Your Title 18 Usc Class Action Lawsuit With Tony Davis

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Date: Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 1:52 PM

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9pm EST / 6pm Pacific Tuesday
Subject to Change at the Last Minute, as AIways...

After the ruling on Carol Ann Bond v. United States by the Supreme Court, 6/16/11, the lower courts
are taking a more careful position regarding challenges to jurisdiction. Tony Davis has accumulated
the most information and case law related to a challenge to the jurisdiction of the federal courts
regarding Public Law 80-772, Title 18 of the Criminal Code, and its subdivision, 18 USC section
3231, which is the only statute which gives the district courts authorization to prosecute any person
since 1948. Under the in toto rule, if the principal statute, Title 18 is invalid, then its sub-component,
18 USC section 3231, is likewise invalid. With multiple attorneys and paralegals working on the issue
for 9 years, Davis is probably the only person who can beat any argument submitted by the
government on this issue. n fact, Davis has received 3 out of 3 show cause orders by federal judges
who received his paperwork related to Title 18.
A. CIass Action Being FiIed
The most significant challenge to federal court jurisdiction is being
filed shortly as a class action challenging the jurisdiction of the DOJ to
incarcerate federal prisoners. LAW is a group dedicated to the
preservation of Constitutional and Human Rights. The lawsuit, in D.C.,
seeks expungement plus $3,000/day/person. Cost is $2,000 to cover
B. The ChaIIenge
Our group has obtained and verified the evidence directly from
Congress that Public Law 80-772 was never passed by Congress, the
only statute which gives the court jurisdiction to indict and convict on
any crime (Title 18, Title 21, Title 26). No court has addressed the
challenge as presented properly [2], nor the evidence obtained by us
directly from Congress. Over 3 years, all administrative and court
remedies have been exhausted.
C. ond Opens the Door
One of the most significant cases in recent history related to
jurisdiction and the right to challenge a federal statute was ruled on by
the Supreme Court on June 16, 2011. n Bond v. United States, No.
09-1227, the Supreme Court, in a 9-0 decision, ruled that Bond had
"standing to challenge a federal statute on grounds that the measure
interferes with the powers reserved to States, pg. 3-14. "Anything in
repugnance to the Constitution is invalid or unlawful. Bond, supra.
Bond now opens the door for us to challenge 18 USC section 3231,
part of the enactment of Title 18, which states: "The district courts of
the United States shall have original jurisdiction, exclusive of the
courts of the States, of all offenses against the laws of the United
States. Nothing in this title shall be held to take away or impair the
jurisdiction of the courts of the several States under the laws thereof.
Without the validity of 18 USC 3231 a federal court must revert the
powers of the federal courts back to the states. The Bond ruling
provides standing for anyone to challenge 18 USC 3231 and any
crime that could have been tried by the state where you would have
received less time (in many cases the state decided not to prosecute
at all).
See U.S. v. Sharpnack, 355 US 286 (1957). "t further specifies that
"Whoever . . . is guilty of any act or omission which . . . would be
punishable if committed or omitted within the jurisdiction of the State .
. . in which such place is situated, by the laws thereof in force at the
time of such act or omission, shall be guilty of a like [federal] offense
and subject to a like punishment."

D. Services Provided By LAW
Class action challenging jurisdiction Bond v. U.S. petitions for a
reduction or elimination of sentence.
3582 crack motions.
28 USC 2255 motions
28 USC 2241 petitions
Complete case investigations

" heard your show last night. You were awesome!! Joe F. Cal.,
9/28.11. (LAW has been on radio talk shows 6 times in the last few
weeks explaining the class action.) Over 50 wins! Only research
group accepted directly 5 times on habeas into Supreme Court! "What
you wrote is awesome! Habeas, NDCal, 8/25/11. Karen F. Massive
Grand Jury Fraud uncovered! C.D.Cal., 6/1/11. "You're known for not
quitting until you get results. G. Spry, S.D.W.Va., 6/10/11.
Revised 10/22/11

After 9 years of research, we have established conclusively by fact
and law that Public Law 80-772 was never enacted by Congress,
which contains 18 USC 3231, the only statute allowing a court
criminal jurisdiction, making illegal any charge or conviction. The BOP
admitted that in an internal memo from Harley Lappin, BOP Director
(below). The facts in the memo have been verified. Thus any court
has no jurisdiction to sentence. The BOP Budget for FY 2011 is $6.8
Billion, a 10% increase from 2010.[3] We have already caught one
warden giving legal advice.[4] "Trust me, am from the government.
Or is it about money? Below is memo:

From: "Harley G. Lappin" <harley,> Sent: Monday, July 27, 20093:17 PM
"Attention all Department Heads, there has been a large volume of inmate Requests for
Administrative Remedies questioning the validity of the Bureau's authority to hold or classify them
under 18 U.S.C. 4081, et seq., (1948). On the claim that Public Law 80-772 was never passed or
signed n the presence of a Quorum or Majority of both Houses of Congress as required by Article ,
V5, Clause 1 of the Constitution, Although most courts have, thus far, retied on Field v. Clark, 143
U.S. 649(1892) to avoid ruling on the moots of these claims, however, there have been some which
have stated that they were not bound by the Field case, but those cases did not involve any Quorum
Clause challenge. So out of an abundance of caution, contacted the Office of Legal Counsel, the
National Archives and the Clerk of the House of Representatives to learn that there is no record of
any quorum being present during the May 12, 1947 vote on the H.R. 3190 Bill in the House (See 93
Cong.Rec. 5049), and the record is not clear as to whether there was any Senate vote on the H,R.
3190 Bill during any session of the 80th Congress, There is only one Supreme Court case that says
in order for any bill 94 be valid the Journals of both Houses must show that it was passed n the
presence of a Quorum. See United States v. Ballin, Joseph & Co., 144 U.S. 1, 3 (1892). The Clerk of
the House states that the May 12, 1947 vote was a 'voice vote,' but the Parliamentarian of the House
states that a voice vote is only valid when the Journal shows that a quorum is present and that it's
unlawful for the Speaker of the House to sign any enrolled bill in the absence of a quorum. n May
12, 1947, a presence of 218 202-078 in the hall of the House was required to be entered on the
Journal in order for the 44 Member 38 to 6 voice vote to be legal. t appears that the 1909 version of
the Federal Criminal Code has never been repealed. Therefore, in essence, our only true authority is
derived from the 1948 predecessor to Public Law 80-772. AIthough adjudication of the
constitutionaIity of congressionaI enactments has generaIIy been thought to be beyond the
jurisdiction of federaI administrative agencies, this ruIe is not mandatory," according to the
Supreme Court in the case of Thunder Basin Coal Co. v. Reich, 510 U,S, 200,215 (1994), Therefore,
the Bureau under the advice of the Legal Counsel feels that it is in the best interest of public safety
to continue addressing all of these Administrative Remedy Requests by stating ,that only the
Congress or courts can repeal or declare a federal statute unconstitutional. Revised 10/11/11
2011 [1] The BOP receives about $100+ per day for each day a person is in prison. Funding
comes from Congress. Lappin knew about the problem at the latest in 2009, exercised his
"discretion to leave people in prison, then the BOP submitted their FY2011 budget for $6.8Billion
without advising Congress of the problem. [1] t is understandable that the BOP is concerned. BOP
was required to notify Congress re 2011 budget they had a major problem, and ask Congress to
address it. nstead, concealment. Obstruction of Congress???

A. AII administrative remedies have been exhausted
LAW specializes in the preservation of Constitutional and Human
Rights. As of August 31, 2011, LAW had exhausted all administrative
remedies related to the class action lawsuit as well as all court
remedies, thus freeing up LAW to file the class action.
B. Number of PeopIe on the Lawsuit
We currently have about 250 people on the class action. We
anticipate having approximately 500 prior to filing. The brief has
already been written and will be filed in the next few weeks. Anyone
wishing to join should contact us immediately.
C. The Bond Case has Opened the Door
n their 9-0 ruling in arol Ann Bond v. United States, 09-1227, the
Supreme Court stated that any act of Congress repugnant to the
Constitution is void. Lower courts are required to follow Supreme
Court rulings, and we have seen an improved attitude in district courts
after the rulings, and we have seen an improved attitude in district
courts after the Bond ruling regarding jurisdictional challenges. We
currently have filed an amicus curaie brief in a case in Denver, a case
in New Jersey, the government has waived argument on a habeas
case in Houston, and the district judge in Miami has stated on the
record that if the facts could be proven, the person would be released.
One of the members of LAW has been interviewed on 6 radio talk
shows regarding the petition.
D. Request for DecIatory Judgment
As part of the class action lawsuit, LAW will also file a request for
Declatory Judgment pursuant to 28 USC 2201, et seq., in order to
force the court to research the Congressional records and declare the
statute invalid.
E. Who Is EIigibIe
Anyone charged with a federal crime since 1948, pretrial, post-trial, or

[1] A Major federal judge has agreed to hear the issue on October 28, 2011and release person upon
evidence. A second major federal judge issued a show cause order to government; government
waived argument.
[2] The Enrolled Bill Rule, ield v. lark, 143 U.S. 649 does not apply to a proper challenge,
because Munos lores, linton v. N.Y., and Bond v. United States, all S.Ct. overturned ield v.
[3] The BOP receives about $100+ per day for each day a person is in prison. Funding comes from
Lappin knew about the problem at the latest in 2009, exercised his "discretion to leave people in
prison, then the
BOP submitted their FY2011 budget for $6.8Billion without advising Congress of the problem.
[4] t is understandable that the BOP is concerned. BOP was required to notify Congress re 2011
budget they had a major problem, and ask Congress to address it. nstead, concealment.
Obstruction of Congress?

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