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Titi Amaral
Bairo Pite Lavandaria, Dili - Timor
Mobile: 670 7245634

To Whom It My Concern
Australian Government
Dili East Timor

Re: Administration OIIicer

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to apply Ior the position oI Administration OIIicer with Australia
Government AusAID Dili, Timor Leste. AUSAID has an excellent reputation and I am
impressed with the organization`s proIessional outputs in Administration OIIicer.

ThereIore, I am eager to contribute my knowledge and loyalty to take part in your
organization. I most recently worked as Youth Civic Education Project OIIicer at Timor
Aid. The responsibilities oI this role included: Writing monthly report, Assist project
Manager to do annual report, and Iinancial report to donor, project designs, budget
planning, and needs assessment Ior the Youth groups, monitoring and evaluation oI the
project. I work with more than two hundred oI Youth participants in seven districts in
East Timor to Iacilitate those Youth training such as topics: Management, Leadership,
Negotiation, Book keeping, Advocacy, Demarcation, Human Right, ConIlict
Management, Group Facilitation, Media, Ethic, Gender, ConIlict Resolution,
Constitution, and Theatre. I have many experiences with the current organization in
administration and communication skills related with job announcement.

I possess very good computer skill and good English both oral and writing, honesty,
integrity, responsibility, and ability working in a team. It would be very important Ior me
to learn something new in your environment, and my expectation that all the experiences
mentioned above would be a matter oI consideration Ior the next selection process.
I enclose my curriculum vitae and other relevant document to testiIy the statement.
I am happy to be considered to work with you in this position, and I look Iorward to
hearing Irom you.

Dili, 6 August 2008

Yours sincerely,

Titi Amaral

Nationality: East Timor, address: Bairo Pite Dili
Mobile: 670 7245634,


O Four years experience in National NGO (Timor Aid) Ior Youth Civic Education
Project Finance OIIicer.
O One year Ior Advocacy Literacy project as an inIormation OIIicer.
O Flexibility work between local NGO`s, International agencies and company
relevant with proIessional skills.
O Computer skills: MS Word, Excel, Data Base, Power Point, Publisher and Internet
O Able to work easily in variety oI cultures, countries, conditions, and languages.
O Good communication skills both written and spoken in English, Indonesia, Tetum
and little Portuguese.
O Administrative Skills: Administration, Iinancial report, project report, and time
management skills were highly developed during internship training at ETDA and
Timor Aid OIIice Dili.


Institution: (Date from - Date to) Degree(s)or Diploma(s) obtained:
Taylor Embassy CES, Melbourne Australia
June 2010 February 2011
Completed an Intensive English Course, with
an advanced level oI CertiIicate

Universiedade da PAZ, Dili, Timor-Leste
2004 ongoing
Semester, majoring in International
SMA K, Baucau, Timor-Leste
- Completed
SMP K Baucau, Timor-Leste
- completed
SDNK Baucau, Timor-Leste
- completed
CertiIicate (primary education)


Current 1ob
Organization : Timor Aid Dili
Posisition : Timor Aid Exteranl Relation oIIicer
Date : 3 January 2011 ongoing
Main duties :

Specific tasks

O Liaise with journalists and prepare regular press releases to promote Timor Aid`s
achievements and advertisements as required Ior goods, services and vacancies.
O Manage the content oI Timor Aid`s website including regular updates on projects.
O Prepare a monthly newsletter on Timor Aid`s projects and achievements Ior
stakeholders in Dili and the districts.
O Prepare Timor Aid marketing materials such as an annual brochure in Tetun and
English and project brochures as required.
O Work with project managers to organise promotional events such as project
launches, a tais exhibition and the Istoria Timor competition.
O Liaise with visitors to Timor Aid`s oIIice and with potential volunteers including
providing written brieIings and Iacilitating meetings. Work alongside Timor Aid
project managers and the Iinance department to prepare the Annual Report.
O Manage and keep up-to-date the Timor Aid stakeholder database and photo
O Respond to stakeholder requests via the inIotimoraid email address and work
alongside Timor Aid project managers to gather inIormation as required.

General tasks

O Attend required staII training and the monthly project meeting.
O Be responsible Ior the Timor Aid assets under your control.
O Maintain complete, up-to-date and orderly records oI project, correspondence,
and documents.
O Maintain good cooperation with your supervisor, project staII, beneIiciaries, and
project partner organizations.
O Other reasonable tasks as required by Timor Aid Management.

Current 1ob
Organization: Timor Aid Dili
Position: Youth Civic Education Project oIIicer/Member oI Management Committee
Date: 2004 to present

Main duties:
4 Travel to districts Ior monitoring and evaluation project sites in the
4 Conducting needs assessments Ior the Youth groups
4 Preparation oI project sites in the districts
4 Conducting project implementation in the project sites
4 Provide brieIing to Youth participants in the districts
4 To organize and Iacilitate Iorum workshop, model trial process with
Youth and decision maker
4 To Organize and Iacilitate training Ior Youth
4 Preparation Ior Youth participants to attend overseas internship
4 Recruitment and contracting oI trainers and staII

4 Cash requisition and Cash reconciliation
4 Produce training manual
4 Filling system and bookkeeping
4 Assist Project Manager to prepare narrative and Iinancial report to donor
4 Project proposal design, proposal writing, budget planning and budget
4 Attend weekly management committee meeting
4 Attend monthly project meetings
4 Fundraising meetings and organization Iundraising
4 Conducting meeting with donors and government.
4 Conducting meeting with NGO`s partners
4 Conducting districts coordination meeting with District manager, project
manager and logistic manager.
4 Inventory oIIice supplies.
4 Inventory project`s equipments and materials.

Previous 1ob
Organization: Timor Aid
Position: InIormation OIIicer
Date: 2003 - 2004
Main duties:
4 Collect inIormation Ior all Timor Aid Project
4 Trip to districts to collect inIormation Irom Timor Aid districts staII
4 Conducted net working with media
4 Did interview with Projects` participants
4 Conducted report to Project Adviser
4 Attend project staII meeting
4 Organize Iilling system
4 Produce poster, laminating, scan, cutter, brochure, calendar certiIicate, and
4 Conducted Iinancial report
4 Writing projects` article and published
4 Project documentation
Organization: NDI
Position: Civic Education District Coordinator
Date:2002 - 2003
Main duties:

4 Coordination with local stakeholders to discuss about democrat ion topic
4 IdentiIy community groups
4 Writing monthly report
4 Cash request and reconciliation
4 Travel to districts and meeting with community groups
Organization: Forum NGO
Position: Secretaries KKPP (Community working Civic Citizenship)

Date: 2000 2002
Main Duties:
4 Selection communities` proposal
4 Allocation Iunds to community groups
4 Check time sheet, photocopy
4 Monthly report

4 June July 2008, methods survey training at Timor Aid oIIice Dili
4 February 2008 Project circle management training (Urban Poverty) at
Timor Aid oIIice Dili
4 September 2007 Writing and text composition training at Timor Aid oIIice
4 January April 2006, Continuation Organizational Management and
Sustainable Development Training as topics: Communication,
Assertiveness, And selI-Esteem, StaII Supervising, Decision Making,
Public Speaking, Proposal Writing, Recruitment OI Foreign Personnel,
StaII Management and Internet Research at Timor Aid OIIice Dili.
4 August December 2005 Organizational Management and Sustainable
Development Training as topics: Leadership training, Project Evaluation,
Principle oI teaching, Sustainability, Project Planning (logIrames), StaII
Motivation training, Situational Leadership, Team Building, Team Work
and Participatory Management at Timor Aid oIIice Dili.
4 December 2005 Excel advance training at EIROS group training center
4 2005 Administration training at ETDA oIIice Taibesi during 1 month
4 2006 2007 Portuguese course at Timor Aid oIIice
4 2008 February April, English course in Elementary level at Timor Aid


English Fluent Fluent Fluent Fluent
Indonesia Fluent Fluent Fluent Fluent
Portuguese Fluent Little Little Little
Tetum Fluent Fluent Fluent Fluent

1. Domingos de Sousa
Position: Timor Aid Finance Manager
Mobile: 670 7272018
E mail:

2. Alvaro Da Silva
Position: Timor Aid Program Coordinator
Mobile:670 7241836

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