcher.exe file and it open the Rapace Launcher for you. There is no install process for the Rapace Launcher. 4. Once opened, the Rapace Launcher window will open and will prompt you to automatically update the current OF version. SELECT NO (Very Important).

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1. The Rapace "OF Launcher" window opens. Select "RL UPDATER" to automatically update the OF Launcher to the latest version.

2. Once the Rapace Launcher has finished its update, it's time to apply our Rapace Launcher config/setup file. This file will automatically change your Rapace Launcher and Config Editor settings to match our standard. 3. You can update your Rapace Launcher and install to match our settings by doing the following steps: 1. Launch the Rapace Launcher 2. Make sure Korea is selected in the Theaters drop-down menu on the Launch Area tab 3. Click on the Online Setup Tab 4. Find 1stVFW in the Public Servers List and select it (on the left side, it can be sorted by name to make finding 1st VFW easier) 5. Click AUTOMATIC SETUP, the password is F4FFW 4. If done correctly you should see Your connection parameters have been updated


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4.1.2. Setting Up Internal Voice Comms (IVC)

1. The 1st VFW prefers to use IVC as often as possible. In order for you to be able to use IVC, you have to do the following quick steps: 2. First, make sure ports 2934-2937 are all forwarded on TCP and UDP. If you don't know how to do that, go to this page for details on a site called portforward.com or follow the guide HERE 3. You confirm your ports are forwarded by going to this page (it will display Success if your ports are open, and Timeout if they are not forwarded): HERE or if that link doesnt work you can download the port checker utility HERE 4. Navigate to your Falcon installation folder (C:\MicroProse\Falcon4) and run "VoiceSetup.exe". Follow the very simple instructions using the "Sound Hardware Test Wizard". Make sure your mic works while running the program and that you can hear your own mic at the appropriate step. This program initializes the IVC (In-game Voice Communications) software embedded into Open Falcon. It has to be done for you to use IVC in OF. The 1st VFW uses IVC regularly for online flight communications, so it's important you complete this step. If you run the voicesetup.exe and forwarded your ports but IVC still isn't working, try forwarding these two additional ports: 7778 UDP, and 28900 on TCP. Refer to the OF Connection SOPs and our In-Flight SOPs for details on how to use and test IVC.

You're ready to fly... finally!!

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Congratulations, after you've finished setting up your IVC, you are ready to fly! Launch OF from the Rapace Launcher and make sure your in-game settings match the settings in the next chapter (Very Important). Then go up for test flight OF (you can use one of our test TE's that come with our patch) just to make sure everything is working as it should. If you find a problem during your test flight, post it in our forum for support. If everything goes ok during your test flight, and you've read all our SOPs, post a Ferry Flight request in our forum. Before you fly online in OF, it's always a good idea to turn-off your anti-virus program and disable your Windows Firewall. If you have any questions about some of Open Falcon's unique features, such as Data Link or IVC, see the subsequent chapters provided in this guide. Again, welcome to the 1st Virtual Fighter Wing. We look forward to seeing you in the virtual skies!


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4.2.1 Simulation Tab

Once you are in the Open Falcon user interface, click on Set Up to access the OF InGame Settings. The first tab will be Simulation. You will need to select all of the realistic settings. The only exception to realistic settings is the Padlocking, which should be set to Enhanced. The rest of the settings are shown below: Skill Level Set to Ace Flight Model Set to Accurate Avionics Set to Realistic Weapons Effects Set to Accurate Autopilot Set to 3 Axis Air Refueling Set to Realistic Padlocking Set to Enhanced

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4.2.2 Graphics Tab

Once you've completed the Simulation tab settings, click on the Graphics tab and confirm the following settings. The Video Card, Video Card Driver, and Resolution all depend on your own PC, so I won't tell you how to set those. Terrain Lighting = Checked Cloud Shadows = Checked 3D Clouds = Checked Terrain Detail Set to 7 Object Detail Set to 7 Object Density Set to 6 Player Bubble Set to 3 (Very Important) Vehicle Magnification Set to 1 (Very Important) Special Effects Set to 5


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4.2.3 Graphics Advanced Tab

Next, click on the Advanced Button to open the following window. Several of these settings are purely option, with the exception of Texel Bias Fix which needs to be checked. Anisotropic Filtering = Checked (Optional) Mipmapping = Unchecked (Optional) Linear Mipmap Filtering = Unchecked (Optional) Render GM to Texture = Checked (Optional) Render 2D Cockpit = Checked (Optional) Texel Bias Fix = Checked (Very Important) Textured TV/IR = Checked (Optional)


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4.2.4 Sound Tab

Next, click on the Sound Tab to confirm the following sound settings. These sound settings are important so you don't have any problems in-game hearing comms: Player Voice = Checked UI Radio Chatter = Checked (Optional) New Engine Sounds = Checked Enable Doppler Effect = Checked Internal Sounds Outside the Cockpit = Unchecked (Optional) Engine Slider Set to 100% (far right) Sidewinder Set to 50% RWR Set to 100% Cockpit Set to 100% Other Comms Set to 100% Flight Comms Set to 100% Special Effects Set to 100% Interface Sounds/Music settings are optional External Sound Set to 45% (just under the E in Special Effects)

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OF 4.7 Config Editor Settings

Introduction Open Falcon 4.7 Config Editor

The Open Falcon Config Editor enables us to configure our install according to our own personal needs and preferences. However, that luxury can present some multiplayer stability issues because some settings within the Config Editor are multiplayer critical. You will hear the phrase multiplayer critical often in the following section, and just in general when referring to Config Editor. Multiplayer Critical means that every pilot has to have the same setting when flying online together, or else it can cause huge issues in game. Therefore, throughout the following description, keep an eye on what is multiplayer critical. In your Config Editor settings that are multiplayer critical will have a asterisks by it (ie **). Luckily, there is a standardized set up file that each pilot can install using their Rapace Launcher to ensure everyone has the same settings (see Chapter 1.3). The following describes what your Rapace Launcher setting should be, and I what each setting in the Config Editor does, and our recommended setting.

Installing the 1st VFW Set Up File for the Rapace Launcher As covered in chapter 1 of this document, you can automatically config your OF Rapace Launcher and Config Editor by applying the 1st VFW Rapace Launcher Set Up File. But if you are unable to apply that patch or would like to know what each individual setting

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should be and/or what they mean, the following section will cover each setting, starting out with the Rapace Launcher settings for the 1st VFW.

4.3.1 OF Rapace Launcher Settings:

Specify the Host IP: - Enter the Host IP address and make sure you hit Updated the Phonebook. If you are the Host, enter for the IP. Use of the hires setting Checked Setting of the bandwidth parameter Set to 100 when you are NOT the Host, and set to 80% of your upload if you are the Host. Internal Voice Comms Checked only when using IVC Taxi Time Setting ALWAYS set to 4mins (be sure to click Apply) Comms Quality/Voice Server Check Hi-fi and Blue Team, and enter the IVC Host IP and click Apply when finished. If you are the IVC Host, set it to Theaters Select the theater the mission will take place in from the drop-down menu Turbulence Always unchecked (doesn't work anyway)

4.3.2 OF 4.7 Config Editor Settings

In order of their appearance in the Config Editor. =Avionics Section= Cursor Speed - 100% - Default
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Description: Customizes radar cursor speed. Maverick EXP Zoom - .05 - Default Description: Controls the amount of zoom of the EXP modes on the Maverick. Maveric FOV Zoom - 3 Default Description: Controls the amount of zoom of FOV mode on the Maverick. Color MFD Checked Description: Enables color MFDs EPAF Radar Cues - Checked Descriptions: Draw MFG radar tgts as square boxes rather then triangles. Greyscale AG RAD Checked Description: Makes GM/GMT/SEA radar modes gray scale as per MLU radar) High Contrast MFDs - Unchecked (Optional) Description: Adds more blue into the MFD screens, designed to helps those with color blindness. IDM Datalink Checked (Multiplayer Critical) Description: Enables the IDM Datalink M2 AMRAMM DLZ Checked Description: Enables the new M2 AMRAMM DLZ Manual Radio Tuning - Checked (Multiplayer Critical) Description: Enables manual radio tuning on UHF/VHF No RPM in HUD - Checked (Optional) Description: Removes the RPM indication on your HUD, as in the real aircraft Realistic Maverick Time Checked Description: Enables time it takes for mav seeker head gyro spool up 3mins Smaller Bullseye - Unchecked (Optional) Description: Scales the bullseye icon to a more realistic size. May be too small for lower resolutions Smaller HSD Symbols - Checked (Optional) Description: Makes HSD symbols smaller VEAF Radar Mod - Unchecked (Multiplayer Critical) Description: Look Down and Beam distances divided by 2 =Campaigns and TEs=

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Aircraft Spawn/Despawn Timer - 2 mins - Default (Multiplayer Critical) Description: Adjusts the aircraft spawn (delay before taxiing) and despawn (delay before disappearing values) Available Aircraft Minimum - 4 - Default (Multiplayer Critical) Description: The minimum available aircraft setting allows you to limit the effect of a low 'percentage' setting. This setting applies a lower-limit to the number of available aircraft calculated from your 'percentage'. You can set the percentage to 0 but if you also set your minimum to 2, you will get two aircraft available per planning phase - at least, until the point you only have one aircraft left in the squadron. Available Aircraft Percentage - 75 - Default (Multiplayer Critical) Description: The percentage available aircraft determines what proportion of your squadrons roster will be available to undertake missions in a given tasking cycle. The default built in to Falcon4 is 75%/ You can adjust this between 0% and 100%. However, beware if your setting makes the number of available aircraft less then 4, you won't get any four-ship missions scheduled. Similarly, if your setting makes the number of available aircraft less than two, you won't get any missions at all! Also note that as your squadron loses planes through attrition, your percentage will represent gradually fewer and fewer planes. Append New Briefings -Unchecked (Optional) Description: Appends new briefings to briefing.txt instead of overwriting old ones.) Briefing Output to File - unchecked, (optional, Enable output of the detailed briefing data to "Briefing.txt) Debriefing Output to File - Checked (Optional) Description: Enable output of detailed debriefing data to "debrief.txt" file. Output is appended at the end of the file each time. HTML Briefings - Unchecked (Optional) Description: Generates Briefings using HTML tags.) AWACS Background - Unchecked (Optional) Description: Use a special AWACS background (green country outlines on black background).) AWACS Required - Checked (Optional) Description: No AWACS replies unless there is an assigned flying AWACS AWACS Support Checked (Optional) Description: Enable AWACS extensions on the planning screen. The planning screen can then be used somewhat like an AWACS view. Extra details about each flight are displayed, showing the number of aircraft in each group, altitude, velocity and Bullseye

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position. In MP session, using this option, one computer can be set as a dedicated human AWACS. Airbase Relocation - Unchecked (Multiplayer Critical) Description: Enable Airbase relocation. During campaign if a squadron's airbase is too far away from FLOT (taking into account the effective range of its aircraft) it will relocate to a closer airbase. Also, if the airbase is in danger of being run over by the enemy forces the squadron will relocate to an airbase further away. After relocation some time will have to pass (default 3 hours) for the squadron to become operational again Any Task on Waypoint - Checked (Optional) Description: Allows you to assign any task to any waypoint. This one might need some testing with AI *shrug* Faster Helicopter Relocation - Checked (Optional) Description: This patch relocates helicopter squadrons faster (in about 1 hour) Offensive A-G Missions - Unchecked (Optional) Description: This patch lets flights with unfinished A2G tasks engage enemy aircraft even if their ground task is not yet finished. If turned off, the AI will concentrate on the ground task and go defensive on enemy aircraft. Realistic Attrition - Checked (Optional) Description: Enables the campaign engine to subtract destroyed vehicles and aircraft along with any munitions carried from the unit totals when destroyed.) Scramble Missions - Checked (Optional) Description: Allow scramble missions. Theater Korea Multiplayer Mod: Unchecked (Multiplayer Critical) Description: Please enable this patch if you want to play with the theater Korea Multiplayer. Role Score changes for F15C, F16-30, F16-40, F16-50, F16-52, 2000-5, 2000-C and 2000-D. Recommended setting to play with the theater Korea Multiplayer Creator: Bad Boy (VEAF) (NOT USED BY 1st VFW) =Cockpit= 3D Pit 6DOF - F-16 and Mirage checked (Optional) Description: Enables the 3D cockpit 6DOF for those w/ Track IR 3D Pit Hack - Setting 2 Checked (Optional) Description: Fixes the graphical glitches, but causes buttons in 3d pit to float (actually it's the cockpit itself that's floating, not the buttons, but anyway) but with an adverse affect of causing the CCIP pipper, waypoint diamonds, TD boxes, etc to be displayed wrong at certain angles. Darkness/Transparency - 50% Default (Optional)

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Description: This enables transparent MFD in HUD Only view. 0% is black MFD, 100% is full transparent MFD Green Level - 50% - Default Description - Choose your green level intensity for the HUD. Padlock Box Size - 2 Default (Optional) Description: Adjust the size of the Padlock Box.) 3D Night Pit Floodlight Textures Unchecked Description: This patch replaces the original green panel backlights to a newer floodlight cockpit. Creator: Bonedust. Auto Cockpit Scaling - Checked (Optional) Description: Scales various resolutions of cockpits, from one resolution to the next. Auto Scale Fonts - Checked (Optional) Description: Scale the fonts to the displays. May help when you use 1600x1200 resolution. Exe has this setting to true. Disable it if you encountered any issues with the fonts. Bigger DED Font - Unchecked (Optional) Description: This patch increases slightly the DED font, at the expense of the Bullseye icon not appearing on MFDs. Dynamic Head Positioning Checked (Optional) Description: Your pilot's head will move around in response to g's and roll input in the 3d virtual cockpit. New 3D Day Pit Textures - Unchecked (Optional) Description: Enables 2048x2048 pit textures with static-drawn switches. The default 3D pit textures are better in 4.7 then these textures, hence why we have it unchecked. New Padlock Checked (Optional) Description: New padlock with more realistic head movement. No MFD In 1 View - Checked (Optional) Description: MFD's in HUD only view are never shown, good for camera footage). Sync 2D and 3D Views - Checked (Optional) Description: Setting of on will sync the 2d and 3d views. So looking left and leaving the 3d pit will have you placed looking left in the 2d pit. =Display= Cloud MoD Unchecked (Totally Optional)

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Description: Enables you to pick 1 of 9 cloud textures by Lazystone instead of the default BMS 2.0 clouds. This has no effect on multiplayer game play at all, and even with nothing checked, it has no effect. Its all personal preference. I actually prefer the clouds by Lee (Lees Cloud Fix). FOV Increment- 5 - Default (Optional) - Set how much the field of view should change for each keypress in degrees. Maximum Cockpit FOV - 80 - Default (Optional) Description: Enables the mouse to pan views (must press right mouse button and hold). It can be useful to increase this if filming a video and you need to zoom in more then usual. Near Label Limits - 100nm Default (Optional) Description: First, NEAR labels are now limited to a certain distance. Beyond that, they won't display. Second, the label will become brighter as the plane or unit gets closer.) Show Label Distance Checked - (Optional) Description: This patch shows the distance of labeled targets in nm. Particle Effects - Enhanced Effects Checked (Optional) Description: You can use the new 4.7 effects (for smoke and explosions), or the default effects. The default settings are recommended if you have low FPS w/ the enhanced effects. Radio Subtitles Display Time - 10 secs Default (Optional) Description: Governs the time a radio subtitle is drawn. This value (in the FalconBMS.cfg) is in milliseconds. If this value is too large, newer messages may not be displayed (in time).) Radio Subtitles Maximum Displayed Number - 10 - Default (Optional) Description: Determines the maximum number of simultanously displayed subtitles. If this number is too short, newer messages may not be displayed.) Track IR Timeout - 100ms Default (Optional) Description: Settings for TrackIR. Users. Track IR Control External View Unchecked (Optional) Description: If you activate this option TrackIR input will slew the orbit view. If you own the vector expansion, it will also control zoom. Track IR External View Inverted - Unchecked - (Optional) Description: If you activate this option the TrackIR azimuthally input in external view will be inverted. Black Screen On Exit Fix - Checked Recommended - (Optional)

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Description: Enabling this option can fix the black screen issue. The line in the falconbms.cfg from the Beta 4.4 has g_bDeferedTextureDelete to EXE DEFAULT VALUE which is TRUE, so 1. Enabling this option will set g_bDeferedTextureDelete to 0.) Disable ACMI Recording Message - Unchecked - (Optional) Description: Turns off the ACMI RECORDING message. Disable High Altitude Fartiles Checked - (Optional) Description: Never let the fartiles kick in at high altitudes. Disable Lens Flare Checked - (Optional) Description: Disables the sun lens flare effect. Lens flare can be hard on gfx. Displacement Cam Checked - (Optional) Description: Displacement cam, which makes the orbit view 'wobble' around a bit around the viewed (airborne) aircraft. Display Trees - Checked (Multiplayer Critical) Description: This patch populates ground objects with tree groups. WARNING: in MP sessions all computers MUST have this set to the same value, otherwise unpredictable graphical glitches will occur (objects will be shown with wrong 3D graphics!) Full Screen NVG - Unchecked - (Optional) Description: Enables full screen night vision versus just circular realistic night vision. I have this unchecked because its more realistic =General= Enable Virtual Rudder - Unchecked - (Optional) Description: This is ONLY for people who use racing wheel pedals and are NOT able to combine them into one axis via the wheel's drivers. By activating this option AND assigning the pedals to left and right wheelbrake axis, the game will emulate a rudder axis by combining the inputs of these two devices.) Idle Cutoff - Unchecked - (Optional) Description: Enable the OFF-IDLE throttle position. AI GLOC- Checked - (Optional) Description: Toggle AI GLoc New Runway Line Up Code Checked (per 1st VFW SOP) - (Optional) Description: Will allow multiple AI aircraft onto the runway, up to 4 on a wide enough runway. Refuel Help - Checked - (Optional)

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Description: This patch gives the player slightly more help while refueling. Realistic means 50% player input, 50% AI. We have this checked because a.) In real life the Boom Operator does a lot of the work to get connected, and b.) Because large multiplayer flights like we often have can adversely affect air-refueling operations because of bandwidth limits. This small (and arguably unnoticeable) setting can be useful when the tanker is not steady because of MP issues. Roll Inertia Checked Recommended) - (Optional) Description: Roll inertia will now increase when you add stores to your aircraft. It is dynamic in that will account for fuel weight in wing tanks and when you drop weapons.) Smart Combat AP - Checked - Default (Optional) Description: Enable the Combat Autopilot to shoot AA missiles.) Turbulence Unchecked (Optional, but all pilots should use the same setting) Description: Enables turbulence effect (recommend OFF for multiplayer games =Multiplayer= Enable Voice Communication - Checked (Optional when using IVC) Description: Enables in-game voice communications. Make sure to run voicesetup.exe if this is your first time using voice comms or have installed new audio drivers.) Low Bandwidth Voice - Unchecked (Optional) Description: Low bandwidth voice - Uses 1.2 Kbps of bandwidth when using internal comms instead of 3.2 Kbps - Should help modem users.) Server Mode - Unchecked (Required to Be Unchecked) Description: This option puts FalconBMS into Multiplayer Server mode. A server mode session can't enter the 3D world. This also enables the patch "Server hosts all units". These two options enabled are recommended for server with fast CPU and high upload bandwidth. This should only be checked on servers. If checked you wont be able to fly, only host. Server Hosts All Units - Unchecked (Required to Be Unchecked) Description: With this option the Server will host all units except the client's own aircraft. The server has the full CPU load of all aggregated and disaggregated units and the network traffic they afford. This option is designed to be useful for a high bandwidth with fast CPU server and many players with low bandwidth connections. This should only be checked on servers. If checked you wont be able to fly, only host. =Sound= Doppler Sound Update - 10 Default (Optional) Description: How many milliseconds must elapse before the sound code updates.

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Maximum Number of Voices - 16 - Default (Optional) Description: Maximum number of voices allocated by the sound code. WinAMP Volume - 80% - Default - (Optional) Description: Configures the inital WinAmp volume on starting up falcon.) WinAMP- Unchecked - (Optional) Description: Activating this option enables WinAmp 2.xx control from inside falcon.. Oxygen Mask - Checked - (Optional) Description: This enables the sound of the pilot breathing through his mask. After high G's his breathing gets faster. Sound Switch Fix Cure For Lost Comms Unchecked - (Optional) Description: This patch may (or may not) fix the problem of AI comms disappearing. Use 3D Sound- Checked - (Optional) Description: Enable 3D Sound. Disable it if you run a Sound Blaster and you get a very slow UI, especially in TE. Use Old Sound Algorithm Unchecked - (Optional) Description: Revert to older sound system (polled interface) in case of problems.)

1st Virtual Fighter Wing



Installing all of the 1st VFW Mods correctly can be a difficult and confusing task. Therefore, we've included all of the best mods from the OF community and our wing so you don't have to do it. We also do it because installing some mods can cause stability and multiplayer compatibility issues. So the following information covers what types of mods are approved for use with your Open Falcon standard install, and what mods are already included in our OF patch. OF development is not finished, therefore we plan on updating our patch to keep it up to date with mods that improve the OF player experience. However, there are some mods out there that are not worth installing. In the case of those mods, the cost outweighs the benefits. If you want to install a mod that's not listed below under the approved mods, please do it on a different install then the one you use to fly with members of the 1st VFW.

4.4.1 Approved Mods

Textures/All Skins/DDS Files Open Falcn uses DDS files for ALL of its textures, such as the runway, 3D cockpit, aircraft skins, reflections, hangars, buildings, weapons and everything else's textures. DDS file do not affect multiplayer compatibility in any way. This means that all skins or mods that are comprised of textures (DDS files) are approved for use. The vast majority of OF DDS files are stored in this folder: C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\terrdata\objects\KoreaObj Cloud Mods Cloud Mods are not multiplayer critical, and therefore are approved for use. The 1st VFW patch comes with the best cloud mod for Open Falcon. It comes with a cumulus cloud mod (the big puffy clouds) and a overcast mod (for bad weather). Each theater has their own clouds and therefore the 1st VFW cloud mod is only installed in Korea. The cloud mods are found in the following folder: C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\terrdata\korea\weather Soundpacks

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Soundpack mods are not multiplayer critical, and therefore they are approved for use. The 1st VFW OF Patch comes with Demo's Soundpack, however you can use a different soundpack if you like. Follow the soundpack's own guide to install. The sounds for your OF install are found in your OF install folder (shown below): C:\MicroProse\Falcon4 Theaters Add-on theaters are not multiplayer critical, and therefore are approved for use. However, it's important that you have the same theater version as the rest of the wing. If you have a different theater version, you will NOT be able to fly online. The 1st VFW uses the following add-on (in addition to Israel) theaters: Aegean Theater 3.01 Balkans (Only 1 Version Avail.) Israel Mk2 v1.1 1st VFW Custom ODS (Operation Desert Storm) v1

To download each of those theaters, ask a 1st VFW member for the links. The download links tend to be changed by the authors, so there's it's not practical to post them here. Add-On Cockpits Add-on cockpits by Aeyes or other cockpit builders are not multiplayer critical and are approved for use. Night Pits (2D or 3D) 2D or 3D night pits that are available for OF are not multiplayer critical and thus are approved for use. Our 1st VFW patch at the moment does not include a custom 2D or 3D night cockpit, however we do have plans to include one soon. Follow the install guides from the cockpit creators to install the pits. Logbook Patches & Splash Screens Using custom logbook patches (such as the 1st VFW patches available in our Downloads Library) and splash screens (such as those available from Aeyes or JanHas) are not multiplayer critical and therefore are approved for use. Smoke, Explosions, Flare Mods (Particlesys.ini) Smoke, explosions, and flare mods are all based off the particlesys.ini and trail.txt files found in your C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\terrdata folder. They are not multiplayer critical and thus can be used in your wing standard install. Keep in mind that we included the

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best effects files in our patch. The files we included have the best FPS and in our opinion the best eye candy.

4.4.2 Mods NOT Approved for Use

The following mods are not approved for use because they are multiplayer critical and can thus adversely affect the stability of our online flights. If only one pilot has one of these mods installed that weren't included in our patch, it can completely ruin the flight, so please do NOT install these types of mods without speaking to a Command Staff member. Many of these types of mods are already included in our patch so you don't have to install them. We've already picked the best, most realistic, and stable versions of these mods in our patch so you don't have to worry about it and so everyone has the same install. Unapproved Aircraft Flight Models A flight model determines how an aircraft flys, with the idea being to simulate the realistic power and aerodynamic features of the aircraft. Open Falcon flight models are .dat files and can be found in this folder (C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\sim\ACDATA). Flight models in any flight simulator are multiplayer critical because they determine how a aircraft will act. Thus naturally if one pilot has a different flight model then the other, the two PCs will have loads of trouble transmitting and receiving data and result in major issues (such as buildings appearing on the runway). So please do not install flight models that weren't included in the 1st VFW OF patch. Unapproved LOD / 3D Models A LOD/3D Model is the shape of a 3D object in-game. The shape of an aircraft, a missile, a tank are all 3D models. And unfortunately 3D model/LODs are multiplayer critical and thus are not approved to be installed on your wing standard install. In our OF patch we've included the best models available for Open Falcon by JanHas. Therefore, there's no need to install any add-on/custom models/LODs. Weapons Effects / .dat Files There are some mods that are similar to flight models. For example, the AIM-120 missile has it's own flight model and weapons effects/damage levels/etc... Therefore those files are multiplayer critical and thus unapproved for use. Any weapon, vehicle, aircraft, or ship .dat file is not allowed to be used within the wing. Spawn Points & Taxi Times You should not edit your taxi time (shown on your Rapace Launcher Launch Area tab) from 4 minutes to a different setting as that will cause stability issues.

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Old/New Versions of Open Falcon We do not allow members to use older versions of Open Falcon, such as OF 4.5, because it's not compatible with OF 4.7. Also, if a new version of OF comes out, you should not install it until we sufficiently test it and say we're going to make it our standard install. If a new version of OF comes out and you want to use it, you should make sure you back up our standard install version so you can use it for online flights. Questions About Mods If you have a question about whether or not a mod is approved, please post the question in the forum before installing the mod. By doing so you are confirming it's approved and you won't have to worry about having to uninstall the mod or worse, having to do a complete reinstall of your OF. If you prefer not to post in the forum, please feel free to PM Demo or email me at DemoVFW@gmail.com.

4.4.3 1st VFW Open Falcon 4.7 Patch Includes

(*Currently Outdated. Will be updated soon) Skins: * 27th VTS Skins By Jammer * 94th VFS Skins By Jammer * 1st VFW Hangar Skin BY Jammer * New Runway & Taxiway Skins (version 2 unreleased) * Pilot Skins w/ 1st VFW patches By Jammer * 3D Pit Texture Updates (from GlobalFalcon, SkyDiver, & Me/Gunny) * GunnyMac's Canopy Rails Mod * SNIPER Pod Skin * JanHas Afterburner/Nozzle Skin * F-5 Aggressor Skins (for 401st) * Falcon 4.0 10th Anniversary Black Knights Skin * JanHas Red Air Weapons Skins * JanHas SAM Skins * 401st F-5 AGRS Skin * 401st F-16 AGRS Skin * JanHas new textures for all F-16s * JanHas new weapons textures: * AGM65A/B/D/G Maverick * GBU38 JDAM, * LAU10HE 7 shot rocket launcher * ASQ11 MARS recon pod (low alt cam) * AIM9M/P/X Sidewinder * AIM120B/C AMRAAM and IrisT.

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Docs (Creates a 1stVFW folder in your OF Install): * 1st VFW Tactical Fighter Handbook (new unreleased version w/ additional information and updated references/resources) * OF 47 Pilots Guide * Red Dog's SIDS/STARS Approach/Departure Charts * OF Ramp Start Checklist * OF Avionics Checklist * OF Emergency Procedures Checklist * Basic Data Card * 1st VFW Rapace Launcher Config File * F4 Threat Guide Index (Updated) * 1st VFW Teamspeak Keybindings * Additional Skins Mods: * TACAN Range Increase * GunnyMac's HUD Reflection Mod * Lee's Canopy Reflections/Scrathes * New version of my soundpack * Optimized (better fps) Particle System & Smoke Trails files (unreleased) * Ringer's Seoul Spawn mod * Red Dog's new Korea UI Map * Red Dog's new Korea Kneemap * 1st VFW ODS Custom Kneemap * Gunny's 1st VFW Patches for your OF Logbook * 1st VFW Loading Screen Images (unreleased) * Lee's Overcast & Cumulus Clouds * A-A FX * 2D night pit * 3D Night pit Tactical Engagements: * Official Ferry Flight TE * Korea Basic Flight TE * Korea Single-Ship TE out of Seoul for testing TE * Korea Basic 2-Ship Training TE * Korea Basic 4-Ship OCA Strike TE * Korea Basic 4-Ship SEAD Strike TE * Korea 4-Ship A-A Sweep TE * Korea 6-Ship Naval Strike TE * Korea 8-Ship Advanced Strike TE * Korea 6-Ship JDAM/JSOW Training TE * Korea 2-Ship Air-Refueling Training TE

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Accessing the DTC Because these modern fighters are very expensive, not every pilot has his very own plane, but many pilots share the same planes. But to increase individuality, each pilot has his own Data Cartridge. The pilot enters a lot of information concerning his flight in the DTC. OF is the only version of Falcon 4.0 which has the DTC feature. With the DTC you can program precision waypoints, your EWS programs, your MFDs and your radio. Additionally you can manage your Pre-Planned-Steerpoints and your Steerpoint Lines. Now it's very important to make a detailed briefing to have a perfectly set up DTC, but one step at a time. In the UI screen before flight (the one with the 2d map) on the right side, you see a button (shown below) which if pressed will open you DTC.

Figure3. The DTC Access Button

4.5.1 Precision Steerpoints

In Open Falcon you can assign precision steerpoints via the recon screen. Doing so has a couple of benefits/functions. The first use is to enter GPS coordinates into your GPS precision guided weapons, such as the JDAM and JASSM. Those types of weapons have to have the target coordinates entered into the DTC prior to getting in the jet (in real life they can change the coordinates in air). The other use of the precision steerpoints is to put your steerpoint diamond right on top of a target or landmark. For example, if your flight is tasked with attacking an Army base and flight lead wants you to destroy the depot, you can designate the depot to a specific steerpoint so your steerpoint will be right on top of the depot (which makes it easier to find and drop on your target). However, you have to be careful designated targets using steerpoints that are part of your flight path because it will move that steerpoint to the target you designate, so for example if I assign my steerpoint 2 to my target, when I get in the jet my steerpoint 2 may be much further away then the rest of my wingmen. Therefore, it's a good idea to assign targets to steerpoints not used in your flight plan. We generally use steerpoint 15-20.

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Figure 4. The Recon Screen To set a precision steerpoint highlight the target in the recon list then click the small arrow to get to the steerpoint you want to assign the target to, then click Accept. Doing so will assign the target to the steerpoint you selected.

You can save as many as you like as long as you have a free steerpoint to assign it to. You can confirm your target coordinates have been saved by opening your DTC and clicking on the Targets tab and navigating to the steerpoints you assigned to targets. Figure 4 below shows the recon screen with the options.

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Open the DTC, then Navigate to the Steerpoints You Assigned

The Target Name & Coordinates Shows (Remember to SAVE)

Like I said earlier, if you created a precision steerpoint the steerpoint diamond will be right on top of the target you designated

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4.5.2 Preplanned Threat Steerpoints

Previous versions of Falcon had a major inaccuracy in how the Horizontal Situation Display (HSD) dealt with threats (SAMs, AAA and Search radars). Threats would automagically appear on the HSD when the pilots aircraft was near SAMs, etc. Aircraft fragged for A-G missions would have their HSDs even more cluttered with these symbols. These threats were fed in real-time (and instantaneously) to the HSD with no pilot action needed. While it is believed that this method was an attempt as a generic datalink with assets such as AWACS, JSTARS and Rivet Joint (even if they are not in the mission!), it does not correctly model preplanned threats in the F-16. These symbols would also be removed automatically if, for example, a SAM sites radar was destroyed which is also incorrect. This automatic and inaccurate method has been stripped from the HSD code and now pilots have the capability and flexibility to assign only the threats they want to be displayed that will or could be a factor to their aircraft, route of flight, area of responsibility (AOR) or other assets of interest to them. As the name implies, Preplanned Threats (PPTs) are exactly thatthreat systems the pilot plans for during mission planning so he can mark known threats (not all threat locations are always known). PPTs are effectively steerpoints with additional information associated with them. This information includes latitude, longitude, elevation, threat system (i.e., 2 for SA-2) and a maximum effective range for that threat in nautical miles. Since PPTs are steerpoints, the pilot may select a PPT and navigate to it. Up to 15 PPTs can be used at one time and they are stored in steerpoints 56-70. The UI map and DTC are used to store and load PPTs prior to committing to a mission. Ok lets begin adding some PPTs. First, right-click on the map in the mission screen and select Ground Units then check Air Defense as show in figure 5 below.

Figure 5 Show Ground Units-> Air Defense Once the air defense ground units are shown, you can do one of two options. You can either right-click on the map and select Threat Circles, then High Altitude ADA to see
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threat circles on the map, or you can right-click on each air defense unit and select status to see what type of air defense threat it is. Once you've identified the threat, you're ready to create a preplanned threat steerpoint. Keep in mind that you can only create so many PPTs so you may need to prioritize if there's a lot of threats on the map. Up to 15 PPTs can be used at one time and they are stored in steerpoints 56-70.

As seen above, several air defense systems popped up on the map when we showed air defense units on the map. The system to the west of STPT 4 is an SA-6 system. We will assign it as a PPT. To the Northwest is an SA-3 and to the North-Northwest is an SA-2. This example will use the SA-6. Next, right-click on the map in the vicinity of the SA-6 (not directly on it or you wont get the correct menu) and select Set Preplanned Threat Stpt. A blue diamond-looking symbol should appear with the PPT number below it.


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Figure 6. Setting a Preplanned Threat Steerpoint Once you have the blue diamond shown in figure 6 above, you simply move the diamond on top of the enemy air defense ground unit. After dragging the PPT over the SAM or AAA, right-click on it and choose Status. A box will pop up. This allows you to choose what kind of threat it is, in this case, an SA-6 as shown in figure 7 below.

Figure 7. Selecting the Type of SAM for a PPT Select the threat and hit Accept. It will report the threats radius and lat/long. It will also draw a red range ring on the UI map and label the PPT icon. If you make a mistake or

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you want to change this PPT to another threat, you simply need to click on it again and it will open the menu to change the type of threat. Repeat the above process as necessary for any other threats. Remember you dont have to go crazy and assign every SAM you see with it, but choose the ones that you think will be a factor to you. You only have 15 slots so use them wisely. After assigning all your PPTs, open the DTC back up and hit the Save button. This will save the PPTs to the callsign.ini file (if youre in the campaign module) or to the TEmissionname.ini (if youre in the TE module) and they will remain there until you overwrite them. Another benefit of being able to assign PPTs rather than have them automatically appear is that you may assign only one or two PPTs for a given area. For example, lets assume your target is in a populated city that has 6 different SA-2 and 3 SA-3s. Unless you are trying to take them all out (SEAD or DEAD), there is no real need to assign 6 PPTs for all 6 SA-2 and 3 PPTs for all 3 SA-3s. You could use only 2, if the SAMs are in proximity to each other and avoid an HSD clutter nightmare. Another capability that can be used to maximize training missions is that you are able to make up threats at a given location even if there are no threats there. In your HSD something like in the figure below should show up. The if the ring is red, you are inside the engagement zone of the threat, if the ring is yellow, you are outside the engagement zone.

Figure 8. PPTs on Displayed on the HSD

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4.5.3 Additional Steerpoint Lines

Another unique function available in the OF DTC is the capability of being able to draw geographic lines on the UI map which appears on the HSD. Up to four lines can be drawn on the HSD (LINE1, LINE2, LINE3, and LINE4) using steerpoints 31-50. Each LINE series contains up to 5 steerpoints that can be used to define a forward edge of battle area (FEBA)/Forward line of troops (FLOT), geographic border or battle container (CAP AOR, kill box, location of friendlies, etc). The lines in the HSD are dashed lines drawn between the steerpoints. If any of the lines are partially off the HSD, the partial line is displayed. The campaign engine will also no longer automatically draw the FLOT (which normally wound up being very jagged looking and not very useful). The pilot must draw the FLOT manually using the LINES feature if it is desired. How to Draw Additional Steerpoint Lines 1. Right-click on the UI map at the location you want to start drawing a LINE, select STPT Lines, then Additional STPT in line 1. A small white circle will appear.

Figure 9. Selection STPT Lines 2. Drag the circle to the desired location. To add another point (and thus make a line), right-click on the circle and choose Additional STPT to line. This second circle will appear exactly on top of the first. Left-click and drag it away and you will see the line drawn between the two. Alternatively, you may also right-click

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away from the first circle and choose Additional STPT in line 1 like the picture above and it will draw another circle with a line attaching the two. As shown below, Remove STPT from line will remove a steerpoint from a LINE section.

Figure 10. Adding Sections to the Line 3. After adding all 5 steerpoints to a LINE section, you will see Additional STPT in line 1 grayed out. If desired you can create additional LINE sections using the same procedures.

Figure 11. Additional Steerpoint Lines Grayed Out

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4. After creating all your LINES, open the DTC back up and hit the Save button. This will save the LINES to the callsign.ini file (campaign module) or to the TEMissioName.ini (TE module) file and they will remain there until you overwrite them.

Figure 12. Additional Steerpoint Lines on the Mission Map Figure 13 shows what the steerpoint lines will look like on your HSD (dashed white lins). The additional steerpoint lines are great for marking a tanker track, or the FLOT, so don't be afraid to use them.

Figure 13. Additional Steerpoint Lines on Your HSD

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4.5.4 The EWS Tab

The EWS Panel enables you to set up your chaff and flares for each program in the jet. The EWS panel of the DTC (Figure 14) you can program 6 different EWS Programs. I personally only use four, and if you're not sure how to set up your own EWS system, I will describe how to use my settings later in this guide.

Figure 14: EWS Panel of the DTC

The drop-down menu that shows Chaff PFM will allow you to select Chaff or Flares. The drop-down menu with the 1 in it, allows you to choose programs 1 6. The Burst Quantity is how many chaff/flare you dispense each time you press X/Y to dispense flares or chaff bundles. The Burst Interval is the time between each chaff or flare that's dropped. The Sequence Quantity is how many times the program will run. For example, if set to 2, it will run the program twice without you have to press X/Y again. The Sequence Interval is the time between each time the program is run. The REQJAM enables your Jammer to turn on automatically when you receive an RWR spike. Enable Feedback (if checked) enables the VMS Bitch'n Betty to call out Chaff, Flare when you are dispensing chaff or flares. Enable Bingo will enable Bitch'n Betty to call out LOW when you reach the set Bingo amount for chaff or flares. And REQCTR (if checked) enables your jet to run a program automatically in certain situations (not recommended if you want to have enough chaff or flares for the mission. If you want to have a basic program to get you by until you create your own, here is my program: Program 1 Chaff only for radar guided missile defense. Program 2 3 Chaff and 2 flares for when I don't know what type of threat I will face. Program 3 Flares only for IR missile defense. Program 4 1 Flare for low-altitude attacks (I drop one every couple seconds). To configure your EWS to mine, follow the guide below. You will notice all of my programs only run once. I have it that way so I have better control of how many chaff or

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flares I drop. If I want to run a program twice, all I have to do is hit the dispense button again on my HOTAS and the program will run again. I typically fly in program 2 because that way I'm prepared to defend against any threat if I get caught off guard. Once I know what type of threat I'm facing, I will switch to the appropriate program. Program 1 Radar Guided Missile Defense (Chaff Only) Select Chaff from the drop-down menu, and program 1 Burst Quantity = 3 Burst Interval = .500 Sequence Quantity = 1 Sequence Interval = 1.00 Program 2 Unknown Threat Defense IR/Radar (Chaff & Flares) Select Chaff from the drop-down menu, and program 2 Burst Quantity = 3 Burst Interval = .500 Sequence Quantity = 1 Sequence Interval = 1.00 Next, change from Chaff to Flare and keep it on program 2 Burst Quanity (for flares) = 2 Burst Interval (for flares) = .75 Sequence Quantity = 1 Sequence Interval = 1.00 Program 3 IR Missile Defense (Flares) Select Flares from the drop-down menu and 3 from the program drop-down menu Burst Quantity = 3 Burst Interval = .500 Sequence Quantity = 1 Sequence Interval = 1.00 Program 4 Low Altitude IR Missile Defense (1 Flare) Select Flares from the drop-down menu and 4 from the program drop-down menu. Burst Quantity = 1 Burst Interval = .500 Sequence Quantity = 1

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Sequence Interval = 1.00 The last program (Program 4) is set up so I can drop a flare occasionally when I'm within the ground launched IR SAM envelop. I'm not dropping the flares because I'm defensive, but rather in preparation of SAM being launched at me. It's always recommended to drop flares when overflying ground units at lower altitudes (under 15,000ft AGL). Remember: The more Flares/Chaffs that are dumped per second, the greater the chance to evade the missile. However, if you have no Flares/Chaffs for the next missile, your in trouble too. After setting the EWS up, be sure to press SAVE. You do not need to set it up for every flight, but it's a good idea to double check your settings before each flight because your DTC can sometimes clear itself out if you pressed LOAD or chose to set up your DTC through the Rapace Launcher.


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4.5.5 MFD Modes

The Modes tab allows the pilot to customize his MFD setup for each Mastermode (basically what MFD pages are displayed when you're in NAV/AG/AA Mastermodes). If you've went to A-A moder, Dogfight mode, or A-G mode and your MFDs went blank, it's because you haven't set up your MFD pages in the DTC. Here's how you set up your MFDs: 1. But before we start, let's define what Mastermode means. Mastermode means the current mode you're in. The F-16 has 5 mastermodes in OF: Air-to-Ground Mastermode (A-G), Air-to-Air Mastermode (A-A), Nav Mastermode (NAV), Missile Mastermode (MRM), and Dogfight Mastermode (DGFT). Whenever you switch between mastermodes, your MFDs will change based on what you configured in the MODES section of your DTC. And that's what you want them to do since you need different MFD pages (screens) when your in A-A mode versus when you're in A-G mode. And if you didn't configure your DTC for the mode your currently in, you will get blank MFDs and have to set them up on the
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fly in the cockpit. If for some reason you do get blank MFDs when going into a mastermode, it's not the end of the world since you can set them up while in the cockpit, however that's time consuming and well all know air combat is a fast, fluid environment. Ok, so let's get started. Choose the mastermode from the first drop-down menu, then select for which MFD you are configuring. MFD1 is the left MFD and MFD2 is the right MFD. MFDs 3 & 4 are for use in the 1 view with 4 MFDs and possibly for use with non-F-16 cockpits (ie the F-15E has 3 MFDs). As in the picture above, select each MFD page you want for the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary slots for each mastermode and MFD. Primary means the first MFD page that will show when you go into the selected mode. For example, if I go into A-A mode and I see my radar (FCR) on my left MFD, that means that FCR is set to my Primary for MFD1 in A-A mode in my DTC. To continue the example, if I see my FCR when I go into A-A mode, then to the right of the FCR button (on my MFD) I see SMS, then to the right of SMS I see HSD, that means my FCR is set to Primary, SMS is set to Secondary, and HSD is set to Tertiary. The drop-down menu called Current allows you to choose which MFD shows up when you go into the selected mastermode. So for my example if FCR is showing when I go into A-A mode and FCR is set to Primary, that means I selected Primary from the Current drop-down menu. Most of the labels are self-explanatory. MfdOff is a non-utilized MFD page slot (i.e., blank). It's important that you remember to set up your MFDs for all mastermodes, for all MFDs so you don't get any Blank MFDs when you go into a different mastermode. There's nothing worse then going into Dogfight mode because your in a knife fight with MIG and your MFDs are blank. You want to keep your eyes outside the cockpit and not looking down to see what missile you have called up or FCR. Program all mastermodes as desired. Once completely done, hit the Save button. Once you save them, you won't have to set them up again*

*If you switch between configuring your MFDs using the Rapace Launcher or in the OF UI, you may get blank MFDs. Therefore, it's recommended you be consistent in the way you configure them. If you prefer to do it using the Rapace Launcher, always use the Rapace Launcher and vice versa. Also, if you change your logbook callsign or reset any settings in OF, it's a good idea to check your MFDs before flying to make sure they didn't get cleared.

4.5.6 Radios / Comms

The radios in Open Falcon are one of its distinguishing factors compared to other F4 version. However, to use the radios you have to first understand how to configure them in your DTC. If you came over from AF/FF/RV and tried a flight in OF, you might have noticed you weren't able to talk to the Tower (ATC). And the reason for that is because you didnt tune in the right frequency to your radios. Like real life you have to use the radios to communicate with ATC and other flights. Even if you want to hear certain AI

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pilot calls you have to tune into a specific frequency. There are two ways two get the right frequencies into your radios for communicating with the Tower and other pilots: Assigning the Frequencies to Preset Channels in the Data Cartridge Manually tuning in the frequencies once you get in the jet But it's important you learn how to do it both ways because you might get into situations where you need the other one. The following is basic guide on how to use the radios in OF. In the planning phase of the mission in the map-screen, open the Data Cartridge and go to COMMS page. There change the Preset# to 15 as shown below. Then press SET TOWER as shown in figure 38.

Figure 23. Setting the Tower to UHF 15

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Figure 24. Setting the Tower to UHF 15 Now in the image above (figure 24) you see that it reads Kimpo Airbase and the frequency has changed to the appropriate tower frequency. It will set the tower frequency to whatever airbase the flight you have selected is taking off out of. Now if you want to talk to the tower of Kimpo, press COM1 on your ICP as shown in figure 25, to change the UHF frequency. As you have set the Preset # 15 to the frequency of the tower you have to dial in 1 -

Figure 25: Press COM 1 to change the UHF frequency - and 5 via the ICP and confirm by pressing ENTR. This procedure is shown in figure 41 Then you should hear the tower or hear a response if you ask for takeoff clearance.

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Figure 26: Change the Preset # to 15 and confirm via ENTR After getting airborne, you can change the UHF to #6 and VHF to #12. Now lets assume you got a fuel problem and wont make it to your home base. The R218 airstrip is nearby and you want to make a hotpit refuel there. First you have to find out the right frequency of the tower. So check your right kneeboard and click onto it a few times until you get to the page with the tower frequencies. There you have to find R218 airstrip. As you can see in figure 27, its UHF frequency is 242.40.

Figure 27: UHF frequency of R218 airstrip

To dial in the frequency in your UHF radio press COM 1 on your ICP as shown in figure 40. Then use the ICP to dial in the frequency (figure 43). Confirm via ENTR. Now you should be able to talk to the tower of R218 airstrip.

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Figure 28: Change the UHF frequency to 242.40

4.5.7 Loading Your Data Cartridge (DTC) In the Cockpit

You can load your DTC settings (that you set up in the mission screen) with one click when you are in the cockpit using the DTE feature in OF. Doing so will automatically set your radios to the preset channels you set up in the mission screen as well as target information for GPS guided munitions such as JDAMs. As you will see below, it's a very simple process. In order for your radios to be tuned to the correct preset channels after using the DTE load feature while in the cockpit, you need to complete a couple steps while in the mission/briefing screen. Once you use the DTE load in the cockpit, it will automatically tune your radio frequencies on Comm1 (UHF) and Comm2 (VHF) to the default preset channels that you set in the mission/briefing screen. The way you set the default UHF and VHF channels is by checking the small box that says DEFAULT. So, if I want to have UHF 15 and VHF 6 to be the channels that the DTE loads, I need to check the DEFAULT box when UHF 15 is selected, and VHF 6 is selected. The DTE load feature will only load the preset channels that have DEFAULT checked when you save your DTC. So per my example, if I want UHF 15 and VHF 6 to be the channels I wanted loaded, I would select HUF from the BAND drop-down menu, then change the PRESET # to 15 using the arrows, click SET TOWER to set preset 15 to my tower's frequency, then check the DEFAULT box. Next I would select VHF from the BAND drop-down menu, then change the PRESET # to 6 using the arrows, then check the DEFAULT box, and when I'm finished I would click SAVE to save my DTC settings. Anytime you change your anything in your DTC, or make a new threat circle, additional steerpoint line, designate a target, or anything else, you should always save your DTC. The DTE load feature is especially useful when using IVC because you only need to press one button to get on the channels that flight lead said he would check you in on. You can see the default box that needs to be checked in figure 42.

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Figure 42. Check the Default Box to for the Preset UHF/VHF Channels

Now that the DTC is set up, I'm ready to commit to RAMP and get in the cockpit. Once you've started your jet, and turn on all of the appropriate systems per our Ramp Start checklist, you should use the DTE to load your DTC settings. To do that, all you do is pull up the DTE page on one of your MFDs (it doesn't matter which MFD). If DTE is not one of your options on your MFD, you can get to it by clicking on one of the MFD buttons twice to get to the main MFD menu. For example, if HSD, SMS, and TGT were the only options on the button of my MFD, I just need to click on SMS twice and I will see all the MFD page options. From there I select DTE by clicking on the button near it and that should bring up the DTE page. Now that you have the DTE page up, all you have to do is click on LOAD at the top of the DTE page. You can see what the DTE page looks like and where the LOAD button is in figure 43 (LOAD button is highlighted in red). Once you click on it you will notice it cycle through all the options of the MFD in a type of animation and after it's done it will reset your view to straight ahead if you're in the 2D cockpit. Once it's finished doing its thing, you're done! You can confirm it successfully loaded your DTC by confirming your radios are tuned to the right channels.


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Figure 43. DTE Screen - Click the Load Button to Load your DTC Settings

4.5.8 The Improved Data Modem (IDM)

The Datalink in OF is very realistic and very powerful in the right hands. But it is a bit more complex than in AF or RV. But once you understand how to use Data Link ingame, your F4 experience will never be the same. Setting up the Data Link In OF it is possible to have multiple flights in your Data Link if they are part of your package. If you are part of a multi-flight package, check in which row you are. Thus check your left kneeboard as you can see in Figure 42. You are on a BAI and your flight is Avenger1. Thus your plane has got the number 11 because you are the Flight Lead of the first flight in the package. Your Element Lead has got the number 13 because he is the third plane in the first flight in the package. Accordingly the lead of Mongo1 has the number 21 because he is the first plane in the second flight in the package. So now the huge question: What number has the Flight Lead of Lobo2 flight? Yep it is the 31. If you havent understood this, go back and read again till you understood it.

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Figure 15. Datalink Addresses In Order on Kneeboard Ok now we found out which plane numbers our flights have. Because you are the BAI leader you want your 4 flightplanes in your Datalink. Additionally you want the FAC to be displayed and the Flight Lead of the Escort. Ok lets begin to set up the DataLink. On the ICP press LIST (see figure 16) Then press ENTR as shown in figure 17.

Figure 16. Press LIST to Access the Menu

Figure 17. Press Enter to Select DLINK (Datalink) Now you should see a picture similar to figure 18 below. What you see on this page is your own datalink Address. In the image below, it shows 11 next OWN. That means all of my flight's datalink addresses will begin with a 1. If I'm flight lead, my datalink address is 11. #2 would be 12. #3 would be 13. #4 would be 14. If it showed 21 next OWN and I'm flight lead, my address would be 21. Got it? Good. To be able to enter in the datalink address of other flights in your package you have to Press SEQ on the ICP. After doing this you get a DED page like in figure 19.

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Figure 19. Enter Other Flight Datalink Addresses Here

After you hit SEQ on the ICP, dial in the other flight's Datalink addresses and hit ENTER. Remember if you don't know the datalink address of another flight, you can check your kneeboard. If their callsign is third from the top, it means their datalink starts with a 3. In this example, we want to use number 21 and 31 (figure 20).

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Figure 20. Enter Other Flight Datalink Addresses As Shown After entering in all the addresses. press RTN to get to the standard DED page. Once you've entered all of the other flight's datalink addresses, you are ready to enable datalink (turn it on). You do that by going to your FCR, and pressing on OSB 6 to change it from ASGN to CONT (as shown below in figure 21). Once it's set to CONT, you need to press Comms Switch Left, which is CTRL+O (O as in Oscar), and hold it for a few seconds until you see the other aircraft on your HSD. It's worth noting that everyone in the flight should enable datalink. When one pilot in the flight enables datalink, it will enable it for everyone else. However, if nobody else enables datalink in their own jet and that pilot gets shot down, the entire flight would lose datalink.

Figure 21. Change ASGN to CONT & Press and Hold CTRL+P

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Figure 22. Datalink at a Glance


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Some weapons are deployed differently in OF compared to other versions or have different symbology. Because most guys have flown Allied Force the last time, here the differences between OF and AF are shown. The Air-Air-Weapons arent deployed completely different, so we will concentrate on Air-Ground-Weapons.

4.6.1 Dumb Bombs

If you use ripple settings, your target cue does not mark the center of your bomb line, but the first impact. If the bombs are not released in CCRP because of wind or excessive G, but you believe they will hit, release the fire/pickle button and press the fire/pickle button again just after the release cue has left the Flight Path Marker and the bombs will come off the racks.

4.6.2 Mavericks
Mavericks in OF are deployed quite similar to other version of F4 like AF. But the time to Power them on takes 3-4 minutes instead of a few seconds (which is unrealistic). So remember to power them up ahead of time so you don't have to wait over target! Again, similar to other version of F4, there are different modes for deploying your Mavericks. Refer to the manuals for detailed in instructions on when and how to use the other modes (Tip - Also use the interactive training. To do so, run training missions 24 A or 24 B and make sure that "Enable Training Script" is checked in the lower right corner). But the basic steps of deploying a Maverick in PRE mode is to lock the target up on radar, then lock it up again to ground stabilize the missile, then once more to designate the target. Doing so correctly will not require you to change the Sensor of Interest to your WPN's page. However, if you get the NOT SOI message (which stands for Not Sensor of Interest) on your WPN page and can't move the cross hairs of the missile, press SHIFT+2 to change the Sensor of Interest to your WPN page instead of your radar. You can reverse the SOI back to your radar (FCR) by pressing SHIFT+2 again. As you will see in 7.5 below, JSOWs are deployed basically the same way as the Maverick (not realistic, because a limitation of the code) except they can be fired from much further away (30-35 miles).

4.6.3 Laser Guided Bombs

One of the great unique features of OF is the SNIPER advanced targeting pod, which has a lot of great features, such as selecting between the Black Hot, White Hot, and TV

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modes, or using the SNIPER pod as a A-A FLIR. The details of how to use the SNIPER pod are show in section 7.8 below, but here are the basic steps to employing LGBs in OF: 1. Go to A-G Mastermode 2. Select the LGB via the SMS page 3. Master Arm set to ARM 4. Laser ARMED 5. Bring up the TGP MFD page 6. Click on STBY 7. Click on A-G (if you want to use in A-A mode, select A-A instead) 8. You will now be able to see through the TGP screen. 9. Lock up the target on your FCR, then press SHIFT+2 to switch SOI 10. Press Control+Up Arrow so you can move the cursors 11. You can designate the target w/ the TGP page (POINT), or not. As long as your crosshairs are on the target, you're lazing the target and bombs will impact where you're pointing. Because in Open Falcon the Targeting Pod is quite useful, not only for striking air-toground targets, but also for use as a A-A FLIR. The deployment of Laser Guided Bombs is summed up in the next section below.

4.6.4 JDAMs
JDAMs (Joint Direct Attack Munitions) are bombs that are guided to the target via GPS and are very precise. To deploy a JDAM in Open Falcon, you have to designate the targets to a steerpoint in the recon screen (before you get into the cockpit) as shown in chapter 6. When employing JDAMs in OF, make sure you are in CCRP mode when changing to the target steerpoint. CCRP mode is needed to load the target coordinates into the bomb (in OF only, not real life). You can drop JDAMs in any mode your like (CCIP, MAN, etc...) but make sure you call up the target steerpoint that you designated in the recon screen while in CCRP mode. Since JDAMs are precision bombs and can make course adjustments in-flight, it's not as important how you deliver them. For example, with a dumb bomb you have to make sure you're lined up with the target, and if in CCIP mode you have to put the pipper right on top of the target. Whereas, with JDAMs you can overfly the target and manually release the bombs and they will guide themselves to the target. However, JDAMs can only guide themselves to the target if they are in range (since JDAMs don't have any propulsion like missile). Therefore, it's recommended you drop your first JDAM in CCRP mode so you know you are in range. Subsequent bombs after the first bomb can then be dropped in different modes because you know your in range (given the second bomb's target is in close proximity of the first bomb's target). Dropping a JDAM in CCRP mode should be done in the same way as dropping a dumb bomb in CCRP mode (ie ingress to target and wait for the release cues). There is an advance way in OF to deliver multiple JDAMs in one pass. However, that method will not be covered in this guide and can be found in our training library (also Novum's JDAM: Weapon of Choice video tutorial is great for learning how to deploy multiple JDAMs in a single pass).

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4.6.5 AGM-154 JSOW

AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) allows you to engage ground units from standoff distances (up to 40 miles). The JSOW in Open Falcon is basically a giant cluster bomb with wings and rocket propulsion. They can do A LOT of damage to an enemy column of vehicles. In OF JSOWs are deployed like Mavericks (which is not realistic), as you follow the same steps as firing an AGM-65. But since you have to deploy them like Mavericks and a Maverick's range is about 30 miles short of the JSOW, you need to take some things into consideration. Although you can deploy the JSOW like the Maverick by locking up a target on your WPN's page, you don't need to do that to get hits on target. With JSOWs you should ignore the HUD range symbology since that range cueing is for a Maverick. That said, how do you know when to fire a JSOW? And how do you fire on the target if you're 30 miles out and can't see it? First we'll talk about knowing when to fire the JSOW. It's very simple to do. The JSOW's range is dependent on your altitude. Although the JSOW does have propulsion, it's limited in its fuel and thus distance. But since the JSOW has wings, it can glide for greater distances if it has the altitude to do so. Therefore, higher altitudes and faster speeds means greater range for the JSOW. And knowing when to fire is totally dependent on your range. Basically, if you're inside 30 miles and at an altitude of at least 15,000ft, you're in range. At 30-35 miles or further, you will want to be at 25,000ft+. Therefore, if I'm flying at 22,000ft and I'm 29 miles from target, I know I can fire. If you're close enough to see your target through your WPN page, you can deploy the JSOW in the same way as the Maverick. If you're far enough out that you can't see the target, you will need to lock up the target solely using your radar. The best way to do that is to designate the target when in the mission screen (if the target is stationary). For example, lets say I'm tasked to take out some SA-11s near the target area. Each SA-11 launcher has their own radar so a HARM won't do the trick. My SEAD flight is going to launch a bunch of JSOWs to supress the threat. Thus in the recon screen, I would designate the target to a steerpoint (ie STPT 15). Then during my ingress to target, I would call up STPT 15 so my radar cursors are slewed to the SA-11 location, then lock the SA-11 up and wait until I'm at 35 miles or less then fire. If you powered up your JSOW before the target area and you've locked it up on radar, and you're at a sufficient altitude, all you have to do is press and hold the pickle button until the JSOWs come off the rail. If you're able to, you should wait until about 25 miles to fire because you'll have a higher pk (Probability of Kill) if you are closer to the target. Keep in mind this method will not work if it's a moving target because the target may not be where you designated it to be. Targets such as AAA, or a SAM site are perfect for this method because you know they're stationary. If you want to engage a target that you didn't designate to a steerpoint, or a moving target, you will need to find them on your radar the old fashion way. You can do that for moving targets by switching to GMT mode on your radar to show only moving targets. Or switch your radar to DSB1 or DSB2 and look for obvious columns. If you have any questions on how to deploy a JSOW, ask an IP. And if you

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want detailed information on how to deploy a JSOW or accurate range and weapons data, read the Dash-34 and other OF manuals in your docs folder in your Falcon4 folder (C:\MicroProse\Falcon4).

4.6.6 AGM-158 JASSM

The AGM-158 JASSM (Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile) is a formidable force in Open Falcon. Like the JSOW it allows you to strike targets from a standoff range. The difference between the JSOW and the JASSM in OF is that the JASSM isn't a cluster bomb, and the JASSM is a precision guided weapon. The JASSM is basically a cruise missile that can fly to the target coordinates you designated to a steerpoint in the recon screen (like a flying JDAM). Again, although the JASSM is deployed like a Maverick (not realistic), you don't need to pay any attention to the Maverick range symbology on your HUD or MFDs. You do however have to power up your JASSMs like Mavericks and JSOWs to use them. To use them effectively, you need to designate the target to a steerpoint. Once you do so and save your DTC, all you have to do is power them up, fly to target, and fire when you're in range (inside 40 miles). Once you fire the JASSM, it will fly to the target and strike the exact target you designated in the recon screen. It's almost too easy (kind of takes the fun out of it), but it can be very effective for a target that's well protected (ie a target area covered in SAMs and you don't have a SEAD escort). More details on the AGM-158 can be found in the manuals.

4.6.7 AGM-88 HARM

In other versions of Falcon, the HTS screen was embedded into the SMS screen. (In real life the HTS is used to deploy HARMs. The HTS pod can be seen attached to the left side of the F-16C block 50/52 intake, as those aircraft were designed specifically for the SEAD role). Having the HTS screen embedded in the SMS screen is incorrect and not very useful. In OF the HTS is called HAD (Harm Attack Display) and can be called up even if you havent didnt call up the A-G-Mode, which allows you to have increased situation awareness (or S-A) on SEAD Missions. To deploy a HARM you need to bring up the HAD screen on the MFD you like. If the HAD page is not showing as one of your options on your MFD, click on one of the buttons twice to see all the available pages and click on HAD (see Figure 1 below).

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Figure 1. Access the HAD Page

In the HAD page, you can reduce or expand the range just like in the FCR page. The white line is the footprint of your HARM. It depends on your altitude and speed. If the size of the footprint is greater than the selected range, the white lines will be dashed (figure 2). Figure 2 shows a typical HAD page. Radar emitters will be colored depending on their current state. Here is what each color means (fire the HARM when yellow or Red/Flashing Red: Yellow = emitter active Red = emitter tracking Flashing Red = emitter launching Green (Faded/Dim) = emitter inactive

Figure 2. Symbology of the HAD page To have a more detailed view on a radar site, you can expand your screen twice. Press OSB 3 to switch between NORM, EXP1 and EXP2. By expanding the HAD, the chance of a destroyed search radar near the SAM site will decrease! To lock on a radar press TMS-Forward or "0" on the number pad of your keyboard. The locked emitter will be shown in a white square. You still can move the cursor, but to lock a different radar,

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unlock first and then lock the new one. Also check the interactive training mission "39 AGM-88 Harm v2" available in your OF Training Tactical Engagements.

4.6.8 Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod

The Targeting Pod has undergone huge changes and is more powerful than ever! OF is the only version in which you can use the TGP in Air-Air-Combat! But other changes were made as well. You can now track moving ground units in POINT mode and tracking a target behind you does not "swap" the controls (i.e., to slew the TGP left, you had to move your cursors right). The TGP can be used in all Mastermodes now. Air-Ground-Combat - Stationary Target (Building) First you have to go to Air-Ground-Mastermode, select your target waypoint and select the LGB in the SMS page. Go to the TGP page. To do this you, go to the MFD Main page by pressing OSB 14 twice (figure 29) and then OSB 19 as shown in figure 30.

Figure 29: Go to the MFD Main page

Figure 30: Access the TGP page

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But the Targeting Pod is still in Standby mode, thus you have to change the mode to AirGround. To do so press OSB 1 and then OSB 6 (figure 31 and 32).

Figure 31: Press OSB 1

Figure 32: Set the TGP to A-G-Mode Then you should see a picture on your TGP page similar to figure 33. Note the NOT SOI message. To switch the Sensor of Interest to the TGP page press DMS-Down (SHIFT+ NUMPAD 2). To get a better view on the target area, you can expand your Field of View to NORM and EXP via pressing OSB 3 (figure 34) Then ground stabilize the TGP and put it in AREA Mode by pressing TMS Up (CTRL + ARROW UP).


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Figure 33: The first sight of the target

Figure 34: Expand your Field of View Now you should get a screen similar to figure 35. Now in the AREA mode, you can move the TGP cursor.

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Figure 34: TGP in AREA Mode Now you have to set your Laser-Arm-Switch to ON and ensure that Mater-Arm is ON as well (figure 35). Now a L appears right of AREA.

Figure 35: TGP in AREA Mode To make out your target better, you set Laser-Arm to ON can change the polarity of the screen between White-Hot (WHOT), Black-Hot (BHOT) and TV via pressing OSB 6 as shown in figure 36. Now put the TGP cursor over your target and line up for a normal CCRP run. Drop the bombs. As soon as the laser fires, the L starts flashing. In the lower right corner you can see the time till impact.

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Figure 36: Change the Display Polarity

Air-Ground-Combat - Moving Targets In contrary to other versions, POINT track of moving targets is possible. Thus you get many kills if you carry GBU-12s on a BAI or CAS mission! First, you have to get to AG-Mastermode, set the TGP to AG and set the LaserArm to ON as described in section above. Now search for your targets on your radar. In figure 37 are the targets marked. Now lock one of the targets, switch to the

Figure 37: Our targets on GMT TGP page and expand the picture as you want. Then you have to move the SOI by pressing DMS-Down (SHIFT + NUMPAD 2). Then go to AREA mode by pressing TMS Up (CTRL + ARROW UP) as shown in figure 38. Then move the cursor in the

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Figure 38: Moving targets in AREA track moving path of the target, to lead the mover and let him drive into your cursors and then command POINT track by pressing TMS Up again. If you press TMS Up while slewing the cursor, POINT track cant be established. Figure 39 shows an established POINT track. As soon as POINT track is established a white box will draw around the target till the target is completely inside this box. To break lock and designate a different target, just move the cursor to the new target and establish a new POINT track via TMS Up. Now make your normal CCRP run, and manually lase the target to ensure a hit. A good release altitude is 5.000 to 10.000 feet. Now establish AREA track again via TMS Up and follow the targets, turn, establish POINT track and drop the next


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Figure 39: Established POINT track on a tank bomb. Or slew the TGP to the radars line of sight via TMS Down (CTRL + ARROW DOWN) and search for your targets again via radar.

Air-Air-Combat w/ the SNIPER Pod In OF you even can use the TGP in Air-Air-Combat. This might be useful to ID targets in near-BVR or to track a target to sneak on him with radar off. In NAV, A-A, DGFT and MRM Mastermodes the Air-Air mode of the TGP is usable. To activate it go to the TGP page of the MFD and press OSB 1 as shown in section 7.1.1 on page 28. Then press OSB 20 to access the A-A mode as shown in figure. Then you should see a picture. If you lock or bug a target in FCR, the TGP should look at the target. You can zoom in via changing to EXP mode by pressing OSB 3. You have a radar contact at 35 miles and unfortunately you dont have AWACS support. You bug it and change FOV to EXP. In figure 40 you see the target. It looks like a large Russian aircraft.


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Figure 40: Switch to A-A mode of the TGP If you are near enough, you can change the SOI via DMS-Down (SHIFT + NUMPAD 2) and establish Point Track via TMS-Up (CTRL + CURSOR DOWN). In figure 41 you see a Point Track on a enemy tanker. Now you can set your radar to STBY and the target is still tracked and a dashed box will draw around the target on the HUD. Now you can sneak on the target and get some sidewinders into it ;-).

Figure 41: Point Track on a IL-78

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The following includes excerpts from the OF Noob Guide (by Slammer) available in the docs folder of your Falcon4 folder. I also added common question and answers regarding to some things I hear often as well as some fixes to common questions/issues. The following covers a lot of the common questions from pilots who have made the move from AF to OF, or FF/RV to OF. If you have any questions about the following, please post them in our forum.

4.7.1 Common Questions & Answers

Q. I had a problem installing OF. What should I do? A. Post your problem IN DETAIL in our forum. Doing so will make it easier for us to help you fix the problem. Q. I heard OF doesn't work with Vista, is that true? A. Yes and No. OF can work fine with Vista, but for some it can cause problems, especially for IVC. If possible, you should run a dual boot with XP so you won't have any problems. If you aren't sure how to do this, post in the forum for help. Q. Will OF run on a laptop? A. Yes. However, it will not run on laptops with an integrated graphics card. If you aren't sure if your laptop has an integrated graphics card, see this thread HERE for hardware that's not compatible with OF. Q. How do I turn the jet on the ground?!? A. You have to enable Nose Wheel Steering (NWS) by pressing SHIFT+/. Q: I cant fire my AIM-120. What is wrong? A: Hold the pickle button longer than 1 second. The same applies for launching an airto-ground missile (AGM). Q. I installed OF and I can't get into the 3D world. I CTD right after the loading screen every time. I also can't recon targets. - OR I just installed an add-on theater and I can't recon a target or get into the 3D world. A. You need to run the GUI Season Switcher and compress your tiles. To do that, go into your this folder C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\GUI Season Switcher and run the GUI Season Switcher.exe file. If it's Korea select Korea. If it's a add-on theater, select

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Other then select the theater from the drop-down menu and proceed with running the program. Q: My HARM display will not show? A: You have to select the HAD page on your MFD. Once you are at the HAD page, it should look very similar to what you saw on the SMS page in AF. There's is a more detailed guide in the Weapons Employment section below. Q: Can I use my stick set up (profile) from AF? A: Some yes, others no. A key list is provided in your C://Microprose/Falcon4/docs. The large majority of keys are the same, but there are some differences. You can also go ingame then click on Set Up, and next Controllers and you will see the keys list. Q: Why cant I see my flight on the HSD like I did in AF/RV/FF? A. You have to enable datalink between the aircraft. See section 3 above, or more detailed information in the IQT material (or view Puki's video tutorial HERE.) Q: My font and/or text on the HUD appears to be broken and difficult to read. Is there a fix for that? A. Yes! Launch Open Falcon. Once in the UI click on Set Up, then click on the Graphics tab, then click on the Advanced button, then make sure Texel Bias Fix is checked. That will fix the problem. Q. How do I enable 6DOF in OF if I have TrackIR or Free Track? A. Open the Config Editor from your Rapace Launcher, then expand the Cockpit folder and then change check the F-16 and Mirage for 6DOF under the TrackIR settings. Next you need to get into the OF UI, click on Set Up, then Controllers, then Advanced and make sure you have Track IR enabled. You can also choose whether you enable Track IR in the 3D or 2D pit or both.

Q. I've tried to install hitiles and this appears to me:

A.You need to install Hitiles for Falcon4 (not AF!!!) first before you install OF. Once you do that you then run OF setup and select Hitiles when prompted. So if you have the original Falcon 4.0 payware Hitiles, this is how you install them: 1. Install Falcon 4 from CD,

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2. Next install HiTiles for Falcon 4.0 3. And then install OF. You can install original HiTiles (HiTiles.exe 81,3 MB) before anything, but you have to run HiTiles for Falcon4 (HiTiles2Falcon4+.exe 1,7 MB) after you've setup your Falcon4 and before you run Open Falcon installer! Q: How do I boost my GFX? A: In your short cut on your desktop, right click and select properties. Where it shows the command line add -g5 to it. Like this: X:\MicroProse\Falcon4\BMS.exe -g5 Hit apply then ok , Boot up and u should now be able to slide the detail (not recommended for 1st VFW pilots). Q: How do I get more resolutions? A: In your short cut on your desktop, right click and select properties. Where it shows the command line add -hires to it. Like this: C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\BMS.exe -hires Hit apply then ok , Boot up and u should now be able to select more resolutions. Q: I have found some TEs that I downloaded , were do I put them? A: For Korea TE you place the files in this directory. Korea - C:/Microprose/Falcon4/campaign/SAVE Balkans C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\Balkans\campaign\Balkans Aegean C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\Ege\Campaign Israel C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\ITOFMk2\Campaign\Israeli ODS C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\Theaters\DesertStorm\campaign\DesertStorm1 Q: My Open Falcon graphics appear to be much worse then the graphics I see from other pilots. All the edges appear to be jagged. Is there a fix? A. Yes! You need to adjust your Anti-Aliasing settings within your graphics card. If you don't know what I'm talking about, ask one of the pilots on Teamspeak for help. If you have an nVidia graphics card, you should download a program called nHancer which allows you to create profiles for specific games like OF (you can also use other's profiles if you don't want to create your own). Q: If i switch to a Mastermode like A-A or A-G i get blank MFDs? A: Check the MFD Modes section above for setting up your DTC (Data Cartridge). You only have to do it once and save it. Q: I get a black screen when I back out of a mission, what's wrong? A: Set your windows resolution the same as your sim resolution. Open up your config editor and expand the Hardware folder. Check the black screen fix box and hit apply. Q. How do I get a text file debriefing that I can review after closing OF?

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A. First you have to tell OF to output a debrief for each of your flights. You can do that by going to your Config Editor, then clicking on the Campaign/Tactical Engagement section, and in there you will see a Briefing/Debriefing folder where you have the option to Output debriefing to file, make sure that option is checked. Once you have that checked and have clicked Apply, you will have a debrief.txt file that will be in your Falcon4 folder. OF doesn't create a new debriefing after each flight, instead it adds each debriefing into the same file (newest debrief info is at the bottom of the debreifing.txt file). Q. Is it possible to do a MadDog (firing a AIM-120 without having a target locked) lock in AF? A. No. Q: I cant talk to tower. What am I doing wrong? A: Refer to setting up your DTC in the guide below this section about using the radios in OF. You have to set the tower frequency into your DTC prior to getting in the jet, or manually tune to the Tower frequency once you are in the jet. Q: When I try to connect to a Host, I only see myself in the chat lobby. What gives? A: You either do not have your ports 2934, 2935, 2936, and 2937 forwarded, or you have a Anti-Virus program or Windows Firewall that's not allowing you to connect. If you're still having problems after forwarding your ports and disabling your anti-virus, it's recommended that you set up a static IP to ensure your ports are always forwarded on your local IP. See our Multiplayer Setup Guide page on our website for help. Q: The Rapace Launcher asks if I want to update my Open Falcon, should I let it? A: NO! Never let allow the Rapace Launcher to update your Open Falcon. In fact, never click on the OF Updater button on the Rapace Launcher either. If the Rapace Launcher says there's an update for the Rapace Launcher, that is ok and you can click on RL Updater to begin the update process. Q: Why are the Fly-Buttons of some training missions grayed out? A: Set the clock to 1x (upper right corner). If the clock is stopped it won't allow you to click the FLY button on the bottom right. Q. My airspeed indicator appears to be cut-off in my HUD. How can I fix that? A. Open the "16_ckpit.dat file (C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\art\ckptart) with Notepad and replace the line hudfont = 2; to hudfont = 1. After you do that, you need to open each F-16 aircraft's folder and do they same for their 16_ckpit.dat files. Here is a more indepth guide: You can change the font used for each of these displays but you will have to change it for each aircraft you are having the problem with. Before making changes to this file please back it up! If you mess up this file your aircraft will become unusable! In your "./Falcon4/art/ckptart/<aircraft you are flying>" directory you will find a file called "16_ckpit.dat". Open this file with a text editor such as WordPad or NotePad.

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Right near the top of the file you will find a section titled "#0 MANAGER". About 9 lines down in this section you will find 3 lines dealing with the HUD font, DED font and MFD font. If they have not been modified since installation they will look like this hudfont = 1; dedfont = 0; mfdfont = 0; There are 3 fonts that you can use for these 3 displays. They are numbered 0, 1 and 2. Change the 0's to 1's or 2's, and the 1 to a 2, and save the file. Go into the game and check on the difference this has made. If necessary open the "16_ckpit.dat" file and adjust the fonts again. Please note that if you use font number 2 for the MFD's the text becomes quite large and some of the OSB labels will not show. Q. Should the Host of the TE/Campaign be in the first flight to get in the cockpit (first to takeoff in the FRAG order)? A. Although it is not required, it is recommended that the mission Host be in the first flight takeoff. This is especially recommended for larger online flights. Q. SAM threat circles don't show up on my HSD like they did in AF. A. You need to create preplanned threat circles in the mission screen before getting in the jet. As is the case in real life, in OF the threat circles will not just magically appear in your HSD. You have to load them in into your DTC prior to getting in the jet if you want them to show up. See the guide below for setting up Preplanned Threat Steerpoints in the DTC section below. Q. When I fly offline I can't enable datalink even though I'm doing it exactly like I do when flying online. A. When flying OF offline, you usually have to wait to get airborne before enabling datalink with your AI wingmen. You will not be able to enable it on the ground. Q. I always get a CTD when I try to recon a different target while already recon'ing a target. A. This is a common problem with Open Falcon and we don't have a fix for it. The best way to avoid it is to close the currently opened recon window before trying to recon a separate target. For example, if I've already clicked recon and I'm looking at Seoul AFB, I should close that recon window before recon'ing a target in North Korea. Q. When I try to launch OF from the Rapace Launcher, it says something about Requested Unavailable Resolution and I get an error. How can I fix that? A. Open your Rapace Launcher, and at the bottom right below the Theaters drop-down menu, check Delete display.dsp and then Launch OF as normal from the Rapace Launcher and that will fix it. Q. When I try to open the Rapace Launcher it pops up with this window asking me to point to my Falcon4 install?

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A. Use the pop-up window to browse to you Falcon4 folder (C:\MicroProse\Falcon4). Highlight your Falcon4 folder and click OK and that should solve the problem. Q. How do I get the A-G gun pipper? When I'm out of A-G ordnance in AF it automatically switches to the gun. A. In OF you can switch to your gun and get the A-G gun symbology by clicking on the AG button on the top left of your SMS page. Click it again to get out of the gun mode. Q. When I try to launch OF from the Rapace Launcher it asks me to Insert My Falcon 4.0 CD? A. On the top right of the Rapace Launcher, click BROWSE and navigate to your Microprose\Falcon4 folder, then click on Falcon4 to highlight it and click OK. If you are trying to launch to ODS, select Korea, then switch to ODS once in the user interface of OF. If you are still having the problem, you may need to uninstall one of the PMC theaters that you recently installed. Q: I want to use IVCs and have the falcon ports 2934-2937 forwarded but it still doesn't work, what am I doing wrong? A: First make sure you have run the voicesetup.exe in your Falcon4 folder (do it again if you can't remember if you did it or not). Next, make sure you have the 2 ports for Microsoft direct voice forwarded. These ports are: UDP 7778 and TCP 28900. Also make sure your anti-virus is off, and you have a static IP setup. Q. Everyone says I should back up my OF install. How do I do that? A. It's a very good idea to keep a back up of a vanilla OF install in case you run into problems later (so you don't have to do a complete reinstall). To back up your OF install, simply copy your Falcon4 folder (C:\MicroProse\Falcon4), and paste it some where somewhere you can find it later if you need it (that process will take a while). Q. How can I back up my logbook? A. Easy. Go to this folder C:\\Microprose\Falcon4\config\ and save yourcallsign.lbk; yourcallsign.plc; yourcallsign.pop Q. I always hear guys talking about Bitch'n Betty, who is she? A. Bitch'n Betty is the Voice Message System (VMS) that gives audible warnings or feedback in the F-16. If you've ever heard Altitude-Altitude or Caution while in the F-16's cockpit, that's Betty. Early blocks of the F-16 had both male and female voices but over time the male voice was phased out (fighter pilots preferring a female voice, big surprise!). Since the VMS system is usually telling you that you're doing something wrong, she quickly became known as Bitch'n Betty. Q. How do I shut up (disable) Bitch'n Betty? A. You may want to disable the audible warnings (aka Bitch'n Betty) in certain circumstances. For example, if you have to stay on the deck while heading to target, you don't want to hear Altitude-Altitude constantly all the way there while trying to listen to RWR and wingmen. Fortunately, you can disable Betty by clicking the VOICE

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INHIBIT toggle by your right thigh (shown in the image below). Generally it's not recommended to disable the VMS system unless it's necessary because those warnings are there for a reason. If you turn Betty off, you can enable her again by clicking the toggle back into its original position.

Q. I've seen videos of pilots using their SNIPER pod like a FLIR in A-A mode. How do I do that? A. See section 7.8) in this document for Laser Guided Bombs and the SNIPER pod. Q. I powered on my Mavericks, but it still won't let me uncage them so I can see the picture in the WPNs page? A. The Mavericks in OF take 4mins to power-up. It's not immediately like in AF (which is unrealistic). Q. What is Bingo and how do I set it?

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A. The official brevity definition of Bingo is The fuel state needed for recovery, which means you have to return to base now or you won't have enough fuel to make it home. The creators of the F-16 thought it would be a good idea to let the pilot know when he is at or near Bingo Fuel, and therefore created a system that allows the pilot to enter in his Bingo fuel setting into the jet so he can know when he's at Bingo fuel. A simplified way to define your Bingo setting is that it's a visual and audible 'reminder' of sorts that tells you when you have reached a specific fuel state. You (the pilot), sets the fuel state at which you want the 'reminder' to go off so you are aware of your fuel state. Things can get busy in a combat mission, and you don't always have time to check your fuel. Setting your Bingo makes sure you know when you're at Bingo fuel by means of audible and visual cues. For example, if you set your Bingo to 3,000lbs of fuel, once you get down to 3,000lbs you will hear VMS Bitch'n Betty call out Bingo and see a Fuel warning flash in your HUD. You can turn off the warning by clicking the Warn Reset toggle on your ICP or resetting your Bingo by entering in a new Bingo setting below your current setting (ie resetting Bingo from 3,000lbs to 1,500lbs). It's worth noting that if you don't reset your Bingo and just hit the Warn Reset toggle on the ICP, it will only temporarily turn off the warning and Betty will be kind enough to remind you a few minutes later. Ok, so now that we know what your Bingo setting is, let's talk about how to set it. Setting your Bingo is as easy as 1-2-3 (no really, it is). To get to your Bingo setting page, hit LIST on the ICP, then you will see Bingo is option 2, so press 2 using the ICP NumPad. The Bingo setting page will look like the screenshot below. It's default setting is 1,500lbs, which means if you don't adjust your Bingo setting, you will get the Bingo fuel warning at 1,500lbs. To change the Bingo setting, you simply need to enter in the preferred setting and hit ENTER on the ICP. If you made a mistake, use the up arrow toggle (the ICP DCS switch) to highlight the Bingo setting (displayed by the asterisks) and enter in the new setting and hit ENTER when finished.

Bingo Setting

Total Fuel Bingo Setting (LIST + 2)

One final note on Bingo You may hear a similar term to Bingo called Joker when talking about fuel states. Like we said earlier, Bingo is the minimum fuel needed to make it back to homeplate (your airbase). Joker on the other hand, is the fuel state at which you planned on returning to base. For example, during the briefing of a CAS flight, flight lead may say we will be on station until we reach 4,000lbs of fuel, then we'll leave. That

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4,000lbs setting is your Joker. The 4,000lbs isn't the minimum fuel needed to make it home, but rather the fuel state at which you planned to head home (or vector to a tanker). So to be clear, you can be past your Joker fuel state and not your Bingo fuel state. Bingo means literally I'm at the minimum fuel state to make it home, and Joker means I'm at the briefed fuel state that flight lead said we would head home at. In either case, Bingo or Joker, you should always inform flight lead immediately whenever you reach either setting. The appropriate call for Bingo is - Cowboy 1-2, is Bingo fuel. The appropriate call for Joker is Cowboy 1-2, Joker. Any questions? Didn't think so :). *Bingo Tip It's always a good idea to have your Bingo setting displayed in your DED when air-to-air refueling so you know when you will be full, and thus be disconnected from the tanker. I for one also prefer to fly with my Bingo page displayed so I can monitor my fuel and fuel flow. Q. How can I check if my ports are open on my own? A. Go to this page and click Test Ports. The link is also provided on the bottom right of your Rapace Launcher on the Frequencies tab. http://strider-fr.homelinux.net/falcon/globalfalcon.html Q: My TeamSpeak audio in the UI and the game itself are fine except when I am in the Mission Schedule UI screen and at the loading screen. When I am at those screens the inbound audio gets chopped up into little 1/2-second long pieces and is played one chunk every 10-30 seconds, and other TeamSpeak users cannot hear me when I transmit audio. A: In TeamSpeak go to the "Settings" menu option and select "Options". In the box that appears, at the top left there is a section labeled "Sound Driver" which has two options below it labeled "Wave" and "Direct Sound". Make sure that "Direct Sound" is selected. If (and only if) you are still having problems try changing the "Input Device" and "Output Device" on this screen to the actual sound device you are using instead of "Primary Sound Capture Driver" and "Primary Sound Driver". Q. Can I have OF and FF5 both installed on the same PC? A. Yes, but be very careful when installing FF5 when OF is installed. Be sure to back up your OF somewhere BEFORE installing FF5. Here's how to install FF5 if you have OF installed by the guys at Global Falcon (as you can see its not easy): The issue at stake is the registry. 0. Rename existing OF Falcon folder from Falcon4 to GlobalFalcon4. 1. Open regedit adn extract to desktop your existing registry entry for OF. 2. Install FF5 3. Fly FF5 4. Now that you realise what a disappointment it is.... 5. Edit the reg key you saved to desktop Code:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

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[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MicroProse\Falcon\4.0] "baseDir"="C:\\Microprose\\Falcon4" "curTheater"="Korea" "misctexDir"="C:\\Microprose\\Falcon4\\terrdata\\misctex" "movieDir"="C:\\Microprose\\Falcon4\\movies" "objectDir"="C:\\Microprose\\Falcon4\\terrdata\\objects" "theaterDir"="C:\\Microprose\\Falcon4\\terrdata\\korea" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MicroProse\Falcon\4.0\MPR] "MPRDetect3Dx"=dword:00000001 "MPRDetectCPU"=dword:00000001 "MPRDetectMMX"=dword:00000001 "MPRDetectXMM"=dword:00000001

and "Merge" it back into the registry. 6. Rename GlobalFalcon4 folder back to Falcon4 (see step 0.) 7. Fly OF 4.7 and breath a big sigh of relief that you still ahve the most stable authentic version of Falcon working on your HDD Q. When I'm in the 3D world, I can't hear other member's comms very well. A. Turn down your engine sounds! Go into the OF UI, click on Set Up, then the Sounds tab, and move the slider to the left. If you don't want to do that, turn up Teamspeak in-game using our TS keybindings SHIFT+0. Q. OF looks great, but I hear it's too buggy for multiplayer and just eye candy. A. The perception that OF is too buggy is just not true. OF can be very stable for multiplayer flights (as much as AF) if you know how to configure it correctly, and fortunately we do. We would never use OF as our standard install if it was too buggy for multiplayer. Q. Can I use Stopworks or Aeyes payware cockpits in Open Falcon? A. Yes, but there are some things to consider. First of all, since the add-on cockpits by Aeyes and Stopworks were not made for OF (they didn't want to support a leaked version of F4), there are some features that won't work correctly in OF when it comes to the F-16 pits. Furthermore, you have to do quite a few more installation steps since the cockpits nor their installers were made for OF, and even then there's a good chance some features of their payware pits will not work. Almost all of the buttons, switches, and toggles work in the default OF F-16 cockpit. But since not all of the buttons, switches, and toggles work in Allied Force, Red Viper, or Free Falcon, they won't work in the payware pits by Aeyes or Stopworks, and that can cause some problems when using IVC (the UHF radios buttons don't work in their cockpits). Anyways, should you decide to install the payware add-on pits anyway, you'll have to follow the guides shown on the Aeyes or Stopworks websites. We do not support the Aeyes or Stopworks F-16 cockpits at the 1st VFW for OF. Those pits are great for AF, but not OF. However, you can install Aeye's F/A-18, F-14, A-10, F-15C, MIG-29, and other non-F-16 pits if you like since those pits won't affect IVC. Again, you will have to follow some additional steps to get those pits up and running in OF since the installers

1st Virtual Fighter Wing


won't do it on their own, and again reference the guide on Aeyes website should you decide to use them. Personally I think if you're buying the pits for the same price as the AF and RV guys, the installer should work just as well in OF as AF and RV. Q. I got OF installed, now what mods should I install? A. Follow the approved mods guide in this document. You can find the page using the table of contents. Members can feel free installing mods as long as they are not multiplayer critical. The guide in this document explains what types of mods are multiplayer critical. If you're unsure, please post in our forum. Also, if you really want to install a mod that's not wing approved, you can install it on one of your backup OF installs. Just remember to switch to the wing install when flying online. Q. I installed a add-on theater for OF, but the theater doesn't show up in my list of theaters in game or in the Rapace Launcher. Can I fix that? A. All of the theaters that you have installed should be listed in your Theater.lst file which is in your Falcon4 folder (C:\MicroProse\Falcon4). You can open that file with notepad, and add the missing theater to the list. Here's how the Theater.lst file should look if you have all of the 1st VFW standard install theaters: # lsit of all know theaters terrdata/theaterdefinition/kto.tdf # Korea terrdata/theaterdefinition/korea.tdf # Korea terrdata/theaterdefinition/korea2.tdf # Korea terrdata/theaterdefinition/korea3.tdf # Korea Balkans/Balkans.tdf # Balkans ITOFMk2/def/IsraelMk2.tdf # Isreal Mk2 Ege/Ege.tdf # Aegean v3.01 Theaters\DesertStorm\desertstorm1.tdf # ODS (Custom 1stVFW ODSv1) Q. I downloaded and installed ODSv6, but when I try to launch to it from the Rapace Launcher, I get a message that says Please install the Falcon 4.0 CD, and the UI for it looks like Korea. Did I not install it correct? A. ODSv6 UI will look identical to Korea. Even the campaign map on the top right corner will look like Korea, but if you go in the mission screen or enter the mission builder, you'll see it is ODS. Also, you can't launch to ODSv6 from the Rapace Launcher. You have to launch to Korea or another theater then switch to ODS in the game UI. Q. What's a CTD, and what should I do when I get one? A. CTD means Crash-To-Desktop. If OF (or AF) has ever went to a black screen and then you see the F4-BMS error and your desktop, that's a CTD. If you get a CTD (especially a reoccurring CTD), you should post your crash log and a description of when it happened in the Technical Help section of our forum. You can find your crash log in your Falcon4 folder (C:\MicroProse\Falcon4). It's called crashlog.txt, and you don't want to copy the entire document. Only copy the last entry. Here's an

1st Virtual Fighter Wing


example of what a crash log looks like, be sure to check the date to make sure you are looking at the most recent crashlog:
F4-BMS.exe caused a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module F4BMS.exe at 001B:0056D033, Palette::Release()+3 byte(s), e:\coding\sp3\graphics\texture\palette.cpp, line 126 Exception handler called in SimLoop Thread. Read from location 00006972 caused an access violation. Code: 8b 86 04 04 00 00 85 c0 7e 09 83 c0 ff 89 86 04 Stack: 001B:0056D033 (0x00000019 0x00563E10 0x0000270F 0x02A317E4) F4-BMS.exe, Palette::Release()+3 byte(s), e:\coding\sp3\graphics\texture\palette.cpp, line 126 Stack: 001B:0056950C (0x0000270F 0x02A317E4 0x028E004C 0x00564E11) F4-BMS.exe, Texture::FreeImage()+44 byte(s), e:\coding\sp3\graphics\texture\tex.cpp, line 303+18 byte(s) Error occurred at 5/8/2009 14:04:48. C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\F4-BMS.exe, run by GECXP3. 2 processor(s), type 586. 2048 MBytes physical memory. OS: 5.1 build 2600 platform 2 Service Pack 3 Version: Falcon 4.0 - Version Card: DXContext::Init - DriverInfo - "nv4_disp.dll" - "NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS", Vendor: 4318, Device: 403, SubSys: 69210334, Rev: 162, Product: 0, Version: 0, SubVersion: 0, Build: 0 Game is Instant Action type Local


1st Virtual Fighter Wing




The following is a list of the references used in this guide, and links to other valuable resources. You should find the vast majority of links related to Open Falcon in the list below. Download Original Falcon 4.0 ISO Download - http://demovfw.com/Puki/Falcon 4.0/Falcon 4.0.iso ------------Download Open Falcon 4.5 http://falcondepot.info/OpenFalcon/of4.5.One.Click.Install/OF4.5-OCI.zip http://demovfw.com/Puki/Falcon 4.0/open_falcon_setup.zip ------------Download Open Falcon 4.7 Update http://demovfw.com/Puki/Falcon 4.0/OF47Update.exe ------------1st VFW OF Wing Standard Patch / Wing Standard Patch HERE ------------Open Falcon Support Forum / Global Falcon http://www.f4support.com/forums/index.php ------------Download the Wing Standard Theaters Here (Post #2) http://www.firstfighterwing.com/Forum/showthread.php?t=1502

References Used In This Guide: OF Noob Guide By Slammer C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\docs

1st Virtual Fighter Wing


Dash-34 Manual C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\docs SP3 Manual C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\docs SP4 Manual C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\docs 1st VFW Install Guide www.1stvfw.com Global Falcon Posts/Threads - http://www.f4support.com/forums Falcon 4.0: Allied Force Manual - C:\Lead Pursuit\Battlefield Operations\docs USAF Multi-Command-Handbook 11-F16.pdf - C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\docs OPENFALCON47.pdf By BR_Raptor C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\docs (OF 4.7)


1st Virtual Fighter Wing




5.1. Multi-Service Brevity Codes Reference

Below are some basic brevity terms. It takes time and practice to learn them all, but with time you will be able to do it without thinking about it. See the Op Brevity section of our website HERE for more brevity codes. ABORT - Directive call to cease action/attack/event/mission. ACTION - Directive call to initiate a briefed attack sequence or maneuver. (system)ACTIVE (location/ direction) - (EW) Referenced emitter is radiating at the stated location or along the stated bearing. ADD (system/category)** - (EW) Directive call to add a specific (system) or (EOB category) to search responsibilities. ALARM - Directive/informative call indicating the termination of EMCON procedures. (Opposite of SNOOZE) ALFA CHECK - Request for/confirmation of bearing and range from requesting aircraft to described point.. ALLIGATOR - Link-11/ TADIL A. ANCHOR(ED) (location) - 1. Informative call to indicate a turning engagement at the specified location. 2. Directive call to orbit about a specific point. 3. Refueling track flown by tanker. ANGELS - Height of friendly aircraft in thousands of feet from mean sea level (MSL). (NOTE: NATO definition does not specify MSL or AGL) ANYFACE* - Friendly GCI/AEW command and control agency when callsign is not known. ARIZONA - No anti-radiation missile (ARM) ordnance remaining. ARM** - CONTACT(s) resulting from target maneuvers exceeding GROUP criteria.

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ASLEEP ** - Enemy air defense system is not operating and is not expected to engage friendly aircraft. (Opposite of AWAKE). AS FRAGGED Unit or element will be performing exactly as stated by the air tasking order (ATO). ATTACK(ING) - (A/S) Directive/(informative) call indicating aircraft are committed to air-to-surface delivery on a specific ground target. Direction/bearing from which the weapon will be coming may be given. ATTACK COMPLETE** - (A/S) Mandatory call from the attack aircraft to the Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) during Type III control indicating completion of ordnance release. (See also CLEARED TO ENGAGE) AUTHENTICATE - To request or provide a response to a coded challenge. AUTOCAT Any communications relay using automatic retransmissions. (Weapon) AWAY - Release/launch of specified weapon (e.g. BIRDS AWAY, PIGS AWAY, LONG RIFLE AWAY, etc.) NOTE: Include launch location in bullseye format and weapons track direction for PIGS and LONG RIFLE. AWAKE** - Enemy Air Defense system is operating and may engage friendly aircraft. Opposite of ASLEEP. AZIMUTH* - 1. (A/A) A picture label describing two GROUPs separated laterally. *GROUP names will be referenced by cardinal directions. (e.g. NORTH GROUP, SOUTH GROUP, or EAST GROUP, WEST GROUP) (NOTE: NATO definition includes two or more GROUPS). 2*. (S/A) Direction to the threat. BANDIT - An aircraft identified as an enemy in accordance with (IAW) theater ID criteria. The term does not necessarily imply direction or authority to engage. BANZAI - Informative/directive call to execute launch and decide tactics. BASE(+/- number) - Reference number used to indicate such information as headings, altitude, fuels, etc. BAY - [NATO] (EW) Carry out deception plan indicated or inaccordance with previous orders. BEAD WINDOW - Last transmission potentially disclosed unauthorized information. BEAM (w/cardinal direction)* - CONTACT stabilized within 70 to 110 degrees of aspect. (NOTE: NATO = 60-120 degrees aspect)

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BEANSTALK - [NATO] Information call advising datalink users to check equipment for spurious tracks. BEARING (w/subcardinal direction)** - Inner GROUP formation with the trailer displaced approximately 45 degrees behind the leader. (system) BENT - System indicated is inoperative. Cancelled by OKAY. BINGO - Fuel state needed for recovery. BIRD - Friendly surface-to-air missile (SAM). BIRD(S) AFFIRM - (S/A) Surface-to-Air informative call indicating a FRIENDLY unit is able and prepared to engage a specified target with SAMs. Opposite of BIRD(S) NEGAT. BIRD(S) NEGAT (S/A) Surface-to-Air informative call indicating a FRIENDLY unit is unable to engage a specified target with SAMs. Opposite of BIRD(S) AFFIRM. BITTERSWEET** - Notification of possible blue-on-blue (fratricide) or blue-onneutral situation relative to a designated track or FRIENDLY aircraft. BLIND - No visual contact with FRIENDLY aircraft/ground position. Opposite of VISUAL. BLOTTER - [NATO] (EW) ECM receiver. BLOW THROUGH - Directive/informative call that aircraft will continue straight ahead at the merge and not become ANCHORED with target(s). BOGEY - A radar or visual air CONTACT whose identity is unknown. BOGEY DOPE - Request for target information as requested or for closest GROUP in BRAA (with appropriate fill ins) BOX - Picture label with GROUPs in a square or offset square (See CHAMPAGNE and VIC for GROUP names). BRAA - 1. Following information is in a tactical control format providing target bearing, range, altitude, and aspect, relative to the specified friendly aircraft. 2.* Request/directive call to switch to tactical BRAA control format. BRACKET (direction) - Directive call to maneuver to a position on opposite sides, either laterally or vertically from the target. BREAK (direction) - Directive call to perform an immediate maximum performance 180degree turn (or as directed) in the indicated direction.

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BREAK AWAY - Tanker or receiver call indicating immediate vertical and nose/tail separation between tanker and receiver is required. BREVITY** - Directive call indicating the radio frequency is becoming saturated, degraded or jammed and briefer transmissions must follow. (NOTE: See NATO term ZIPLIP) BROADCAST - Request/directive call to switch to broadcast control format. BROKE LOCK - Advisory call regarding loss of radar/IR lock-on. BRUISER - Friendly air launched anti-ship missile. BUDDY (LASE/GUIDE)** - (A/S) Request or informative communications to have guidance of a weapon from a source other than delivering aircraft. BUDDY LOCK - Radar locked to a known friendly aircraft. Normally a response to a SPIKED or BUDDY SPIKE calls. BUDDY SPIKE (position /heading/alt) - Friendly aircraft radar lock-on indication on radar warning receiver (RWR). BUGOUT (direction) - Separation from that particular engagement / attack / operation with no intent to reengage/return. BULLDOG - (S/S) Friendly surface/submarine launched anti-ship missile. BULLRING - (AIR-MAR) Maritime aircraft patrol zone. BULLSEYE - An established reference point from which the position of an object can be referenced by bearing (Magnetic) and range (NM) from this point. BUMP/BUMP-UP - (A/S) A climb to acquire line of sight (LOS) to the target or laser designation. BURN** - (A/S) Informative call that Gated Laser Illuminator (GLINT) is being used to provide illumination. Typically employed by AC-130 to illuminate surface points of interest. BUSTER - Directive call to fly at maximum continuous speed (military power). BUTTON - Radio channel setting. BUZZER** - Electronic communications jamming. (NOTE: same as NATO term, CHATTER)

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CANDYGRAM** - (EW) Informative call to aircraft that electronic warfare targeting information is available on a briefed secure net. CAP/CAPPING (location) - 1. Directive call to establish a combat air patrol (CAP) at a specified location. 2. Descriptive term for aircraft in a CAP. CAPTURED - (A/S) Aircrew has acquired and is able to track a specified surface target with an on-board sensor. CAV-OK - Cloud and Visibility Okay (pronounced kav-okay). ICAO term meaning no significant clouds below 5,000 feet, visibility at least six miles, no precipitation or storms. CEASE (activity) - Directive to discontinue stated activity; e.g. CEASE BUZZER, CEASE LASER, etc. CEASE ENGAGEMENT - (S/A) A fire control order used to direct air defense units to stop tactical action against a specified target. Guided missiles already in flight will continue to intercept. CEASE FIRE - (S/A) Discontinue firing/do not open fire. Missiles in flight are allowed to continue to intercept; continue to track. CHAMPAGNE - A picture label of three distinct GROUPs with two in front and one behind. *GROUP names should be NORTH LEAD GROUP and SOUTH LEAD GROUP or WEST LEAD GROUP and EAST LEAD GROUP and TRAIL GROUP.(MAJOR CHANGE-USN/USMC) CHANNEL** - Stacked net within a Link 16 Network. CHARLIE - 1.* (AIR-MAR) The expected landing time on the ship. 2. (AIR-MAR) Directive to land aircraft on ship. 3.* (time in minutes) (AIR-MAR) An advisory call modifying/delaying the briefed recovery time (e.g., CHARLIE TEN). CHATTERMARK - Directive call to begin using briefed radio procedures to counter communications jamming. CHEAPSHOT** - AIM-120 missile data link terminated between high and medium PRF active. CHECK (number, LEFT/RIGHT) - Turn (number) degrees left or right and maintain new heading. CHECK FIRING** - (S/S) Directive call to cease firing immediately.

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CHECKPRINT (track#)** - 1. Request by an Air Defense Commander for unit(s) to provide amplifying information on a specified track. - 2. Reply/informative to Air Defense Commander followed by positive track information using format specified in applicable OPTASK document. CHERUBS** - Height of a friendly aircraft in hundreds of feet AGL. (NOTE: NATO definition, when adopted, will not specify AGL or MSL) CHICKS - Friendly aircraft. CLAM - [NATO] (EW) Cease all or indicated electromagnetic and/or acoustic emissions in accordance with national instructions and exercise orders. Potential intelligence collector(s) in area (estimated duration of CLAM hours). CLEAN - 1. No sensor information on non-friendly group of interest. 2. No visible battle damage. 3. Aircraft not carrying external stores. CLEARED - Response to requested action is authorized. No engaged/support roles are assumed CLEARED HOT - Ordnance release is authorized. CLEARED TO ENGAGE** - (A/S) JTAC Type III control clearance. Attack aircraft flight leaders may initiate attacks within the parameters imposed by the JTAC. Attack platform will provide ATTACK COMPLETE call to JTAC, indicating completion of ordnance release. CLOAK - Directive/informative call to switch from normal/overt external lighting to covert night vision device (NVD) only compatible lighting. CLOSING** - Decreasing in separation. CLOWN - [NATO] (EW) Deception jammer. COLD 1. A descriptive/directive call to initiate a turn in the CAP away from the anticipated threats. 2. Defined area is not expected to receive fire (enemy or friendly). 3. Intercept geometry will result in a pass or roll out behind the target. COLOR (system/position)** - (EW) Request for information on a type (system) at stated location; implies a request for ambiguity resolution. May be used with datalink data message- COLOR, DATA. COMEBACK (direction) - Directive call to reverse course. COMEOFF (direction) - 1. (A/A) Directive call to maneuver as indicated to either regain mutual support or to deconflicts flight paths. Implies both VISUAL and TALLY. 2.*

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(A/S) Directive call to maneuver or execute a specific instruction (e.g., COMEOFF DRY). COMMIT - Directive call to intercept a GROUP of interest. COMPOSITION** - Request for number of contacts within a GROUP. CONFETTI - Chaff lane or corridor. CONS/CONNING - Descriptive term for nonfriendly aircraft leaving contrails. CONTACT - 1. Sensor contact at the stated position. 2. Acknowledges sighting of a specified reference point. 3.* Individual radar return within a GROUP or ARM. CONTAINER** - Inner GROUP formation with four CONTACTs oriented in a square or offset square. CONTINUE - Continue present maneuver, does not imply a change in clearance to engage or expend ordnance. CONTINUE DRY - Continue present maneuver, ordnance release not authorized. Training use only. COVER* - Directive/Informative call to assign S/A weapons or establish an A/A posture that will allow engagement of a specified track or threat if required. CRANK (direction) - F-Pole maneuver in the direction indicated; *implies illuminating target at/near radar GIMBAL limits. CROSSING** - Descriptive term for when two GROUPs initially separated in azimuth decrease azimuth separation to pass each other. CRUISE - [NATO] Informative or directive call to return to cruise speed (after BUSTER or GATE). CUTOFF - Requests for, or directive to, intercept using cutoff geometry. CYCLOPS - Any UAV. DANCE (column codeword/ designator) - [NATO] (EW) Shift all lines to COMPLAN (__). DANGER CLOSE** - (A/S, S/S) Informative call that friendly troops are within close proximity of the target (determined by the weapon/munition delivered/fired). NOTE: Specific DANGER CLOSE distances, assumptions, and procedures are contained in JFire guide.

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DASH (#) - Aircraft position within a flight. Use if specific callsign is unknown. DATA (object, position)** - Standby for data link message concerning object at stated location. DEADEYE - Informative call by a laser designator indicating the laser system is inoperative. DECLARE - Inquiry as to the identification of a specified track(s), target(s), or correlated GROUP. DEEP** - Descriptive term used to indicate separation between the nearest and farthest GROUPs in range in a relative formation of three or more groups, used to describe a LADDER, VIC, CHAMPAGNE, BOX. DEFENSIVE* - Aircraft is under attack, maneuvering defensively, and unable to ensure deconfliction or mutual support. DEFENDING (direction) - Aircraft is in a defensive position and maneuvering with reference to a surface-to-air threat. DELOUSE** - Directive call to detect, identify, and engage (if required) unknown aircraft trailing friendly aircraft. DELTA(__)(__) (AIR-MAR) - Hold and conserve fuel at altitude and position indicated during shipboard operations. DEPLOY - Directive call for the element to maneuver to briefed positioning. DETAILS** - Request for modified J-FIRE 9-Line Brief from Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JointSTARS). DIAMONDS (w/position)** - An IR event location DIRTY - Link is not encrypted. DIVERT - Proceed to alternate base/*mission. DOLLY - Link-4A/TADIL C. (system) DOWN (location/ direction) ** - (EW) Referenced emitter has stopped radiating at the stated location or along the stated bearing. (NOTE: DOWN - does not mean system destroyed)

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DRAG (cardinal direction) - Contact aspect stabilized at 0-60 degrees angle from tail or 120-180 degrees angle from nose. DROP(PING) - 1. Directive/informative call to stop monitoring a specified emitter/target and resume search responsibilities. 2. Informative call that fighter has discontinued tracking responsibility. 3. (TRACK___) Remove the emitter/target from tactical picture/track stores. 4.* (EW) Directive call to remove a specific system or EOB category from search responsibilities. DUCK - [NATO] Informative/directive call to descend and increase speed. DUFFER - (EW) DF equipped unit. ECHELON (subcardinal direction)* - Fill-in to a picture label describing GROUPs aligned behind and to the side of the closest GROUP. ECHO - Positive System M/Mode X (or comparable system) reply. EMPTY** - (EW) No emitters of interest detected. (NOTE: equivalent to NATO term, BLANK) ENGAGE - A fire control order used to direct or authorize units and/or weapon systems to fire on a designated target. ENGAGED* - Informative inter-flight call from a fighter maneuvering in the visual arena (NOTE: NATO definition is, Descriptive call indicating maneuvering with intent to kill) ESTIMATE - Estimate of the size, range, height, or other parameter of a specified contact; implies degradation. EXTEND(ING) (direction) - Short-term maneuver to gain energy, distance, or separation, normally with the intent of reengaging. EYEBALL - 1. Fighter with primary visual identification responsibility. 2. EO/IR acquisition of an aircraft. Normally followed by number of aircraft observed. FADED - Radar contact is lost on nonfriendly air/surface contact and any positional information given is estimated. FAKER - [NATO] A FRIENDLY track acting as a HOSTILE for exercise purposes. FAN __ TACK __ - [NATO] (EW) Left and right hand edges of jammed sector are___and___.

1st Virtual Fighter Wing


FAST* - Target speed is estimated to be 600 900 knots /Mach 1 1.5 (Note: NATO = 400 knots to 600 knots/Mach 1) FATHER - (AIR-MAR) Shipboard TACAN station. FEELER - [NATO] (EW) Shipborne fire control radar. FEET WET/DRY - Flying over water/land. FENCE (IN/OUT) - Set cockpit switches as appropriate before entering/exiting the combat area. FERRET - [NATO] (EW) Airborne electronic reconnaissance activity or aircraft. FLANK (direction) - CONTACT aspect stabilized at 120 to 150 degrees angle from tail or 30 to 60 degrees angle from nose. FLARE(S) - Directive to deploy flares. FLASH (system) - Temporarily activate specified system for identification purposes (IFF/afterburner/flare/chaff/etc.). FLASHLIGHT** - Directive term for helicopter to turn on IR floodlight (pointed at ground to aid visual acquisition by escort aircraft). FLAVOR - Visually identified nationality of a contact. FLOAT - Directive/informative call to expand the formation laterally within visual limits to maintain radar contact or prepare for a defensive response. FLOW (direction)** - Directive call to fly stated heading. FOX (number) - Simulated/actual launch of A/A weapons. ONE - Semiactive radarguided missile. TWO - IR-guided missile. THREE - Active radar-guided missile. 2nd FOX THREE** Simulated or actual launch of multiple active radar-guided missiles on the same target. FOX THREE (X) SHIP** Valid missile shot against (x) separate targets (assumes 1 missile per target). FOX MIKE - VHF/FM radio. FREEZE BURN** - Directive call to AC-130 to freeze the GLINT position in the present location. FRIENDLY - A positively identified friendly aircraft, *ship, or *ground position.

1st Virtual Fighter Wing


FUEL STATE (time)** - (AIR-MAR) A helicopter's fuel quantity, expressed in hours and minutes before having to make a controlled emergency landing. FURBALL* - Descriptive/informative call indicating known non-friendly aircraft and friendly aircraft are in close proximity to each other. Can be response to a DECLARE request. (NOTE: NATO equivalent term is MIX-UP. NATO definition of FURBALL is,: A turning fight involving multiple aircraft) GADABOUT (#) - [NATO] Informative call indicating the upper limit of height sanctuary for fighters in the MEZ. (GADABOUT 25 means the upper limit of the height sanctuary is 25,000 feet; Gadabout 16 to 24 means the height sanctuary is between 16,000 to 24,000 feet). GADGET - Radar or emitter equipment. GATE - Directive/informative call to fly as quickly as possible, using after-burner/max power. GENIE** - (EW) Emitter is employing electronic protection measures. GIMBAL - Radar target is approaching azimuth or elevation tracking limits. GINGERBREAD - Voice imitative deception is suspected on this net. GLOWWORM - [NATO] Flare dropping aircraft. GO ACTIVE - Go to briefed frequency agile net. GO CLEAR - Use unencrypted voice communications. GO SECURE - Activate encrypted voice communications. GOGGLE/DEGOGGLE** - Directive call to put on/take off NVDs. GOGGLES ON/OFF** - Informative call that NVDs are on/off. GOODWILL - Informative call indicating the boundary of an active friendly MEZ. GOPHER** - A BOGEY that has not conformed to safe passage routing, airspeed, or altitude procedures. Will only be used when safe passage or minimum risk routing procedures are part of an ID matrix. GORILLA - Large force of indeterminate numbers and formation. GRANDSLAM - All HOSTILE aircraft of a designated track (or against which a mission was tasked) are shot down.

1st Virtual Fighter Wing


GREEN (direction) - Direction determined to be clearest of enemy air-to-air activity. GREYHOUND** - Friendly ground attack cruise missile (e.g., TLAM). GRIDIRON - [NATO] (EW) Jamming signal appears on my PPI scope or jamming signal prevents determination of range and bearing_____% of time. GROUP* - Any number of air contacts within 3 NM in azimuth and range of each other. (NOTE: NATO definition includes an altitude discrimination of within 20,000 feet) GUNS - Reference to A/A or A/S gun engagement. HANDSHAKE** - Link 16 Air Control NPG initiation between air control unit and controlled aircraft. HARD (direction) - High-G, energy sustaining 180-degree turn (or as directed) in the indicated direction. HEADBUTT** - Directive term to fighters /interceptors to immediately divert a track of interest clear of a restricted or prohibited area. HEADS UP - Alert of an activity of interest. HEAVY* - A GROUP known to contain three or more individual entities. (NOTE: NATO definition: The largest GROUP of factor BOGEYS/ BANDITS) HIGH* - CONTACT is greater than 40,000 ft MSL. (NOTE: NATO is 25,000 to 50,000 ft MSL) HIT(S) - 1. Momentary radar return(s). 2. (altitude) (A/A) Indicates approximate target altitude (e.g., GROUP BULLSEYE 360/10, HITS 15 THOUSAND). 3. (A/S) Weapons impact within lethal distance. HOLD DOWN - Directive to key transmitter for DF steer. HOLD FIRE - (S/A) An emergency fire control order to stop firing on a designated target, to include destruction of any missiles inflight. HOLDING HANDS - Aircraft in visual formation. HOLLOW** - Any data link message not received. HOME PLATE - Home airfield or ship.

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HOOK - 1. (direction) Directive call to perform an in-place 180- degree turn. 2. (descriptor)** Datalink directive call to cue sensors to described A/S point (point of interest, SAM, markpoint, TN, etc.) HOSTILE* - A contact identified as enemy upon which clearance to fire is authorized in accordance with theater rules of engagement. NOTE: the above use of hostile is used as a brevity term for air-to-air, and air-to-surface engagements and should not be confused with the same term in TADIL and ROE. NOTE: NATO HOSTILE brevity term does not necessarily constitute authorization to fire. Theater Commander should specify in ATO SPINS the exact definition of HOSTILE brevity term for combined operations. HOT - 1. A descriptive/directive call to initiate a turn in the CAP toward the anticipated threats. 2. *Defined area is expected to receive fire (enemy or friendly). 3. (A/S) Ordnance employment intended or completed. 4. CONTACT aspect stabilized at 160-180 degrees angle from tail or 0 20 degrees angle from nose. 5. Intercept geometry will result in passing in front of the target. HOTDOG (color)** - Informative/directive call that a friendly aircraft is approaching or is at a specified standoff distance from the sovereign airspace of a nation (as defined by national boundaries or territorial sea and airspace). (Color may indicate additional standoff distance.) Follow briefed procedures. HOTEL FOX - HF radio. HOUNDOG - [NATO] (A/A) Call made by free fighter indicating that he is in a position to employ weapons. HUFFDUFF - [NATO] (EW) HFDF equipment or unit fitted with HFDF equipment. HUSKY - Informative call that the AIM-120 is at HPRF active range. ID - 1. Directive call to identify the target. 2. Informative call that identification is accomplished, followed by type. IDLE** Joint STARS call indicating surface vehicles are stationary. IN (direction) - 1. Informative call indicating a turn toward a known threat. Opposite of OUT. 2.* (A/S) Entering terminal phase of an air-to-ground attack. Opposite of OFF. IN PLACE (direction)** - Perform indicated maneuver simultaneously. INDIA - Mode IV. INTERROGATE - Interrogate the designated contact of the IFF mode indicated. INTRUDER - An individual, unit or weapon system in or near an operational or exercise area, which represents the threat

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of intelligence gathering or disruptive activity. JACKAL - Surveillance network participating group (NPG) of Link 16/TADIL J. JINK - Directive call to perform an unpredictable maneuver to negate a tracking solution. JOKER - Fuel state above BINGO at which separation/bugout/event termination should begin. JUDY - (A/A) Aircrew has radar or visual contact on the correct target, has taken control of the intercept and only requires situation awareness information; Controller will minimize radio transmissions. KILL - 1.* Directive call to fire on designated target. (NOTE: NATO term is ENGAGE) 2. (A/A) In training, an informative call by a fighter to indicate kill criteria has been fulfilled. KNOCK IT OFF - In training, a directive call to cease all air combat maneuvers/attacks/ activities/exercises. KOBOLD - [NATO] Informative call indicating that a specific friendly MEZ is not active. (Opposite of OILFIELD). LADDER - Picture label with three or more groups on the same azimuth but separated by range. *Group names should be LEAD GROUP, MIDDLE GROUP, TRAIL GROUP LAME DUCK - An aircraft in a minor state of emergency. LASER ON - Directive/informative call to start/acknowledge laser designation. LASING** - Informative call indicating that the speaker is firing the laser. LAST** - Command and control (C2) term that provides the last contact altitude from a high fidelity source (fighter radar, etc.). LEAD-TRAIL* - Inner GROUP formation of two contacts separated in range. LEAKER(S) - Airborne threat has passed through a defensive layer. Call should include amplifying information. LEAN (direction)** - Directive/informative call to maneuver in a direction to avoid the threat. (NOTE: equivalent NATO term is KICK) LEVEL - (A/A) Inter-flight informative call that contact is co-altitude. LIGHTS ON/OFF - Directive to turn on/off all exterior lights.

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LIGHTBULB** - Directive call for flight to turn all position lights to bright. LINE ABREAST - Inner GROUP formation of two or more contacts separated in azimuth. LINER - [NATO] Fly at speed giving maximum cruising range. LOCKED - 1. (w/GROUP label) Radar lock-on; SORT is not assumed. 2. (w/position) Radar lock-on; correct targeting is not assumed. LONG RIFLE** - (A/S) Friendly, long range A/S missile launch (e.g. AGM- 130, SLAM- ER). See (weapon) AWAY. LOOKING - Aircrew does not have the ground object, reference point, or target in sight (opposite of CONTACT). LOW* - Contact altitude below 10,000 ft MSL. (NOTE: NATO = 500 to 5,000 feet AGL) LOWDOWN** - A request to provide tactical ground information pertinent to the mission in a digital bullseye format. Download the brevity codes shown below HERE MADDOG - Visual AIM-120 / AIM-54 launch. MAGNUM (system/location) - (A/S) Launch of friendly antiradiation missile. MANEUVER (AZIMUTH/RANGE/ ALTITUDE)** - Informative call that specified GROUP is maneuvering in azimuth, range, and/or altitude. MAPPING - (A/S) Multifunction radar in an A/G mode. MARK** - 1. Used when aircraft passes over pickup zone/landing zone (PZ/LZ) team. 2. Directive term to record the location of a ground point of interest. 3. (S/S) Spotting round (normally white phosphorus [WP] or illumination on the deck to indicate targets to aircraft, ground troops, or fire support. MARKING** - Informative call indicating friendly aircraft is leaving contrails. (NOTE: NATO term is CONNING) MARKPOINT** - Datalink non-designated geographic point of interest. MARSHAL(ING) - Establish(ed) at a specific point. MEDIUM* - Contact altitude between 10,000 ft MSL and 40,000 ft MSL. (NOTE: NATO: 5,000 AGL to 25,000 MSL)

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MERGE(D) - 1. Information that friendlies and targets have arrived in the same visual arena. 2. Informative call indicating radar returns have come together. MICKEY HAVE QUICK - Time-of-day (TOD) signal. MIDNIGHT - Informative call advising that C2 radar functions are unavailable due to degradation. Advisory information is still available. Opposite of SUNRISE. MIKEDUFF - [NATO] (EW) MFDF equipment or unit fitted with MFDF equipment. MILLER TIME** - (A/S) Informative call indicating completion of air-to-ground ordnance delivery. Generally used by the last striker in conjunction with a precoordinated egress plan. MONITOR(ING) - 1. Maintain(ing) sensor awareness on specified GROUP. 2.* (AIRMAR) Directive call to an aircraft to maintain contact/targeting information on a maritime surface contact. MOTHER - (AIR-MAR) Parent ship. MOVE BURN (bearing)** - (A/S) Directive call to AC-130 to move GLINT in specified direction. NOTE: Do not use LEFT/RIGHT for moving a BURN. MOVER(S)** - Unidentified surface vehicles(s) in motion. MUD (type w/direction/range if able) - Informative call Indicating RWR ground threat displayed with no launch indication. MUSIC - Radar electronic deceptive jamming. NAILS (direction) - 1. RWR indication of AI radar in search. (NOTE: NATO term is SPOTTED). 2.* (A/S) 2.75-inch flechette rockets. NAKED - No RWR indications. NEAR-FAR** - Fighter term depicting a radar-apparent description of two or more contacts within a GROUP separated in range. NEGATIVE CONTACT** - Sensor information on a friendly aircraft is lost. Termination of CONTACT, track plotting is not warranted. NEGATIVE LASER** - (A/S) Aircraft has not acquired Laser energy. NEW PICTURE - Used by controller or aircrew when tactical picture has changed. Supersedes all previous calls and re-establishes picture for all players.

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NO FACTOR - Not a threat. NO JOY - Aircrew does not have visual contact with the target/bandit/landmark. Opposite of TALLY. NOTCH(ING) (direction) - Directive/informative call that an aircraft is in a defensive position and maneuvering with reference to an air-to-air threat. OCCUPIED** - Ground equipment present at tasked target location. Opposite of VACANT. OFF (direction) - Informative call indicating attack is terminated and maneuvering to the indicated direction. OFFSET (direction) - Directive/informative call indicating maneuver in a specified direction with reference to the target. OILFIELD - [NATO] Activated friendly MEZ (Opposite of KOBOLD) (system) OKAY System indicated is fully operative (cancels BENT). ON STATION - Informative call that unit/aircraft has reached assigned station. OPENING - Increasing in separation. ORBIT(ING) - Directive(descriptive) call to hold on current or indicated position. OUT (direction) - Informative call indicating a turn to a cold aspect relative to a known threat. OUTLAW** - Informative call that a BOGEY has met point of origin criteria for ROE. PACKAGE - Geographically isolated collection of GROUPs. PACMAN - [NATO] Informative call that the fighters have found the end of the threat formation and are converting; given in range and bearing from the BULLSEYE (e.g. BLUE 4 is PACMAN 290/5). PADLOCKED - Informative call indicating aircrew cannot take eyes off an aircraft, ground target, or surface position without risk of losing TALLY/VISUAL. PAINT(S) - An interrogated group/radar contact that is responding with any of the specified IFF/SIF modes and correct codes established for the ID criteria. PANCAKE - [NATO] Land or I wish to land (reason may be specified, e.g. PANCAKE AMMO, PANCAKE FUEL).

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PARROT - IFF/SIF transponder. PASSING** - Descriptive term for when two GROUPs initially separated in range, decrease range separation and pass each other. PEDRO - [NATO] Rescue helicopter. PICTURE - A request to provide air information pertinent to the mission in a digital bullseye format. PIG(S)** - (A/S) Friendly glide weapon(s) (e.g. JSOW). See (weapon) AWAY. PIGEONS - Magnetic bearing and range to HOMEPLATE. PINCE - Threat maneuvering for a bracket attack. PINNACLE - [NATO] (EW) An emission believed to originate from a platform assumed to be FRIENDLY. PITBULL - 1. Informative call that the AIM-120 is at MPRF active range. 2. Informative call that the AIM-54 is at active range. PITCH/ PITCHBACKLEFT/RIGHT - Directive call for fighter or flight to execute a nose-high heading reversal. PLAYMATE - Cooperating aircraft. PLAYTIME - Amount of time aircraft can remain on station, given in hours plus minutes (e.g. ONE PLUS THIRTY equals one hour and thirty minutes). (freq) POGO (freq) - Switch to communication channel number preceding POGO. If unable to establish communications, switch to channel number following POGO. If no channel number follows POGO, return to this channel. POINT** - Datalink sensor point/track of interest. POLAR BEAR (direction) - [NATO] Friendly aircraft has VISUAL/contact on the FRIENDLY PACKAGE and is joining. POP - 1. (A/S) Starting climb for A/S attack. - 2. Max performance climb out of lowaltitude structure. POPCORN** - CSAR aircraft departing the landing zone (LZ). Usually followed by number of recovered personnel, (e.g. "STING 1, POPCORN PLUS 2") POPEYE - Flying in clouds or area of reduced visibility.

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POP-UP - 1. (A/A) Informative call of a GROUP that has suddenly appeared inside of briefed range. 2. (S/A)* Criteria used as a self-defense method, within the ROE, to protect friendly air defense elements from HOSTILE aircraft. POSIT - Request for friendly position; response in terms of a geographic landmark or from a common reference point. POST HOLE - Rapid descending spiral. PRESS - Directive call that a requested action is approved and mutual support will be maintained. PRINT (type) - Active NCTR reply. PULSE** - Informative/Directive call used to illuminate an enemy position with flashing IR energy. PUMP - A briefed maneuver to minimize closure on the threat or geographical boundary with the intent to re-engage. Used to initiate a Grinder tactic. PURE - Informative call indicating pure pursuit is being used or directive to go pure pursuit. PUSH (channel) - Directive to switch to designated frequency; no acknowledgment required. PUSHING - Departing designated point. QUAIL** - Enemy air-/surface-launched cruise missile. RACKET - (EW) Intercepted electronic emission that has been assigned to a number of the trackblock. RANGE** - A picture label describing two GROUPs separated in distance along the same line of bearing. Groups names will be LEAD GROUP / TRAIL GROUP. RAYGUN (position/heading/ altitude) - Indicating a radar lock-on to unknown aircraft. A request for a BUDDY SPIKE reply from friendly aircraft meeting these parameters. RED LIGHT** - Time when search and rescue (SAR) aircraft is no longer SAR capable. REFERENCE (direction) - Directive to assume stated heading. RENO - [NATO] (A/A) Indicates that more than one radar contact is observed and the pilot is able to distinguish his

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assigned target. RENT - (EW) Report of characteristics of an intercepted signal. REPEAT** - 1. (S/S) Directive call (during adjustment) to fire again using the same firing data. 2. (S/S) Directive call (during fire for effect) to fire the same number of rounds using the same method of fire for effect. REPORTED (information)** - Information provided is derived from an off-board source. RESET - Proceed to a pre-briefed position or area of operations. RESTAKE** - Request for Joint STARS to drive a new STAKE at the target centroid reported with direction of travel and elevation. Initiated by aircrew. RESUME - Resume last formation/route/mission ordered. RETROGRADE - Directive/informative call to withdraw in response to a threat, continue mission as able, may RESET/RESUME if threat is negated. RIFLE - (A/S) Friendly air-to-surface missile launch. RIPPLE - (A/S) Two or more munitions released or fired in close succession. ROGER - Indicates the receipt of radio transmission; does not indicate compliance or reaction. ROLEX (+/- time) - Time line adjustment in minutes always referenced from original preplanned mission execution time. PLUS means later; MINUS means earlier. ROPE - Circling an IR pointer around an aircraft to help the aircraft identify the friendly ground position. ROTATOR** - Joint STARS MTI returns that signifies a high probability of a rotating antenna. RUMBA - 1. *Radar has detected jamming/mutual interference but has not resolved the type. 2. [NATO] Own ship maneuvering for ranging. SADDLED - Informative call from wingman or element indicating the return to briefed formation position. SAM (direction) - Visual acquisition of a SAM in flight or a SAM launch, should include position.

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SAME - Informative reply indicating that the aircrew has the identical information as was just stated. SANDWICHED - Aircraft or element is between opposing aircraft or elements. SAUNTER - Fly at best endurance. SCAN - [NATO] Search sector indicated and report any contacts. SCHLEM** - (A/A) Training term for simulated high off boresight IR missile launch. Not assessable for simulated kill/kill removal. SCRAM (direction) - 1. Directive/informative call to egress for defensive or survival reasons; no further HVAA mission support is expected. 2. [NATO] Directive call to cease the intercept and take immediate evasive action. Implies that the target aircraft is being engaged by SAMs or other air defense fighters. SCRAMBLE - Takeoff as quickly as possible. SCRUB** - Joint STARS Moving Target Indicator (MTI) return that signifies a low slow airborne target SCUD - Any threat theater ballistic missile (TBM). SEARCHER - (EW) Unit having intercept equipment without DF capability. All references to DUFFERs are applicable to searchers within their capabilities. SEPARATE(ING) - Leaving a specific engagement; may or may not reenter. SEPARATION** - Request for separation between two GROUPS. Response will include the follow-on GROUP's separation, altitude, and fill-ins. SET ___ - A command to set (or have set) a particular speed. May be in knots/indicated or in Mach. SHACKLE - One weave, a single crossing of flight paths; maneuver to adjust or regain formation parameters. SHADOW - Follow indicated target. SHIFT (direction) - Directive call to shift laser/IR/radar/device energy. SHOOTER - Aircraft/unit designated to employ ordnance. SHOPPING** - An aircraft request to Joint STARS for a target.

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SHOT** - (S/S) Informative call indicating round(s) has(ve) been fired. SHOTGUN - 1. Pre-briefed weapons state. 2. [NATO] Pre-briefed weapons state at which separation/bugout should begin. (system) SICK** System indicated is degraded/partially operative. (NOTE: NATO term is SOUR) SIDE-SIDE** - Fighter term depicting a radar-apparent description of two or more CONTACTs within a GROUP separated in azimuth. (system) SILENT - 1. (time) System will be unavailable for time indicated. 2. *Directive/informative call to indicate datalink is, or should be placed, in receive only. 3. [NATO] (EW) Broadcast station is not transmitting. May also be used as an order and must be followed by a frequency or station designator. If possible it should be followed by an estimated time of return to the air. SINGER (type/direction) - Informative call of RWR indication of SAM launch. SINGLE - Descriptive call indicating one GROUP, CONTACT, etc. SKATE - (A/A) Informative or directive call to execute launch-andleave tactics. SKINNY** - Current survivor coordinates. SKIP IT - Veto of fighter COMMIT, usually followed with further directions. SKOSH - (A/A) Aircraft is out of/or unable to employ active radar missiles. SKUNK - A maritime surface contact that has not yet been identified. SLAPSHOT (type/bearing) - Directive call for an aircraft to immediately employ a best available HARM against a specified threat at the specified bearing. SLICE/ SLICEBACK (LEFT/RIGHT) - Directive calls to perform a high-G descending turn in the stated direction, usually 180-degree turn. SLIDE** - Directive/informative call to/from HVAA to continue present mission while flowing from station in response to perceived threat, implies intent to RESET. SLIP(PING) - (A/S) Directive (or informative) call indicating the attacker will attack the target at the alternate TOT. SLOW* - Contact with ground speed of less than 200 knots. (NOTE: NATO = 200 to 400 knots) SMASH (ON/OFF) - Directive call to turn on/off anti-collision lights.

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SMOKE - (A/S) Smoke marker used to mark a position. SNAKE - (A/S) Directive call to oscillate an IR pointer about a target. SNAP - 1.* Fighter request for immediate BRAA call (with appropriate fill-ins) to the group described. Indicates fighter intent to intercept/join. 2. (heading) Urgent directive call to turn to a heading. SNAPLOCK (BRAA)** - Informative call indicating fighter has obtained a radar contact inside briefed range, aspect, or radar mode. SNEAKER - [NATO] (EW) An intelligence-gathering vessel. SNIFF (type) - (EW) Passive sensor indication of a radar emitter. SNIPER - (type, location [range, bearing]) Directive call for an aircraft to employ a range-known HARM against a specified threat at the specified location. SNOOPER - [NATO] An aircraft employed in the detection and reporting of opposing forces while avoiding detection by those forces. SNOOZE - Directive or informative call indicating initiation of EMCON procedures. Opposite of ALARM. SORT - Directive call to assign responsibility within a GROUP; criteria can be met visually, electronically (radar), or both. SORTED - Sort responsibility within a GROUP has been met. SOUR - (Opposite of SWEET). 1. (mode/type) Invalid/no response to an administrative IFF/SIF check. 2. (link name)* (e.g. " TIMBER SOUR ") Indicates there are potential problems with net entry and initiates permission link troubleshooting. 3. [NATO] Equipment indicated is not operating efficiently SPADES An interrogated group/radar contact that lacks all of the ATO (or equivalent) IFF/SIF modes and codes required for the ID criteria. SPARKLE - 1. (A/S) Target marking by IR pointer. 2. (A/S) Target marking by gunship/ FAC-A using incendiary rounds. SPIKE(D) (direction) RWR indication of an AI threat in track or launch. SPIN - Directive or informative call to execute a timing/spacing maneuver. SPITTER (direction) - An aircraft that has departed from the engagement or is departing the engaged fighters

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targeting responsibility. SPLASH(ED) - 1. (A/A) Target destroyed. 2. (A/S) Weapons impact. 3.* (S/S) Informative call to observer or spotter five seconds prior to estimated time of impact. SPLIT - Informative/directive call that flight member is leaving formation to pursue a separate attack; VISUAL may not be maintained. SPOOFER - (EW) An entity employing electronic or tactical deception measures. SPOOFING - Informative call that voice deception is being employed. SPOT - (A/S) Acquisition of laser designation. SQUAWK (mode/code) - Operate IFF/SIF as indicated or IFF/SIF is operating as indicated. SQUAWKING (mode #) - An informative/descriptive call denoting a BOGEY is responding with an IFF/SIF mode or code other than that prescribed by the ATO/identification criteria. STACK - Two or more CONTACTs within GROUP criteria with an altitude separation in relation to each other. STAKE** - Joint STARS reference point for A/S targeting operations. STARE (w/ laser code and reference point)** - Directive call to cue the laser spot search/tracker function on the specified laser code in relation to the specified reference point. Reference point may include the following: INS steerpoint, GEOREF, bearing and range or datalink point. STATUS - 1. Request for an individuals tactical situation. 2. (GROUP) Request for a full positional update in digital bullseye format on the specified group. STEADY (A/S) Directive call to stop oscillation of IR pointer. STERN Requests for, or directive to, intercept using STERN geometry. STINGER - 1. (A/A) Three-ship inner GROUP formation with two lead CONTACTs line abreast and the SINGLE in trail. 2.* (S/A) An IR man portable air defense system (MANPADS). STOP - 1. (A/S) Stop IR illumination of a target. 2.* (BURN) (A/S) Directive call to AC130 to stop GLINT. 3. (abort code) [NATO] (A/S) JTAC directs aircrew to abort the attack. This is a mandatory instruction. STRANGER - Unidentified traffic that is not a participant with the action in progress.

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STRANGLE ( ) - Turn off equipment indicated. STRIPPED - Informative call that aircraft is out of prebriefed formation. STROBE(S) (bearing) - Radar indication(s) of noise jamming. SUNRISE - Informative call that C2 radar functions are available. Opposite of MIDNIGHT. SUNSHINE** - (A/S) Directive or informative call indicating illumination of target is being conducted with artificial illumination. SWEET (Opposite of SOUR.) - 1. (mode/type)* Valid response to an administrative IFF/SIF check request. 2. (link name)*. (e.g. TIMBER SWEET) Confirms receipt of datalink information. 3. [NATO] Equipment indicated is operating efficiently SWITCHED - Indicates an attacker is changing from one aircraft to another. TACTICAL - (A/A) Request/directive to switch to tactical control. TAG (system, location)** - (EW) Response to an emitter ambiguity resolution request (COLOR). TALLY - Sighting of a target, non-friendly aircraft, landmark, or enemy position. Opposite of NO JOY. TARGET ( ) - Directive call assigning targeting responsibilities. TARGETED - Informative call that GROUP responsibility has been met. TEN SECONDS - (A/S) Directive to terminal controller to standby for LASER ON call in approximately 10 seconds. TERMINATE - 1. (A/S) Stop laser illumination of a target. 2. In training, cease local engagement without affecting the overall exercise. THREAT (direction) - Untargeted HOSTILE/BANDIT/ BOGEY is within a briefed range of a friendly aircraft. THROTTLES - Reminder to set throttles appropriately considering the IR threat and desired energy state. THUNDER** - (A/S) Informative call one minute prior to A/S weapons impact. TIED - Positive radar contact with element or aircraft.

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TIGER - Enough fuel and ordnance to accept a commitment. TIMBER - The Link 16 network TIMECHECK - Informative call to check/change IFF code. TOGGLE** - Execute a briefed change of an avionics setting. TOY** - HARM targeting system (HTS) pod. TRACK (direction) - GROUP/CONTACT's direction of flight/movement. TRACK NUMBER (#)** - Datalink information file. (system) TRACKING** Enemy air defense system is maintaining situational awareness on friendly. TRAVEL - [NATO] (EW) Change radar frequency. TRASHED - Informative call that missile has been defeated. TRESPASS (system, position) - The addressed flight is entering the threat SAM ring of a specific (system) at the stated location. TROUT - [NATO] (EW) Take a DF bearing on transmission indicated. TUMBLEWEED - Indicates limited situational awareness, (i.e., NO JOY, BLIND) and is a request for information. UNABLE - Cannot comply as requested or directed. UNIFORM - UHF/AM radio. VACANT** - Ground equipment not present at tasked target location. Opposite of OCCUPIED. VAMPIRE - Hostile anti-ship missile. VECTOR - Alter heading to magnetic heading indicated. (Use of true headings to be established before operation commences). VERY FAST** - Target speed greater than 900 knots / 1.5 Mach VIC Picture label with three groups with the single closest in range and two groups, azimuth split, in trail. *Group names should be LEAD GROUP and NORTH TRAIL GROUP and SOUTH TRAIL GROUP or EAST TRAIL GROUP and WEST TRAIL GROUP. VICTOR - VHF/AM radio.

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VISUAL - Sighting of a friendly aircraft or ground position. Opposite of BLIND. WALL - Picture label with three or more groups primarily split in azimuth. *Group names should be NORTH GROUP, MIDDLE GROUP, SOUTH GROUP or WEST GROUP, MIDDLE GROUP, EAST GROUP. WARNING (color) - Hostile attack is: (RED) Imminent or in progress. (YELLOW) Probable. (WHITE) Improbable (all clear). WEAPONS ( ) - (S/A) Fire only: 1. (FREE) - at targets not identified as FRIENDLY IAW current ROE. 2. (TIGHT) at targets positively identified as HOSTILE IAW current ROE. 3. (HOLD/SAFE) - in self-defense or in response to a formal order. WEDGE** - Three-ship inner GROUP formation with a single CONTACT closest in range and two trail CONTACTs line abreast. WEEDS - Indicates that aircraft are operating close to the surface. WEIGHTED (cardinal direction)** - Descriptive term used for a multiple GROUP formation (WALL, LADDER, VIC, CHAMPAGNE) that is offset in one direction. WHAT LUCK - Request for results of missions or tasks. WHAT STATE - Request for amount of fuel and missiles remaining. Response to WHAT STATE is - 1. (US response)* (1st number) number of active radar missiles remaining. (2nd number) number of semi-active radar missiles remaining. (3rd number) number of IR missiles remaining. BY (4th number) thousands of pounds of fuel (given to one decimal point), or time remaining. Example response to WHAT STATE: BLUE TWO IS 3-1-2 BY 7 POINT 5 is equivalent to 3 AIM-120s, 1 AIM-7, 2 AIM-9s and 7,500 lbs of fuel remaining. 2. (item) Ammunition and oxygen are reported only when specifically requested or critical. 3. [NATO response] WEAPONS___-___(-___) I have ___semi-active plus___ IR missiles. Remaining and gun ammunition is (PLUS, MINUS, ZERO). (PLUS) - Gun(s) fitted and sufficient ammunition for a gun attack. (MINUS) Gun(s) fitted but not sufficient ammunition for a gun attack. (ZERO) -No gun(s) fitted. A fourth character can be given to indicate the number of front hemisphere capable missiles available (e.g. an aircraft with a serviceable radar, loaded with 2 Sparrows, 2 Phoenix, 2 Sidewinder AIM-9L, and fully loaded gun would report its state as WEAPONS 4-2PLUS-6). WIDE** - Descriptive term used to indicate the separation between the farthest GROUPs in azimuth in a relative formation of three or more groups, used to describe a WALL, VIC, CHAMPAGNE, or BOX. WILCO - Will comply with received instructions.

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WINCHESTER - No ordnance remaining. WOOFER - [NATO] (EW) Off board active radar decoy. WORDS - Directive or interrogative call regarding further information or directives pertinent to the mission. WORKING - 1. (system w/location) Platform gathering EOB on a designated emitter. 2. Platform executing EID on a specific aircraft/group to obtain identification necessary for BVR employment. YARDSTICK - Directive to use A/A TACAN for ranging. ZAP** - Request for data link information. ZIPLIP - Directive call to minimize radio transmissions.

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