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Entry Test Audio Script

Track 02

Part 1
Matt Gina Matt Gina Matt Gina Matt Gina Hello, Gina. Good to see you again! Its good to be here. How are you, Matt? Fine, thanks. How about you? How was your trip? Terrible! The plane was delayed. We waited four hours at Rome airport. I arrived very late last night it was 11 oclock. Im sorry to hear that. You must be tired. Very tired! Well, lets go to my office and Ill get you some coffee. Thanks, Matt.

Track 03 Part 2 Matt Gina, can I introduce Tony Lloyd, our Marketing Manager. Tony, this is Gina Tallarigo from our Rome office. Tony Very pleased to meet you, Gina. I hear you had a difficult journey last night. Gina Yes, the weather was very bad, and my plane couldnt take off. Tony Thats unusual to have bad weather in Rome! Its more typical of London weather! Gina Yes youre right. We had English weather! Tony What time does the meeting start, Matt? Matt Ten thirty. Tony OK, we have half an hour. Perhaps I can show Gina round the office. Would you like to have a look around, Gina? Gina That would be great. Thank you, Tony. Tony OK, lets go.

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

Progress Test 1 Audio Script

Track 04

Hi. Im Hal Bonelli, Im Managing Director of Flicker and Id like to tell you something about my company. As you know, we are looking for new investment to help us expand our activities, and Im very much hoping that some of you here today will see what an exciting opportunity this is for you to invest with us. So, first Im going to give you some general information about the company. Then Ill go on to explain how we plan to expand in the future. And finally, Ill add in some figures so you know what you can expect to gain from your investment. Let me start with some background. Flicker is best known as a manufacturer of cigarette lighters. But as you know, not so many people in the US smoke cigarettes these days. Sales of cigarette lighters are down. Ten years ago, our sales of lighters totalled 160 million dollars; but today, our sales are only 120 million. Ten years ago, we employed twelve hundred people at our main factory in Ohio in the US. Now, we employ only seven hundred fifty in that factory. However, we think we can still sell this product, and our strategy is to move into new markets in Europe, Russia and China. For example, we now have a factory in China where we make lighters for the Chinese market. At present, our sales in China come to only eight million dollars, but this is a very big market and we expect sales to increase rapidly. At the same time, we have decided to move into new industry sectors. We are using our experience and expertise in making lighters to develop new products with similar technology. For example, we are now developing a new kind of lighter which you can use to light a barbecue or a fire when camping. We plan to go still further and to sell other kinds of camping equipment. We even plan to sell such products as clothing and luggage in the future, which is something completely new for us. So how do we plan to do all this? Let me give you a more detailed look at our plans

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

Progress Test 2 Audio Script

Track 05

Keith OK, lets start. At the last meeting, we agreed that we need to extend our product range. The purpose of this meeting is to decide what kind of new products we should develop. Donna, youve looked at the market research. What have you found out? Donna Well, the trend is definitely towards healthy foods. Market research shows that 60 per cent of people buy healthy foods some or all of the time. And 35 per cent often buy vegetarian food. If we go with the trend, weve got three options. The first is healthy dishes made with meat or fish and very little salt or fat. The second is healthy desserts, made with fruit and not much sugar. And the third is vegetarian dishes. Keith OK, lets look at the first option healthy meat and fish dishes. What do you all think? FatimaWe launched a healthy chicken dish two years ago. It wasnt very popular and didnt sell well. It didnt have much salt. And without salt, it didnt have much taste. The customers opinion was that it was tasteless. Jamie Perhaps we should make something spicy, then. We could make an Indianstyle dish. For example, chicken curry. That has a strong taste and doesnt need salt. Donna Im afraid I dont agree, Jamie. Several other companies already produce exotic foods curries and so on. Its a very specialist area, and we dont have any experience or expertise in that. Jamie Well were talking about introducing a new product range, so whatever we choose, were entering a new market where we dont have much experience. FatimaJamies right. We have to be ready to take some risks or well never make any progress. Keith OK, lets make a note of chicken curry. Thats one suggestion. What other suggestions do you have?

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

Progress Test 3 Audio Script

Track 06

Daniel Daniel Schwarz speaking. Mariko Hello. This is Mariko Kudo calling from Japan. Daniel Hi, Mariko! Mariko Im calling about your trip to Japan next month. I would like to go over some of the arrangements. Daniel Yes, of course. Mariko Well, the main event that you would like to attend is the conference at Rikkyo University in Tokyo on Globalising Communications. Thats right, isnt it? Daniel Yes er, Im just looking for the dates Mariko Its next month, from the 16th to the 18th of November Thursday through Saturday. Daniel Yes here it is thats right. Mariko And when do you plan to arrive in Tokyo? Daniel Ive decided to fly at the weekend, so I will arrive in Tokyo er, wait a moment on the 12th. Mariko OK, good. So is it OK if I schedule some meetings in Tokyo between the 13th and the 15th? Daniel Yes, of course. Mariko One meeting we would like to arrange is with our design team. They would like to discuss the design for the new model. Daniel Good thats fine. Mariko Then, after the conference, you would like to travel to Kyoto. Is that right? Daniel Yes. Id like to spend three or four days in Kyoto and to meet some clients there. I have to fly back on the 22nd, because I have an important meeting here on the 23rd. Mariko You have to be back by the 23rd? Daniel Yes. Mariko OK, so I can arrange some meetings in Kyoto for you on the 20th and 21st Daniel Yes that would be good. Mariko Well, there is another event we have in Kyoto a festival which will take place on the 19th. We would like very much to invite you to attend. It will be a very special Japanese experience. Daniel That sounds wonderful. But do you think I can get there in time? The conference doesnt finish until the evening of the 18th. Mariko Oh, its no problem. You can take the high-speed train. It takes only three hours! Daniel Yes, of course the high-speed train. Thatll be a special Japanese experience, too! Mariko Yes, it will! OK, so I will make all the arrangements for your visit and then I will e-mail the schedule to you. Daniel Thats excellent, thank you for all your help. Mariko Its no problem. Ill be in touch soon. Daniel Thanks again. Bye.

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

Progress Test 4 Audio Script

Track 07

Good morning, everybody. Im Lars Davidsson and Im here to show you our latest product: the YP 9000. Its new, its elegant and its very high-tech. Very soon, everybody is going to want one of these! As you can see, the YP 9000 looks very stylish in its black-and-silver case. It looks like a mobile phone but it does so much more! Let me tell you about its special features. You can use it to make phone calls, send and receive e-mails, browse the Internet, play music and video. It also has a digital zoom camera for taking photos. Its ideal for travelling you dont need to carry any other devices. This one has it all. A big advantage of the YP 9000 is its small size. Its 22 centimetres long and one centimetre thick. And it weighs just 75 grams. Yet this compact device can give you high-quality sound, full-colour video and excellent text readability. At the same time, the long-lasting batteries give you more than 20 hours of talk time. The YP 9000 is powered by a fast microprocessor with 64 megabytes of memory. The powerful operating system lets you do several things at the same time, quickly and reliably. It comes with a full range of software, including e-mail, calendar, address book and web browser. Whats more, this amazing device is very competitively priced at just 199 dollars. Im sure many of you will want to try it for yourselves, and in a moment Im going to give you the chance to do just that. But first are there any questions?

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

Exit Test Audio Script

Track 08

Boss Roger Boss Roger

Boss Roger Boss Roger Boss Roger Boss Roger Boss Roger Boss

Roger Boss Roger

Hello, Roger. Come in. Take a seat. Thanks. I understand you want to go on a training course? Yes, thats right. Its a sales training course and it was recommended to me by Joanne Barnes, who did the training last year. She said it was excellent. I really want to advance my career in sales and I think that this is the course for me. Which course are we talking about? Its called Selling by objectives and its run by the Institute of Sales and Marketing in north London. It starts on October the 16th. I know the course and its very good. Its a two-week course, I believe. Thats right. Hmm. October is a very busy month, as you know. I dont usually give anyone time off during the three months before Christmas. We need you to be at work if were going to meet our sales targets. I know. But if I can improve my selling skills, Ill be much more effective after the course. I should be able to make up for the time off by increasing sales in November and December. Hm. Another problem is that we dont have much money left in the training budget for this year. What are the costs exactly? The course itself costs 1,900, but Id also need some expenses, to cover the cost of travel to London and so on. So with accommodation, were probably looking at around 2,500 in total. Im afraid thats out of the question. It doesnt need to cost that much. My parents live in North London, and I could stay with them, so I wont need a hotel. Well, youve been with the company for three years and youve shown yourself to be enthusiastic and hard-working. So Im in favour of you doing some further sales training. But Im afraid I cant let you go before the end of the year. If you want to do the course in January or February, and if you can keep the costs down to a maximum of 2,000, then I can agree to that. OK. Thanks very much. Ill find out if they are running the course again in January or February. Put the full details of the course and the exact costs in a memo and let me have it by the end of the month. Then I can add it to the budget for next year. Thanks. I will.

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

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