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University Examinations 2023/2024.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology & DATA SCIENCE.


Date: NOV 2023 ASSIGNMENT DATE DUE: 16th NOV 2023.

Instructions: Attempt question ALL questions. HAND WRITTEN.

1. Describe the concept of a web service and the main components of web services. Discuss
the structure of modern web services. [6 Marks]
2. Describe the term distributed system and discuss the main issues which need to be
addressed when developing these systems. Describe any THREE desirable features of
these systems which middleware need to support.
[10 Marks]

3. Describe the Amazon Web Services (AWS), their architecture and components. [8

4. Explain the terms grid and fog computing and their relevance in cloud computing.

[4 Marks]

5. Explain the term parallelism and distinguish between fine grained and course grained
parallelism. [4 Marks]

6. Describe the following levels of parallelism

i. Bit parallelism
ii. Instruction level parallelism
iii. Data Parallelism
iv. Task parallelism [6 Marks]

7. With the aid of a suitable diagram, describe the main components of the Windows Azure
platform as a service cloud [5 Marks]

8. Briefly describe the concepts and features of the following open source cloud software
i. Eucalyptus
ii. Open Nebula
iii. Nimbus [6 Marks]

9. Describe the concept of virtualization and how it contributes to enabling cloud service
delivery. Discuss and three services which can be effectively virtualized. [6 Marks]

10. Describe the following categories of data processing cloud service categories
i. Data mining
ii. Information retrieval
iii. Indexing
iv. Image processing
v. Video transcoding [5 Marks]

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