Lesson Plan Dickinson

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Intern:_Anthony Flores___ Date: ___12/1/11__________________ Class:___American Literature Period:__5____#Min___52______

Outcomes: (what will students know and do before the end of class?)
Students will be able to identify key terms used in poetry by Emily Dickinson (quatrains, slant rhymes, figurative language) Students, through a video, will be introduced to the poet Emily Dickinson and through a graffiti board activity show the class and teacher what they have learned about her. `

Standards: Student Needs- Student Centered:

Students will have key terms needed for the following lesson plans that will introduce them to a series of poems by Emily Dickinson Students will learn when, where and how Dickinson is and what her impact on American Literature is.

Assessment Plan: (written oral - project role play hands on) How will you concretely KNOW that students have
mastered the objective?

Quiz will follow on both Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson on key terms from both poets, understanding who they were in the era of realism, and learn who both of these historical figures are. The pre-test and final test ask specifically about both poets and their contribution to realism. Students will do a number of activities to help the teacher learn their understanding of the material including the graffiti board in this particular lesson plan.

HOW Start class with Unit Organizer. Ask Check back/ questions and have students fill in Bring forward information about Walt Whitman to close How does this lesson relate the chapter on that author. Using the UO to what students know? teacher will (and already has) elude to the next part of the unit on poetry, Emily Dickinson. Anticipatory Set/ Students will be introduced to a short Future? Past? video on Emily Dickinson and asked to Interest? Organizer? take notes on sections that speak to them or create curiosity. How will you focus,

WHAT Review



10 Min

Unit organizer Pencil/pen SmartBoard

12 min

SmartBoard Paper Pen/pencil

prepare, and engage the students for the lesson objective/s?

Key Points: What are key ideas or steps you will emphasize in your lesson?

Take notes on video Have key term handout (purple page) ready to add new terms Write down 2 words, phrases or draw pictures on board that represent what they remember from the video Students cannot use a phrase or word already on the board


Pen/pencil Notebook/paper Purple Key Term handout Marker Whiteboard SmartBoard

Teaching :Input
Instructional strategies?

Student role??? Teacher Role???

Teaching: Modeling

TR: Now that we have finished the video I 5 am going to ask each of you to come up min and write or draw two things on the board about the video, or Emily Dickinson, or what it says to you. (Teacher will have each table one at a time come up and put their idea on the board). SR: (Students will put their thoughts on the board).

Marker White Board

Student role??? Teacher Role???

TR: (teacher will ask about each set or words or phrases or drawings on the board and ask why that student used it and what it means). SR: Students will respond by letting the class know why they put a certain word, phrase or picture on the board.

Teaching: Checking for Understanding

Confirm? Re-teach? Question???

Student role??? Teacher Role??? WHAT HOW Teacher will model by coming up with a word not on the board after the class is finished putting their ideas on the graffiti board. Ex: Graveyard This reminds me of the video because Emily lived by a graveyard and wrote many poems about death. Teacher will point to each item and ask why the student put the comment, picture or phrase on the board. SR: Students will tell the class how what they put on the board relates to the video on Dickinson.


Guided Practice/ Monitoring

Recheck? Monitor? Re-teach? Checking for Understanding?

15 min

Marker White Board

In what ways will your learners attempt to explain or demonstrate what you have taught??

Independent Practice
(in class, homework)
Reinforcement? Connections? Clarity/expectations? Rationale?

TR: Students will be directed to get the textbooks by sending one person from each table to get books for everyone at their table. Please take out your purple Key Terms handout. SR: Students will get the textbooks and go to page 547 (page number is now written on the board). TR: Okay, before we leave here today we need to add to our Key Terms handout so we can better understand the poetry of

5 min

Textbooks Pen/pencil Purple Key Terms handout

Emily Dickinson. (Students name) will you please read the part on text analysis? SR: Student reads. TR Quatrains. That will be one of our words. What is the definition? SR: A four lined stanza. TR: Okay, since we are short on time I will read and you tell me what our new key terms are going to be. (Slant Rhymes is next. All the terms are in bold for easy reference in the textbook). So what is our next word and definition? SR: Slant Rhymes and it means words that dont exactly rhythm. TR: Good. Dickinson uses this technique beautifully and once we begin tomorrow going through her poems I will point this out so you can see it as well as define it. What is our next word and definition? SR: Figurative languages and it means personification, metaphor, or simile. TR: Good. These are the new terms for our section on Dickinson that we will be discussing over the next two days. Are there any questions? TR: Okay folks, Today we closed the 3 book (and not just metaphorically) on min Walt Whitman by getting all of our information about him and his poetry on the Unit Organizer (pointing to the outcome on the board). Next we watched a video and participated in an activity called a graffiti board to help us better understand who Emily Dickinson was as a poet, a person, and an historical figure in American Literature. Tomorrow we will start with Ms. Emmes favorite poem by Dickinson called, I Could Not Stop for


Wrap up? Summarize? Decisions? Setting the stage for next steps? Evaluation?

Remember to create an opportunity for the student to close their thinking.

Death. She writes this poem using quatrains and a number of figurative language techniques so keep that in mind once we get started tomorrow. Please be in your seats and ready for me to dismiss you once the bell rings. (Class dismissed).

What went well? What are some ways to adjust?

At the end of formal eval by Emme.

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