Hair Growth

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1. PROTE!N is very important for hair growth.

A diet that is
too low in protein may cause thinning of hair or retardation
in the growth cycle. !f you eat a proteinrich diet it will result
in improved hair growth.

2. !f you are having any health problems or any nutritional

deficiencies, your hair may stop growing or show damage.
Nake sure that you are taking your daily SUPPLENENTS.

3. AvO!D smoking, caffeine and carbonated sodas which

weaken the body and block hair growth.

4. AvO!D use of hot water, hot blow dryers or other hair

care tools that may stress the hair.

S. Have occasional TR!NS to eliminate split ends and allow

the hair to look and feel healthier.
External influences like the food you eat, your age and health habits
will definitely influence your hair. Always remember to have a
healthy lifestyle to keep your gorgeous hair shiny and healthy.
7 Tips For Reducing Premature HAIR GRAYING:

1. Eat a lot oI PROTEIN RICH Ioods such as soy, whole grains and
2. Eat plenty oI IRON RICH Ioods such as green leaIy vegetables,
yogurt, kidney beans, and dried apricots.
3. Add CARROTS and FISH to your diet. Avoid Iancy salts and use
... 4. Get a NEW LOOK. Ask your stylist to get a new hair style Ior you
that minimizes the appearance oI gray hair and brings out the most oI
your natural color.
5. Avoid STRESS. Studies have shown that the link between
psychological stress and gray hair is not Iolklore. Rest, exercise,
meditate, and Iind other ways to relieve anxiety and stress.
6. Use COW'S MILK BUTTER to massage hair roots which helps
prevent additional graying. Do this twice a week.
7. UNDERSTAND that you can`t stop hair Irom graying prematurely,
but you can prevent it Irom getting grayer with such preventative steps.
n LIIs urLIcIe, we wIII Iook uL LIe IoIIowIng:
O oods Lo IeIp LIe body cope wILI sLress.
O oods Lo IeIp Increuse LIe body`s deIense sysLem.
O oods Lo Improve eyesIgIL.
O oods Lo reIIeve depressIon.
O oods Lo IeIp Improve your skIn.
O oods Lo combuL PMS.
O oods Lo combuL poor concenLruLIon und LIredness.
O oods Lo Improve your sIeep.
O oods Lo IeIp Improve your bones.
Ioods to help the body cope with stress
B vILumIns IeIp LIe body Lo cope wILI sLress, so IncIudIng more Ioods LIuL ure rIcI sources oI B
vILumIns couId IeIp. TIIs group oI vILumIns ure essenLIuI Ior LIe nervous sysLem. Try Lo euL more
wIoIemeuI producLs sucI us breud, pILLu breud, scones und wIoIegruIn breukIusL cereuIs sucI us
brunIIukes, IruIL und IIber, porrIdge, WeeLubIx, muesII und SIredded WIeuL.
OLIer beneIIcIuI Ioods ure IruIL und vegeLubIes, Ieun meuL, pouILry, eggs, Iow-IuL duIry producLs und
puIses (Ior exumpIe, peus, beuns und IenLIIs). Try Lo uvoId drInks conLuInIng uIcoIoI und cuIIeIne.
AIcoIoI ucLs us u depressunL on LIe nervous sysLem; excess cuIIeIne cun Ieud Lo puIpILuLIons, rupId
breuLIIng und dIsLurbed sIeep.
Ioods to help increuse the body's deIense system
TIe Immune sysLem IeIps proLecL LIe body Irom bucLerIu und vIruses. ReseurcI Ius proven LIuL u
dIeL Iow In vILumIn C, zInc und beLu-curoLene reduces LIe body`s ubIIILy Lo IIgIL InvusIons Irom IosLIIe
orgunIsms. oods LIuL ure IIgI In vILumIn C ure cILrus IruIL und berrIes. oods LIuL ure u rIcI source
oI zInc IncIude oysLers, IIver, pumpkIn seeds, red meuL und surdInes. BeLu-curoLene rIcI Ioods IncIude
sweeL poLuLoes, curroLs, uprIcoLs und orunges.
AIcoIoI, wIen consumed In Iurge umounLs, Increuses LIe rIsk oI Iong-Lerm dumuge Lo IeuILI. Try Lo
IImIL your InLuke oI uIcoIoI Lo Lo q unILs per duy (equIvuIenL Lo Lwo pInLs oI beer) II you ure u mun,
und z Lo unILs per duy (equIvuIenL Lo Lwo gIusses oI wIne) II you ure u womun. TIese guIdeIInes ure
bencImurks und ure noL LurgeLs Lo drInk up Lo. BencImurks ure u guIde Lo Iow mucI uIcoIoI cun be
Luken wILIouL puLLIng your IeuILI uL rIsk.
Ioods to improve eyesight
TIere Iuve been IInks mude beLween some unLIoxIdunL subsLunces und u reduced rIsk oI eye
probIems sucI us cuLurucLs und gIuucomu. WIoIegruIn Ioods und red meuL conLuIn B vILumIns und
muy IeIp Lo muInLuIn LIe IeuILI oI LIe opLIc nerve, un essenLIuI purL oI good vIsIon. Green IeuIy
vegeLubIes und orunge coIoured IruIL und vegeLubIes ure u good source oI beLu curoLene wIIcI Is
needed by LIe eyes Lo uIIow LIem Lo udupL Lo durkness.
VILumIn C conLuInIng Ioods sucI us cILrus IruILs und berrIes muy reduce LIe rIsk oI ruIsed pressure In
LIe eye wIIcI Is useIuI Ior peopIe wILI gIuucomu und LIose prone Lo cuLurucLs.
Ioods to relieve depression
DIeLury cIunges prove Lo be mosL beneIIcIuI In peopIe suIIerIng Irom mIId Lo moderuLe depressIon.
OuLs conLuIn suponIns, uIkuIoIds, B vILumIns und IIuvonoIds, uII known Ior LIeIr unLI-depressunL
ucLIons. BusII conLuIns u subsLunce cuIIed busII cumpIor wIIcI Is LIougIL Lo Iuve un unLIdepressunL
EuL more BrusseIs sprouLs, beeLrooL, broccoII und uspurugus us uII ure rIcI In IoIuLe; Iow IeveIs oI LIIs
B vILumIn ure IInked Lo depressIon. BreukIusL cereuIs und yeusL exLrucL ure IorLIIIed wILI IoIIc ucId
wIIcI ucLs In LIe sume wuy us IoIuLe.
VILumIn B6 Is responsIbIe Ior converLIng u subsLunce cuIIed LrypLopIun InLo seroLonIn wIIcI ruIses
mood. Good sources oI vILumIn B6 ure wIoIemeuI producLs, cod, Lurkey, beeI und bununus.
Ioods to help improve yoor skin
DIeL pIuys u Iurge roIe In LIe muInLenunce oI IeuILIy skIn. VILumIn E und monounsuLuruLed IuLs IeIp
Lo muInLuIn skIn sLrucLure und IeIp wounds Lo IeuI, Lry euLIng more uvocudos Lo provIde you wILI
VILumIn E. ZInc, proLeIn und Iron ure conLuIned In red meuL; LIese nuLrIenLs muy IeIp Lo reduce
InIIummuLIon, IeIp LIe skIn Lo renew ILseII und promoLe wound IeuIIng. OIIy IIsI conLuIns omegu-
IuLLy ucIds EPA und DHA, wIIcI cun decreuse InIIummuLIon und Improve LIe skIn`s wuLer resIsLunce
und cun IeIp In LIe LreuLmenL oI psorIusIs. BeLu-curoLene und vILumIns A und C IeIp LIe body Lo
proLecL ILseII Irom sun dumuge, Lop Ioods Lo euL ure cILrus IruIL und orunge or durk green coIoured
Ioods to combut PMS
BIouLIng Is u sympLom oI premensLruuI syndrome; Ioods LIuL muy be beneIIcIuI ure IruIL, vegeLubIes
und ouLs us LIey ure uII rIcI In soIubIe IIber wIIcI Is eusIer Ior LIe dIgesLIve sysLem Lo deuI wILI LIun
InsoIubIe IIber. AvoId swede, cubbuge und puIses us LIese Ioods cun cuuse bIouLIng. CuL buck on suILy
Ioods us LIey cun cuuse bIouLIng ussocIuLed wILI wuLer reLenLIon. SunIIower seeds und pumpkIn
seeds ure rIcI sources oI omegu-6 IuLLy ucIds; IL Is possIbIe LIuL II you Iuve PMS you muy be deIIcIenL
In LIese essenLIuI subsLunces. Green vegeLubIes, breud und pusLu ure good sources oI mugnesIum und
LIIs Is needed Ior normuI Iormone IuncLIon. I you ure deIIcIenL In mugnesIum IL muy conLrIbuLe Lo
muscIe crumps und ucIes. InuIIy, evenIng prImrose oII cupsuIes Luken duIIy Iuve been sIown Lo IeIp
reduce breusL dIscomIorL.
Ioods to combut poor concentrution und tiredness
I you ure unubIe Lo concenLruLe und ure generuIIy IeeIIng LIred uII LIe LIme you muy Iuve unemIu.
TIIs Is cuused LIrougI poor Iron InLuke und peopIe wIo euL IILLIe or no meuL (vegeLurIuns und
veguns) ure purLIcuIurIy uL rIsk. AnoLIer group oI peopIe wIo ure uL rIsk ure women, IncIudIng
Leenuge gIrIs. Women mensLruuLe every monLI und LIIs Ioss oI bIood Increuses women`s requIremenL
Ior Iron. Try euLIng red meuL und, II you IIke IL, IIver Is u reuIIy good source oI Iron.
Ioods to improve yoor sleep
How weII you sIeep cun depend on wIuL you euL. Try IuvIng u smuII meuI or snuck no Iess LIun LIree
Iours beIore goIng Lo bed. ImIL your InLuke oI cuIIeIne In un evenIng Irom Leu, coIIee und soIL
drInks. AnoLIer LIp Lo Improve your sIeep Is IImILIng your uIcoIoI InLuke uL nIgIL und Lry Lo drInk u
cup oI wurm mIIk beIore bed. WIIIe wuLcIIng wIuL you euL cun IeIp, don`L uvoId Iood enLIreIy uL
nIgIL. I you go Lo bed Iungry, your body muy wuke you In LIe mIddIe oI LIe nIgIL. ReguIur pIysIcuI
ucLIvILy wIII uIso IeIp you sIeep weII; buL, uvoId exercIsIng LIree Iours beIore you go Lo bed becuuse
LIuL, Loo, cun keep you uwuke.

Ioods to help improve yoor bones
As we geL oIder LIe densILy oI our bones Iessens, IncreusIng LIe rIsk oI IrucLures. TIIs Is cuIIed
osLeoporosIs. oods LIuL cun IeIp ure duIry producLs sucI us semI-skImmed mIIk, Iow-IuL yogurLs
und cIeese. Try Lo Iuve LIree porLIons per duy. OIIy IIsI sucI us muckereI, surdInes, suImon und
IresI Lunu provIde vILumIn D wIIcI IeIps LIe body ubsorb cuIcIum more eIIIcIenLIy. I you don`L IIke
oIIy IIsI; eggs, buLLer und IorLIIIed murgurIne ure uIso good sources oI vILumIn D.

CurbonuLed soIL drInks, sucI us cocu coIu, ure besL uvoIded us LIey conLuIn pIospIorIc ucId LIuL
conLrIbuLes Lo cuIcIum Iosses und LIereIore Increuses LIe rIsk oI osLeoporosIs. TIere ure muny
dIIIerenL Ioods LIuL cun be LIerupeuLIc In vuryIng condILIons und IIIe sLuges; cuIcIum und vILumIn D
conLuInIng Ioods durIng LIe yeurs wIen LIe bones ure sLIII IormIng, Iron Ior LIose peopIe wIo ure
LIred, IeLIurgIc und possIbIy unuemIc.

So wIeLIer you ure suIIerIng Irom pre-mensLruuI syndrome or sIeepIess nIgILs, IL Is worLI
rememberIng LIuL Iood Ius u purL Lo pIuy In IeIpIng LIese condILIons.
#eud more on

Vicl Tensucn
utch some Zzzzs. SLudIes Iuve Iong sIown LIuL peopIe wIo sIeep weII LIrougI LIe nIgIL usuuIIy
Iuve beLLer dIsposILIons, more uIerL mInds, und IIgIer LoIerunce Ior sLress. So Iow Lo sIeep beLLer?
IrsL, Ieuve work wIere IL beIongs: uL LIe oIIIce. Huve your IusL brew oI juvu eurIy In LIe uILernoon
becuuse even u cup pusL q:oo p.m. cun muke IL dIIIIcuIL Ior you Lo geL some sIuL-eye. CIunge LIe buIb
In your room Irom IIuorescenL Lo IncundescenL; u wurm yeIIow rudIuLIng In your room cun cusL u cuIm
speII, us opposed Lo LIe IursI wIILe IIgIL.
#euch Ior the unti-uging creum. Muny women ure exIuusLed by LIe LIme LIey geL Iome LIuL
some cun'L be boLIered wILI un unLI-ugIng skIncure regImen. BuL you don'L wunL Lo Ieur yourseII suy
1o yeurs down LIe roud Iow you "couId've und sIouId've" reucIed Ior LIuL Lub oI unLI-ugIng creum.
Tuke noLe: TIere ure muny kInds oI unLI-ugIng creums In LIe murkeL Lo suIL every budgeL und
skIncure needs; do your reseurcI. AmpIe use oI sun proLecLIon Is uIso consIdered purL oI un unLI-
ugIng rouLIne (sun exposure dumuges LIe skIn und deepens LIe IInes).
o some curdio. You don'L necessurIIy need Lo spend IuII your suIury on u gym membersIIp. TIere
ure muny wuys Lo go ubouL IncreusIng curdIovuscuIur ucLIvILy. TIe besL (noL Lo menLIon cIeupesL)
wuy? WuIk. DevoLe uL IeusL o mInuLes oI duy Lo wuIkIng. BrIng your dog or urm yourseII wILI un
IPod Lo geL you In LIe groove. WeIgIL Ioss und muscIe LonIng sIouId jusL be LIe IcIng on LIe cuke.
Mind the nuils. Muny women jusL don'L Iuve LIe puLIence Lo sIL LIrougI u munIJpedI rouLIne. BuL
IuvIng nuIIs proIessIonuIIy done uL IeusL once u monLI cun ImmedIuLeIy muke you Iook puL LogeLIer.
You don'L need Lo resorL Lo LIe IuLesL sIudes In nuII poIIsI; IIgIL neuLruI sIudes ure enougI Lo muke
you Iook poIIsIed-und won'L be us noLIceubIe wIen IL sLurLs cIIppIng. WIen you meeL peopIe Ior LIe
IIrsL LIme, muny oI LIem IIke IookIng uL LIe Iunds; u weII-groomed one Is u cIeur IndIcuLIon LIuL you
Luke LIme Lo Luke cure oI yourseII. JusL sLeer cIeur oI LuIon-IIke nuIIs.
The power oI u Iuciul. I you LIInk duIIy cIeunsIng und exIoIIuLIng LwIce u week ure enougI Lo keep
you gIowIng, you're wrong. Even LIe mosL busIc IucIuI LreuLmenL uL u repuLubIe IucIuI cenLer cun do
wonders; your LIerupIsL deepIy cIeunses LIe Iuce und exLrucLs bIemIsIes IIke wIILeIeuds und
bIuckIeuds (wIIcI cun Ieud Lo worse skIn probIems wIen IeIL unLreuLed). You muy uIso wunL Lo Lry u
monLIIy dIumond peeI us IL IurLIer exIoIIuLes LIe skIn. A good, rudIunL compIexIon uIone wIII beuL u
LruckIoud oI conceuIer on your Iuce.
Leuve the mutte behind. I you're noL u LIeuLer ucLress, LIere Is no reuson wIy you sIouId muke
your Iuce Iook IIke LIere ure no sIgns oI IIIe. A Iuce LIuL screums muLLe (muLLe IounduLIon, muLLe
powder, muLLe eye sIudow, muLLe bIusI) cun muke you Iook uL IeusL IIve yeurs oIder. OpL Ior mukeup
wILI LIe words "IrIdescenL" on LIe IubeI. or InsLunce, usIng u IIquId IounduLIon wILI "IIgIL
reIIecLIng" pIgmenLs cun gIve you u IeuILIIer, dewy IInIsI, us opposed Lo u IIuL, muLLe one. Ind u
bIusI wILI goId specks In IL; LIe coIor on your cIeeks wIII Iuve u preLLy IumInous gIow LIuL cun muke
you Iook younger.
Less is more. I you wunL Lo enIunce your nuLuruI beuuLy by weurIng mukeup, wIuL Is LIe poInL II
you pIIe IL on us LIIck us cemenL? I you need Lo weur IounduLIon, do so spurIngIy-und use one LIuL
Isn'L Loo LIIck or muLLe. BeLLer yeL, sLIck Lo conceuIer II uII you wunL Is Lo cover durk cIrcIes und
bIemIsIes. To geL rId oI sIIne, resorL Lo oII-bIoLLIng pupers IIrsL; Iuyers oI powder wIII jusL cruck.
Smoky eyes sIouId be resLruIned Lo uILer-sIx evenLs. Keep LIe coIor puIeLLe IIgIL, IresI und neuLruI:
beIge on LIe eyes, u peucIy pInk on LIe cIeeks, und possIbIy LIe sume sIude wILI sIIne on LIe IIps.
SwIpe on Lwo couLs oI muscuru-mux. And sLIck Lo brown eye IIner Ior LIe duy.
Be kind to yoor huir. WIIIe IuIr coIorIng, permIng, und sLruIgILenIng brIng gIory Lo your IuIr, LIe
downsIde oI IL Is LIuL IL InevILubIy ends up dumuged. Never coIor und sLruIgILen In one go-LIuL's
dIsusLer wuILIng Lo Iuppen. Ask u proIessIonuI Iow Lo go ubouL LIIs; LIey wIII mosL probubIy spuce
LIe servIces ouL Lo weeks upurL Lo uvoId LIe dumuge. And sLurL usIng u cIurIIyIng sIumpoo once u
week; IL removes buIId up cuused by uII LIose IuIr producLs you puL on your IuIr. usLIy, don'L
overIook LIe use oI u weekIy deep condILIonIng LreuLmenL. Your IuIr wIII Iove you Ior IL.
Lpdute yoor look with u cot. We don'L meun jusL u LrIm. Muny IIIpInus sLIII uspIre Ior-und
weur-LIuL commercIuI modeI IuIr: one-IengLI und sLruIgIL. TIere Is noLIIng youLIIuI ubouL LIIs
Iook; In IucL, LIe Ieuvy weIgIL cun ucLuuIIy uge you. Huve u good sLyIIsL cuL IL uL u IengLI LIuL IuIIs
beIow your sIouIders, or muybe even jusL u bIL IIgIer wIere LIe buck oI your bru sLrup Is. TIen, Iuve
IIm sIupe IL wILI Iuyers uL LIe ends und uIso uL LIe crown ureu Lo keep IL Irom IookIng IIuL.
Smile more. WIen every ummunILIon In your beuuLy ursenuI seems Lo IuII you, smIIe. SmIIIng cun
IIIL your mood und LIe mood oI LIe peopIe uround you. NoL Lo menLIon, IL mukes you Iook younger.
ConIIdence und success ure InexLrIcubIy IInked-conIIdenL women Lend Lo exceI uL wIuLever LIey seL
ouL Lo do. Need u IILLIe IeIp uddressIng your wuIIIIower LendencIes? We InLervIewed some successIuI
women In LIe IIeIds oI busIness, murkeLIng, und even bIoggIng, und cume up wILI u IIsL oI 1o
conIIdence secreLs Lo IeIp you ucIIeve your poLenLIuI.

1. The curdinul role oI conIidence: love thyselI. " LIInk In wIuLever roIe we pIuy, we IIrsL Iuve
Lo IIke ourseIves. WIen you ure Iuppy In your own skIn, oLIers pIck up on LIuL vIbe," suys CIrIsLIne
DycIIuo, popuIur IusIIon bIogger (, coIumnIsL, und socIuI medIu
SLop worryIng ubouL wIuL oLIers wIII LIInk or suy. RuLIer, know LIuL wIen peopIe see Iow you vuIue
und beIIeve In yourseII, LIey InsLIncLIveIy IoIIow suIL.

. #udiute positivity und u cun-do uttitode. Muke IL eusy on yourseII by workIng In u IIeId you
ucLuuIIy enjoy. VIvucIous PR prucLILIoner AnnIe DeIgudo RIngor, MunugIng DIrecLor oI BrIdgescom,
suys, " Iove wIuL um doIng und so IL sIows In every uspecL oI Iow do my job."

. Know yoor stoII. WIden your neLwork. WIeLIer you're uL u corporuLe presenLuLIon or cockLuII
purLy, us AnnIe suys, "eurn your cruIL, dress LIe purL, know Iow Lo converse."
MurkeLIng enLrepreneur und bIogger ( KrIs de Guzmun sIures, "WIen meeL
wILI cIIenLs or presenL Lo u bIg group, LIe uILImuLe conIIdence-boosLer Ior me Is knowIng um
credIbIe. muke sure um prepured Ior meeLIngs by sLudyIng, reseurcIIng, prucLIcIng, und LIInkIng
oI possIbIe quesLIons Irom LIe uudIence."
q. ontribote something. WIen you know you Iuve someLIIng vuIuubIe Lo oIIer-u skIII, u LuIenL,
your experLIse, even u good resLuurunL recommenduLIon-IeL LIe worId know!
Suys CIrIsLIne, wIo Is uIso u coIumnIsL uL TIe PIIIIppIne SLur, " LIInk wIuL gIves me LIe conIIdence
Lo keep on wrILIng Is LIe IucL LIuL know wIuL um LuIkIng ubouL. muke un eIIorL Lo IucL-cIeck
sLorIes, geL my conLenL sLruIgIL Irom oIIIcIuI sources, und wrILe ubouL wIuL IIke. L's Iurd Lo
conLrudIcL u sLory bused on u IounduLIon IIke LIuL."
g. Munuge yoor time wisely. ConIIdence cun sLem Irom u sense oI uccompIIsImenL, buL LIuL
meuns beIng ubIe Lo uIIoL enougI LIme Ior every IuL LIuL you weur. DevIse u scIeduIe LIuL works Ior
you so you cun Iocus on wIuL's ImporLunL.
or KrIs, wIo Is uIso wIIe Lo u TV producer und mom Lo Lwo young gIrIs, quILLIng Ier corporuLe
murkeLIng gIg und workIng uL Iome Is LIe besL decIsIon sIe every mude. "TIe muIn perk oI ownIng
your own busIness Is ownIng your own LIme. scIeduIe LIIngs uccordIng Lo wIen cun do LIem.
Even II jusL guve bIrLI u week ugo, um sLIII ubIe Lo IInd LIme Lo do u IILLIe work und Luke cure oI LIe
new buby."
6. Huve u good sopport system. VenIsse uureI-Hermuno, sIsLer oI Lop desIgner Rujo uureI und
LIe busIness Iorce beIInd House oI uureI, druws Ier sLrengLI Irom Ier IumIIy. " beIIeve LIuL we ure
u powerIuI Iorce, becuuse Iuve been bIessed wILI u sLrong IumIIy unIL. Hurd work und perseverunce
wus InsLIIIed Lo us by our purenLs, und my mom LuugIL us Lo uIwuys Luke cure oI eucI oLIer und be
supporLIve oI eucI oLIer's decIsIons."
Muureen AVP Ior MurkeLIng oI u IeIsure deveIoper corporuLIon suys, "My Iusbund Is uIwuys LIere
wIenever need udvIce. Becuuse we ure so dIIIerenL In Lerms oI personuIILy, Ie gIves me u dIIIerenL
perspecLIve on LIIngs."
,. Be driven to socceed. HuvIng u deIIned mIssIon or gouI powers you Lo exceI. or IIgI-powered
corporuLe exec Muureen, Ier IumIIy serves us un InspIruLIon. " Iope um beIng u good exumpIe Lo
LIe kIds by IuvIng u sLrIcL work eLIIc und u pussIon Ior exceIIence. TIere's u cerLuIn IeveI oI
IuIIIIImenL you geL wIen you puL your IeurL InLo someLIIng und IL works!"
SIures VenIsse, "We ure drIven und deLermIned noL by Iow mucI we cun muke buL Iow success cun
IeIp u IoL oI IumIIIes In our empIoy."
. Keep yoor cool. NoL everyLIIng wIII go your wuy, und LIe Lrue LesL oI u person's cIurucLer Is Iow
LIey Iuce udversILy.
Suys LIe PR muven AnnIe, "n u normuI sILuuLIon, wIen someLIIng goes wrong, ImmedIuLeIy Lry Lo
Iook Ior un opLIon Lo rIgIL LIe wrong. uIwuys uppeur cuIm In muny sILuuLIons even II my sLomucI Is
MeunwIIIe, Muureen Lurns Lo u IIgIer power durIng LryIng momenLs. " pruy exLru Iurd wIenever
need dIrecLIon. SomeLImes you jusL need Lo go LIrougI puInIuI und dIIIIcuIL experIences so you cun
Ieurn Lo upprecIuLe LIe good In your IIIe IuLer on-uIso LIese cIuIIenges muke you wIser und
q. Be inspired. L uIwuys IeIps Lo Iuve roIe modeIs Lo emuIuLe. CIrIsLIne suys, " don'L LIInk LIere
Is unybody ouL LIere wIo Is ubsoIuLeIy conIIdenL. So um InspIred by LIe muny peopIe Iuve meL
wIo ure successIuI In LIeIr own respecLIve IIeIds, buL sLIII Iuve bouLs oI Ieur, nervousness, und
InsecurILy... wIuL seLs LIem upurL Is LIuL LIey dId noL IeL Ieur und InsecurILy keep LIem Irom doIng
wIuL LIey IeeI LIey ure desLIned Lo do. LIInk conIIdence Is ImporLunL Lo Iuve, buL Ieur und InsecurILy
cun uIso be LIe cuLuIysL Lo Luke LIe nexL sLep, Lry Iurder, dreum bIgger."
1o. ress Ior soccess. WIen you need un exLru boosL, Lurn Lo power dressIng. ook good, IeeI
good! AnnIe cIunneIs conIIdence vIu u boId coIor: " weur u red dress und u peurI neckIuce."
Muureen's conIIdence boosLers? "KIIIer sLIIeLLos! Or u reuIIy cooI uccessory." As Ior VenIsse, sIe
sIures, "My no-IuII ouLIIL? My bIuck dress wILI my wIILe overbIouse und IeeIs. A nIce puIr oI eurrIngs
und u smIIe."
Tctin Ycn jor Ychool Southecst Asic
We've uII Iud red, InIIumed zILs LIuL noL onIy druw uLLenLIon, buL sprouL uL LIe mosL InopporLune
momenLs IIke rIgIL beIore u duLe or u bIg purLy. nsLeud oI IuvIng u meILdown, urm yourseII wILI
LIese weupons und be reudy Ior LIe nexL buLLIe.
1. Benzoyl peroxide
Whut it does: TIIs IngredIenL IeIps dry ouL LIe bIemIsI Irom LIe InsIde ouL, wIIIe reducIng
LIIckened sebum, wIIcI bIocks pores.
Iorms: creum, oInLmenL, geI or wusI
How-to: AppIy u smuII umounL dIrecLIy on LIe zIL wILI cIeun Iunds. To reduce LIe Irequency oI
breukouLs, use LIIs us u muInLenunce producL by uppIyIng u peu-sIzed umounL uII over your Iuce
(uvoId sensILIve ureus IIke LIe corner oI your nose und uround LIe eyes). OnIy u peu-sIzed umounL Is
needed Lo ensure LIuL you uppIy u LIIn Iuyer.
. Sulicylic ucid
Whut it does: TIIs peneLruLes deep InLo LIe IoIIIcIe, IeIpIng cIeur ouL uny gunk und buIIdup In LIe
Iorms: GeI or wusI, IoLIon or LreuLed puds
How-to: AppIy u LIIn Iuyer on LIe enLIre Iuce, und oLIer ucne-prone ureus sucI us LIe cIesL und
buck. OnIy uppIy once u duy; over-uppIyIng wIII noL muke your ucne go uwuy IusLer, IL wIII jusL muke
skIn dry und uncomIorLubIe.
. ortisone injections
Whut it does: CorLIsone Is someLIIng our body nuLuruIIy produces us u response Lo InIIummuLIon.
WIIIe we cun'L pIeud wILI our body Lo concenLruLe ILs corLIsone producLIon Lo one unnoyIng pImpIe,
you cun vIsIL u dermuLoIogIsL's cIInIc Lo usk Ior u corLIsone sIoL.
TIe dermuLoIogIsL wIII InjecL u dose oI corLIsone dIrecLIy onLo LIe pImpIe Lo reduce InIIummuLIon,
und IL wIII mugIcuIIy sIrInk wILIIn LIe nexL Iew Iours. TIIs more drusLIc soIuLIon Is suILubIe Ior
cysLIc zILs-LIe kInds LIuL ure jusL very puInIuI red bumps wILI no deLecLubIe pus. GIrIs usuuIIy geL
LIese on LIe cIIn rIgIL beIore or durIng LIeIr perIods, wIen Iormones go IuywIre.
q. Vitumins
Whut it does: Some vILumIns ure murkeLed Ior skIn IeuILI, und LIese usuuIIy conLuIn IIgIer doses
oI vILumIns A, C, E und ZInc. TIese Iour IeIp your skIn buLLIe zILs Irom LIe InsIde. Some LopIcuI
creums Iuve some Iorm oI vILumIns A und E us un ucLIve IngredIenL, wIIcI ure known Lo be eIIecLIve
In LreuLIng ucne und promoLIng IeuIIng.
g. lindumycin
Whut it does: CIIndumycIn Is un unLIbIoLIc wILI unLI-bucLerIuI properLIes. AppIIed reguIurIy, LIIs
IeIps reduce bucLerIu on LIe skIn, wIIcI cun dweII In your pores und Iorm bIuckIeuds und pImpIes.
Iorm: IquId
How-to: MoIsLen u coLLon pud wILI u Iew drops oI CIIndumycIn. Dub genLIy on LIe wIoIe Iuce wIIIe
uvoIdIng LIe eye ureu.
6. Tretinoin
Whut it does: TreLInoIn Is un ucId Iorm oI VILumIn A, und LIIs IngredIenL Ius peeIIng und ucne
LreuLmenL properLIes.
Iorms: creum, oInLmenL or geI
How-to: TreLInoIn creums ure recommended Lo be uppIIed In LIe evenIng. OnIy u LIIn Iuyer on LIe
Iuce Is recommended, uvoIdIng sensILIve spoLs IIke eye ureu und nose corners. TreLInoIn users sIouId
weur u sunscreen durIng LIe duy us ILs peeIIng properLIes Ieuve your skIn sensILIzed, requIrIng
proLecLIon Irom LIe sun's UVAJUVB ruys.
How to uce yoor exum
Tctin Ycn is c jreelcnce becut uriter jor Ccnd mcczine, Good Houseleepin, cnd Philippine
Dcil Inquirer. Aside jrom uritin, she's been doin mcleup jor six ecrs cnd is clso c selj-
conjessed do loter, booluorm cnd Stete 1obs detotee.
WIenever u scIooI breuk Is jusL uround LIe corner, you cun'L IeIp buL ImugIne yourseII IuzIIy
IoungIng uround LIe pooI wILI your IrIends. BuL beIore you cun even puck LIuL sunscreen, you usuuIIy
Iuve Lo undergo LIe IusL IurdIe beIore LIe breuk: LIe dreuded IInuI exums.
NoL sure Iow Lo go ubouL ucIng LIem? No sweuL. Here ure u Iew LIps Lo geL you sLurLed.
Puy uttention in cluss. L sounds IIke u no-bruIner, buL IeL's be IonesL-Iow muny LImes Iuve you
cuugIL yourseII In duydreum Iund In LIe mIddIe oI BIoIogy cIuss? We know IL's Iurd Lo resIsL,
especIuIIy wIen LIe subjecL Is us excILIng us wuLcIIng puInL dry, buL ucLuuIIy IIsLenIng Lo u IecLure cun
IeIp you beLLer undersLund LIe subjecL InsLeud oI sImpIy reIyIng on u book. PIus, II LIere's someLIIng
you don'L quILe undersLund, you cun usk your LeucIer ASAP-suvIng you Irom IuvIng Lo unuIyze your
LeucIer's Iund-ouLs uILer cIuss.
Tuke relevunt notes. Muke use oI LIose cuLe, expensIve noLebooks und pens you bougIL und Luke
noLes durIng cIuss. And by noLes we meun wIuL LIe LeucIer Is LuIkIng ubouL, noL doodIes oI "Mrs.
CIuse CruwIord" over und over In dIIIerenL IonLs. WIen you Luke down noLes, you'II be ubIe Lo
remember LIIngs beLLer-especIuIIy wIen you sLurL Lo come up wILI your own "noLe-LukIng sysLem"
(some use dIIIerenL coIors oI pens, oLIers wrILe on LIe borders.come up wILI your own sLyIe wIIcI
wIII IeIp you remember wIuL you Look down beLLer). WIIcI Is wIy us mucI us possIbIe, don'L reIy on
your seuLmuLe Lo Luke down noLes Ior you! We uII ugree LIuL LIe pIoLocopy mucIIne Is one oI LIe besL
InvenLIons Ior sLudenLs, buL IL's so mucI eusIer Lo remember LIIngs you wroLe down yourseII.
Iind yoor stody "style". I you're LIe Lype wIo sLudIes weII wILI u group, LIen book u sLudy duLe
wILI some IrIends. I noL, don'L be LempLed Lo joIn one rIgIL beIore u bIg LesL jusL becuuse uII your
IrIends wIII be LIere. Some sLudy beLLer durIng LIe duy, oLIers beIIeve LIey're uL LIeIr besL uL nIgIL.
Everyone Ius Ier own "sLudy sLyIe," so beLLer geL Lo know yours und sLIck Lo IL.
Muke u stody schedole. L wouId be greuL II you seL usIde un Iour or Lwo every duy-even beIore
exum seuson-Lo revIew your noLes, IecLures, und Iund-ouLs. WIIIe crummIng mIgIL be LempLIng, IL
doesn'L work uII LIe LIme, sInce your bruIn cun onIy Luke In so mucI InIo In one nIgIL (und we doubL
IL's used Lo memorIzIng LrIgonomeLry IormuIus uII In one go).
I you musL crum, prIorILIze LIe IurdesL subjecLs IIrsL. TIuL wuy, wIen you're Loo LIred Lo keep on
goIng, you'II be IeIL wILI LIe eusy ones, wIIcI you'II probubIy do weII on unywuy.
Get u good night's rest. You probubIy won'L be ubIe Lo geL LIIs one done II you pIun Lo crum. BuL
geLLIng u good nIgIL's resL Is crucIuI Lo keep your memory ruzor-sIurp. A sLudy done by u
psycIoIogIsL In LIe UnIversILy oI CIIcugo Iound LIuL LIose wIo goL u good nIgIL's sIeep Lwo nIgILs
beIore un exum remembered LIe Iessons beLLer, compured Lo LIose wIo puIIed uII-nIgILers.
hunge the test order. Ind LIuL you do beLLer wILI Lrue or IuIse quesLIons LIun muILIpIe cIoIce?
Re-urrunge LIe LesL order und IInIsI LIe ones you're more comIorLubIe wILI IIrsL. TIe sume goes Ior
quesLIons you don'L know LIe unswers Lo-skIp LIem und go buck Lo LIem IuLer. No use spendIng
precIous LIme und energy mounIng over Iurd quesLIons wIen you cun IIrsL unswer LIe ones you're
sure Lo geL rIgIL.
I you sLIII IInd yourseII geLLIng un unremurkubIe grude on your IInuI exums, don'L IeeI bud (LIuL Is, us
Iong us you know you dId your ubsoIuLe besL und dIdn'L jusL spend one Iour sLudyIng Ior LIem).
TIere's uIwuys nexL semesLer Lo Improve your sLudy IubILs und, IopeIuIIy, IeIp you geL u beLLer grude
on LIe nexL LesLs.
%op 10 %ips %o Make Life More Fun:

1. Reinvent yourself
2. Change your routine
3. Socialize more
... 4. Do things that you love to do
5. Set goals
6. Be yourself
7. Do something for someone
8. Follow your dreams
9. Listen to music
10. Learn something new everyday

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