In The Field

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In the field

mobile learning on-site

Louise Duncan 2011

The future of mobile




Star Trek: talking to computers

Sir Ken Robinson

Engage with the world around you and make more sense of yourself in the process.
LWF, March, 2011

Designing mLearning
pattern matching executive function rote operations

mLearning is about augmentin g our learnin g and our performanc e

Clark N Quinn, Designing mLearning, 2011

mLearning is the use of mobile technology to aid in the learning, reference or exploration of information useful to an individual at that moment or in a specic use context.

Timing Information

Context Assessment


Understanding mobility

Float mobile learning

mLearning is not eLearning on a mobile device

Context aware systems

Education in the wild

The main barriers to developing new modes of mobile learning are not technical but social. We have little understanding of context and learning outside the classroom.

Mike Sharples, University of Nottingham, Education in the wild

linking mobile tech with the authentic world

Human senses
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Location based learning



Near eld communication



The hiding and nding of hidden packets, or Geocaches, guided by GPS enabled mobile devices

Digital narratives of location

Geocachers use mobile and social technologies to blur the boundaries between the virtual spaces of the Internet and the physical spaces that surround them.
Gill Clough, The Open University, Informal learning with mobile and social technologies

Location as context
For 1000 years, weve been able to annotate text, we are now developing the tools to annotate our environment.

Over to you

Mike Sharples, University of Nottingham, Education in the wild

into the eld...

Learners are active, which is healthy Getting out of the classroom is motivating Connecting learning to local context helps ground learning in the real world

Field Assets
Clark N Quinn, Designing mLearning, 2011

Field assets

Geographically inspired tasks for kids Lots in London, lots that can be done anywhere Bring a geography lesson to life

Mission: Explore
Sniff it See the wild Make a memory stick Advocate for a place Design a game... See like a worm...

Over to you:

Tools of the trade

Note sharing / access Photography Note taking Audio recording: Audiotorium, Audio Boo, iTalk

Over to you:

Citizen Scientists

Citizen Environmentalists
Reporting location specic information about the world around you Public participation in scientic research Eg:

Project Noah
The smartphone is the buttery net of the 21st century. Project Noah is a tool to explore and document wildlife and a platform to harness the power of citizen scientists everywhere.

Project Noah
Photograph and upload spottings Join missions Earn patches Comment and community

Mission Antarctica

World Challenge

App to track Gorilla families and channel donations

Owls 2011/01/20/owls/


Make a video blog of a geography / science / history etc eld trip

Owl pellets
Identify bones in owl pellets from samples sent by a biological company and contribute to a central database

Hedgehog Street

Mammals on roads

Sussex Wildlife Trust

The Sussex Wildlife Trust Explorer is a multimedia guide to some of the best nature reserves in Sussex. Download trails to your iPhone and follow the GPS marker to hotspots that will reveal pictures, videos and audio clips about a particular habitat or species. You can also brush up on your wildlife knowledge by trying to answer the quiz questions at each hot spot.

Beast Hunter
Using the iPad as a megaphone Using a photo album as a survey tool to identify the Mapanguari of the Amazon

Star walk


Fish weight calculator Fishing knots

Frog Log Tasmania

A bird in the hand Tasmania

Audio and video podcasts

Listen to available material or make your own. Tasmania Parks and Wildlife service audio and video podcasts Overland track Port Davey Marine Reserve
Barn Bluff Peak

Taronga Zoo

The Michael Morcombe eGuide to the birds of Australia

WildForm a recording form that allows the user to create their own form for collating data (e.g. surveys on attitudes, geo tagging data) WildKey an interactive decision-tree enabling users to make decisions based on prompts and images (e.g. wildlife identication, diagnostic checks) WildMap- multimedia trails which provide the user with video, images, text and audio about a point of interest (e.g. tourist sites, virtual landscapes) WildImage - interactive diagrams which provide the user with video, images, text and audio about a point of interest (e.g. timelines, learning objects)

! To be able to use a branching database to make decisions in order to identify insect species !!To be able to use the features of an online collaborative learning space !!To understand the differences between beetle species !!To understand the relationship between beetle species and different habitats !!To understand the concept of location on a map !! To understand that GPS is able to pinpoint their location !! To understand the value of their contribution within a national community

Learning outcomes

RSPB Green Talent Mobile Recorder: Highlights how our dependency on plants, climate change and the need for adaptation and innovation in business are inter-related.

Case studies

ractive Inte Trails

Langass Woodland digital trail: Populated by pupils photographs, poems, sound recordings and research, giving visitors an even richer experience of this community owned woodland.

QR Codes
An excellent way to direct students to content Links to YouTube videos for students to watch On student posters on display in classrooms QR code trails in your school library Links to student blogs in letters sent home to parents

QR codes

Tales of things

Link any object directly to a 'video memory' or an article of text describing its history or background.

Bordeaux, France

QR Codes
What can you nd at these three sites?

Over to you



instant QR code scanning...with panache!

scan barcodes on books for nd instant info, cover picture, where to buy

Contextualised mathematics

Project MobiMaths


The street museum

Use GPS to locate an image near you Hold your camera up to the present day street scene and see the same London location in a window through time.

Museums and art galleries

The Victoria and Albert Medieval and Renaissance Galleries - audio commentaries on key objects in the collection. Use in the museum or anywhere.

The Victoria and Albert Museum

- The cult of beauty

Natural History Museum

Nature Plus: Barcoded card used to collect extra information when visiting exhibits at the Darwin Centre Supported by personalised website

Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta

American Museum of Natural History, New York


Solar System

AMNH Explorer

The British Library

Explore some of the libraries rarest and most extraordinary written and printed material from anywhere in the world.

Museum Victoria
Field guide to Victorian fauna

Over to you:

Tagw h



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Mobile Augmented Reality


naio Ju

Wik itu



Create your own individual places, geotag the world.

A game about doing challenges at places Brilliant for adults and older students Requires smartphone, Facebook / Twitter account


Pasco sensors - SPARKvue

SPARKvue brings real time measurement, data visualisation and analysis to science education everywhere. Without sensors, collect

Heart rate monitor

Measure your heart rate

Over to you

Run Keeper Make a Runkeeper account and track details of a walk you take about the Hobart this weekend.

Over to you:

www. Join a team count steps with pedometer


Make a video blog of a geography / science / history etc eld trip

Live Web Cams

Pocket Zoo

I can animate video
Share videos privately with family and friends, automatically post to social networks, or broadcast to blogs and video sites. Videos can be viewed live (right as they are being recorded) or anytime later.

Qik : live reporting back to the classroom

An expedition to identify an unusual beast by piecing together clues in the school

Response systems


Take photographs of the Tasmanian Slide2Learn and send them to this Posterous account (automatic tweet with #slide2learn in the title of post)

Over to you


Pastebot takes images and text from the clipboard of your iPod touch and allows you to move them wirelessly to your Mac.

Word LensGoogle Translate

for the car...


Find my car


AR Drone

See Tony Vincents website / Youtube

Balloon space craft

Augmented reality

Augmented Reality

Are you up for a challenge?

Think of a eld trip / out of classroom event and describe how you would use a mobile iDevice to enhance the experience.
Over to you:



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iseEDuncan @Lou

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