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2012 3



Inv|tat|on to Conference on Mater|a|s 1echno|ogy (MA11LCn '12)

uear Slr
Chulam lshaq khan lnsLlLuLe ls noL only recognlzed because of lLs academlc excellence buL ls also well
known for Lhe dlverslfled evenLs and semlnars lL organlzes lL welcomes sLudenLs from all over aklsLan
Lo parLlclpaLe and beneflL from such workshops and conferences
Amer|can Soc|ety of Mater|a|s (ASM) GIkI Student Chapter ls organlzlng an All aklsLan Conference
on MaLerlals 1echnology MA11LCn '12 on 3
Ieb S
Iebruary 2012
ulscusslon on Lhe Lechnologlcal developmenLs ln Lhe fleld of meLallurgy maLerlals and manufacLurlng
englneerlng wlll be focused durlng Lhls conference 1he evenL wlll be honoured by Lhe presence of
leadlng researchers of maLerlal sclences and wlll Lhereby provlde an opporLunlLy Lo dlscover Lhe laLesL
sclenLlflc achlevemenLs ln Lhese flelds
Moreover MA11LCn '12 lnLends Lo fosLer 8u collaboraLlons amongsL academla research lnsLlLuLlons
and relevanL lndusLrles Lherefore Lo derlve maxlmum beneflLs from Lhls forum 1he conference ls open
for all Lhe faculLy members graduaLe under graduaLe and lnLermedlaLe sLudenLs klndly vlew Lhe
aLLached lnvlLaLlon package for furLher deLalls
lease accepL our lnvlLaLlon and grace us wlLh your presence as Lhe conference wlll hlghly beneflL from
your parLlclpaLlon

8esL 8egards
8llal Pamld
Amerlcan SocleLy of MaLerlals (ASM) Clkl ChapLer

2012 3

8r|ef Descr|pt|on of the Lvent
(uoJetqtoJoote CtoJoote lbu level)

Sem|nar on "Iore|gn Internsh|ps"
very year sLudenLs from laculLy of MaLerlals Sclence nglneerlng Clk lnsLlLuLe are senL
abroad for lnLernshlps CounLrles llke Canada korea (kAlS1) and some uropean counLrles
especlally Cermany and Spaln (lCMA8) welcome our sLudenLs as lnLerns 1hese lnLernshlps
open a panorama of opLlons for Lhe sLudenLs Lo selecL from for Lhelr fuLure and bulld a flrm
career goal Also Lhey add up Lo ones credenLlals and makes hlm/her a compeLenL candldaLe
for graduaLe admlsslons and [obs

1o glve a beLLer undersLandlng of how Lhese lnLernshlps work how Lo prepare your selves for
Lhe opporLunlLy and Lhe appllcaLlon procedures a semlnar wlll be conducLed by Lhe faculLy
members and Clkl sLudenLs who spenL a memorable Llme on Lhelr lnLernshlps abroad 1he
speakers wlll also brlef abouL Lhe dlfflculLles faced by Lhem whlle sLaylng ouLslde aklsLan
(accommodaLlon food eLc)

Meta||ography Compet|t|on
MeLallography plays perhaps Lhe mosL lmporLanL role ln lnspecLlng and evaluaLlng Lhe
properLles of maLerlals now a days lL has been adopLed by many lndusLrles Lo evaluaLe Lhe
performance of Lhe maLerlal 8eallzlng Lhe lmporLance of Lhls procedure MA11CP'12 wlll
conducL a MeLallography CompeLlLlon arLlclpanLs can choose any maLerlal and perform
meLallography aL Lhelr lnsLlLuLes hoLogenlc sLrucLures wlll welgh more when lL comes Lo
selecLlng Lhe wlnner MaLerlal selecLlon wlll also carry marks 1he parLlclpanLs are requlred Lo
brlng wlLh Lhem a cerLlflcaLe slgned by Lhelr respecLlve PCu sLaLlng Lhe orlglnallLy of Lhelr
work wlLh regard Lo Lhe preparaLlon of Lhelr samples arLlclpanLs are also requlred Lo brlng
Lhelr eLched samples along wlLh a sofL copy of Lhe mlcrograph aL 200x 300x and 800x for
evaluaLlon purposes A maxlmum of Lwo parLlclpanLs from a unlverslLy wlll be consldered a
Leam ln Lhls module [udges wlll evaluaLe Lhe mlcrosLrucLure and ask relaLed quesLlons
8esldes quesLlons from audlence wlll also be a parL of Lhe module 1he parLlclpanLs wlll have Lo
presenL color prlnLed mlcrosLrucLures on A4 sheeLs aL a magnlflcaLlon of 200x 300x and 800x

2012 3

V|s|t to the Labs
Chulam lshaq khan lnsLlLuLe has Lhe prlde of havlng Lhe mosL modern labs wlLh Lhe laLesL
machlnes and equlpmenL SLudenLs wlll geL Lhe chance Lo vlslL Lhe labs and Lhey wlll perform
some of Lhe experlmenLs whlch englneers do ln Lhelr dally llfe 1hese vlslL wlll allow sLudenLs
from unlverslLles across aklsLan Lo have a look aL Lhe faclllLles provlded by Clkl and share lL
wlLh Lhelr PCus when back and suggesL us whaL Lhey have beLLer so LhaL we may lmprove on
our resources lor Lhe school sLudenLs lL ls Lhe besL opporLunlLy Lo have a LasLe of englneerlng
as a course of sLudy and a professlon

kesearch paper presentat|on
lndusLrlallsLs from leadlng lndusLrles from all over aklsLan are lnvlLed Lo have a look your
pro[ecLs and research work 1he maln ob[ecLlve of lnvlLlng Lhem ls Lo brldge Lhe gap beLween
lnsLlLuLes and lndusLrles 1hls ls your chance Lo sell your lnnovaLlve ldea research or producL Lo
Lhese lndusLrles Lhereby securlng a poslLlon ln Lhe flrm as a graduaLe 1hese presenLaLlons wlll
be [udged by Lhe faculLy members of Clk lnsLlLuLe along wlLh Lhe lnvlLed !udges 1hls module
provldes a chance for Lhe upcomlng researcher Lo presenL hls flrsL work among honorable
docLoraLes and experLs ln Lhe fleld

A Leam of Lhree from a unlverslLy can parLlclpaLe ln Lhls module 1he Leam wlll have Lo send an
absLracL prlor Lo Lhe compeLlLlon for scruLlny and shorL llsLlng A brlef 10 mln presenLaLlon
followed by a quesLlon answer sesslon ls how we do lL 1he reporL should conLaln an absLracL a
brlef lnLroducLlon deLalls of Lhe experlmenLs performed resulLs concluslons and references A
prlnLed reporL should be presenLed before Lhe [udglng panel before Lhe sLarL of Lhe
presenLaLlon 1hose papers meeLlng a cerLaln sLandard wlll be publlshed Lherefore a prlnLed
reporL along wlLh lLs sofL copy should be submlLLed before presenLaLlon

Sem|nar on Lntrepreneursh|p
SLarLlng a new buslness or launchlng a new producL all follow markeL Lrends and rules whlch
requlre experlence and knowledge 8elng an englneer we lack managemenL skllls and
markeLlng ablllLles lor Lhls very reason we wlll be arranglng a semlnar on enLrepreneurshlp
where Lop class lndusLrlallsLs and enLrepreneurs wlll Leach you Lhe demands of markeL and
skllls all you need Lo be an efflclenL enLrepreneur Lhrough Lhelr experlence 1he semlnar wlll be
conducLed by ur Aneel Salman who ls a hu ln conomlc from 8ensselaer olyLechnlc lnsLlLuLe
uSA and has exLenslve Leachlng and lndusLrlal xperlence

2012 3

Industr|a| Sem|nars
MaLLech'12 wlll be aLLended by varlous lndusLrlal 8epresenLaLlves all glvlng a presenLaLlon
abouL Lhelr speclflc lndusLry 1hese wlll also lnclude our unlverslLy alumnl worklng ln Lhe
lndusLrlal secLor lndusLry represenLaLlves wlll glve a small presenLaLlon on Lhe cuLLlng edge
englneerlng Lhey do day ln day ouL and famlllarlze you wlLh Lhelr lndusLry Speakers from
varlous lndusLrles wlll be Lhere Lo answer your querles 1he Semlnar wlll also serve purpose as a
career guldance forum slnce lndusLrlal 8epresenLaLlves wlll be more Lhan wllllng Lo answer you
career relaLed quesLlons and provlde you wlLh lnLernshlp and !ob CpporLunlLles

All Lhe evenL deLalls wlll be complled and publlshed as a magazlne 1hls magazlne wlll be senL Lo
, lotetootloool as a summary of our acLlvlLles as a sLudenL chapLer worklng Lowards
promoLlon of maLerlals sclence and englneerlng boLh aL Clk lnsLlLuLe and all over aklsLan All
Lhe pro[ecL reporLs mlcrographs absLracLs and oLher evenL deLalls wlll be publlshed wlLh Lhe
parLlclpanL's reference lf any Leam falls Lo brlng wlLh lL Lhe menLloned prlnLed maLerlal we
regreL Lo say LhaL Lhelr conLrlbuLlon Lo MA11CP '12 wlll noL be acknowledged ln Lhe magazlne

9resentat|ons by |ead|ng Sc|ent|sts |n the f|e|d of Mater|a|s Sc|ence
Je have conLacLed leadlng aklsLanl 8esearchers ln MaLerlals Sclence nglneerlng Lo
presenL Lhelr own research elLher ln aklsLan or abroad SLudenLs wlll geL Lo learn Lhe dynamlcs
of research and wlll be menLally sLlmulaLed wlLh ldeas Lo research on new fronLlers ln Lhe fleld
of MaLerlals Sclences and nglneerlng Slnce Llaonlng ls sLlll golng on Lhe compleLe llsL of guesL
speakers wlll be noLlfled laLer
rof ur lazal A khalld (Sl) Pro-rector academics, wlll glve a speclal semlnar 43 the 'Latest
disc4;eries i3 Materials Scie3ces a3d E3i3eeri3 This is t4 acquai3t y4u with the 3ew
disc4;eries a3d the hih achie;eme3ts that ha;e bee3 acc4mplished i3 the Iield 4I Material
Scie3ces ar4u3d the w4rld a3d m4ti;ate stude3ts t4 pursue research 43 these latest disc4;eries


2012 3

Ma11ech 12
eqlsttotloo fotm
lnsLlLuLe _____________________________________________________________
arLlclpanLs lnfo
Names Lducat|on Leve| Contact No Lma|| Id
&ll 1eom ,embets most ottocb tbelt Nlc wltb tbe fotm
A J||| you present your kesearch 9aper?
?es no
lf ?es Lhen 8esearch 1lLle _______________________________________________________________
*klndly mall your AbsLracL Lo asmglkl[gmallcom by !an 30 2012
8 J||| you 9art|c|p|te |n Meta||ography Compet|t|on?
?es no
lf ?es Lhen Sample name ________________________________________________

2012 3


. Paiticipation Fee is Rs - anu incluues: Tiavel, Accommouation, Conceit anu uala Binnei.
This fee is all inclusive anu allows a stuuent to paiticipate in any mouule he wishes.
. Fees can be Paiu via Bank Biafts Payable to: uIK Institute (caie of ASN-uiki Chaptei) - Babib
Bank, uIKI Bianch, Topi: Bianch Coue 99 (Bistiict Swabi), KPK
. All Paiticipants aie iequiieu to attach a copy of theii NIC's along with the iegistiation foim.
. This foim has to be posteu back along with N0C anu the Bank Biaft to this auuiess:

r Sberaz Kbakwani,
Faculty of aterials Science and Engineering,
Cbulam Isbaq Kban Institute of Engineering Sciences and Tecbnology,
Topi, Dist. Swabi, Pakistan

. Foi Netallogiaphy Competition Paiticipants aie iequiieu to biing coloieu miciostiuctuies at
, anu 8 X along with etcheu samples foi aujuuication.
. Foi Reseaich Papei Pioject Piesentation, email the abstiact to by }anuaiy

2012 3


1 Jhlch nglneerlng ulsclpllnes can aLLend Lhls conference?

MaLLech 12 Lough speclflcally focuses on MaLerlals nglneerlng can be aLLended by any
nglneerlng ulsclpllne SLudenL slnce Lhe scope of MaLerlals Sclences lles ln all englneerlng
dlsclpllnes 1he recommended ulsclpllnes are
O MaLerl al s ngl neerl ng
O Manuf acLurl ng ngl neerl ng
O eLr ol eum ngl neerl ng
O C l vl l ngl neer l ng
O C heml cal ngl neer l ng
O nv l r onmenL al ngl neer l ng
O Mechanl cal ngl neerl ng
O nucl ear ngl neer l ng
O C er aml cs ngl neer l ng
O o l y me r n g l n e e r l n g
O l ndusLrl al ngl neer l ng
O lndusLrl al ManagemenL ngl neerl ng
O l ecL r onl cs ngl neer l ng
O CompuLer Par dwar e ngl neer l ng

2 Pow shoul d l r each Cl kl ?

ASMClkl ChapLer provldes you wlLh free LransporL Lo Clkl from lslamabad 8awalplndl and
eshawar and vlce versa 1he Llmlngs of Lhe 8us and Lhe plckup spoL wlll be noLlfled laLer

3 JhaL should l brlng for my Lwo days sLay ln Clkl ?

1eam ASM wlll Lry lLs besL Lo make your sLay ln Clkl as comforLable as posslble we however wlll
recommend you Lo brlng cloLhes Lowels Soap and oLher necesslLles Je also recommend you
Lo brlng blankeLs slnce Lhe 1opl ls qulLe cold ln lebruary

2012 3

4 JhaL ls Lhe deadllne for 8eglsLraLlons ?

1he deadllne for 8eglsLraLlon ls !an 30 2012

3 Jhere should l send submlL my absLracL for approval?

?ou should mall your absLracL Lo asmglkl[gmallcom laLesL by !anuarry 30 2011 Je wlll noLlfy
you abouL our declslon wlLhln Lhree worklng days

6 l don'L have a pro[ecL for ro[ecL/8esearch aper resenLaLlon and MeLallography CompeLlLlon
Can l sLlll aLLend?
?es you can lLs hlghly recommended Lo aLLend MaLLech Conference slnce leadlng researcher
from all over aklsLan wlll be presenLlng Lhelr research Also Lhere ls an lndusLrlal Semlnar
whlch wlll accusLom one Lo Lhe Lrends prevalllng ln Lhe lndusLry MaLLech 12 ls an excellenL
place for menLal slmulaLlon and ldeas generaLlon seelng Lhe noLable researchers presenLlng
may glve one ldeas and moLlvaLlon Lo conducL research lL's an experlence one shouldn'L mlss

7 Pow uo l pay my 8eglsLraLlon lees?
1he only way Lo pay your reglsLraLlon fees ls vla a bank drafL whlch should be Payable to: CIK
Institute {care of ASCiki Cbapter] - Habib Bank, CIKI Brancb, Topi: Brancb Code
99 {District Swabi], KPK. Nail youi uiaft along with youi iegistiation foim anu copy of
NIC to:
r Sberaz Kbakwani,
Faculty of Nateiials Science anu Engineeiing,
uhulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineeiing Sciences anu Technology,
Topi, Bist. Swabi, Pakistan

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