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This is intended to be a collection of experience of successful people.

People who got great score please post here to complete this nice collection. Report Abuse * Re:Those who got 99 or want to get 99 post here #2178356 docsendi - 08/28/10 14:33 okok99 - 08/25/10 20:03 I would like to thank all people from this forum. I am old graduate, immigrant d octor. This forum is solely my study partner. I learnt most of concepts from thi s forum. Study material- Kaplan Notes, (2006-7), Kaplan CDs (2003), Kaplan Qbook (2004), Kaplan Qbank (2006-7)(offline), UW online x 3.5months. Study duration x 10months. Kaplan Notesx 2times reading with CD and Kaplan Q ban kx1time, Qbookx2times. Started uw online 3.5mths before exam. UW unused timed mode- 64%. Uwsa1x 550 (6wk bf exam) Uwsa2x620 (4wk bf exam) Nbme4x590 (3wk bf exam) Nbme7x510 (2wk bf exam) Nbme6x560 (1wk bf exam) Thank you all. I am willingly to share my experiences. Report Abuse * Re:Those who got 99 or want to get 99 post here #2178359 docsendi - 08/28/10 14:34 Thnx 2 ol of u.. my preparation time: 10 months. (Started Mar'09. Lost 5 to 6 months due to some family matters). Anatomy: only Kaplan(1X). Neuroanatomy: Kaplan (2x), High yield neuroanatomy (3rd,23rd,24th chapters). Physiology: Kaplan (2x, CVS, Resp 3X)(Video lectures of CVS,Resp) Biochemistry, Genetics: Kaplan (2x), but practiced the metabolic pathways severa l times. Behavioural science: Kaplan, BRS (Barbara Fadem) Pathology: Goljan high yield (2x) with audio lectures 1X. Microbiology, Immunology: Kaplan (2X) Pharmacology: Kaplan (2x), (Video lectures on general,ANS,CVS,CNS) FA:2 times. UW: 1x .Offline. took all the notes in the FA.60%avg. NBME 4: 500/223.(8 Weeks before) NBME 6: 530/229.(7 Weeks before) NBME 7: 460/214.(5 Weeks before) NBME 5: 530/229.(8 weeks before) Final exam: 228/98. Any queries feel free to ask

Report Abuse * Re:Those who got 99 or want to get 99 post here #2178361 docsendi - 08/28/10 14:34 draliusmle - 08/27/10 07:45 i got my score of step1,its 95/222. i want to share with u ppl how to improve ur score on stp1.the 3 problems which i faced on the day of exam were very easy to handle before exam but i didnt give them attention at all. ppl usually appear in exam with the best of their knowledge n understanding then what make much differnce in scores??????i found three reasons which u can do on ly in 7 to 8 hours but i give u my promisse that these three things can change u r score dramatically. 1.time mangemnt:75% responsible is ur question practice and 25% responsible is t hat how much good u memorize all the lab values.i wasted a lot of time in lookin g for lab values on computer screen on the day of exam.believe me if u r good at lab values then u will remember me in good words even during the exam.try to pi ck the heart murmur from clinical scenario, if u find that u r unable to pick af ter hearing within 5 to 10 seconds then just read the scenario ,choose best answ er and move forward.i also wastd lot of time in listening to two heart murmurs q uests but unable to pick at all.on the day of exam the anxiety and performance l evel are automatically at their best so any question which u find that u havnt r ead that or unable to find the answer within 1 minute then just choose the best guess mark it and move forward bcz believe me that on the day of exam the answer which which dont strike ur brain within single minuts will remain unaswered eve n after spending 3 or 4 minutes on that.i wasted lot of my time by thinking a lo t about many such questions but after wasting 3 to 4 minutes i came to realize t hat i just had to choose the best guess.dont waste ur time on doing such unsolva ble qusestion rather save ur time for those next quests which can be in ur grip so its ur duty to correct all those quests which u shudnt loose just bcz of time problem. 2.ct scan of relevant systems especially of brain from all angls.i was able to p ick neuro quests from scenario but unable to point them out n answer on ct scan: -( most of neuro quests were with ct scan. 3.pathology pics.dont do thousands of pics frm goljan cd slidesbcz u dont need t o do all .just do it from goljan pathology book,thats more than enough.u can eas ily identify each n every pic on exam day after just going through goljan path b ook pics. best of luk to all of u. hope all of u get 99 ;-) Report Abuse * Re:Those who got 99 or want to get 99 post here #2178362 docsendi - 08/28/10 14:36 naomi99 - 08/25/10 12:53 Thanks all of you, My preparation was on/off at the beginning, but was intensive in the last month, all in all i studied for about 8 months ( am working full time). My main source was UW (2 times some questions 3 times) and FA(3 times), i read g oljan 1 time, from Kaplan i read only anatomy(1x), pharmacology(1x) and bichemis ty(1x) , for physiology i read BRS 1 time. I recommend to do thoroughly UW and FA ( every line is important) and i was writ

ing my UW notes on FA, my FA is full of UW notes that i don't need to revise UW. am happy to answer any question Report Abuse * Re:Those who got 99 or want to get 99 post here #2178363 docsendi - 08/28/10 14:38 234/99 Thanks to God Almighty #527838 insaneone - 08/25/10 09:44 Got my score today, very excited. Studied for 3months total, my study strategy w as as follows: Read Kaplan Lecuture notes for a month and a half while annotating into FA Started UW after the kaplan notes, i again annotated UW into FA Last two weeks i redid the questions i got wrong in UW and went over FA couple m ore times Overall i went through FA about 5times over the 3months After the exam i had no idea of how i did, i felt like i was guessing on about h alf of the exam, but it turned out good. GoodLuck to everyone else Report Abuse * Re:Those who got 99 or want to get 99 post here #2178745 usmle27 - 08/28/10 23:11 Hi everyone! I am taking the exam on Sept 20th. Going to NBME form 7 tomorrow. Starting to ge t really stressed and not sure if i need more time or if i should postpone the e xam or not. I have to be back at school by the 23rd! I have been studying hard f or the past 2 months or so. Been thru FA about one n half times and read thru BR S physio and Goljan, Kaplan Biochem and Pharm, Micro from ridiculosly easy, High yield Immuno. So far I am done UW once and final percentage was 64%. Been doing kaplan qbank o n/off with some mistakes where i cancelled two whole tests n didn't realise the that score was counted!! Kaplan qbank is 59% with 40% of bank left to go. Not su re what i should do for the next 3 weeks. It's so motivating that you all have done soo well!! I do have a time limit but if i decide to postpone my test that means i will be doing rotations n studying which im scared if i can do! Which NBME forms would you recommend? When should I do UW assessment forms? Any advice would be great!! Good luck to everyone else! Report Abuse * Re:Those who got 99 or want to get 99 post here #2178840 drmedstudent - 08/29/10 01:38 Duration: 9.5 weeks Used: First Aid, Pathology Rapid Review, Kaplan Videos, Kaplan Lecture Notes, Cl

inical Micro Made Ridiculously Simple, BRS Pathology, BRS Physiology, Lange Phar mcards, Microcards, Anatomy Road Map (reference), half of USMLERx, UWorld, did s ome NBMEs Score: 231/99 Report Abuse * Re:Those who got 99 or want to get 99 post here #2178849 usmle27 - 08/29/10 02:20 hey drmedstudent, which nbme forms did you do? what were your final scores? thanks! :) Report Abuse * Re:Those who got 99 or want to get 99 post here #2179591 christina_2010 - 08/29/10 22:39 its beeen great to read ur experiences here ,, pls help me out . am a fo reign imm.i was practicing ophth back in my country and its been really a big st ruggle for me trying to get my motto running , just done with anat and behav sci ence .. i just feel more and more depressed everyday .. Report Abuse * Re:Those who got 99 or want to get 99 post here #2179747 razan123 - 08/30/10 05:54 @ docsendi,,,,if u can plz tell me from where did u get golj

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