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(DCM 01)


MAY 2011.
First Year
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
SECTION A (5 4 = 20 marks)
Answer any FIVE of the following.
1. (a) Concept of management.
. ,-. . .
(b) Management Profession.
. . .
(c) Budget.
:. . .
(d) Authority.
c - .- . . ...
(e) Staff.

(DCM 01) 2
(f) Decision tree analysis.
. . . . , .
(g) Strategy.
. ; . ...
(h) Formal communication.
c-. . . .. . . .. . ...
SECTION B (4 10 = 40 marks)
Answer any FOUR of the following.
2. What are the functions of management?
. ... . . .e. ...
3. Classify plans with examples.
.- . . e. . .- . ec' . . -. . . ...
4. State the merits of MBO.
MBO ... .-e. e. ., . ...
5. Bring out the principles of organisation.
. . . ... ..-e. e. ., . ...

(DCM 01) 3
6. What are the sources of recruitment?
.* , c.- .-e. ...
7. Enumerate significance of motivation.
.. ... .. .. . . . e. ., . ...
8. Explain the role manager in Social
.. ,-. c' .- . . . . . .. -. . . ...
SECTION C (2 20 = 40 marks)
Answer any TWO of the following.
9. Bring out the management development in India.
,-. . c' . c;. - e. ., . ...
10. State the essentials of an effective system of
.. , . . . . ... c. .-e. e. ., . ...

(DCM 01) 4
11. Describe the steps involved in decision making.
. . .. .c' .... . ,. c. e. . .. -. . . ...
12. Elucidate the features of different styles of
.. . .- . . e.e e -e. . - . -. . . ...

(DCM 02)
First Year
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
SECTION A (5 4 = 20 marks)
Answer any FIVE of the following.
1. (a) Legal environment.
- ..- . ..-. . . ...
(b) Business ethics.
.-.. .e..
(c) Small business.
o. .-.. . ...
(d) Foreign collaboration.
.. - . .-. . ...
(e) Plan holiday.
.-.. ..-. .. ...

(DCM 02) 2

(f) Balance of trade.
. c ., ,. ...
(g) Monetary policy.
. . . .-. . ...
(h) Business environment.
.-.. ..-. . . ...
SECTION B (4 10 = 40 marks)
Answer any FOUR of the following.
2. State the advantages of MNCS to host countries.
MNC e . e c- . -e. . . -~.-e. e. .,. ...
3. Describe the impact of economic environment on
.-.. . .. :.. c- . ..-. . . .. ... .,-.-
.. -. .. ...
4. Explain the causes for imbalance in balance of
. c ., ,. ..c' c .. .c-. .-. -e. .. -. .. ...

(DCM 02) 3

5. Critically examine the fiscal policy of India.
,-. . ., .* . .-.- .. .. .- . - .--c. .. ...
6. What are the structural demensions of Indian
,-. . ., c- . . . . ... .-- . .*-e. ...
7. State the privatisation trends in the Indian
,-. . c- . . . . c' . . .' . . .. . e. . e. .,. ...
8. Explain the reforms introduced in the financial
. . . ..c' .. .. . . .. e. . .. -. .. ...
SECTION C (2 20 = 40 marks)
Answer any TWO of the following.
9. What is the effect of political environment on
.-.. . .. :.. .-~.' . ..-. . . .. ... .,-. . ..

(DCM 02) 4

10. Critically analyse the Exim policy of India.
,-. . ., Exim . .-.- .. .. .- . - . ,. .. ...
11. Explain the salient features new industrial policy.
. - . .--... . .-. . .. ... . \e. .. -. .. ...
12. State the objects of economic planning.
c- . .-..' . . ... e-e. e. .,. ...

(DCM 03)
First Year
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
SECTION A (5 4 = 20 marks)
Answer any FIVE of the following.
1. (a) Concept of marketing.
. -. . ,-. . .
(b) Marketing organisation.
. -. . . . . .
(c) Market leader.
. -. . .- .. .. ..
(d) Pre-purchase behaviour.
.. .*e. . ... . .. . . .
(e) Product.
. .. . ,.

(DCM 03) 2

(f) Cost plus pricing.
. . :.. . . .
(g) Retailer.
oe . . . . .. ..
(h) Personal selling.
. . c. .. . ...
SECTION B (4 10 = 40 marks)
Answer any FOUR of the following.
2. State the scope of non-business attitude towards
. -. . ... .-.. .,-. . .. .- - e. .,. ...
3. State the steps involved in marketing research.
. -. . .-' . . c' .... ... c. e. . e. .,. ...
4. Explain the functions of wholesalers.
.'. .. . . .e . . .e. .. -. .. ...

(DCM 03) 3

5. What are the objects of advertising?
.. .. ... e-e. ...
6. Bring out the social pressures on marketing.
. -. . .. : . . .e. . e. .,. ...
7. Enumerate the features of marketing
. -. . ..-. . . .. ... e -e. e. .,. ...
8. How do you prepare marketing budget?
. -. . :. . . . :.. .- -. .. . .
SECTION C (2 20 = 40 marks)
Answer any TWO of the following.
9. What are the factors that influence consumer
. - .-. . .. . . . . .,-. . ... .. c-e. ...
10. Explain the objects of pricing policy.
. . . . . .-. . ..c' e-e. .. -. .. ...

(DCM 03) 4

11. Bring out the factors that may be considered while
selecting channel of distribution.
. .' . -. . .. . .. c' .- . .-. .-e. . e. .,. ...
12. Describe the tools employed to promote sales.
c. ..-e . - . . --. . .-e. . .. -. .. ...

(DCM 04 (NR))
First Year
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
SECTION A (5 4 = 20 marks)
Answer any FIVE of the following.
1. (a) Finance function.
. . -.
(b) Financial asset.
. c . .
(c) IRR.
c . .-:. . ...
(d) BEP.
.. . .e .- . . . e. . . ,.
(e) Optimum capital structure.
c; e , ' . . .-e . . - .
(f) Cost of debt.
:.. . . . ...
(g) Stable dividend.
e . . . . . . ..

(DCM 04 (NR)) 2
(h) Working capital.
. . .-e . . . ...
(i) Credit Policy.
.. . . .- . . ...
(j) ABC analysis.
ABC . , . ...
SECTION B (2 20 = 40 marks)
Answer any TWO of the following.
2. The Sri Ram Company has the following capital structure on June 30, 2003
Equity shares (20,000 shares) 40,00,000
10% preference shares 10,00,000
14% debentures 30,00,000
The share of the company sells for Rs. 20. It is expected that company will pay next year a
dividend of Rs. 2 per share which will grow at 7 percent for ever. Assume a 50 percent tax
(a) Compute a weighted average cost of capital based on existing capital structure.
(b) Compute the new weighted average cost of capital if the company raises an additional
Rs. 20,00,000 debt by issuing 15 percent debentures. This would result in increasing
the expected dividend to Rs. 3 and leave the growth rate unchanged, but the price of
share will fall to Rs. 15 per share.

(DCM 04 (NR)) 3
.-. . . . ... ~. .c, .cc. .-. . . .-e . . .- . - . . - - .
. -.
: . .' .-.-e. (.c,ccc .-.- e.) +c,cc,ccc
c: c - . ., .-.- e. c,cc,ccc
+: . : . . . .c,cc,ccc
. . :.. .-.-. . . -. .c e. . c. .. .-. . . .. . c' . . . -. . . . . . . . c .- e, .-.-
.e.. : .. . . .. c. .-.
(a) ,-- . .. .. . .-e . . .- . . c . . . .
(b) . . . -. .c,cc,ccc c .. . r: . : . . . - .c' ..- e . . . -. c . . - . .. . . . . . . . .
. -. . .. . . .-. . - . .. c' . -. . . . .. - .-.- .e. . . -. r e. . . . .. c . . - c... . .. .
,-- . .. .. . - . . .-e . . .- . . c . . . .
3. X Ltd. was started a year before with the equity capital of Rs. 20 Lakhs, consisting of 20,000
share of Rs. 100 each. Its earnings during the current year are Rs. 2,00,000 and its paid
dividend of Rs. 1,50,000. The price-earnings ratio is 12.5. The firm is expected to maintain its
current rate of earnings on its investments.
(a) Ascertain whether firm's dividend payout ratio is optimal according to Walter model.
(b) What should be the Price-Earnings ratio at which the dividend pay-out ratio will not
have effect on the value of share?
(c) Will you decision be changed if the P/E ratio is 8 instead of 12.5?
:. . . . -. cc .e. . e .c,ccc .-.-e. e . -. .c e e :. .' . .-e . . * X c. :. .. . . .. ,
c...-. . .. .. . . . c. . e. . -. .,cc,ccc .--, . c o. . .. . . -. ,rc,ccc. . . c. . ,, ..r.
. . e c. . ec' . .. . .. .. - .. . c- .. .-. ..

(DCM 04 (NR)) 4
(a) .-e . . . .-.- ..-. . . . . . . . c ., , c; e , ' . . . . . .- .- -. . .
(b) .-.- .e. . . . . . . . . c ., , . . . . . . c . - . . ..- .- e. P/E , . .- c
(c) P/E , ..r .-. ..- - . :. . .c' .. .- . -. . ...-
4. Explain different methods of valuing a firm.
. . . . . .-c-. . . .. . .. .. . .. . e. . .. -. . . ...
5. What are the objects of financial management?
. . ... e- e. ...
SECTION C (2 20 = 40 marks)
Answer any TWO of the following.
6. HZL manufactures a product and the following particulars are collected for the year ended
March, 2008
Monthly demand (units) 1,000
Cost of Placing an order (Rs.) 100
Annual carrying cost (Rs. per unit) 15
Normal usage (units per week) 50
Minimum usage (units per week) 25
Maximum usage (in units per week) 75
Re-order period (weeks) 4-6
You are required to calculate
(a) Re-order quantity
(b) Re-order level
(c) Minimum level
(d) Maximum level and
(e) Average stock level.

(DCM 04 (NR)) 5
HZL :. . .. . ,. . -. . . .. -. : . - .. - .- . . ... . . -- .cc- .. .- . .. . . . -. . .. -o- .
. e .- ( .- . c') ,ccc
:. c. . . . c. , . . (. -.e c') cc
.. . . .. . . . o .. . . . . .. . c. , . . ( .-. :. . . .') r
. ~ .-. .. (.-.- . .- . c') rc
. . .-. .. (.-. . .- . c') .r
c -. .-. .. (.-.- . .- . c') r
-- c. . . .. .. . ... .. . .. .. (.-.-e c') + c
c.... : . - .- c . . .. .. .
(a) -- c. . . .. .. . . .
(b) -- c. . . .. ...
(c) . . ...
(d) c -. ... . .- ..
(e) . .. .. . . ...
7. Calculate operating, financial and combined leverages under situations when fixed costs are
(a) Rs. 5,000 and (b) Rs. 10,000 and financial plans 1 and 2 respectively from the following
information pertaining to the operation and capital structure of a textile company and
comment there on :
Total assets Rs. 30,000
Total assets turnover 2
Variable costs as percentage of sales 60
Financial plan
1 2
Rs. Rs.
Equity capital 30,000 10,000
10% debentures 10,000 30,000

(DCM 04 (NR)) 6
. . . -e. (a) . -. r,ccc, (b) . -. c,ccc . . . .- . c - . . . . . .- . . ec' : - . . o. . .-e . .
.- . - . .. . c- . :. . -e. . . . . c . . . c. . , . .- .c c. . . .- .. . .. c. . e. . c . .. . ...
. .- .. .-.- . .. ...
. .. . .. c .. e. . -. .c,ccc
. .. . .. c .. e. ..* . . . .
c. . .- ec' . . . -e. - cc
. .- . .
. -. . -.
: . .' . .-e . . .c,ccc c,ccc
c: . : . . . c,ccc .c,ccc
8. State components Indian money market.
,-. . . . . -. . c .- . .. e. . e. ., . ...
9. What are the merits and demerits of NPU?
NPU ... . .*\e. ...

(DCM 05)
First Year
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
SECTION A (5 4 = 20 marks)
Answer any FIVE of the following.
1. (a) Concept of HRM.
HRM ,-. .
(b) Need for Job analysis.
. . , c. . .
(c) Psychological tests.
. -. .. . .
(d) Grapevine.
. . .
(e) Skills.
. .,-e..

(DCM 05) 2

(f) Fringe benefit.
c. . . .. . -~.-e..
(g) Transfer policy.
:. c . .-. . ...
(h) Promotion.
..*. .
SECTION B (4 10 = 40 marks)
Answer any FOUR of the following.
2. What are the principles of HRM?
HRM ... .--e. ...
3. State the steps involved in Job design.
. . -.-. ..c' c. e. . e. .,. ...
4. Explain the importance of HR planning.
HR .-..' . . ... .. ... . . .. -. .. ...
5. Bring out the recruitment practices of Indian
,-. . . .e .* , - . - .,e. . e. .,. ...

(DCM 05) 3

6. Discuss the tools employed in the selection of
.* .e . .. c' . --. . .-e. . . -. .. ...
7. Describe the techniques employed in the
performance appraisal of employees.
.* .e . . . . . . . .- ., . ...c' . --.
.. .e. . .. -. .. ...
8. Distinguish between training and development.
- c;. . . e . . . .-e. e. .,. ...
SECTION C (2 20 = 40 marks)
Answer any TWO of the following.
9. State different methods of wage payment.
.. . . . . c ., .. .e. . e. .,. ...
10. How do you measure employee Job satisfaction?
.* .e . . . ..- . .- ., . . ,

(DCM 05) 4

11. Why is the progress of collective bargaining show
in India?
,-. . . ..c' . .- . , . . -. .. .. .. .
. .. .*. ~. . .. .. -.
12. Explain the institutions involved in HRD.
HRD c' .... . ,. . . e. . .. -. .. ...

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