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l pulled Lhe Lrlgger 1he muffled sound of Lhe sllencer was pleaslng Pe dldn'L even leL ouL a yelp

he dldn'L even have a chance Lo Pls blood splaLLered agalnsL Lhe wall Pls body fell Lo Lhe ground Pe
was a Lerrlble guard he never even saw lL comlng Agaln l walLed Lo feel someLhlng 8uL as l heard Lhe
hollow Lhud of whaL remalned of hls skull hlLLlng Lhe floor l felL noLhlng AcLually l felL good Pavlng a
power over llfe felL wonderful Cne down plenLy Lo go
1he gun was cold ln my hand lL saL comforLably Lhere WalLlng Lo Lake llfe agaln lL's [usL a Lool
A Lool for kllllng ln a way l'm also a Lool for kllllng l wondered lf l should boLher cleanlng up or lf l
should [usL enLer Lhe bulldlng and flnlsh Lhe [ob LradlcaLlng an enLlre flve floor bulldlng of people Why?
Well l was Lold Lo 1he blood splaLLered on Lhe slde of Lhe bulldlng was almosL llke a palnLlng l laughed
Lo myself Lhls remlnded me of a Modern ArL MasLerplece" !usL splaLLered color everywhere Well l
should hurry l wanL Lo geL home and geL Lo bed 1hough Lhe nlghL ls nlce ouL 1he alr ls molsL ln a
refreshlng sorL of way 1he clouds comlng and golng coverlng and uncoverlng Lhe moon and Lwlnkllng
sLars Well enough wasLlng Llme 1he guard has Lhe key Lo Lhe door [usL Lo geL ln and clear Lhe flrsL hall
l held Lhe gun ouL slowly pushed open Lhe door ready for Lhe massacre no Lhls ls dumb l
LhoughL Lo myself l swung open Lhe door wanLlng a challenge A [anlLor was mopplng Lhe hallway a
look of Lerror ln hls eyes as he saw Lhe gun Cllck! Pls eyes were gone l laughed lL was meanlngless buL
l [usL laughed My laugh echoed ln Lhe hall lL sounded empLy Lhe laugh l felL lonely
l pulled Lhe [anlLors body Lo Lhe closeL l dldn'L wanL Lo aLLracL aLLenLlon l needed Lo shuL Lhe
place down lf l wanLed Lo sLarL a blood baLh l rlgged Lhe door l came ln wlLh an exploslve so aL leasL lf
someone Lrles Lo leave Lhey won'L be able Lo
1here was no one else ln Lhe hall oLher Lhan me 1here really wasn'L much Lo Lhe flrsL floor
MosL of Lhe people worked on Lhe Lhlrd fourLh and flfLh floors robably Lhe only person lefL ls LhaL
sassy black glrl LhaL works aL Lhe counLer Ch god lL'll be greaL puLLlng a bulleL Lhrough her l acLually felL
myself runnlng ln [oy Lo flnlsh her Cnce l made lL Lo Lhe door leadlng Lo Lhe lobby of Lhe bulldlng l felL
myself wonderlng ls Lhls rlghL? l mean he ls paylng a loL of money l do need Lhe money
l opened Lhe door and walked rlghL Lo Lhe fronL desk 1haL sLupld sassy black glrl Sheronlqua"
or some sLupldlLy sLarLed yelllng aL me ln her lncoherenL llllLeraLe annoylngasallhell volce She was
saylng someLhlng abouL how l shouldn'L be here LhaL lL's Loo laLe for me Lo be Lhere
Pey whaLchu Lhlnk you doln'?" she sald l wondered lf l should Loy wlLh her before l show her Lhe gun
and Lhe end of her llfe
Pey l'm Lalkln' La ya!" she sald geLLlng louder l lgnored her l was Loo busy Lhlnklng
luck you man! l'm callln' Lhe opo on yo ass!" she pracLlcally screamed 1haL goL Lo me l really don'L
need Lhe pollce rlghL now l'd raLher noL have a record
Ch !esus please [usL shuL Lhe hell up already" l sald and almosL llke a well olled machlne my arm rose
wlLh Lhe gun and l was abouL Lo shooL her 1hen l goL a beLLer ldea l fllpped Lhe gun ln my hand and
held lL by Lhe barrel
WPA1 1PL luCk ?Cu 1Pl she was cuL off l Look Lhe barrel of Lhe gun and smashed Lhe handle lnLo
her face She fell as Lhe blood flowed freely from her mouLh and nose She was maklng so much nolse l
preLLy much [umped over Lhe counLer Lo conLlnue beaLlng her AfLer Lhe fourLh or flfLh sLrlke Lo Lhe face
she became unrecognlzable She sLopped LwlLchlng afLer around Lhe slxLh one l LhoughL she was dead
buL l shoL her anyway [usL Lo be safe 8eLLer wlLh no survlvors 8lghL?
1hls was a Lerrlble rundown bulldlng so Lhere was only one sLalrcase noL even an elevaLor 1he
plan of Lhe bulldlng was almosL perfecL for Lhls l could [usL run rlghL Lhrough kllllng person afLer person
Lhen reLurn Lo Lhe sLeps Lo compleLe anoLher floor lL sounded llke a perfecL plan
l walked up Lhe sLeps l rellshed each sLep up lL made me feel llke l was closer and closer Lo my
goal l placed my hand on Lhe door knob l wondered how should l do Lhls? l mean whaL lf someone
hears me and calls Lhe pollce or does someLhlng sLupld Ah LhaL'll be annoylng 8uL lL can be dealL wlLh
as long as l flnlsh Lhe [ob l'll geL my paymenL
ueclslon made l'll bursL ln and clear Lhe enLlre floor ln a slngle sweep l'll have fun wlLh Lhls
floor 1he floor plan ls slmple and Lhe same for all buL Lhe flfLh and flrsL floor 1here's [usL a hallway all
Lhe way down Lo Lhe end of Lhe bulldlng wlLh cublcles on one slde and admlnlsLraLor offlces on Lhe
oLher Ch Lhls'll be fun l knocked down Lhe door rlghL off lLs hlnges 1he large room was quleL 1he
enLlre offlce of LwenLysome people were all looklng aL Lhe door
!ohn why'd ya knock down Lhe door?" Someone sald ln confuslon l noLlced LhaL no one noLlced Lhe
gun 1haL's rlghL l don'L even have lL ouL l cllpped lL ln Lhe holsLer Lo knock down Lhe door Ch Lhls ls
golng Lo be amazlng
Well l'll Lell ya why l'll Lell you why Charlle" l sald rellshlng every momenL as l slowly walked lnLo Lhe
room Ch l felL someLhlng welllng up lnslde of me
l'm abouL Lo klll everyone ln Lhls room" l pronounced each word loudly and clearly so everyone
undersLood l pulled ouL Lhe gun Lhere was a gasp or Lwo buL l dldn'L even wasLe my Llme l [usL sLarLed
Lo Lake people ouL lrom where l was sLandlng l had a clear shoL of a few people Cne 1wo 1hree! ShoL
afLer anoLher blood ralnlng and Lhe color red sLalnlng Lhe whlLe walls 1he power over llfe felL good
now Lhere was blood curllng screams 1he people who were abouL Lo be kllled [usL screamed
Cod people are so sLupld Lhey're all [usL mlndless ldloLs urones dolng noLhlng wlLh Lhelr llves l'm dolng
a favor for Lhem Laklng away Lhls boredom 1he screamlng was beglnnlng Lo annoy me already 1hey
mlghL alerL someone l acLually goL a greaL ldea !usL run rlghL down Lhe lane and shooL as l run l'll make
Lhls a game See how fasL l can Lhls 8eady?
l sLarLed runnlng l [usL held my gun polnLed Lo Lhe slde and began almlng and pulllng Lhe
Lrlgger Cne by one people under desks or aLLempLlng Lo geL away crumpled Lo Lhe floor 1hey dropped
llke flles no one Lrled Lo reslsL 1hey elLher hld or ran l almosL laughed buL lL wasn'L so funny lL was
Loo easy l goL Lo Lhe end and l dldn'L hear anymore screamlng l Lhlnk everyone ls dead l dldn'L hear
anyLhlng l [usL saw a bunch of blood and bralns splaLLered everywhere lL was dlsgusLlng 1hese people
were fllLhy dead or allve lL was [usL sLupldlLy SLupldlLy LhaL goL Lhem kllled lf Lhey were beLLer aL Lhelr
[ob l wouldn'L have Lo klll Lhem
l checked each body [usL ln case MosL were dead l mlssed a couple and Lhey were [usL
cowerlng under Lhelr desk probably noL even knowlng whaL Lo do l [usL shoL Lhem ln Lhe head qulckly l
sLarLed Lo feel bad l felL llke some sorL of mercenary AcLually LhaL's exacLly whaL l was l was [usL a
mercenary belng pald Lo acLually klll Wow whaL has my llfe come Lo?
l walked back Lo Lhe sLalrs and Lo Lhe Lhlrd floor 1hls one l would Lackle dlfferenLly lrom all Lhe
screamlng Lhey mlghL know someLhlng ls golng on Who knows l guess l could do lL Lhe same way 8uL
LhaL's borlng l [usL keep reloadlng Lhe gun l wonder how many bulleLs Lhls Lhlng can shooL? lLs llLerally
a kllllng machlne 1haL's all lL does klll klll klll klll 1haL's whaL lLs good aL LhaL's whaL l'm good aL
1haL's only whaL l'm good aL 1haL's beslde Lhe polnL Ah l don'L care l [usL wanL Lo geL Lhrough Lhls l
opened Lhe door
Pey you Lhere! WhaLs golng on downsLalrs? All l hear ls yelllng lLs unbellevable how can anyone work
under Lhose condlLlons?" A guy aL a nearby cublcle sald l responded by puLLlng a bulleL ln beLween hls
eyes l dldn'L care Lo respond l dldn'L know hlm nor dld l care l'm Llred and l [usL wanL Lo sleep 1hls
Llme l dldn'L run l wasn'L ln a rush l [usL walked l walked rlghL Lhrough Lhe place and flred Lhe muffled
shoL lnLo every skull LhaL happened Lo pass my gaze My alm was lmpeccable l hlL every Llme rlghL on
Lhe mark LradlcaLlng person afLer person An overwhelmlng [oy fllled my body l llked Lhe screams l
yelled back ln unlson l felL crazy buL lL dldn'L maLLer
When l was done l looked around Lhe large one room floor lL was quleL l llked Lhe quleL l llked
Lhe deaLh l Lhlnk l could acLually do Lhls and geL pald for lL l would do lL agaln l looked around Lhe
room all Lhe dead bodles all Lhe blood all Lhe splaLLered pleces are all my dolng 1haL LhaL made me
sad Am l even human anymore? l felL my guns barrel on my Lemple Was l golng Lo klll myself? l kllled so
many people [usL for money Why would l do LhaL? My flnger slowly pulled on Lhe Lrlgger
My flnger pulled Lhe Lrlgger all Lhe way Cllck! l [umped WhaL Lhe hell? l wasn'L dead l ran ouL
of ammo lor a second l acLually wanLed Lo dle WhaL was l Lhlnklng 1he second l pulled LhaL Lrlgger l
wlshed l hadn'L Maybe Lhls was a slgn from Cod l'll remember Lhls nexL Llme l feel sulcldal 1haL was
sLupld l was abouL Lo glve up my llfe More Lhan l already have
lourLh floor l was almosL done AlmosL ready Lo clalm my prlze Pe never even sald how much
money l'd geL !usL LhaL my prlze would be someLhlng LhaL l've had comlng lL ls money rlghL? l mean he
dld ask me Lo klll an enLlre bulldlng of people So Lhe prlze musL be huge
1he door swung open l hadn'L opened lL A woman [umped ouL and crashed lnLo me l fell Lo Lhe
ground wlLh her on Lop of me lL Look me a blL Lo reallze LhaL lL was Clalr l worked wlLh her well l used
uh hl !ohn funny bumplng lnLo you uo you happen Lo know whaL Lhe hell ls golng on? Lveryone ls
geLLlng a blL freaked ouL over Lhe screamlng and Lhe blg boss upsLalrs sald noL Lo mlnd lL and [usL sLay ln
our cublcles" She sald She was obvlously nervous Per enLlre body was shaklng on Lop of mlne So Lhe
boss was helplng me wlLh my kllllngs 1haL's wonderful
Well funny Lhlng Clalr lL's no blg deal buL l happen Lo know whaL Lhe cause of all Lhe screamlng was" l
sald l pulled my gun ouL and pressed Lhe barrel Lo her sLomach She dldn'L see Lhe gun
!ohn donLcha Lhlnk LhaL's someLhlng we shouldn'L be dolng rlghL now?" she sald glggllng She dldn'L
know lL was a gun Cod she was so sLupld l couldn'L sLand her l had sex wlLh her once and she became
obsessed wlLh me
no ldloL lL's a gun l'm golng Lo shooL you" l sald and sLarLed Lo smlle She laughed l don'L Lhlnk she
undersLood LhaL when l sald a 'gun' l meanL Lhe deadly klnd
Chh !ohn! ?ou can shooL me all you wanL! 8uL really rlghL now l have Lo flnlsh someLhlng up 1he blg
boss upsLalrs kepL us all laLe" She sald smlllng She goL off of me She never reallzed l had a gun She
Lurned around her back was Lo me 1hls was my chance l grabbed her from behlnd and Look her down
she glggled and leL me do lL SLupld sluL probably goL a dlfferenL ldea from lL
Ch buL l wanL Lo shooL you rlghL now" l sald l puL Lhe gun Lo her Lemple
!ohn lLs klnda cold l don'L Lhlnk LhaL's healLhy" She sald glggllng more She sLlll dldn'L undersLand she
was golng Lo dle She puL her mouLh on Lhe barrel Lhen flnally reallzed Lhe gun l had ouL was Lhe Lype
LhaL could klll her l pulled Lhe Lrlgger
She was dead Per blood splaLLered on Lhe door l laughed AnoLher person opened Lhe door lL
was Chuck
!ohn whaL're you and Clalr do and a muffled shoL sLopped hlm mld senLence l walked lnLo Lhe room
Surprlslngly Lhls floor was empLy Cnly Clalr and Chuck were on Lhls floor worklng Well whaLever 1haL's
less work for me AL leasL l'll have more ammo so l can do Lhls agaln now lL was Llme for my flnal floor
1he flfLh floor
llfLh lloor l opened Lhe door l slowly walked lnLo Lhe hall 1here was a hall LhaL led down Lo
Lhe boss' room l could collecL my prlze l felL klnd of bad l [usL kllled mosL of Lhe people l knew lor
money Cr whaLever prlze l'll geL l walked down Lhe corrldor l felL llke a Cod l was a Cod l was a Cod
of ueaLh l slammed open Lhe door ready Lo Lake my prlze
1he boss was slLLlng aL hls desk
uld you flnlsh Lhe [ob?" he sald Pe wasn'L looklng aL me Pe was looklng down aL hls hands probably
holdlng my prlze

?es l dld now whaLs my and suddenly l couldn'L Lhlnk l saw Lhe boss Pe was holdlng a gun lL was
polnLed aL my head My vlslon sllpped away l couldn'L Lhlnk l couldn'L see l felL someLhlng runnlng l
felL my own blood l couldn'L belleve Lhls was happenlng l heard laughlng l couldn'L belleve lL l was
fooled l felL whaL all Lhe oLhers felL A manlac laughlng aL me whlle l dled Cr already dead My Lhlnklng
sLopped compleLely My belng sllpped away

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