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These three Chapters is a sneak peek into the Novel PROOF OF PAST LIFE AND SOULMATES BOOK ONE- PART ONE and PART TWO now available on KINDLE e-Booktake the journey.



I never thought my life would take me on such a journey that would steer me in the direction of meeting past life and soulmate. I can say I was very skeptical about the subject of past life and soulmates, only because there was no way to prove that it exists. Especially when we dont come with the knowledge of whom he or she is. Thats when I decided to keep a journal of this journey I hope will change everything I believe about soulmates and past lives. And, I hope would also prove that past life and soulmates do actually exist in our lives heart, mind and soul. Where it all begins for me is with an unusual birthmark, mine. To describe it, its heart shaped located on my chest, over my heart.

I never really understood why or what it meant for me, only that I felt it either had to do with my life past or present, Possibly, with a soulmate, possibly, nothing at all. Only time would really tell which was really true. And, for me it meant Id have to wait and see and I have to say was the hardest part. Especially when every thought feeling and question about it stayed on my mind without finding any answers no matter where I turned for why I was born with it. So, thats when I began seeking out any and every psychic I could find asking the same questions about the birthmark and what it could possibly mean. And they, I can say would all begin the same, its about love, they say, a true soulmate. I see youll be meeting within a year. I was to say the least hopeful. So, I waited and within the year there was nothing they predicted that came true, leaving me where I began with even more questions about myself and what I was doing, that it even caused me to have greater doubts about this birthmark, that it just maybe that a birthmark and nothing more. Then it was about two weeks later when after having dinner I decided to take a walk. I wasnt thinking of going anywhere particular. So, I just followed the path in front of me taking me a distance from home, thats when I stopped to look at a street sign, when I noticed a sign with a tiger eye lighting up the corner down the street from me. And, I have to say it was my

curiosity that drew me towards it, as if I was looking for it and oddly enough, it was. I walked down the block and came to the small curio shop which was called the Tigers Eye and moved inside. It was softly lit with a young woman standing behind the counter. Good evening. She greeted me. Take a look around. If you need any help just let me know. I will, Thank you. Your welcome. Now, I began to move slowly about the store looking at the shelves of books in tall bookcases with small stacks of books on near-by tables. I moved closer to them, picking up several of them when I noticed this thick leather bound book with a gold curved design over its cover and picked it up. I opened it to blank pages of yellow parchment paper making a crisp crackling sound as you leaf through it. Yes, I thought and placed it in hand to buy. Then as I glanced ahead of me I noticed a long table at the back of the store filled with small curios laid out across it. When I moved up closer to it I found different size pentagrams, birthstones, crystals, scarabs, pyramid charms and the like. I noticed this unusual coin about the size of a silver dollar, which I picked up to take a closer look at. On one side it has a person

standing before a threshold with a question mark hanging within it. And, on the other side the person emerges with the symbols of money, love, career, success across the top of the threshold that represents the answer you may be seeking. I placed that too in hand to buy. I then saw this heart shaped pendent called The Soulmates Heart, ruby red with a delicate chain. I also included it to buy and saw nothing else. I moved over to the counter setting everything down in front of her. Id like these items. I said Okay, There are a few interesting things I can tell you about these pieces if you like. Alright. First, the soulmates heart, This is a replica of the original made in the midfourteen hundreds. Its said that the bearer of a heart shaped birthmark is destined to receive the soulmates pendent. You say a heart shaped birthmark? Yes, if its located over the heart. Thats when I lifted my hand up to my heart not realizing I did it. It was the first time hearing anything about it and she knew that I had to know about it. What does this birthmark mean?

Its to identify who your true soulmate is. And, its origin was first created by a wizard named Arden. His son Sefton was in love with King Vareks daughter, Kathryn. The king disapproved of their union. So, they went to Arden for help. They decided to run away from Osrik, the village they lived in. Arden knew it would be difficult for them. He gave them a gift of gold to live. And, seeing how much they were in love with each other, he gave Kathryn the Soulmates Heart he made from a ruby red crystal. When he placed it about her neck it touched her heart and left a mark in the shape of the heart. Arden then explains it a mark for lifetimes, sefton has the same mark so the both of you can always identify each other. But, in their haste to leave, they never learned about the power it held. It was several years later when they were suddenly awoken to a raid by the royal guardsmen, setting the village they were living in on fire, killing many along the way. As sefton and Kathryn try to escape they were stopped by Oram the kings head guardsmen. But, before they could say a word they were beheaded by him. Then, in the sixteen hundreds Kathryn became Constance Pry, she lived in Salem, Massachusetts. Now, she was suspected of being a witch and was places on trial. It was at this trial where she came to know Eric Brent, a judge on the tribunal for the Witch Trials. Eric was becoming very attracted to Constance and began to voice his objections to the evidence that was


presented as acts of witchcraft. He convinced the other judges that she was innocent of such charges they agreed and let her go. It wasnt until a couple of months later that Eric and Constance began to see each other and gave her The Soulmates Heart, thats when they found out that each other had the same birthmark on their chests. Theres more, if you like? Please, I would. OkayFrom Constance she became Laurel Ashton, In the early seventeen hundreds living in Abington, Virginia. Laurels experience was much tougher. She was homeless living in abandon houses for awhile when one night a local shop owner noticed her entering and leaving a near-by abandon house. He became concerned enough to bring her something to eat and warmer clothes to wear. He would do this for several weeks when he was able to get her to trust in him enough to talk with her. He then asked her to consider living with his family instead of the abandon house. It took her awhile, but, she finally agreed. The family accepted her as if she was one of them. She soon found out that the family that took her in was related to the King of England, which made them the social elite. Then one summer the family was invited to a social event at the Kendrick Manor. The Kendricks were Edwards parents. Edward was the shop keeper that brought Laurel into his family. The Kendricks were the wealthiest in all of Europe. So,


what they say was gospel and they found it hard to accept Laurel. But, Edward continued to fight for her and they continued to reject her, that at the social gathering everyone else began to reject her without saying a word to her. Realizing this she moved herself outside where no one could see her cry. While inside Edward meets an old family friend. He brings to tell him that Laurel is Margarets daughter. Margaret was his younger sister. He was in disbelief to what he was learning when his friend continues telling him that his parents disowned Margaret when she refused to become apart of the social circle, it was something she really hated. They told us that she died. We even attended the funeral he stated. When she had Laurel, his friend continued. She had complications giving birth, she died several days later and since there was no one they could contact Laurel was given up to the Applegate Orphanage. Where she grew up, but, by the time she was sixteen they sent her off on here own and that was the last I heard, he finished. Thank you for telling me he said and walked away, looking for Laurel. And not being able to find her he rushes home only to find she wasnt there either. While Laurel was walking around Belmont where his parents live far from where Edward lives. Lost Laurel turns down a side street where she comes up to a window display to an antique shop. She sees this pendent, heart shaped, attracted to it she goes inside and is met by this


distinguished looking older gentleman. May I help you, he asked. Yes, she responded. Id like to see the pendent displayed in the window. Oh, the Soulmates Heart, he said. He moved over to the window and took it from the display bringing it back to the counter and set it down in front of her. Yes, she said, how much?, even though she didnt have any money to truly buy it. For you, he said, its yours, it belongs to you. A smile grows on her face when she picks it up in her hands and walked out of the shop. But, when she looked back she sees only an empty building behind her and seeing that she became scared it would disappear that she drew her fingers tight around the pendent and drew it tight to her chest, close to her heart. There has to be someone I belong with, guide me to who ever it may be, she cried, repeating it again and again. When several hours later she found herself back at Edwards house and not knowing what kind of reception she would be greeted with, she walked up to the front door and knocked. Several minutes passed when the door opened to the whole family standing behind it. Laurel, they all said as they moved towards her, wrapping their arms around her letting her know how much they missed her, which made her happy realizing that the Soulmates Heart brought her to where she truly belonged. Edward made sure she knew that she was apart of the family as Laurel Kendrick. Now, it was Abby, Edwards wife that wrote all the entries


and she mentioned that he never told Laurel what he knew about her mostly because of what she already had gone through. Did she ever know who she really was? Yes, Abby told her with the emphasis of being apart of the family she writes. Then it was about several months later they threw her a birthday party this is where Laurel met Eric Jordon. He was a reporter for the London Daily Journal. That when they met they instantly fell in love and it was then for the second time in her life being with Eric was where she truly belonged. And, from that day they grew a lot closer to each other enough to tell each other about the birthmark they both were born with and soon after they were married. Now, according to the journal they had five children, two dogs and one cat. Laurel was the founder of the Ashton Animal Rescue in England and the Kendrick House for Homeless Children who are orphaned or abandoned, which still exists today. Wow.was there anything written for the fifteen hundreds? Id like to hear everything. Okay, In the fifteen hundreds Kathryn became Jade Payton. She was born to parents that lived in the same village she died in, in her past life and at that time she would have nightmares about it. She never understood what it meant until she met this woman one afternoon that explained that it was a


view of her past life and because of it she was given a life unencumbered, to find her soulmate in full happiness and that shell know him by the same birthmarh. Jade kept that in mind for several years when she turned twentytwo. Her parents gave her the Soulmates Heart and that guided her to the Harvest Festival where she met Steven Elliot, a neighbor that lived several miles away from her. It was soon after that they were married. And, the eighteen hundreds? Okay. Now, from Laurel Kendrick she became Ann Cumberland, her life was more challenging. She lived in Belmont, England in this life time. Ann was a well-known writer. She, at the time would visit book clubs that were forming all over Europe to discuss her published works. It was one afternoon when she was returning to Belmont from her tour she was met by reporters. She walked passed them without answering any questions, she moved over to a waiting carriage with a handsome man holding the door open. He introduced himself, Richard Shaw he said Id like to request a private interview, he continued, and she was hooked. She then invited him to dinner that evening. Now, when Ann returned home her uncle informed her that he had commissioned a well-known artist by the name of Mathew Rolston to paint her portrait, which she complied to do. Meanwhile, Ann and Richard met for dinner and her feelings for him grew even more. Then


a few days later she met Mathew and when they met he instantly developed a crush on Ann. At first she didnt think much of it and didnt say anything to discourage it at the time, until his advances were becoming more physical and she then continued to discourage each time, which made him even more jealous trying to place himself between her and Richard, which she continued to fight against. It was getting so bad that he was finally prevented from seeing her. Weeks later, Richard and her uncle had to take a trip to Paris for a week leaving Ann home on her own. It was a few days later when Ann was working in the stables, she was attending to her horse, when she hears a noise outside the stall. She emerges to Mathew standing in the threshold. She told him to leave, he refused. She tried to walk away when he grabbed hold of her. She tried to fight him, but couldnt get herself free of him until her hand slipped from his hold and she fell back hitting her head. She was knocked out and Mathew picked her up and carried her away. There was no one around to help her. She was taken to his house where he held her prisoner in one of his many bedrooms. The journal states that she was in a room with only a mattress for her to lie on and sit. The room was always dark keeping her from seeing outside. There were times when he would try to force himself on her and each time she would fight back. Now, a week later Richard and her uncle returned home from Paris


when their met with Mathews house keeper. She proceeds to explain to them that Mathew has taken Ann and has her locked in a bedroom of his house. Upon hearing this he immediately returned to the carriage taking him to Mathew where Richard confronts him. And, as a result a fight between them brakes out, after a few minutes Richard broke away from Mathew and rushed into his house yelling for Ann when he hears her voice coming from upstairs. Im coming, Ann, he kept yelling as he rushed upstairs to the hallway. Ann, he yells. Richard, Im here, she yells back. He comes up to the bedroom door and beats it down re-uniting him with Ann embracing her. When Mathew rushes into the room and pulls Richard back into a fight. Richard was losing and Ann was becoming more frightened of losing him that she picked up a figurine and hit Mathew over the head with it. Did she? Yes, she did. Did anything happen to her because of it? No, because of what happened to her they found there was no fault on her part. What happened after that? Well, after that Ann was having a difficult time for awhile trying to separate herself from what happened with Mathew that it took about a year


before she could talk about her future, thats when Richard asked her to marry him. She accepted and they were married a few months latter. It was two years after that when they made a decision to move to New York. So, they boarded the Garrison and within a week they were in New York. They bought a fifty acre property and began building their house as Richard began publishing his first newspaper, The New York Daily Times and Ann had her next novel, Reflections published. Then as everything began to settle down they were becoming homesick. Thats when Ann contacted her uncle to let him know they were coming home for a much longer visit. It was a few weeks later they learned that the Garrison, which brought them to New York was returning to New York and is scheduled to return to England after a weeks lay over. They quickly made their reservations for first class leaving on that Saturday. By then the Garrison had a full passenger list of twenty five hundred as it slowly sailed from the New York Harbor towards the open seas. Days passed when it sailed into a major storm. Now, at this point no one knew what happened to the Garrison or its passengers only that the next day the Garrison was found that it had ran aground on Leeds Beach with no one aboard. There was nothing ever reported around what happened to the passengers?


Nothingeven today they consider it a mystery because of the missing passengers and the ship ending up on Leeds Beach the way it did. And, there is one other thing. There was a special entry placed in the journal. What was it? In the beginning it started with three wizards, Arden, Triton, and Ryton. Ardens son Sefton married Kathryn, the kings daughter. Tritons daughter married the kings youngest son Eric and Rytons daughter Elizabeth married the kings oldest son Evan, which became the greater triad. Now, today there are three couples that are considered apart of this greater Triad born with a heart shaped birthmark. First one is on the chest over the heart, the other on the inside of the wrist at the pulse point and last at the bottom of the neck at the pulse point. There are three? Yes, each couple has a connection by similar events of a past life which over spilled into this one. How does the journal find its way to the right person? By a guardian created by Arden, Triton, and Ryton. Created?....that word began to race through my thoughts with everything she told me. Could this be true? Could this birthmark have so much meaning?


Thats when she pulled a brown handled bag from behind the counter and began to slip the items I bought into it. The total is seventy-five dollars. She said as she set the bag onto the counter. I handed her the amount. Thank you. I said For telling me this story, thank you. I continued. Youre very welcome. I took the bag in hand and left the small shop.



I emerged from the shop still in a daze focusing on the fact that there were two others with similar birthmarks. But I have to say that the million dollar question is, where can I find them? if their out there and if I can find them. Could they verify any part of this story I was told. Now, how do I accomplish this? The greater problem is where do I begin to look? It would be like finding a needle in a hay stack trying to actually find five other people with this similar birthmark in a world with several billion people. I knew that a branch of the library was about six blocks away, a beginning I thought, I could look through the old newspaper articles in the archives specifically to Leeds Beach and the Garrison, anything that might lead me to anyone of the five. Now, with that in mind I began to walk down several blocks where I noticed this sign set at the edge of the sidewalk, Psychic of the Heart, Artist


of the Soul. My curiosity sparked once again. Their never right I thought trying to convince myself not to put myself through it again after so many times before. And admittedly, they were wrong. But, I also admit that there is a part of me that needs to believe that this time he could be right. I had to see. So, I walked up to the front door with my heart racing and rung the doorbell of this two story brown stone waiting only a moment. The front door slowly opened to this tall, quite handsome man with long black hair with light gray color eyes. Hello. He said in a thick English accent. Is there anything I can help you with? He continued. Yes. I said nervously. Is that your sign? It is. Could I ask what that.Means? Sure.what it means is that I can see deep into your heart to what you hold close. I sketch the images whether of past life or present that stand close to you. Thats exactly what Im looking for. Could I ask several things? Of course. Okay. Please come in


Thank you. He opened the door wider for me to come in. It took me a minute before I moved myself passed him into the entrance way where I was immediately awed by how beautiful the interior looked with high ceilings, a long stairway that divided into opposite directions that I couldnt take my attention away from it, Until I heard the front door close behind me. I have to say it shook me causing me to quickly turn around towards him. First, Id like to introduce myself, my name is Jonathan Evers. Hi, my name is Alice Kendrick. Im very happy to meet you. He said as he extended his hand. Happy to meet you, too. I responded when we shook hands. I have to say I was nervous I could even feel my hand shaking as he held onto it. Alice. He said with a warm smile. I can promise you this, and, I really hope you can believe this. He began to say. You can trust in me. He continued I can do that. I said Good..please follow me. We can have a seat in the living room. Okay.


It was then when we moved from the entrance way into the living room. It too was beautifully decorated with a hard wood floor shining from the late afternoon sun streaming through the windows into the room. Paintings hang on the wall of beautiful landscapes, with two separate sitting areas at each end of this very spacious room. It had a fireplace with a gentle fire burning within it. And, beside it were two large over stuffed chairs. Lets sit down by the fireplace. He said Okay. I responded We then moved over to the fireplace where we sat down on the over stuffed chairs across from each other. Now, Id like you to relax and think of what you would like to ask. I took a deep breath and nodded my head. Alright. And at that moment, I have to say, every question I could think of began to race through my thoughts as I watched him draw to a sketchpad laying on his lap preparing himself. Ready. He asked I think so. I said Itll be okay. I promise.


I was so nervous that I was sure he noticed by his reassurances. And, I was mostly to what he might say expecting him to corroborate what I already believe that none of its true. But, with that I began to think about my first question hoping itll be what my heart believes over my thoughts. Your first question? explain, I was born with this heart shaped birthmark over my heart. I never understood what it meant. Could you tell me what it means? Its a legacy you share with your soulmate to identify each other. Its a birthmark that existed through many lifetimes for that reason this birthmark is a symbol of true soulmates. Could I ask what that means true soulmates? Sure, its when heart, mind, and soul become one especially in love and everything it holds. Anything, I could imagine? Anything you can imagine. Will we meet? And how will we meet? To question one, definitely, you will meet and to question two how and when, if you want to know. I do.


I dont know if your going to like the answer, but, it depends on the path you take there are so many possibilities that trying to determine a time and place is very difficult. Is that why it doesnt happen when its predicted? It is. But, tell me if you knew what would you do? Well, I would more then likely go to that place that time until we would meet. It would be locked in your thoughts. Yeah, Id say so. And any other possibility would be lost? Yes it would. I can see what you mean. Have you had a prediction from other psychics? I have and not one was to say the least right. Thats the reason why I dont like to predict when and where when theres a possibility of changing a life path. It makes sense. I have to say I understand what he meant because there were many psychics Ive gone too and asked that exact question and they told me times of six months to a year and we would meet in a bookstore. Id spend a lot more time there expecting him to walk through the door and we would meet.


Then after two years of doing this, thats when I became more skeptical about what I was told which made me more skeptical about psychics and yet I still find my self drawn to them asking the same question of who, when, where, and how anything that would give me hope. But, as a result I was back where I started. Were there any other questions you would like to ask? He asked me. Yes, if I could? Sure, what would you like to ask? This is more of a past life question. Alright. What do you see? If youll allow me, I think a sketch would do better to show you. Okay, that sounds good. Alright. He looked at me for a long moment. Okay. He then set his hand holding the charcoal pencil to a clean fresh page of his sketchbook and began sketching while he continued to glance up at me.


If there is anything. He begins to say as he continued to sketch. You can truly believe in. I would recommend you believe in this. And, he handed me the finished sketch of me and someone I have to say I recognized. Does it make sense to you?....A familiar face? Yes, very much so. Ive had reoccurring dreams of him. Thats when I reached into my skirt pocket and pulled out the sketch I carry with me. It was after I had the first dream of him. I sketched this sketch of him. I then placed it next to his sketch showing him that his sketch was identical to mine. In looking at this does it change any doubts you have. It does, it validates what my heart is trying to show me about him. Im glad.Okay, look on the back. I turned the page over to a sketch of another couple. Who are they? He first points to the woman. Thats who you were in a past life. Then he points to the man. And him, hes what your soulmate looked like in a past life. She looks like me.


She does. Is there something you would like to know? Yes, .what can you tell me about her? Okay, she was a famous writer in the late eighteen hundreds. She lived in Belmont, England with her uncle who adopted her when she lost her parents when she was seven years old. She was born with the same birthmark as you. Our lives seem so similar. I was living in England until I was twenty-four. I was adopted by my uncle when I was twelve after my parents were killed by a train crash. Im very sorry to hear that. Thank you for saying that. Could I ask one last question? Sure, what is it? How does he see me? Like this. He began to say as he turned the sketch back around to the sketch of me and him. Exactly like this with all his heart and soul. He is as close to you heart, mind, body, and soul as you see here.with no doubts? With no doubts, I promise. Glad to hear that. Thank you very much for this, for the reading. Youre welcome very much.


How much for the reading? Twenty-five. Okay. I paid him the amount that he requested and he escorted me back to the entrance way where he opened the front door for me. I hope that I helped. You have, very much so. Thank you. Take care. You too. I said as I moved passed him and out onto the front steps. He closed the door behind as I moved down to the sidewalk. Now, to the library, I reminded myself. It was a few blocks down and began walking towards it. But, when I arrived I noticed that it wasnt a public library. It was called Past Life History Library. Suddenly, my curiosity was sparked and everything I needed to know was here was all I thought when I began to realize that this might not be what I think it is. And, with this either or, I decided to move inside where I was greeted by a receptionist. Good evening and welcome to The Past Life History Library. How may I help you? When you say past life which do you mean?


Everything, if you read about it we have it here. And, if all I had was, lets say, the word birthmark, would I still be able to find a connection? Yes, let me show you. On every computer we have a request page you can type single words to full sentence. So, in this case Ill type in birthmark and press enter. After a moment a search page appeared on the screen with more then twenty possibilities. Now, each one of these have where they can be foundIll print this out. Thank you. Your welcome, these are all on the fourth floor. These may all be in one volume. Even better. I understand. Oh, we have a copier also available if you need. Okay. She handed me the list and I made my way up to the fourth floor by elevator. When I emerged the elevator I located the archives just down the hall. Then when I moved inside I was surprised to see this tremendous room with shelves of oversized books all stacked to the ceiling. Thats when I noticed a few computers set against the wall.


Thats where Ill start. I said out loud to myself. I sat down at one of the computers and typed in the name Ann Cumberland. A search page came up with the words Volume twenty-two, stall six shelf four. Volume twenty-two, stall six, shelf four. I repeated And immediately moved over to stall six. I located shelf four where I followed the numbers to twenty-two. I then proceeded to carefully pull it from the shelf and carry it back to a near-by table where I sat myself down. At first I didnt open the book, I just sat there staring down at this huge volume, wondering what Id find. Thats when I began to slowly rub my hand across the soft leather cover with deep set gold stamping to its title, The London Daily Times. I began thinking, was this apart of the truth of a past life or just a story to what was already known. My thoughts were racing with so many questions that I had to move away from the table to settle my mind and my heart from pounding so hard within me. I began taking deep breaths scared of what I was about to find out, fact or fiction. I couldnt understand why I was feeling like this, that tears began to well up in my eyes when the receptionist walked into the room. She looked at me for a long moment. Is everything okay? She asked


I took a deep breath as I wiped the tears from my cheeks. Everythings fine. Whats up? I forgot to tell you that you can buy a smaller volume to those larger ones. Is everything in it? Yes, every thing is in it. Even better, Id like to do that. Okay, what you do is this, on the computer youll see a tab on top of the search page order, you hit that then the order page comes up and you fill out the information and when your through hit send and your order will be waiting at the reception desk when your ready to leave. Okay, sounds good. Thank you. Your welcome. She then walked out of the room as I moved back over to the computer. I went from search page to search page ordering each volume all adding up to eight of them and two hundred and eighty dollars for all of them, expensive, yes. But, it was worth it not to face it for only this short amount of time, to give me time to process it all and remember fact from fiction. I then returned the volume to the shelf and left the room. I returned to reception seeing the stack of books waiting for me. This is your order.


How much do I owe you? Two hundred and ninety nine dollars, thats with tax. Okay. I took out my wallet and pulled out the amount and handed it to her. Thank you, would you like a bag? Yes, Please. I watched her as she pulled out a heavy duty canvas bag, filling it with the thick eight copies. Could I ask you something? I asked Sure, what is it? She said. Can you accept a tip? If you would like to give one. I reached into my pocket and pulled out an envelope, handing it to her. Thank you. She said as she accepted it. I grabbed onto the handles to the bag pulling it from the desk and feeling its weight, it was to say the least heavier then I thought, but, manageable to carry as I moved from the library to the entrance way, passing through the doorway. MissMiss, wait. I heard from behind me.


Miss I turned around to the receptionist standing in the threshold to the library. Yes. I said. Are you sure about the amount? Yes, very sure. I never got anything like this in my life. In a way you saved my life. Then Im glad I can help. Thank you. Your welcome. I then moved from the doorway and left the library to the sidewalk where I continued to walk down the block crossing at the corner to the next. It was there where I noticed a bookstore called Past Life. I stopped a moment and decided to go inside mostly out of curiosity to see if there were any books written by Ann Cumberland and with that in mind I moved inside to a warmly decorated shop of antique furniture of lamps, tables, chairs, nick knacks and books in bookcases that line the wall. I began to glance the shelves of rare books when the proprietor emerged from the back room and moved over to the counter thats when I moved over to him. Good evening. He said. How may I help you?


Good evening, I was wondering if you have any books written by Ann Cumberland. Yes, I do, Forever and Reflection, would you like to see them? He then moved from behind the counter to a bookcase near-by where he pulled the two books from the shelf and returned with them in hand to the counter. He laid them down side by side in front of me. Theyre in good condition and a first printing. I have to say I was shocked to even find these books especially first editions. Id like to buy these. How much are you asking for them? Miss, there yours as a gift. Are you sure? Yes, very sure. He then pulled tissue paper from behind the counter and placed it down on top of the counter, wrapping the books inside of it then slipped them into a small cloth bag handing it to me. Thank you very much. I said to him. Your welcome, please come again. I will. And left the small shop as I glanced at my watch realizing it was just after nine thirty.


My thoughts were still stirring from everything that I encountered this evening, hoping Id find the truth among it all. Now, it was time to go home.



It was a long walk back and I was glad to finally return home, just wanting to put everything down. But, when I got up the steps to the front door I found a large size package waiting for me, another thing for me to carry, just what I was looking for. So, with that in hand I took everything inside carrying it to the sitting room where I set everything down on the coffee table. Thats when I glanced towards the clock on the mantle noticing it was after ten thirty. I didnt want to leave everything until tomorrow when I have to say I was anxious to look over everything I had. So, I decided to start a fire in the fireplace and make a pot of tea for a long nights read.


Then with the comfort of the warmth in the air from the fireplace and the warmth of the tea within me, I sat myself down on the floor by the coffee table and began to open the package first. I pulled out a letter from a close friend, Jean. Dear Ally, Hi, from England. While I was here I was telling a friend about you and your birthmark. I showed her a sketch of the man you were having reoccurring dreams about. And, Ally. I got to meet him. His name is Mark Roberts. I told him about you. Youll find his response enclosed. Also, enclosed is every article we could find connecting to the same birthmark. Youll be surprised to what we found. See you soon.

Love, Jean

Oh, God, my heart was racing as my hands shook nervously at the thought that he knew about me. He was no longer a stranger or just an image in my dreams, hes real. And, for every moment I wondered about him who he


was and where he lived was now no longer a question, but, reality. Now, it meant knowing him as a soulmate. I then took a deep breath and just as nervously set the letter aside and spilled the contents of the box out onto the table, of newspaper clippings that spread out over the table top with several books falling on top of them and an eight by ten photo of him attached to a thick manila envelope, falls out on top of everything else in front of me. I was shocked to say the least that I couldnt stop staring at the photo of him. It was exactly like my sketch in every detail, handsome with shoulder length black hair combed back, deep soulful blue eyes and a stubbly beard across his slender cheeks around thin lips. I then turned the envelope around, opening it. I pulled out all the contents of photos, sketches and a thick hand written letter. The photos were of him with Jean and friends. The others were of him, with his shirt open to show his very sexy hairy chest with the birthmark. Oh, man I thought with the thoughts I was having about him. The other photos were of him at the BBC, his house and the like. The sketches were of the dream Ive seen every night for more then two years, from the bookstore to Abbys a small sidewalk caf to the River Run a yacht size boat that sails sightseers along the Hudson to his house where we make love in a canopy bed draped in sheer white netting with bouquets of flowers everywhere in


the room. His sketches were in such detail that they were exactly as I dreamt them, and now for the letter. Dear Alice, Hi, from England. My name is Mark Roberts. I Work for the BBC and the London Daily times as a reporter. I live in Remington, England. And, please forgive me if my letter sounds a little stiff. I have to say Im happy I got to meet your friend Jean because now I got to know you to the dreams and sketches I have of you, especially by the birthmark. Now, what my heart wants most of all is for us to meet. There is so much we have to talk about after all


this time, Dont you agree? So, Ive enclosed as many of the sketches with a few of my own as I can to show you where my heart truly is with you. And, I can say there is no doubt in my mind to how I feel and I hope as you look through the stack of sketches you see it the same way in your heart as I have. I hope to see you soon. Love, Mark (Roberts)

I have to say even after reading this letter I couldnt believe I was holding it from the one person I never thought Id hear from. And, now it was coming full circle, and realizing that my heart began beating fast. I was still scared with all the what ifs I cant seem to let go of.


With that in mind I set the letter aside and began to look over the newspaper clippings. I picked up one with the headline-1895. THE GARRISON RUNS AGROUND AT LEEDS BEACH WITH NO PASSENGERS ABOARD. As daylight came, it began, the devastation of last nights storm became more visible to the loss of life and property. Thousands of people perished from Leeds, Laurel and arbor communities. And, others.

The search continues for the missing crew and passengers of the Garrison. Leeds, Laurel, and arbor hit by devastating floods, many perish. Liea Gordon and Jon Garrett only survivors to emerge from Laurel flood. More then seven thousand perish due to the storm. List of crew and passengers lost at sea.

There were names and photos of each passenger. I even found two familiar names, Ann Cumberland Shaw and Richard Shaw. These are the names of the people described by the proprietor of the Tigers Eye Curio Shop about Past Lives.


Other headlines- 2006 The question remains what happened to the crew and passengers of the Garrison, a hundred ten years search for the truth. Devastating floods hit Leeds, Laurel and arbor once again in 110 years. Journalist Mark Perry taken by flood Wrong identification of a twin recently buried Down the aisle for journalist Mark Perry. LaurelWedding arrangements are being made in Laurel for the upcoming nuptials of journalist Mark Perry to reader for Weston Publishing, Alex Tyler. 1895- Writer Ann Cumberland Shaw and newspaper owner Richard Shaw among the lost from the Garrison.

I then came across several pages of photos of the Garrison, Leeds Beach, Laurel and Arbor after the flood. Leeds was completely devastated, Laurel had many houses destroyed with some larger buildings in tact, In arbor it too was completely devastated. Now, for the Garrison it sits on Leeds Beach with a memorial to the crew and passengers lost due to the storm.


From the stories of the 2005 flood, there were some photos of Alex Tyler Perry, pretty. Mark Perry, handsome. Robert McClain, Mark Parrys twin brother. Now, according to the story Robert McClain came to Laurel in disguise as Chris Andrews a photo journalist, he was the photographer at Marks wedding. He was there to tell Mark that he was his twin brother, but, the flood took his life before he could tell him. Other photos were of Liea Gordon Garrett, Ann Cumberland Shaw and Richard Shaw. I then found an article reviewing a book called Connected By A Heart, the story of Liea Gordon Garrett, Jonathan Garrett, Ann Cumberland Shaw and Richard Shaw, written about their birthmarks. Jean enclosed a copy.
2005- Reading Psychically the journey of the Garrison was the last

article I read. It was published in the London Daily Times. If there is anyone who can psychically read the journey of the Garrison we would like to hear from you. Send your readings to the London Daily Times. If your reading takes us through to what truly happened you would earn yourself a Two Million Dollar reward. Okay. What can you say to that? I wish I were psychic.


I then pulled out the books I got from the library. I began to glance through each book reading the articles trying to keep my attention to what I was reading. But, after a few sentences I began nodding off and fighting to stay awake. I was so exhausted that when I opened my eyes I saw these two ghostly figures standing by the threshold to the sitting room. I could feel the little energy I had being drawn out of me that I couldnt fight it any longer and dropped my head onto my arms resting on the coffee table and fell into sleep, taking me into a real like dream. The sitting room began to melt into a different dcor like that of the late eighteen hundreds. Theres a man, distinguished looking and a woman, pretty, nicely dressed sitting on the couch holding saucers with tea cups set upon them. While another couple also nicely dressed sits across from them. The man sits in a high back chair and the woman sits on the arm of the chair close beside him, also sipping tea from their cups. At first I couldnt hear what they were saying when I began to hear this womans voice. You saw us standing at the threshold. My name is Theresa Ashley Grayson and my husband is Paul Grayson, we once lived in this house thats why you see it the way it is, you have to know what happened. We were passengers with Ann Cumberland Shaw and Richard Shaw on the Garrison and we need your help.listen, this is where it all begins.


Ann takes a sip of tea from her cup. This is very good tea. It reminds me of home. Did you get this from England? I did. How long has it been since you were home in England? Much too long, I must say, its been four and a half years now, why? Have you thought about going home, maybe for a visit, staying awhile? Theresa, whats going on? Answer my question. Alright, well as a matter of fact yes, Richard and I were talking about it a few days ago. We have become so home sick that we just need some time with our families, friends who are still in England. We were feeling the same. So, we were also talking about going home for a visit. Thats when we found out that the Garrison was going to be docking in New York in about two weeks. For sure? For sure. Theresa then moved over to the fireplace and picked up an envelope from the mantle. This is for you.


And she handed it to Ann. She glanced towards Richard for a moment and looked back at Theresa. Open it. She set her tea cup and saucer down on the coffee table and proceeded to open the envelope, pulling out the contents of folded sheets of paper, which she unfolded, and begins to read. These are first class tickets on the Garrison returning to England. We decided to get them for you at the time because they were almost booked full. We didnt want you to miss the chance of going home. Theresa, thank you very much. Paul, thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Richard included. Your welcome. Youre coming too? Absolutely, we wouldnt miss the chance either. Im glad. It wouldnt be a happy journey back home without you both to share it with us, Exactly how we feel. Theresa begins to describe what occurred next. We all arrived at the dock together in a horse drawn carriage it was busy with people arriving, boarding and cargo being lifted onto the ship. So,


there wasnt much room to move with the carriage on the dock. Thats when we emerged from the carriage on the street near-by and walked up to the dock making our way through it all to board and as we were received; we presented our tickets to board. It was at that time we received a passengers ID bracelet to ware for the duration of the journey to England. Than, after we were welcomed aboard we were escorted to our cabins across from each other. It was about a half hour later when we all got together once again. We moved out onto the deck over to the railing with many of the other passengers waving to everyone left on the dock. While the ship was being secured and ready to sail the stacks blew a hearty low pitch sound once then minutes later blew once again, thats when it began to slowly move away from the dock and into the Hudson, taking the ship out to the Atlantic where it began its journey back towards England. I feel that Ann can describe what happened next. For the first four days the weather was beautiful hardly a breeze could be felt. The sun was shining in a crystal clear sky during the day, and the moon was shining just as bright in a clear star lit night sky, it was perfect. We were so excited about returning home that I would stand on the deck by the railing staring out at the horizon watching the sun set thinking about home. When Theresa came up beside me.


Beautiful isnt it. She said. Very much. I responded Coming to dinner? Yes, Im waiting for Richard he needed to get something he said. Thats when Richard and Paul joined us on the deck. Good evening ladies. Good evening. Good evening, Richard. Theresa included. Thats when Richard leaned over towards me and gave me a kiss. Coming to dinner. Paul asked. Could you and Theresa give Ann and I a few minutes then well meet you in the dinning room. Sure, take all the time you need. Well of course be in the dinning room. Okay, thank you. Paul and Theresa left to go dinner and we remained on the deck by the railing when Richard took me into his arms for a few minutes. I havent forgotten. He whispered in my ear. Havent forgotten? I said. Yes, I havent forgotten that todays our anniversary. He answered. He always knew and never once forgotten.


I have something this time that says it all about how I feel in my heart being with you. Thats when he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out this folded piece of beautiful red silk and handed it to me. I looked at him for a moment when I began to carefully unfold it. Inside was a crystal heart with a ruby red shaped heart within it. Richard. I said surprised by what I was holding. Is this? I continued to say. Yes, it is. The Soulmates Heart? The Soulmates Heart. The Soulmates Heart is the rarest Ruby in the world. The legend I was told is that it possesses the power of the heart, whatever it may be comes to fruition, especially between soulmates. Where did you find this? I asked. An antique shop called Past Lives. Its really beautiful. I said. It carries all my love, Ann, always for you. He then picked it up from the silk wrap and gently placed it about my neck and at that moment I could feel a warmth to my heart I knew was from


Richard and how strong his love truly is for me, as mine is for him. I then reached into my dress pocket and pulled out the same silk folded the same way and handed it to him. This is for you. I said. When he accepted it from my hand he began to carefully unfold the silk wrap to a pocket watch. Ann. He said. This is what I wanted, exactly. He said. It had the same Soulmates Heart Ruby on the cover, linking us even more deeply. We both knew it meant something for us both in our lives. He placed the watch in his vest pocket and we decided to take a walk around the deck before going to dinner. It was perfect through dinner and when we returned to our cabin we made love until we fell asleep in each others arms. Later that night I began to feel the ship pitching back and forth, that it woke me from my sleep to loud crashes of thunder and bright flashes of lightening filling the cabin. Frightened, I slipped myself away from Richards side and rushed from the bedroom through the sitting room to the sunroom where I came up to the picture window and the view outside, seeing a heavy windswept rain swirling about the ship within huge waves that were crashing down against it, pitching it. We, to say the least, were in the


middle of what seemed like a hurricane, and the only thought I had was that we werent going to survive. Thats when I brought my gaze up to see a wave slowly building up to a huge wall of water causing me to back away. I began to scream for Richard over and over again when he came rushing up to me. LookMy God, Richard. I screamed. When he took me into his arms, we watched the wave as it continued to build until it towered above the ship. Thats when we looked at each other. I love you, Richard, with all my heart and soul, always. I said to him. I love you, Ann, with all my heart and soul, always. He said to me. We then glanced towards the window and saw the wave crash down onto the ship feeling the ship pitch to its side. Thats when a stream of water broke through the window with such force that it slammed us up against the wall, separating us. It violently stirred us around within it not allowing us to pull ourselves above it. I could see Richard struggling as much as I was that I reached out towards him. I felt his hand when it pulled us out of our cabin into rough seas, finally separating us once again as it pulled us into the depths of the ocean. I continued to try to fight my way beck to the surface when I couldnt hold my breath any longer, it was then when I came up above the surface in the middle of a hundred people, all screaming and


struggling to stay above the rough waves. I could see Richard far from me to the other side, suddenly more people came falling from the deck over us as a wave came crashing down on us that I couldnt get above the water to save my life. I was gone. It was Richardss voice that came in after. I then came up from beneath the water looking about me, Ann wasnt with me. I began calling her name over and over again, when a wave rolled passed me pulling me under once again and again and I would lift myself above it fighting the continued crashing waves. I couldnt stop trying to find Ann, that I kept looking about me through hundreds of people all fighting the waves, screaming for help, when I saw her lifeless in the water. Frightened of what I was thinking I began to swim with everything I had inside me to get to her. Ann, I screamed. She didnt move. But, by the time I reached her I saw her face down in the water. I grabbed onto her lifeless body turning her around towards me. Ann.Ann! I cried, no, you cant leave me. I said. Ann, Oh God, Ann, I kept crying. Her body remained lifeless, thats when I realized that she was gone and thats when every emotion screamed out of me, Ann!!...Ann!!. There was nothing left for me without her. Suddenly, a towering wave came crashing down on us both


pulling us apart then another pulling us down deep into the water, taking my life. I was gone. Then once again Theresas voice came back in. We were in our cabin trying to hold ourselves still from the rocking of the ship. Then once the pitch of the ship settled we had to check on Ann and Richard. But, when we emerged from our room we saw water coming from under their cabin door. Scared, we tried the door knob and at first it was hard to open. So, Paul began to hit up against it and it finally gave way for us to enter. Everything was saturated in water, the furniture was scattered everywhere. AnnRichard, I called. There was no answer. We continued to move through their cabin to the sun room where we saw the picture window broken completely out of its frame. I turned towards Paul and we knew something was wrong. Thats when we moved up to the window where we saw hundreds of people screaming for help. Paul, I said, could they be? I dont know, I hope not, he said. We then turned away from the window and left the cabin into the hallway where we saw a crewman, stopping him. Sir, I said. Is anyone helping those people out in the water? Were doing everything we can. I assure you. He said. It was about an hour later the storm passed overhead, the sea was calm and the sun was even shining overhead in crystal clear skies. Then, we all, the remaining


passengers, began to move out onto the deck to the railing when we all noticed that there was no one in the water. Where are they? Was the question that everyone continued to ask. Do something? cried the passengers. The captain then moved to the railing looking over the side himself. Prepare a life boat. He said. Which was done and a crewman moved inside it and it was lowered to the surface of the water. We all watched as he rowed the length of the boat. Captain. He yelled. Theyre not here. How could that be? Cried many of the passengers from the deck. Thats when we saw the crewman jump into the water and move below the surface for a few minutes, we kept our attention to the life boat waiting for his return to say what he found. He rose above the surface and helped himself onto the life boat. Theyre gone, everyone. I couldnt find anyone. He yelled up to the captain. There was an eerie silence all around us. Pull him back up. The captain said. Which they did and that was it. Thats when the tears for the lost began to flow. The grief we all felt. Then about thirty minutes later the captain emerged onto the deck. Attention. He said. Attention. Which we did give him. We made a decision. He began. To abandon ship please prepare yourself to board the life boats the Garrison has been determined to be unsafe to remain. I suggest you ware your life vests. Thank you. Was all he said. Why are we abandoning the ship? Many cried.


It would be safer then to remain. The captain included. But, the danger has passed. We replied. It isnt safe to stay the engine room has been saturated with water wetting the coals to where its unusable. We are stuck here. We also have no communications to even call for help. He added. So, gather what you can carry, no suitcases. He firmly stated and walked away. We were all in shock trying to believe what he was telling us was the truth. But, we all had to do what he said. We all returned to our cabins grabbing what we can with our life vests and returned to the deck where they began to help each passenger into a life boat, sending it down to the ocean surface until everyone has left the ship. We then began to row slowly away from the Garrison into the distance. When thirty minutes later a small boy moved over to me and pulled a piece of coal from his jacket pocket. Its not wet. He said and dropped it in my hands. Where did you get this? I asked. I was in the engine room with Mr. Bellamy. Was there any water in the engine room? No. He said. Was any of the coal wet? No, it wasnt. He said. Thank you, dear. I said. It was mystifying why the captain called for us to abandon the ship if nothing was wrong. We were basically adrift on the ocean and thats what scared us most of all. But, according to the crewman we were fifty miles from Leeds Beach. So, they didnt think we were adrift that we were on course. It didnt make sense, there was nothing anywhere


anyone could see, and there was no land in sight anywhere around us. All we saw was ocean everywhere around us. And, by now it was twenty-four hours from the time we left the Garrison. Were five hundred miles from Morgan Beach, not fifty. Theyre lying to us all. Someone shouted. Look. Said another. Thats when we all turned around to see a storm in the distance. It was stirring with what looked like a misty gray cloud around it. It was moving towards us and we had no place to go. It now was a matter of time before it would reach up to us and all we could do is watch it as it quickly moved in our direction. The winds began to pick up stirring up the ocean into choppy waves that lapped against the life boats as they continue to row. They tried to get ahead of it, but, it was moving faster towards us then we can move out of its path. It was too late, it was over us. The winds were so furious stirring in heavy rain and high waves that continued to wash over us until our life boats were tipping over, spilling passengers into the rough sea. They would grab onto the remaining life boats still afloat. But, it was too much for them to remain afloat and sank from beneath us. Now, we were all in the water fighting the high waves that continued to wash over us until it took us all. We were all gone. I could see myself above my body lifeless being tossed about by the storm. When suddenly it took us all up into it, like it didnt want to let us go. It took us along with it for a distance.


Thats when it moved onto an island where it left us layered on top of each other. Suddenly, their souls began to emerge from their bodies hovering above themselves. They began to move about in the air pulling me into their formation beside each other. Thats when they moved across an inlet to another island where another group of bodies lay beneath each other and they too emerged their bodies joining the others and returned to the Garrison.



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