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Cross-Cultural Communication Matrix Russell Lester XCOM 285 June 26, 2011 Janet Hrncir


Cross-Cultural Communication
Country Preferred Communication Style Japanese use a very indirect communication style. Most Japanese use silence, body language, mood, and tone. They do not use words such as no because they do not wish to humiliate anyone. Nonverbal Communication Practices Japanese use nonverbal communication as a significant part of their conversations. Bowing, avoiding eye contact, and posture are important ways of showing respect in Japan. Business Communication Norms The Japanese have many business norms regarding the greeting, the way they dress, and the manner that business is discussed. Business cards are extremely important in the manner they are accepted and bowing properly is important in the introduction. Up-close and personal communication is normal for Brazilians as well as physical contact. Also, time is not a factor in Brazil so it is normal for Brazilians to be tardy. Strategies to Increase Cross-Cultural Communication In my opinion, the number one problem with cross-cultural communication is understanding. Misinterpretations among the communicating cultures have always caused problems in crossculture communications. One should completely understand the communication behaviors of the other culture before attempting a business conversation. If one side becomes confused or heated for any reason during a business communication they should stop, back up, listen, and think. This person should ask themselves are we genuinely disagreeing on a particular subject or is this a cultural misinterpretation. Either way these conflicts can be sorted out by effective communication. Another idea would be to acquire an intermediary. Intermediaries often understand both cultures and can accurately convey both sides of communication without bias. Intermediaries also act as peacekeepers by toning the conversation to certain levels or timing other



Brazilians have a very direct communication style. They are loud, passionate, and use emotions when speaking. They use a lot of body language and prefer the oral word over the written word. South Africans are very direct in communication. They say what is on their mind and often use humor in all situations.

Brazilians are very physical people. They use eye contact and gestures to communicate nonverbally. They also are very physical with their greetings using handshakes, kisses, and slight pats. Long, strong handshakes and back slaps are normal practices of greeting with South Africans. They use a lot of hand gestures and body language to show involvement in conversation.

South Africa

South Africans are very casual in their businesses and therefore, business cards are not important, dress for meeting is normally business casual and no meeting should start before 9 am. Also, one should not expect their dealings to be rushed.


conversational bit appropriately. One problem with intermediaries or mediators is that if they are the same culture as one of the presenting cultures than this show bias even if there is none. However, when using an intermediary or mediator the communication process is drug out immensely due to confirmation and re-conformation of communication. With regards to technology improving cross-cultural communication, I believe that technology would only hurt the situation. Yes, we could communicate with other cultures without having to spend time and money to travel to the other location because we could communicate online and have discussions over video chat. This takes away from the personal relationship that is built during these trips and therefore the trust that would normally be between business partners is no more. Technology could make communications easier by automatically translating documents and emails, but people are just going to get lazy and fell like they do not have to learn about foreign cultures anymore or any foreign languages because the computer does all of the work for them.


Reference Expats moving and relocation guide. (2011). Non-verbal Communication in Japan. Retrieved from International Business Wiki. (2010, June). South Africa Communication Patterns. Retrieved from http://internationalbusiness. International Business Wiki. (2010, May). Brazilian Communication Patterns. Retrieved from Japanese Communication Style. (2004, May). Doing Business in Japan. Retrieved from Kwintessential. (2011). Business and Relationships in Brazil. Retrieved from (2011, February). South African Communication Styles. Retrieved from (2011, January). Brazilian Communication Styles. Retrieved from (2006). South Africa. Retrieved from (2008). Japan. Retrieved from

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