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Board of Fire Commissioners Meeting March 5, 2009 Chairman Hahn, Commr Nielsen, Commr Hafner, Commr K. OBrien, Commr Palatella

Chairman Hahn called the business meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. MOTION MADE to approve the February 5, 2009 minutes as amended. All in favor. Martin Sandlewski of Martin Sandlewski Architects arrived at 7:17 p.m. to discuss the building repairs. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding specs, bids and the repairs to the outside and inside of the firehouse. The exterior bid to be comprised of masonry/carpentry/roofing; interior to be refurbished and updated. Scope and budget of the project to be determined; architects fee estimate of 8.5%. Mr. Sandlewski to prepare an overview proposal including the cost of preparing specifications and scope. Matt Curtis, District Manager of Smithtown Fire District and Commissioner of East Islip Fire District arrived at 8:10 p.m. and the Board adjourned to Executive Session for discussions as to employee related matters. Commr Hahn excused from the meeting. East Islip is very similar to the size and composition of Cold Spring Harbor. Discussion ensued regarding need for a district manager. Commr Hahn rejoined the meeting to continue the discussions with Mr. Curtis as to a review of the current firehouse facilities and operations. Chief Felton arrived at 8:55 p.m. 1. Radios Chief Felton was at Telecoms offices today and got the maps. The only deadspot is at Route 108. MOTION MADE to go forward with Telecom. Discussion that it should be subject to getting a contract that has reasonable time limits, performance and payment schedules. MOTION AMENDED to meet these requirements. Commr Nielsen discussed that the contract needs a performance bond, prevailing wage, payment bond, and other requirements as requested in November. Vote called on the Motion: Four in favor; Commr Nielsen opposed to motion. Motion carried 4 to 1. 2. PA System in Building the tones are not heard throughout the building because speakers were disconnected. Ask Hello Alert to reconnect the speakers. 3. Cameras On Truck Floor Ask Hello Alert to redirect the cameras in the truck aisles.

4. Bulletin Board Software Monitors Issues with the memory size; server does not have sufficient capacity for the software. MOTION MADE to authorize the expenditure of up to $2,500 to replace/upgrade the server. All in favor. 5. Simulator Software The chief will purchase software for a simulator program to train volunteers in buildings simulated to be local buildings in the district. The expenditure will come out of the training budget. 6. Grants The hiring of a grant writer was discussed. The Chief will give the names of the grant writers he has to the District Clerk. 7. First Assistant Chief Approval MOTION MADE to approve Peter Como as First Assistant Chief of the Department and Chris Ingwersen as Second Assistant Chief of the Department. All in favor. 8. Recruitment Chairman Hahn has contacted G&F Marketing to send out a letter to the district regarding recruitment, including an information sheet on house details and special needs of the residents. G&Fs cost, exclusive of postage, is $1,200. Commr Hafner suggested that the mailing should include asking each household to have medical info available, such as a list of doctors and any medicines being taken. MOTION MADE to fund the recruitment mailing in an amount up to $1,500. All in favor. The Chief left the meeting at 9:45 p.m. MOTION MADE to accept the treasurers report as submitted. All in favor. Coastal Fire Systems A discussion ensued regarding the contract and what it covers. COMMITTEE REPORTS House Heater in the truck bay burned up and Berleth has been contacted to do the repair work. The speakers to the PA system have been disconnected. They should be reconnected. The sidewalk needs to be repaired. The question arose as to who fixes the sidewalk, the state or the fire district. AEDs are being ordered from Pickering. Hydrant -Commr OBrien will speak to the Assistant Chief and a letter will be written to the Cold Spring Harbor High School to schedule a drill to be done to check the volume of the water flow from the hydrant there. Technology Radios and monitors discussed under Chiefs Report. Truck No change since last report. Commr Hahn reported that the Wicks Barn meeting for March 4th was cancelled. MOTION MADE to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m. All in favor.

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