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lncomputin g a hyper||nk% ) ls a refer ence L daLa LhaL Lhe eade can dlecLly fll LhaL ls flled auLaLlcally[1] A hypellnk

k plnLs L a hle dcuenL L a speclflc eleenL lLhln a

dcuenLHy pe rtext ls LexL lLh hypellnks A sfLae sysLe f vlelng and ceaLlng hypeLexL ls a bypettext system and L ceaLe a hypellnk ls to bypet% slplyto ) A use flllng
hypellnks ls sald Lffte towse Lhe hypeLexL
A hypellnk has anfnbot hlch ls Lhe lcaLln lLhln a dcuenL f hlch Lhe hypellnk can be flled Lhe dcuenL cnLalnlng a hypellnk ls knn as lLs rce dcuenL L
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efeenceme chanis ms such as Lables f cnLenLs fLnLes blbllgaphles lndexeslette rs and glssales
ln se hypeLexL hypellnks can be bldlecLlnal Lhey can be flled ln L dlecLlns s bLh ends acL as anchs and as LageLs Me cplex aangeenLs exlsL such as anyL
any llnks
1ypes f llnks
edlLn||ne ||nk
An lnllne llnk dlsplays eLe cnLenL lLhuL Lhe need f ebeddlng Lhe cnLenL 1he eLe cnLenL ay be accessed lLh lLhuL Lhe use selecLlng Lhe
llnk l exaple Lhe lage abve ls a dcuenL LhaL can be vleed sepaaLely buL lL ls lncluded lnL Lhls page lLh an lnllne llnk
An lnllne llnk ay dlsplay a dlfled vesln f Lhe cnLenL f lnsLance lnsLead f an lage a Lhubnall l esluLln pevlecpped secLln
agnlfled secLln ay be shn 1he full cnLenL lll Lhen usually be avallable n deand as ls Lhe case lLh plnL publlshlng sfLae eg lLh an exLenal
llnk 1hls alls f salle flle slzes and qulcke espnse L changes hen Lhe full llnked cnLenL ls nL needed as ls Lhe case hen eaanglng a page layuL
An anch hypellnk ls a llnk bund L a pLln f a dcuenLgeneally LexL Lhugh nL necessally l lnsLance lL ay als be abot ftef ln an lage %lage
ap ln P1ML) a deslgnaLed fLen legula paL f an lage Cne ay L deflne lL ls by a llsL f cdlnaLes LhaL lndlcaLe lLs bundales l exaple a pllLlcal
ap f Aflca ay have each cunLy hypellnked L fuLhe lnfaLln abuL LhaL cunLy A sepaaLe lnvlslble hL aea lnLeface alls f sapplng sklns
labels lLhln Lhe llnked hL aeas lLhuL epeLlLlve ebeddlng f llnks ln Lhe valus skln eleenLs

what are the uses of hyperlinks?
It can be used as link to Web sites, to other existing documents, to a document that doesn't yet exist,
to another place in the current document or to an e-mail message.
hyperlink is a graphic or a piece of text in an nternet document that can connect readers to
another webpage, or another portion of a document. Web users will usually find at least
one hyperlink on every webpage. The most simple form of these is called embedded text or an
embedded link.
n this instance, a hyperlink will show up as a single word or group of words that will usually be
marked as underlined, and are frequently blue in color. Clicking on the hyperlinkmay take one to
another part of the page, or it may open another nternet page.
The HTML code for a hyperlink is relatively simple. t looks like this: <a href
="www.wisegeek.com">wiseGEEK</a> which will display like this: wiseGEEK. Clicking on
this hyperlink will send the web surfer to wiseGEEK's homepage. The code is easy to duplicate. t
always begins as <a href=. This is followed by the uniform resource locator (URL), that is, the
webpage address that you want the link to take the web surfer to. The URL is surrounded by
quotation marks. Next, comes another >, then the word that serves as the hyperlink and finally, </a>.
more complicated link can take one to a specific place in a document. t can either be text or
graphic. t may also be a blank area on a screen that performs functions when one clicks on it. There
are numerous uses for the hyperlink, and constantly more being discovered.

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