New Year Is Approaching in A Few Days Time

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New year is approaching in a few days time.

We might be thinking to set a few goals and make new year resolutions.
We do make commitments at the start of year. However, during the year, there are only a few lucky people who are
able to achieve those goals. One of the reasons why people are not able to achieve their goals is time
]im Rohn once remarked: Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills. We all can develop better
skills for managing our time.
Ny first book on effective time management: Time Flies, Do you want to take a ride" will be available in hard copy
version during the next week. Dr. Afra Sajjad Regional Head of Education, Niddle East North Africa South Asia
at ACCA Pakistan says: !nvesting 20 minutes in reading the book can save you 20 million seconds
wasted due to time mismanagement".
This book is intended for busy professionals and all those who are looking for ways and means to increase
productivity in the time available to them. The book has 7 tools S techniques for effective time management.
Readers' will learn about:
1. ABCDE method of Time Nanagement
2. DAA WAA NAA principle of time management
3. The difference between success and failures
4. Five (S) Ds of time management and
S. Six (6) P Principle of time management
Nr. Hammad Siddiqui, Deputy Country Director, Center for !nternational Private Enterprise says: ! am a
great supporter of effective planning. But this will work only if the earlier points given in the book are
followed in the first place".
The book is priced at Rs. 100/ only and is available in Pakistan. !f you are interested to have this pocket sized self
help book, simply send an email !t will be delivered to your doorstep in Pakistan
at Rs. 12S/ only (postal charges included)
!t will be available shortly in book stores at !slamabad in the coming week.
!n the foreword of the book, Nr. Nuhammad Sajwani, Director Employee Relations atTelenor Pakistan says: Now
talking of this easytoread handbook that tells us How can we make our lives productive by better time
management", ! am convinced that T!NE is the only aspect of our lives where we are all truly equal - every human
being is given the same 24 hours" a day.
Economically speaking, time is free, it is not subject to recession, interest rates or inflation. You and !
cannot buy it, sell it or store it. !t is personal, it is all yours and mine. Only we can spend it".
Nuhammad Uzair, Director !nternal Audit, Tourism Promotion Services Pakistan, Owners and operators of Serena
Hotels says: The good thing about this book is that it's as good for a university graduate entering his
professional career as it is to an experienced professional at top management. There is something for
You may consider to add value in life of other people by giving this small book as a gift to them!

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