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Tandon, MD, MPH


BS Biomedical Engineering, MD & MPH (Biostatistics) at Top-Ranked Universities

Eagle Scout; Reed-Frost Scholar; Presidents Gold Service Award; National Merit Scholar
7 National Conference abstracts; 3 papers & 1 patent in submission; 4 papers in writing.
Board Member at My Heart Your Heart, providing pacemakers to the worlds poor
Founder of Care For Kids, NGO that provided access to healthcare for over 1000 orphans
$15.5 million Gates Grand Challenge #14 primary team member
Established Pre-Health Advisory Team at University of Washington
House Officer Council member, University of Michigan
Travelled worldwide, 38 countries

Internal Medicine Residency, University of Michigan
Master of Public Health, Reed-Frost Scholar, Johns Hopkins University

Expected Completion 2016


Concentration in Epidemiology/Biostatistics; Fluency in Stata & R

Thesis Advisor: Moyses Szklo, MD DrPH, PI Emeritus of MESA and ARIC

Doctor of Medicine, University of Washington

B.Sc. with Honors Biomedical Engineering, University of Washington


Focus in Diagnostics & Medical Devices; Fluency in AutoCAD, SolidWorks, MATLAB, LabVIEW
Research Advisor: Paul Yager, PhD, Chair, Department of Bioengineering

Board Member My Heart Your Heart 501(c)3 (PI Kim Eagle, Tom Crawford)
June 2014 - Present
Founded 501(c)3 part of MHYH, research pacemaker reuse, worldwide device distribution.
Working closely with cardiologists, attorneys, entrepreneurs to build a financially sound and scientifically
robust organization to safely implant reused cardiac devices in the developing world.
House Office Council Member Internal Medicine, University of Michigan
August 2013 - Present
Liaison between residents and departmental leadership; improving program structure.
Individually, especially focused on improving our recruiting process.
Director & Founder Care For Kids 501(c)3 (Ref Jeff Rogers, CEO OneAccord Partners)
2006 2009
Lead vision and fundraising strategies; provided healthcare to 1000+ Zambian orphans
Multiple public speaking opportunities (1000+ attendance), successful grant writing.
In Uganda, ran rural health clinic. Educated rural mothers on pediatric emergencies.
Director & Founder Pre-Health Advisory Team
2009 2012
Recruit and train >200 medical students to mentor ~1000 undergraduates. Multiple speaking events.
Underrepresented Students Recruiter Biomedical Engineering Society at UW
2007 2008
Multiple speaking engagements, mentoring, recruiting.


Database Research

Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis Vascular Calcification Predictors (PI Kelley Branch, Kevin OBrien)
International Registry of Aortic Dissection Predictors of Poor Outcomes (PI Troy LaBounty, Kim Eagle)
Imaging Research

CT diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome (PI Kelley Branch)
Dose Reduction in Cardiac CT (PI Kelley Branch, Christian Hamilton-Craig)
Diagnosis of Low Flow-Low Gradient Aortic Stenosis (PI Troy LaBounty)
Quality Improvement Research
Communication of Discharge Medication Changes to PCPs and Patients at UM (PI Jennifer Stojan)


Primary Team Researcher Gates Foundation Grand Challenge #14, UW Yager Lab
January 2007 June 2008
$15.5 Million to develop point of care diagnostic devices.
Protein preservation and dry reagent microfluidics for malaria dx. Patent Submitted.
Researcher NIDCR, UW Yager Lab
September 2005 June 2006
Surface Plasmon Resonance Assay for Salivary Diagnostics
Researcher Heart and Muscle Mechanics Regnier Lab UW
December 2004 June 2005
In vitro cardiac muscle force characterization; stem cell culture development


Reed-Frost Scholarship ($41.5K), Johns Hopkins School of Public Health

Siemens Outstanding Research Award Winner (Best Abstract of SCCT Conference 2012)
Mary Gates Leadership Scholar

Seattle Pacific University Social Venture Grand Prize & Students Choice with Care For Kids
Presidents Gold Volunteer Service Award

Eagle Scout, Patrol Leader, Order of the Arrow

National Merit Scholar

Red Cross Merit Award




Tandon K, LaBounty T, Pyeritz R, Pape L, Trimarchi S, Conklin L, Appoo J, Mrevljc B, Mittal D, Pappas P,
Groh M, Bismuth J, Montgomery D, Forteza A, Nienaber C, Eagle K. Which Patients Are More Likely to
Experience Adverse Changes on Imaging Following Acute Aortic Dissection? Proceedings of the 64
American College of Cardiology Scientific Meeting. 2015 March 14-16; San Diego, CA.
Tandon K, Levy K, Cameron D, Chang A, Buchmann K, Stojan J. Communication from Inpatient Discharging
Providers to PCPs and Patients Regarding Medication Changes. Proceedings of the 17 Society of Hospital
Medicine Meeting. 2015 March 29-April 1; Washington, DC.
Tandon K, Hamilton-Craig CR, Wesley A, ORourke R, Paymard M, Neil J, Branch K. Reducing CCTA
Radiation Exposure: How to Implement Dose Reduction Techniques in a Real World Study of 3,333
Patients. Proceedings of the 87 American Heart Association Scientific Meeting. 2014 November 15-19;
Chicago, IL.
Tandon K, Branch K, Owens D, Budoff M, Kestenbaum B, Nacif M, OBrien K. A Gender Specific Association
of Lower Bone Mineral Desnity with Aortic Valve Calcium: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
(MESA). Proceedings of the 63 American College of Cardiology Scientific Meeting. 2014 March 29-31;
Washington, DC.
Tandon K, Shuman W, Gupta M, Budoff M, Busey J, Caldwell J, Hamilton-Craig C, Branch K. Prevalence of
Artifacts on First Pass CT Myocardial Perfusion and Effects on Diagnostic Ability to Detect Myocardial
Infarction or Ischemia. Proceedings of the 7 Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomographers Scientific
Meeting. 2012 July 19-22; Baltimore, MD.
o Oral Presentation, Winner of Siemens Outstanding Academic Research (Best Abstract) Award
Crawford T, Allmendinger C, Snell J, Weatherwax K, Lavan B, Baman T, Sovitch P, Rodia C, Carrigan T,
Klugman N, Kine D, Hughey A, Lautenbach D, Ayleshmerni D, Sovitch N, Tandon K, Samson G, Newman C,
Davis S, Wasserman B, Oral H, Eagle K. Cleaning and Sterilization of Used Cardiac Implantable Electronic
Devices with Process Validation: The Next Hurdle in Pacemaker and Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator
Recycling. Proceedings of the 15 Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Meeting. 2015 May 13-16; Boston, MA.
Nelson K, Geisler N, Tandon K, Yager P. Multiplexed Competitive Immunoassays Using Disposable
Microfluidic Devices and SPR Imaging. Proceedings of the 10 International Conference on Miniaturized
Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences; 2006 November 5-9; Tokyo, Japan.

Abstracts, Submitted

LaBounty T, Tandon K, Miyasaka R, Conte AH, Bach D. Stoke Volume Index Cannot Differentiate Between
Low-Gradient and High-Gradient Severe Aortic Stenosis in Symptomatic Patients with Normal Left
Ventricular Function. Submitted to AHA 2015


Nelson K, Geisler N, Tandon K, Yager P. Rapid, multiplexed competitive immunoassays using disposable
microfluidic devices and SPR imaging. Society for Chemistry and Micro-Nano Systems, Pubs: Micro Total
Analysis Systems 2006, Vol. 1, 825-827 (2006).

Publications, Submitted

Tandon K, Hamilton-Craig CR, Wesley A, ORourke R, Paymard M, Neil J, Branch K. Cardiac CT Radiation
Dose Reduction Strategies at a Tertiary Care Center. Submitted to European Heart Journal: Cardiovascular
Imaging June 2015
Tandon K, Branch K, Alessio A, Shuman W, Gupta M, Budoff M, Mitsumor L, Busey J, Hamilton-Craig C,
Caldwell J. Prevalence and Effects of Artifacts on First Pass CT Myocardial Perfusion to Detect Myocardial
Infarction or Ischemia. Submitted to PLoS One June 2015
Crawford T, Allmendinger C, Snell J, Weatherwax K, Lavan B, Baman T, Sovitch P, Rodia C, Carrigan T,
Klugman N, Kine D, Hughey A, Lautenbach D, Ayleshmerni D, Sovitch N, Tandon K, Samson G, Newman C,
Davis S, Wasserman B, Oral H, Eagle K. Cleaning and Sterilization of Used Cardiac Implantable Electronic
Devices with Process Validation: The Next Hurdle in Pacemaker and Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator
Recycling. Submitted to Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Clinical Electrophysiology February
2015, in revision.

Ongoing Manuscripts, Not Yet Submitted

Tandon K, Branch K, Owens D, Budoff M, Kestenbaum B, Nacif M, OBrien K. Novel Associations of Aortic
Valvular Calcification with Osteoporosis and DHEA: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Plan to
submit to Heart July 2015
Tandon K, LaBounty T, Pyeritz R, Pape L, Trimarchi S, Conklin L, Appoo J, Mrevljc B, Mittal D, Pappas P,
Groh M, Bismuth J, Montgomery D, Forteza A, Nienaber C, Eagle K. Which Patients Are More Likely to
Experience Adverse Changes on Imaging Following Acute Aortic Dissection? Target Journal not yet
Tandon K, Levy K, Cameron D, Chang A, Buchmann K, Stojan J. Communication from Inpatient Discharging
Providers to PCPs and Patients Regarding Medication Changes. Plan to submit to Journal of Hospital
Medicine July 2015.
Tandon K, Crawford T, Goldman E, Davis S, Eagle K. Scaling Academic Social Ventures: Why Start a Non-
Profit? Plan to submit to JACC EP.
Tandon K, LaBounty T, Miyasaka R, Conte AH, Bach D. Final Author List TBD. Stroke Volume Index has Poor
Diagnostic Accuracy for Low Flow Low Gradient Aortic Stenosis.
Tandon K, LaBounty T, Eagle K. Final Author List TBD. Predictors of Adverse Imaging Findings on Acute
Aortic Dissection Followup Imaging and Relationship with Mortality and Morbidity.


Tandon K, Lutz B, Yager P. Method for Dry Preservation and Rehydration of Enzymes. Patent Application
Processing at UW TechTransfer; Record of Invention 45958; Submitted 2008 March 6.

Other Presentations

How to Counsel Premeds. Prehealth counselors meeting, 2009. Over 150 professional attendees.
Various College and High School Assemblies, representing Care For Kids. 1000+ attendees.
Seattle Pacific University Social Venture Comp. Over 100 professional attendees.
Engaging Millennials in Social Enterprise. Action International Board Meeting. 20 Executives.


Playing with my son! Travelling, Wakeboarding, Snowboarding, Backpacking, Software Development,
Reading, Theology, Community Service.

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