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Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan



Gio vin: V TH MAI PHNG

I. GI I THI U Khi thu t l i l i ni c a ng i khc, ta c th nh c l i nguyn vn. Tr ng h p ny g i l l i ni tr c ti p (Direct Speech) v khi vi t ph i t trong ngo c kp. Ex: Nam said, I am going to the cinema. Nhng ta cng c th s a i cht t v l ng vo cu ni c a mnh. Tr ng h p ny g i l l i ni gin ti p (Indirect speech). Ex: Nam said that he was going to the cinema. II. QUI T C CHUY N L I NI TR C TI P SANG GIN TI P Mu n chuy n m t cu tr n thu t t l i ni tr c ti p sang gin ti p c n ph i ch nh ng thay i sau y: 1. i ngi th c a i t nhn xng, tnh t v i t s h u cho thch h p. Ex: DIRECT I am going to repair your bicycle; you can take mine. We did the work ourselves. INDIRECT Nam told me that he was going to repair my bicycle and I could take his. They said that they had done the work themselves.

2. N u nh c l i l i ni trong qu kh v dng ng t th qu kh trong m nh chnh (He said; they told) th ng t trong l i ni gin ti p ph i li v qu kh m t b c theo cc quy t c v th d sau y: 3. Thay i nh ng tnh t , ph t hay c m ph t ch ni ch n, th i gian cho thch h p, theo nh ng quy t c v th d sau y. DIRECT This, these, here, now, tomorrow, yesterday Three days, ago Last week, next week INDIRECT today, That, those, there, then, that day, the next day, the previous day (the day before). Three days, before. The previous week, the next week (the following week). Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t

T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12

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Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan

Ex: I met the man here in this office today He said (that) he had met the man there, in that office that day.

We spoke to him the day before He said (that) they had spoken to him yesterday. two days before. We shall be home tomorrow. I will do it here and now. They would be home the next day. He would do it there and then.

Chuy n nh ng cu sau y sang l i ni gin ti p: 1. He said: My son will be here soon. 2. They said: We have never been defeated. 3. She told me: I am going to the party with my mother. 4. They said: We have plenty of time to do our work. 5. They declared: We shall continue to fight till final victory. 6. He told them at once: The trains is gone, you are too late. 7. He said: This is the book you have been looking for. 8. She said: You can come with us if you like. 9. The old man said: I will take you to my house right now. 10. He was still declaring: You are the man who did it. 11. The new was announced: The hero is coming. 12. She said: I wrote to my sister only last week. 13. The man declared: I shall be doing exactly the same work next Monday as I am doing today. 14. The foreigner told him: I am French but I have learned English at school. 15. The boy said: I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. 16. We were informed: The car is ready; we shall have to get back before the clock strikes four. 17. The librarian said: This book was lent to him weeks ago and he has only just returned it. 18. The girl said: I was born in 1954 and I have been living in this small town since. 19. They said: We have stayed here for a month; we shall go home next week. 20. He repeated day after day: This climate does not suit my health; I must go away as soon as I can. Chuy n nh ng cu sau y sang l i ni tr c ti p. Ch thm d u ch m cu v vi t hoa cho ng: 1. He said he was very sorry for the mistake he had made. 2. My father told me that I could go to the seaside this summer. 3. He said that the train would arrive in five minutes. 4. She said that she hoped it wouldnt rain that morning. 5. He admitted that he had not worked so hard as his brother had done. 6. She promised her friend that she would write to her every week. 7. The boy said that he would be 18 on the 1st of May. Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 2 -

Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan

8. They said that he had deserved their thanks for all be had done. 9. The manager assured them that he had would return before they left. 10. The Chairman told me he had been reading the documents all day. 11. The policemen told him they would never believe what he said. 12. All who heard this said he was speaking the truth. III. CU H I GIN TI P Khi chuy n cu h i sang l i ni gin ti p cng ph i p d ng nh ng quy t c chung nh i v i cu trn thu t, nhng cn ch thm nh ng i m sau y: 1. ng t trong m nh chnh gi i thi u l i ni gin ti p l ask (ho c enquire, wonder, want to know, v.v) 2. T n i m nh ph l if ho c want to know, v.v 3. T n i m nh ph l if ho c whether i v i cu h i chung v i v i cu h i c bi t b t u b ng cc nghi v n what, why, v.v th dng l i cc t . 4. D ng cu h i chuy n thnh cu tr n thu t do khng dng cc tr ng t do, did, does, trong cu h i gin ti p Ex: DIRECT INDIRECT a. Cu h i chung He asked me if (whether) that boy was Is that boy your brother? my brother. He asked me if I could speak Russian. Can you speak Russian? Will you come tomorrow? Has Henry worked hard? Do they understand us? Did you see Ba yesterday? Does she play the piano? Shall we accept the offer. b. Cu h i c bi t What is your name? Where does she live? What did the teacher say? How will it work? How have you come back He asked if I would come the next day. He enquired whether Henry had worked hard. They wondered if they understood them. He wanted to know if I had seen Ba the day before. He said if she played the piano He wondered whether we should accept the offer. He asked me what my name was. He enquired where she lived. He asked what the teacher had said. He wondered how it would work. She asked me why I had come back Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t

T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12

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Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan

Who teaches you that rule?

He wanted to know who taught us that rule.

Chuy n nh ng cu sau y sang l i ni gin ti p (b t u b ng: He asked; they enquired v.v) 1. What do you want, my boy? 2. Who will come to the pictures with me? 3. Is your new baby a boy or a girl, Mrs. Brown? 4. May I borrow your bicycle, Nam? 5. When will you get back from Peking, Mr. Counsellor? 6. When did they tell you that? 7. Have you seen the new film? 8. Which is the road to Long Bien Bridge? 9. How do you spell your name? 10. Did they all attend the meeting? 11. Where are they going tonight? 12. How did they travel back home? 13. Who showed enjoying yourself? 15. Does she always wear that blue dress? 16. Why does he sing so loudly? 17. Which book are you reading? 18. Ought the light to be on? 19. Will the taxi be here at seven oclock? 20. Where has she put her hat? IV. CU C U KHI N GIN TI P Chuy n cu c u khi n sang l i ni gin ti p ph i theo cc quy t c sau: 1. M nh chnh gi i thi u ph i dng nh ng ng t nh order, command, tell, ask, request ti p theo l tn ng ch ng i c l nh hay yu c u. 2. ng t trong nguyn vn m c m nh l ch ph i i sang d ng ng t nguyn th c to ng tr c. N u m nh l ch th ph nh th thm not tr c to + infinitive. DIRECT Get out! Sit down, please. Please give us some help. Fire Dont leave the door open. Dont come here tomorrow. Dont run away. INDIRECT He ordered him (them) to get out. She asked me (him) to sit down. They requested us to give them some help. The office commanded the soldiers to fire. He asked me not to leave the door open. He told us not come there the next day. He ordered them not to run away. Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t

T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12

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Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan

V. CU H N H P Tr ng h p ph i chuy n nh ng cu h n h p g m cc lo i cu tr n thu t, cu h i v cu c u khi n sang l i ni gin ti p, th cng ph i dng nh ng ng t thch h p gi i thi u t ng ph n. Ex: - I am off to the pictures. Where are you going?. He said that he was off to the pictures and wanted to know where I was going. - I have left my watch on your desk. Please bring it back to me. He said that he had left his watch on my desk and asked me to bring it back to him. Chuy n nh ng cu sau y sang l i ni gin ti p: 1. Go at once! 2. Have a cup of tea, please. 3. Wrap it up in a piece of paper. 4. Dont put your elbow on the table. 5. Write your name clearly on the top. 6. Dont wipe your dirty fingers on my clothes. 7. Wait here under the tree until the rain stops. 8. Come and see me whenever you have a few hours to spare. 9. Dont spend all your money on food and drinks. 10. Be careful, dont answer hastily. 11. Bring the gun into position. 12. Hurry up if you want to go out with me. Chuy n nh ng cu sau y sang l i ni gin ti p: 1. It is cold here. Is the window open? 2. Do you think it will rain? It is cloudy. 3. I must write some letters now. What date is it? 4. How do you like my brothers hat? I bought it for him in a department store. 5. What time is it? My watch has stopped. 6. This is the most interesting book. Have you read it? 7. Are you free tomorrow night? I would like you to come to my party. 8. What is the matter? You dont look very well. 9. We are going for a walk. Would you like to come, too? 10. How far is it to Nam Dinh? I hope we can get there before dark. Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng Ngu n : Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t

T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12

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Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan



Gio vin: V TH MAI PHNG

A. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. 1. John asked me in English. A. what does this word mean B. what that word means C. what did this word mean D. what that word meant 2. The mother told her son so impolitely. A. not behave B. not to behave C. not behaving D. did not behave 3. She said she collect it for me after work. A. would B. did C. must D. had 4. She said I an angel. A. am B. was C. were D. have been 5. Jason told me that he his best in the exam the day. A. had done / following B. will do / previous C. would do / following D. was going / previous 6. I told him the word to Jane somehow that I to reach her during the early hours. A. passing / will try B. he will pass / tried C. to pass / would be trying D. he passed / have tried 7. Laura said she had worked on the assignment since . A. yesterday B. two days ago C. the day before D. the next day 8. John asked me interested in any kind of sports. A. if I were B. if were I C. if was I D. if I was 9. I you everything I am doing, and you have to do the same. A. will tell B. would tell C. told D. was telling 10. John asked me that film the night before. A. that I saw B. had I seen C. if I had seen D. if had I seen 11. Peter said that he had lived in London four years . A. ago B. before C. later D. then 12. The guest told the host that . A. I must go now B. he must go now C. he had to go now D. he had to go then 13. The teacher told Joe . A. to stop talking B. stop talking C. stops talking D. stopped talking 14. She said she . A. was very tired last night B. was very tired the night before C. had been very tired last night D. had been very tired the night before 15. Emily said that her teacher to London . A. will go / tomorrow B. went / tomorrow C. would go / the next day D. had gone / the next day Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 1 -

Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan

16. She told the boys on the grass. A. do not play B. did not play C. not playing D. not to play 17. She asked . A. where was her umbrella B. where her umbrella was C. where were her umbrella D. where her umbrella were 18. Jason asked me me the book the day before. A. if who gave B. if who has given C. who had given D. that who had given 19. Robert said that his father to Dallas the year before. A. goes B. went C. has gone D. had gone 20. He wanted to know shopping during the previous morning. A. if we had been going B. that if we had been going C. we were going D. that we were going 21. He asked me Robert and I said I did not know . A. that did I know / who were Robert B. that I knew / who Robert were C. if I knew / who Robert was D. whether I knew / who was Robert 22. The mother asked her son . A. where he has been B. where he had been C. where has he been D. where had he been 23. Martin asked me . A. how is my father B. how my father is C. how was my father D. how my father was 24. The host asked Peter tea or coffee. A. whether he preferred B. that he preferred C. did he prefer D. if he prefers 25. She asked me my holidays . A. where I spent / the previous year B. where I had spent / the previous year C. where I spent / last year D. where did I spend / last year 26. He advised too far. A. her did not go B. her do not go C. her not to go D. she did not go 27. John often says he boxing because it a cruel sport. A. does not like / is B. did not like / were C. not liked / had been D. had not liked / was 28. Nancy asked me why I had not gone to New York the summer . A. before B. ago C. last D. previous 29. He asked him some money. A. her to lend B. she to lend C. she has lent D. she lends 30. Andrew told me that they fish two days. A. have not eaten / ago B. had not eaten / previous C. did not eat / before D. would not eat / last B. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 1. Did you say that you will have a lot of things to do the following week? A B C D Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 2 -

Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan

2. He told me to that he had sent the gift. A B C D 3. John said he will invited some of his friends for dinner so Mary had to buy more food and drink. A B C D 4. The secretary said me that I would receive the letter from him. A B C D 5. They asked him washing the glassware carefully in the laboratory A B C D 6. Her doctor advised her stay out of crowds. A B C D 7. They said that they had a lift but very often it doesnt work. A B C D 8. He asked them what time did the plane arrived. A B C D 9. I asked to him whose car he had borrowed the night before. A B C D 10. They said that they went to the supermarket before coming home. A B C D 11. My little sister suggested to go to the beach for a change. A B C D 12. The women accused the boy to break her houses window. A B C D 13. The teacher told the students to not discuss the test with each other. A B C D 14. Mrs. Green said to John, Come to our dinner that night. A B C D 15. He said that he will be there again the day after. A B C D 16. Betty said Bill that she didnt like that film. A B C D 17. Tom said that he was going away for a few days and will phone me when he got back. A B C D 18. Tom said that he had seen John the day before but John didnt see him. A B C D 19. My mother asked me how many classes were there in my school. A B C D 20. Phillip asked Oliver whether he can remember where he had put the camera. A B C D C. Choose one sentence that best rewrites the sentence given 1. Why dont you ask the teacher for help? Peter asked me. A. Peter advised me to ask the teacher for help. B. Peter recommended me not to ask the teacher for help. Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 3 -

Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan

C. Peter told me the reason why I did not ask the teacher for help. D. Peter suggested that he should ask the teacher for help. 2. The driver said to us: Dont get off the bus while its going. A. The driver told us not to get off the bus while it was going. B. The driver told to us not to get off the bus while it was going. C. The driver said to us not to get off the bus while it was going. D. The driver told us dont get off the bus while it was going. 3. She asked me: How high was the church? A. She asked me how high the church is. B. She asked me how high is the church. C. She asked me how high the church had been. D. She asked me how the church had been. 4. The director asked the secretary to send him an application form. A. Send him an application form, the director asked the secretary. B. To send him an application form, the director said to the secretary. C. Send me an application form, the director asked the secretary. D. To send me an application form, the director said to the secretary. 5. Tom said to me: Did they tell you when they left? A. Tom asked me if they had told me when they had left. B. Tom asked me if they had told me when they left. C. Tom asked me if they told me when they had left. D. Tom asked me if they told me when they left. 6. Helen said: I bought this camera last month. A. Helen said she bought that camera last month. B. Helen said she had bought that camera the month before. C. Helen said she bought that camera the month before. D. Helen said she had bought this camera the month before. 7. She asked: Will it rain tonight? A. She asked me if it would rain tonight. B. She asked me if it will rain that night. C. She asked me if it rains that night. D. She asked me if it would rain that night. 8. He asked me: Have you just returned from a tour of France? A. He asked me if I have just returned from a tour of France. B. He asked me if I had just return from a tour of France. C. He asked me if I had just returned from a tour of France. D. He asked me if I has just returned from a tour of France. 9. The teacher ordered me not to make so much noise. A. Didnt make so much noise, the teacher told me. B. Not to make so much noise, the teacher ordered me. C. Dont make so much noise, the teacher said to me. D. Not make so much noise, the teacher said me. 10. Helen asked: Do you want to make a musical instrument? A. Helen asked me if I want to make a musical instrument. B. Helen asked me if I will want to make a musical instrument. Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 4 -

Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan

C. Helen asked me if I wanted to make a musical instrument. D. Helen asked me if I wont want to make a musical instrument. 11. What is the name of your latest album?, Tom asked Helen. A. Tom asked Helen what the name of her latest album is. B. Tom asked Helen what the name of her latest album will be. C. Tom asked Helen what the name of her latest album would be. D. Tom asked Helen what the name of her latest album was. 12. She asked me where I was going the following day. A. She asked me: Where I am going tomorrow? B. She asked me: Where was I going tomorrow? C. She asked me: Where are you going tomorrow? D. She asked me: Where were you going tomorrow? 13. John asked me where I had put his book. A. John said to me: Where have you put her book? B. John said to me: Where have you put my book? C. John said to me: Where you have put her book? D. John said to me: Where have you put my book? 14. Thank you very much for your help, John, said Daisy. A. Daisy thanked John for helping her. B. Daisy told John to help her C. Daisy wanted John to help her and said thanks D. Daisy would like John to help her 15. Dont stay up late. You should go to bed early, Peter told me. A. Peter told me not to stay up late and promised to go to bed early B. Peter promised not to stay up late and told me to go to bed early. C. Peter told me do not to stay up late and advised me to go to bed early. D. Peter told me not to stay up late and advised me to go to bed early. 16. I will bring you some food, he said to me A. He invited me to eat some food B. He offered to bring me some food C. He told me to bring some food D. He advised me to bring some food 17. Go on, Susan! Apply for the job, the father said. A. The father invited Susan to apply for the job. B. The father denied applying for the job. C. The father encouraged Susan to apply for the job. D. The father wanted Susan not to apply for the job. 18. Whose composition havent we heard yet? -----> The teacher asked us to tell her. A. Whose composition we havent heard yet. B. Whose composition we hadnt heard yet. C. Whose composition hadnt we heard yet. D. Whose composition we hadnt heard yet? 19. Hi, Bob. Did you take the job? -------> Bobs friend asked him . Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 5 -

Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan

A. did he take the job B. whether you took the job C. if he had taken the job D. had he taken the job 20. How many people are there in your family? -------> The interviewer asked me.. A. how many people there were in your family B. how many people were there in your family C. how many people were there in my family D. how many people there were in my family Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng Ngu n : Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t

T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12

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Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan



Gio vin: V TH MAI PHNG

A. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. 1. John asked me in English. A. what does this word mean B. what that word means D. what that word meant C. what did this word mean 2. The mother told her son so impolitely. A. not behave B. not to behave C. not behaving D. did not behave 3. She said she collect it for me after work. A. would B. did C. must D. had 4. She said I an angel. B. was C. were D. have been A. am 5. Jason told me that he his best in the exam the day. A. had done / following B. will do / previous C. would do / following D. was going / previous 6. I told him the word to Jane somehow that I to reach her during the early hours. A. passing / will try B. he will pass / tried C. to pass / would be trying D. he passed / have tried 7. Laura said she had worked on the assignment since . C. the day before D. the next day A. yesterday B. two days ago 8. John asked me interested in any kind of sports. A. if I were B. if were I C. if was I D. if I was 9. I you everything I am doing, and you have to do the same. A. will tell B. would tell C. told D. was telling 10. John asked me that film the night before. C. if I had seen D. if had I seen A. that I saw B. had I seen 11. Peter said that he had lived in London four years . A. ago B. before C. later D. then 12. The guest told the host that . A. I must go now B. he must go now D. he had to go then C. he had to go now 13. The teacher told Joe . A. to stop talking B. stop talking C. stops talking D. stopped talking 14. She said she . A. was very tired last night B. was very tired the night before D. had been very tired the night before C. had been very tired last night 15. Emily said that her teacher to London . A. will go / tomorrow B. went / tomorrow C. would go / the next day D. had gone / the next day Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 1 -

Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan

16. She told the boys on the grass. D. not to play A. do not play B. did not play C. not playing 17. She asked . A. where was her umbrella B. where her umbrella was C. where were her umbrella D. where her umbrella were 18. Jason asked me me the book the day before. A. if who gave B. if who has given C. who had given D. that who had given 19. Robert said that his father to Dallas the year before. A. goes B. went C. has gone D. had gone 20. He wanted to know shopping during the previous morning. A. if we had been going B. that if we had been going C. we were going D. that we were going 21. He asked me Robert and I said I did not know . A. that did I know / who were Robert B. that I knew / who Robert were C. if I knew / who Robert was D. whether I knew / who was Robert 22. The mother asked her son . B. where he had been A. where he has been C. where has he been D. where had he been 23. Martin asked me . A. how is my father B. how my father is C. how was my father D. how my father was 24. The host asked Peter tea or coffee. A. whether he preferred B. that he preferred C. did he prefer D. if he prefers 25. She asked me my holidays . B. where I had spent / the previous year A. where I spent / the previous year C. where I spent / last year D. where did I spend / last year 26. He advised too far. A. her did not go B. her do not go C. her not to go D. she did not go 27. John often says he boxing because it a cruel sport. A. does not like / is B. did not like / were C. not liked / had been D. had not liked / was 28. Nancy asked me why I had not gone to New York the summer . A. before B. ago C. last D. previous 29. He asked him some money. A. her to lend B. she to lend C. she has lent D. she lends 30. Andrew told me that they fish two days. B. had not eaten / previous A. have not eaten / ago C. did not eat / before D. would not eat / last B. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 1. Did you say that you will have a lot of things to do the following week? A B C D Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 2 -

Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan

2. He told me to that he had sent the gift. A B C D 3. John said he will invited some of his friends for dinner so Mary had to buy more food and drink. A B C D 4. The secretary said me that I would receive the letter from him. A B C D 5. They asked him washing the glassware carefully in the laboratory A B C D 6. Her doctor advised her stay out of crowds. A B C D 7. They said that they had a lift but very often it doesnt work. A B C D 8. He asked them what time did the plane arrived. A B C D 9. I asked to him whose car he had borrowed the night before. A B C D 10. They said that they went to the supermarket before coming home. A B C D 11. My little sister suggested to go to the beach for a change. A B C D 12. The women accused the boy to break her houses window. A B C D 13. The teacher told the students to not discuss the test with each other. A B C D 14. Mrs. Green said to John: Come to our dinner that night. A B C D 15. He said that he will be there again the day after. A B C D 16. Betty said Bill that she didnt like that film. A B C D 17. Tom said that he was going away for a few days and will phone me when he got back. A B C D 18. Tom said that he had seen John the day before but John didnt see him. A B C D 19. My mother asked me how many classes were there in my school. A B C D 20. Phillip asked Oliver whether he can remember where he had put the camera. A B C D C. Choose one sentence that best rewrites the sentence given 1. Why dont you ask the teacher for help? Peter asked me. A. Peter advised me to ask the teacher for help. B. Peter recommended me not to ask the teacher for help. Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 3 -

Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan

C. Peter told me the reason why I did not ask the teacher for help. D. Peter suggested that he should ask the teacher for help. 2. The driver said to us: Dont get off the bus while its going. A. The driver told us not to get off the bus while it was going. B. The driver told to us not to get off the bus while it was going. C. The driver said to us not to get off the bus while it was going. D. The driver told us dont get off the bus while it was going. 3. She asked me: How high was the church? A. She asked me how high the church is. B. She asked me how high is the church. C. She asked me how high the church had been. D. She asked me how the church had been. 4. The director asked the secretary to send him an application form. A. Send him an application form, the director asked the secretary. B. To send him an application form, the director said to the secretary. C. Send me an application form, the director asked the secretary. D. To send me an application form, the director said to the secretary. 5. Tom said to me: Did they tell you when they left? A. Tom asked me if they had told me when they had left. B. Tom asked me if they had told me when they left. C. Tom asked me if they told me when they had left. D. Tom asked me if they told me when they left. 6. Helen said: I bought this camera last month. A. Helen said she bought that camera last month. B. Helen said she had bought that camera the month before. C. Helen said she bought that camera the month before. D. Helen said she had bought this camera the month before. 7. She asked: Will it rain tonight? A. She asked me if it would rain tonight. B. She asked me if it will rain that night. C. She asked me if it rains that night. D. She asked me if it would rain that night. 8. He asked me: Have you just returned from a tour of France? A. He asked me if I have just returned from a tour of France. B. He asked me if I had just return from a tour of France. C. He asked me if I had just returned from a tour of France. D. He asked me if I has just returned from a tour of France. 9. The teacher ordered me not to make so much noise. A. Didnt make so much noise, the teacher told me. B. Not to make so much noise, the teacher ordered me. C. Dont make so much noise, the teacher said to me. D. Not make so much noise, the teacher said me. 10. Helen asked: Do you want to make a musical instrument? A. Helen asked me if I want to make a musical instrument. B. Helen asked me if I will want to make a musical instrument. Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 4 -

Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan

C. Helen asked me if I wanted to make a musical instrument. D. Helen asked me if I wont want to make a musical instrument. 11. What is the name of your latest album?, Tom asked Helen. A. Tom asked Helen what the name of her latest album is. B. Tom asked Helen what the name of her latest album will be. C. Tom asked Helen what the name of her latest album would be. D. Tom asked Helen what the name of her latest album was. 12. She asked me where I was going the following day. A. She asked me: Where I am going tomorrow? B. She asked me: Where was I going tomorrow? C. She asked me: Where are you going tomorrow? D. She asked me: Where were you going tomorrow? 13. John asked me where I had put his book. A. John said to me: Where have you put her book? B. John said to me: Where have you put my book? C. John said to me: Where you have put her book? D. John said to me: Where have you put my book? 14. Thank you very much for your help, John, said Daisy. A. Daisy thanked John for helping her. B. Daisy told John to help her C. Daisy wanted John to help her and said thanks D. Daisy would like John to help her 15. Dont stay up late. You should go to bed early, Peter told me. A. Peter told me not to stay up late and promised to go to bed early B. Peter promised not to stay up late and told me to go to bed early. C. Peter told me do not to stay up late and advised me to go to bed early. D. Peter told me not to stay up late and advised me to go to bed early. 16. I will bring you some food, he said to me A. He invited me to eat some food B. He offered to bring me some food C. He told me to bring some food D. He advised me to bring some food 17. Go on, Susan! Apply for the job, the father said. A. The father invited Susan to apply for the job. B. The father denied applying for the job. C. The father encouraged Susan to apply for the job. D. The father wanted Susan not to apply for the job. 18. Whose composition havent we heard yet? -----> The teacher asked us to tell her. A. Whose composition we havent heard yet. B. Whose composition we hadnt heard yet. C. Whose composition hadnt we heard yet. D. Whose composition we hadnt heard yet? 19. Hi, Bob. Did you take the job? -------> Bobs friend asked him . Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 5 -

Kha h c LTH mn Ti ng Anh Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng

Cu tr c ti p, gin ti p v ch a bi t p c lin quan

A. did he take the job B. whether you took the job C. if he had taken the job D. had he taken the job 20. How many people are there in your family? -------> The interviewer asked me.. A. how many people there were in your family B. how many people were there in your family C. how many people were there in my family D. how many people there were in my family Gio vin: V Th Mai Phng Ngu n : Ngi tr ng chung c a h c tr Vi t

T ng i t v n: 1900 58-58-12

- Trang | 6 -

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