10 Cures For Your Cancer

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In this issue you will learn about some completely natural compounds that selectively kills cancer cells.

Published by http://www.facebook.com/Molecularhealthmag if you like our page you will be able to decide what we should write about next. You should also look forward to the next issue. Where we will describe super cancer killing compounds.

The stuff we are obligated to write due to laws. The content of this is book is not designed to diagnose, prevent or cure any ilness. The author and molecular health magazine does not assume any liability for any damages including death you might get from the content of this issue of our magazine. You should always go visit your doctor before starting any treatment modern or alternative. If your cancer or your friend/relatives cancer isn't discussed in this issue fear not we've got plenty of other ways to treat this disease. Just write on our facebook wall and we'll respond as quickly as possible. And one more thing I'll like to apologize in advance for any grammatical mistakes I've made during the writing of this issue. However thats just because of the fact that I'm danish.

First Compound Berberine Berberine is also an anti bacterial, fungicidal, anti-diabetic, anti depressant and chlosterol lowering drug among other pharmaceutical properties completely natural drug. Here are the list of cancers which this compound has shown high effectivity against. breast cancer,leukemia, melanoma, epidermoid carcinoma, hepatoma, pancreatic cancer, oral carcinoma, tongue carcinoma, glioblastoma, prostate carcinoma and gastric carcinoma and is found in the following plants. 1. Oregon-grape 2. Berberis (specially in the dried fruits) 3. Indian Barberry also called Tree Turmeric 4. Goldenseal. 5. Phellodendron amurense also known as the amur cork tree. So how do you use these herbs? I suggest you eat the roots of oregon-grape after you've washed them properly of course. And do also eat plenty of berberis fruits. If you decide that you want your berberine from the amur cork tree then I suggest you boil the bark and leaves in water and drink the water after having boiled it for a few minuts. Now lets have a look at the chemistry of berberine shall we?

As you might be able to see it has a positevely charged nitrogen in the middle of the molecule. Which I suspect is the reason for its biological activity. Along with the oxygen atoms of course. Second compound THC. THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is probably the most underrated pharmalogical agent to date. Among other things it is probably the most neuroprotective natural compound known to man. And it has shown high activity against brain cancer. So how should you or your loved one ingest this agent if you or your loved one has got the brain cancer? As hemp oil, you've read right, however be warned THC is a major mood elevator, meaning that it will give your mood a great boost. Which is why you should stay away from it if your depressed or anxious. Lets have a look at the THC molecule shall we?

the reason for its pharmacological activity is in the OH-group and in the lonely

oxygen atom bonded to 2 carbon atoms. These enables the molecule to form hydrogen bonds with both the CB1-receptor (the OH-group, and the receptor that is responsible for the psychological effects of the molecule) and the lonely oxygen is responsible for the binding of the CB-2 receptor. Third Compound Hyperforin Hyperforin does not directly affect cancer. But it does affect the monoamine levels in the brain, (Serotonin, Norepinephrine and Dopamine) having a boost in these will lower your stress levels. It does furthermore increase brain levels of GABA. (an inhibitory neurotransmitter which is excitorary on new neurons by the way i.e a neurotransmitter that will make chlorine flow into the cell on matured neurons and it makes calcium flow into the cell with new neurons) however all in all it is a great way to lower your stress level. It is contained in significant amounts in St. John wort, which is the reason why I suggest you will drink a tea made of the flowers of this plant. Lets have a look at the chemistry of this molecule shall we?

This molecules pharmacology suggest that it is somehow connected to all the

methyl groups (CH3 parts of the molecule) and also the OH and third Oxygen group. Compound 4 Which Really Isn't A Compound Reduced Glucose Diet Cancer cells needs unlike normal cells glucose to survive. However before you start on the reduced glucose diet there is 2 things you will need to be certain of. 1. You don't have liver damage in anyway. 2. You don't have liver cancer. The benefits of the RGD is. 1. it works on all cancer cells. 2. It prevents relepases. Lets have a look at what you need in order to survive without glucose. First of all this is a High protein diet. And second of all you should also eat alot of cocunut oil. The reason for this is that cocounut oil can be metabolized into something that is called ketone bodies, which is an alternative energy source that normal cells can utilize but cancer cells can't. Here is what you should avoid everything that contains starch, table sugar, or synthetic sweeteners.

The above picture is the ketone bodies and even though their structure looks like glucose they aint. The reason why cancer can't use these is because cancer's mitchondria is trashed properly due to low priority when the cancer cells divide. Compound 5 broccoli sprouts these can't kill cancer but they prevent relapses, and prevent the spread of the cancer in your body. Compound 6. curcumin. Also known as the indian cancer wonder. Here is the list of cancers that curcumin fights. It fights colon cancer, brain cancer and breast cancer. Lets have a look at its structure shall we?

I'm thinking that the effects of this molecule comes from the CH3 bonded carbon and also the OH-groups. Because these allow the molecule to infere with DNA. Curcumin is contained in the spice/food colourant turmeric. Limonene 7. This is a compound that will kill around 90 % of cancers by shutting down their RAS-gene. An overactive gene in cancer, however be warned if you want to try this compound don't do it if you're on kemo. Because if you do so you will amplify the effects of the kemo. And also stay away from this compound if you are trying the reduced glucose diet. (which by the way is by far the most effective cancer killer in this issue) lets talk chemistry of this molecule. You should head down to p.7 to see the chemical structure, food sources and finally how it mediates its effects.

as you might be able to see there are no other atoms then carbon atoms and hydrogen in this molecule. Meaning that the only way this molecule can bind anything is by van der waals interactions. I.e weak attraction by weak molecular forces. Its natural sources includes grapes, grapefruits and oranges. Which unfortunary all contains glucose. Compound 8. allisin. Allisin has been shown to kill harmfull bacteria in your body, whats the benefit you might be thinking? Well if you rid your body of harmfull bacteria then your Immune defense system will have more resources to fight the cancer with. Exelent sources of this agent is onions and damaged garlic.

The way this compound works is by the negative charged oxygen and the positive charged sulphur which allows this compound to act as a free radical inside the bacterial cell. Compound 9 cat claw.

Uncaria tomentosa also known as cats claw contains a wide variety of beneficial alkeloids. http://www.kiwiboancaya.net/index.php? route=product/product&product_id=104 (this is not an affliate link by the way meaning we don't get paid if you decide to buy here) at this www adress you can order seeds of this awesome plant. However before you start ingesting any of the plant you should have your doctor check you for allergies of the plant. However here is what this plant will do to your body it will give your immune defense system a well needed kick i.e these compounds will actually increase your immune defense system reactivity against the cancer. Meaning the compounds that this plant contains are immuno modulators.

Compound 10. which really isn't a compound the mental process of recovery. The mental process of recovery. First of all believe in that you're going to get better, and here is a trick I've learned to change your thought pattern so that you will believe in this. Look in the mirror and repeat a 100 times I'm going to get better no doubt about it, do this atleast once a day. Second of all be happy, and laugh alot why you're probably thinking? Well allow me to explain because it has been scientifically proven that being happy and laughing is a key factor in reducing your body's cortisol levels, and here is a few tricks that will allow you to be happy most of the time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Do things you love doing. Think positive about your self. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop beating yourself up its not your fault you got cancer. Think positive about your surrondings (friends, coworkers etc.) write a comphrehensive list of all your negative emotions and next write a list of how to overcome them.

and here is a few tricks to laugh alot like you're supposed to do. http://www.kinglishschool.com/fun.htm go here and read a few jokes. Get some funny movies and watch them. Third of all enjoy a good sleep, why is this important you're probably thinking? Well allow me to fill you in, first of all sleeping reduces your body's cortisol levels ergo it helps your Immume defense system fight off the cancer. Second of all sleeping is healthy numerous studies confirms this statement. Third of all sleeping raises your body's natural levels of a neurogenesis facilitator, better known as N-acetyl-serotonin, and neurogenesis has been shown numerous times to reduce depression and anxiety, and like this wassen't enough it will actually also make you smarter, and get you trying harder to get better. Neurogenesis is the creation of a new neuron in the brain from a neural stem cell. Try and think of positive memories in your lifetime, because this will boost your brains serotonin levels, (the happyness hormone) and do exercise while you're having you're recovery period. Here are a few suggetions for how you should exercise doing your recovery period. 1. walk 30 minutes a day. 2. Run for 2 minutes each day. 3. Lift some weights or do pushups 10 times every second day.

4. Try doing things in reverse of what you are used to, such as brushing your teeth with the left hand if you're right handed, etc. Why and how this works this works by increasing your brains levels of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, and what this does in your body is just marvelous. Because it will actually decrease your body's production of cortisol which by the way is one of the strongest negative immuno modulators.

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