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What is Origami?

A business solution, which enables simple, fast, safe and easy-to-view handling of all business documents. Origami assures efficient support when working with incoming or outgoing mail, incoming invoices, contracts and any other business processes within a company. It enables labeling, systematization and organization of all documents, which appear in defined business processes and procedures, as well as providing archiving and storage. It allows users efficient and fast searching through documentation, assigning and monitoring tasks, event planning and other document related activities. Origami also assures document protection against unauthorized access. It simplifies meeting assembly and management, as well as quality public relations. Within business environments using ERP systems (especially Microsoft Dynamics NAV), it assures full system integration with documentation inside Origami business solution. Because of advanced integration capabilities, Origami can be integrated with ERP systems (NAV, SAP, ), as well other program packages and solutions for various purposes (e-mail clients, Fax systems, MOSS, ).

Why Origami?
Simplicity and speed Origami is designed to automate, speed up, simplify and consequently decrease the time spent doing everyday daily procedures of handling business documents, which leaves more time core business tasks. Transparency Origami organizes, standardizes internal and consequently external procedures. With that, the response time for tasks shortens, the possibility of errors decreases, service quality increases, and so does the employee satisfaction within the company. Security Electronic archiving and document management in electronic format minimizes the possibility of information losses, as well as destruction of documents or unnecessary interruption of document flow. The security of the information increases, document handling procedures are significantly shorter and it is possible to efficiently monitor them. Within Origami, digital signature and reliable electronic archiving support have been integrated.

Origami options and versions

Some of the Origami Users:

Sava Tires, Intereuropa, SI Mobil, M-tel, Macedonian Bank for development, Government of Slovenia / Macedonia, Volksbank, Bank Austria, SKB, Hypo Alpe Adria Bank, National Bank of Serbia, Unicerdit Bank, EuroPetrol, EuroGas,

The Art of Document Management

Document Input: All types of electronic documents Incoming, outgoing and internal o Classification, labeling, archiving o Import of documents from different environments e-mail, e- fax scanning, (OCR/ICR) document templates Document Distribution: Document distribution, according to o organizational structure o additional authorization o business process o project phases o ad-hoc Input / Output modules Distribution of o Hyperlinks o Attachments o Complete documents Central Archive Central archiving of documents o Backups o Logical and Physical archive o Authorization and security on the level of the document, on the organizational structure, on the roll / role / group on the basis of work flows and life cycle Access monitoring and tracking records management Fast & efficient searches Business processes: Create your own business process within Origami without any hard coding Fully customizable and modifiable life cycle of a document Additional attributes for document description and designation Fully customizable automated Counters for automated document designation Collaboration: Shared calendars The next events Reminders emial Communications E-notice board Task managemnet

Lower operating costs Shortening lengthy paper documentation management processes. Decreasing expenses through the use of changes and supplementation, storage and searching systems. Decreasing space used for archiving and storing paper documents. Decreasing copying and printing expenses, including machine maintenance. Increased efficiency and productivity Complete adaptability to your business processes; even if modified, Origami can track them in shortest possible time. Short implementation and training time. Clearly viewable, simple, efficient and secure way of managing important business documents. Archive centralization, accessibility, security and monitoring documents. Faster documents browsing and searches. Transparent document versioning and tracking. Greater efficiency and employee satisfaction. Standardization of operations. ERP & other systems integration. Origami is available in Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Bosnian and English language, with option of translation into any other preferred language.

Contact information:
SRC.HR d.o.o., Buzinski prilaz b.b., 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia, Telephone: +385 1 6391 888, Fax: +385 1 6609 065, e-mail:

The Art of Document Management

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