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For the applicants < > 2011.


Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University

Notes on Application Documents Required for Doctoral Degrees

The application documents required for awarding degrees to Course-based PhD applicants (referred to as in Japanese) or Dissertation PhD applicants (referred to as ) are exactly as written below. We ask that you use the attached documents issued by the university and submit each necessary document within the requested time limit.

Documents to be Submitted Applicants for Course-based PhDs (): Dissertation PhDs () : Application for the Review of Thesis ([])--------------------------------------------------------------- 1 copy The primary reviewer is to fill in all information outside the bold, black border. Signature and seal are required. Record for Awarding Degrees (Course-based PhD [], Dissertation PhD [] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 copy List of Theses ([])------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 copies Curriculum Vitae ([])------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 copies Abstract of Main Thesis ([ 5]) Japanese version---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3copies English version------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 copies Include one floppy disk containing Abstract of Main Thesis only for Course-based PhD applicants (to be labeled with the application date, title of thesis, and full name of the applicant) Thesis Intended for the Degree (see [Reminders] below)---------------------------------------------------------- 6 copies -(The following items , and are required only for Dissertation PhD applicants) Application for the Proof of Residence------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 copies Photograph (2.5cm x 3cm, showing the upper half of the body without head dressings and including the applicants full name on the back) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 photo Application Handling Fee Inquire at Administrative Office, Institute of Science and Engineering. Copy of passport ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 copy each *Data files (Microsoft Word) to and can be downloaded at the following URL. ( * As for document , please note that three issues out of six issues will be for Principal Supervisor and Examiners. If the total number of your supervisor and examiners is more than three, please submit the documents plus additional issues. Location for Submitting Documents Administrative Office, Institute of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University BKC Application Deadline The four deadlines for submitting applications for doctoral degrees to the Graduate School of Science and Engineering are the final weekday of June, the last day of the semester in September, the final weekday of December, and the final weekday of March. Applications are to be submitted during the office hours which are 10:00a.m.-5:00p.m., Monday - Friday. The office is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and university and national holidays. Please be sure to check with Administrative Office, Institute of Science and Engineering as times and dates are always subject to change. Late applications will not be reviewed until the subsequent review period. 1

For the applicants < > 2011.11

Reminders 1. Procedure for Assembling and Submitting Applications Documents (1) Please use the Western calendar for all dates. (2) On every document/thesis applicants are asked to write their full name exactly as it appears on their passport. The applicants name on their diploma shall be printed exactly as it appears on their passport. If you do NOT wish to follow this manner due to particular circumstances, please consult with the administrative office well in advance of the application deadline. (3) Those creating the application documents (other than the actual thesis) using a word processor are asked to prepare the documents in the same format and order (as the attached copies). (4) On Application for the Review of Thesis ([ 1]), the applicant is to fill out the top portion outlined in bold borders, leave the rest for his/her supervising professor to fill out, obtain the signature and seal of the chairperson of the doctoral thesis review committee, and hand it in. Applicants are to hand it in in person with the appropriate number of copies of all other necessary documents to the Administrative Office. (5) Abstract of Main Thesis The Japanese version of the abstract is to be 1,000 characters or less and titled in Japanese. The English version should be of a 300-word standard with the title of the thesis in English. The names, thesis titles, and abstracts of main thesis of those awarded with doctoral degrees will be displayed on the university homepage (as saved on the submitted floppy disk). (6) Doctoral Thesis Thesis will be written horizontally. It can be written by hand, copied, printed, or typed using a word processor. We ask that it not be written in pencil. We ask that you include a table contents in the introduction of your thesis. Thesis is to be printed using both sides of each page. Regarding the cover: We ask that the anticipated year of degree attainment (using the Western calendar and in parentheses next to it, the year using the imperial system), thesis title, university, department, major (for applicants for the Course-based PhD), and full name are noted on the cover. The thesis title and full name are to be noted on the spine (see the following page). Cutting and pasting is not acceptable. The projected year of degree attainment will be according to the following system: ex. Those applying for the 6/2011, 9/2011, 12/2011, or 3/2012 deadlines are to write 2011 as the projected year, except for Dissertation PhD applicants for the 3/2012 deadline, who are to write 2012 as the projected year. Those with thesis title written in English are to write "his/her university, department, major (for applicants for the Course-based PhD), full name, and anticipated year of degree attainment in English as well as the title. Thesis title and full name are to be noted in English on the spine. For Reference ----- RITSUMEIKAN UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ------DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN INTEGRATED SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ---FRONTIER DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING

For the applicants < > 2011.11

Guidelines for Binding Documents We ask that you use the vertical paper size A4 and bind the documents on the left (so that they open from the right) with a cover of a different thickness than the actual paper. The thickness of the cover, however, can be chosen according to the applicants preference. We ask that any essays or theses presented in science journals, etc. that the applicant wishes to include are condensed and compiled as one thesis.

Sample Cover Written horizontally and bound on the left The Spine

Doctoral Thesis

2011 (Heisei 23) Doctoral Thesis

Thesis Title

Thesis Title
Leave a 3 cm margin from the applicants name to the bottom of the spine

Full Name

Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of Science and Engineering Doctoral Program In Integrated Science and Engineering Full Name

Cutting and pasting is unacceptable. Dissertation PhD applicants are not required to include the underlined portion. 2. Thesis Rewarded with Degrees One copy of each thesis rewarded with a doctoral degree will be held in each of the following locations: (1) National Diet Library (2) Ritsumeikan University Library (3) Ritsumeikan University Office of Graduate Studies We ask that you contact us with any comments or questions using the information below. Administrative Office, Institute of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University BKC TEL: 077-561-2624


For the applicants < > 2011.11

The following is an outline for the review of doctoral thesis. We ask that you refer to this for deadlines, dates of inspection, and schedules for the dates for public hearings.

[Course of Events for Course-based PhD Applicants]

*denotes items to be handed in by the actual applicant. The documents below are to be submitted to the primary *Submission of Curriculum Vitae, reviewer (can be a supervising professor, etc.). List of Theses, etc. List of Theses ()- - - - 1 copy (Applicant-- Primary Reviewer) C.V. ()- - - - - - - - - - - - 1 copy Secondary Theses and Reference Theses- - -1 copy of each (Include copies of notices for publication for unpublished ones)
Review Committee
For ensuring that the application in question has met all requirements.

*Submission of the completed application (Applicant------- Administrative Office, Institute of Science and Engineering)

To be submitted by the applicant before the decided deadline to Administrative Office, Institute of Science and Engineering in its entirety ( and ).

Acceptance and the decision of the review committee

Public display of doctoral thesis

Location of Display: 1st floor front desk of the Media Center Period of Display: One week (excluding Media Center holidays)

Public hearing

Conclusion of the review

For the applicants < > 2011.11

[Course of Events for Dissertation PhD Applicants]

*denotes items to be handed in by the actual applicant. The applicant requests the primary reviewer to hold the *Submission of request for thesis proposal applicants thesis proposal/presentation. (However, the thesis and presentation, Curriculum Vitae, proposal/presentation will not be held for applicants enrolled List of Theses", etc. in Ritsumeikans doctoral program who apply for their (Applicant-- Primary Reviewer) doctoral degree within three years of credited leave from the doctoral program.) The documents below are to be submitted to the primary reviewer (can be a supervising professor, etc.). List of Theses ()- - - - 1 copy C.V. ()- - - - - - - - - - - - 1 copy Secondary Theses and Reference Theses- - -1 copy of each (Include copies of notices of publication for unpublished ones) Review Committee The primary reviewer will request that a thesis proposal and presentation be given for the administrators. The contents of the applicants thesis will be presented to at least three committee members. Administrators will report on the result of the applicants thesis proposal and presentation and ensure that all requirements have been met. To be submitted in its entirety (-) by the applicant to Administrative Office, Institute of Science and Engineering before the determined deadline.

Thesis proposal and presentation

Review Committee

*Submission of the completed application (Applicant------- Administrative Office, Institute of Science and Engineering)

Acceptance and the decision of the review committee Location of Display: 1st floor front desk of the Media Center Period of Display: One week (excluding Media Center holidays)

Public display of doctoral thesis

Public hearing and acknowledgement of academic achievement

Conclusion of the review

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