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personalising learning

Louise Duncan December 2011



...has these common themes Learners are central eLearning is a key enabler Lifelong learning Communities of collaboration

Flexible learning centre Full time curriculum writer for three


Personal Learning Program: Shepparton High School

Extra classroom support New integrated curriculum based on

student choice, self-directed learning, assessment for learning, multiple intelligences, emotional intelligence

ICT rich

Lindsay Thompson Fellowship 2009

Fellowship Lindsay Thom pson Journey

Southgate Community Schools Detroit HHL09 London Apple London

Holy Spirit School San Jose

Kings School Winchester

Chatsmore Catholic High School Worthing

Apple Cupertino

Nassau BOCES New Yo rk

Howard University of Middle School Maths and Science C Washington D

Abilene Christian University

Roswell High iSchool Initiative Atlanta

University of the Sunshine Coast Ungarie Central School

incent Tony V ng in Learni Hand

mLearn 2009 Orlando

Epsom Primar y School

The personalisation of any experience makes it more memorable...

s what kid This is want - to ir he onalise t pers learning

Why teach with an iPod Touch?

Increase motivation Individualise instruction Accommodate multiple learning styles Instantaneous Extends learning beyond the classroom and makes it FUN

Context aware

B ized s ite-


What characterises mobile learning?




i tunist ppor

ortable P

7Cs of Learning

Choose Commit Create Crash Copy Converse Collaborate


Source: Clark Quinn, Designing mLearning

Complementary to our intelligence

Mobile devices support our brains with rote operations which then allows us to focus on tasks we can perform well

Rote operations

executive monitoring

pattern matching

Source: Clark Quinn, Designing mLearning

Before teacher intervention...


This case study, from the recently released Digital Britain Report, highlights the emerging trends in links between portable and mobile learning.

The iPod


Learning Strategies



Discover software

Await installation of new image..lose will to live

Apply to learning area leader

If you nd a new piece of software you want installed on computers / notebooks / netbooks in your school how long does it take? Who does it? What is the process?

Give to IT technicians to create new image

Funding, site licenses?

Apply to eLearning team

Await arrival by post / download

School order form

Fax your order

Apps can be downloaded directly to an iPod Touch using WiFi or synced with iTunes on a Mac or PC. Ideas for App reviews coming up...


The App Wall


Convergent capabilities
read QR codes text gyroscope accelerometer video touchscreen texting compass

camera audio PIM Vibration 21

GPS www email response systems


Analysing learning tasks using SAMR

Substitution: Tech acts as a direct tool substitute with no functional change.

All countries

Augmentation: Tech acts as a direct tool substitute with functional improvement.


Modication: Tech allows for signicant task redesign.


I can animate

Redenition: Tech allows for the creation of new tasks, previously inconceivable.

Augmented reality

Useful things students can do with an iPod touch

Timing experiments with the stopwatch Photographing science experiments Photographing development of projects for ePortfolios Photographing texts / whiteboards Bluetoothing project material between group members

Useful things students can do with an iPod touch

Connect remotely to the school learning platform Record a teacher, themselves or another student reading a poem Create short narrative movies Download and listen to podcasts Creating a mind map to outline a project idea

Field guide to Victorian fauna

Vikings Row!

Alice for iPad



Eden World Builder

Rorys Story Cubes


This weeks words

Student in year 8

with literacy and numeracy levels between grade 2 4 who has slipped through the cracks and has had no extra support from the school

Sound Note





indMap iM

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This Mac software allows you to demonstrate the iPod touch (or anything else!) live. you can also record video and still images.


Pastebot takes images and text from the clipboard of your iPod touch and allows you to move them wirelessly to your Mac.

Sound recording

There are many examples, but here is how we can record voice messages and send them directly to a shared mobile eLocker for students to collect.

Language - voice recording and sharing for ESL students

ility ob


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iPod touch

iPod touch


Simulation Apps
The lunar electric rover simulator gives you a glimpse at what it might be like to support the activities of a functioning lunar outpost.

Follow recipes as if you were really cooking

Pocket Chef



Brushes invites you to go beyond the doodle. With several brush styles and the ability to select virtually any paint colour, nothing stands between you and your next masterpiece.

Creativity Apps

! ! Students!were!encouraged!to!create!their!own!podcasts!using!a!podcast!script!writing!template.! Students!have!two!Dictionary!Apps!installed!on!their!iPod!Touch,!Dictionaire!and!!Both!of!these!were!quick!and!easy!to!access,!but!did!not!always!contain!the! desired!words!in!the!database.!It!was!noted!that!this!process!was!slower!but!more!likely!to! display!the!required!term!as!well!as!synonyms!and!antonyms.!The!podcast!script!template!can! be!viewed!in!Appendix!Gb.! ! Students!were!accessing!their!learning!from!the!Studywiz!Mobile!interface!on!their!iPod!Touch.!! As!the!school!has!now!established!an!acceptable!level!of!contributions!by!teaching!staff! to!communicating!and!sharing!resources!on!Studywiz!Learning!Environment,!there!is!a! lot!of!material!that!students!can!access!in!the!palm!of!their!hand.!When!our!WiFi!is! working!well,!Studywiz!Mobile!gives!us!the!most!powerful!way!of!delivering!resources!to! the!students.! The!only!other!means!of!delivering!learning!resources!on!the!iPod!Touch!to!students!is!through! syncing!with!iTunes,!which!the!teacher!felt!was!a!barrier!to!using!these!devices!effectively!in!her! school.!Studywiz!Mobile!bypasses!this!barrier.!Students!at!Shepparton!High!were!using! discussions,!galleries,!links!to!websites!and!bulletin!messages.!They!regularly!used!Studywiz! Mobile!to!access!Word!documents!and!PowerPoint!Presentations!that!were!available!as! resources.!! 44 ! Some!activities!were!more!suited!to!the!mobile!interface!than!others,!for!example,!the!Studywiz!

Geography creativity in your hands with Maps, Streetview and Strip designer



Google Earth

Virtual eld trips

Geo-located photos and wikipedia articles

Satellite imagery

The WK portal enables you to create & share mobile forms, keys, maps or images. WildForm a recording form that allows the user to create their own form for collating data (e.g. surveys on attitudes, geo tagging data) WildKey an interactive decision-tree enabling users to make decisions based on prompts and images (e.g. wildlife identication, diagnostic checks) WildMap- multimedia trails which provide the user with video, images, text and audio about a point of interest (e.g. tourist sites, virtual landscapes) WildImage - interactive diagrams which provide the user with video, images, text and audio about a point of interest (e.g.

Augmented Reality

um N

cy era


Keynote or PowerPoint presentations can easily be made into movies or slideshows for the iPod Touch so each student has their own personal copy of a task and can work at their own pace and pause and rewind as required.


Keynote Movies
Create Keynote on Mac - share, send to iTunes - make a topic playlist in iTunes and copy Keynote movie there - sync or drag and drop playlist to iPod touch

Get stud ents to create t h present eir own at share. L ions to et home to them go families .

Introductory Activities Podcasting Film as Text Collaboration



Show that you are not embarrassed by the sound of your own voice and your students wont be either.
y lly-Mand o of Milly-M eats, no d r The worl ers, no th g s, nkindnes as no dan h yu barely an e ugliness, d welcom ted, an ec ly gentle and on ne is conn work. yo ises. Ever iendship or surpr , fr gh family live in her throu o you like t ? Would r why not yo lage? Wh vil

Here is a s tory rst published in 1928 about the good old days, when children behaved th emselves. Re-write t his story b y changing t he setting to Sheppar ton 2010.

iMainGo 2
For presentations, listening in groups, very young children.

Using the info panel in iTunes, we can add lyrics to songs or words to podcasts we have created that will appear on the iPod screen by a touch.


Screenshots to tell a story

Screenshots of Apps such as Brushes or Etch-aSketch can be imported into other Apps like Comic Touch or Strip Designer to have speech bubbles and captions added. These enhanced images can be captured and synced to iPhoto where they can be used to make movies (Eg, explaining a mathematical process) or to be included in a digital portfolio made with iWeb. You can also move images wirelessly to your Mac using Apps such as Pastebot.

Mobile Digital Story telling

Import images from your photo gallery Narrate images in a slideshow directly on your iPod touch share and publish the nished digital story

Sonic Pics
This is a must have App

Add images from photo


Arrange photos Record a voiceover

narrating your images as you swipe through them

Sonic Pics

I Can Animate

Photo albums
for discussion
A collection of images on any topic you can imagine, paced individually, in the palm of your hand. What group discussions can you initiate? Describe a walk through a giant redwood forest What can you learn about giant redwood trees from these photos? Is it important to save forests such as Muir Woods?

Clickers - Student response systems



Ungarie Central School NSW

Reading with the iPod touch and iPad


There are 125 pages of social networking Apps in the iTunes App store

Communicating with twitter #slide2learn

Mobile email for teachers in busy schools...

Email is still a key communication tool in our schools. Even today, it often overlooked by busy teachers who havent opened their notebook and logged into their edumail account for a while..... This problem is negated by the iPod touch with email access, communications reign again! Set up an email account on the iPod touch. If many students are using the device to email you, make sure they put their names in the subject line.

RSS Feeds

There are 180 pages of news readers in iTunes


Teaching strategies using mobile technologies that interact with TT Studywiz mobile, an online learning environment, to enhance learning


Freed-Hardeman University

Mobile website
calendar, library, news, courses

Word cloud
designed to facilitate classroom discussion

Classroom applications
attendance, post questions, real-time feedback and more

Admin Apps




Australian First Aid - pocket guide

Games for cats!

See YouTube for the videos...

Couldnt resist a few more...

Book creator: Create books on the iPad then read them in iBooks.

GoodReader: Sync all your les from all over the place to here and write on them too.

Noteshelf: The most beautiful note taking app ever designed for the iPad.

The iPad was not designed to replace a users primary computer, so the applications that run on it often turn it into an appliance: a netbook, an e-reader, a calculator, or a student response device.

The iPad

Source: Educause Report Feb 2011

The more things change, the more they stay the same

Epic Citadel Underscore notify

DEECD Victoria iPad trials

1 to 1 iPad trial challenges

Access to wireless networks at home Security for devices Parental supervision at home (often
lacking, resulting in late nights for students)

Biggest challenge is educating parents,

both for technical reasons (EG need to sync at school) and support for learning

Planning your mobile


Prepare the resources you plan to use at the beginning of a new unit of work to save constant syncing Ask all members of a teaching team to contribute ideas for new Apps Set up albums of images in iPhoto to transfer to your iPod touch Set up playlists of movies and podcasts to sync to your iPods

Syncing resources
The Parasync docking station allows you to charge and sync 20 iPods at a time.

managemen t


Bretford case

From the Australian Apple store: currently $1,599.95

Syncing tips

Holding down the option key on a Mac when you are opening iTunes allows you to create a separate iTunes library to keep individual syncing proles. Create a photo album of numbers to use as wallpaper on a class set of iPod touches for easy identication.

Syncing tips
playlists Smart
Meta p

Master iPod





e and


Models for deployment

More opportunities belong in learning environments

As a learner I would feel angry, deated, belittled and offended if I could not use my personal devices as I see t in my learning environment. Tony Vincent


itous Ubiqu


True mLearning arrives when all your students have their own device 24 / 7.

itous Acce Ubiqu ss Abilene Christian University Texas


The ool iSch tive itia In

itous Ubiqu



On the booklist...
All students are required to purchase an iPod touch or iPad as a condition for entry into the school iPod touch: Year 5 St Aloysius, Tasmania, Australia iPad: Year 7 Wanganui Park SC, Victoria, Australia

Class sets
Using the iPod touch or iPad as a class set effectively turns them into mobile desktops thus limiting their effectiveness as a mobile learning tool.

Blended ownership
Class sets purchased by school and kept at the school iPod touch purchased by school and loaned to students for one year, 24/7, with self insurance model Students purchase their own devices and are given network access at school and resource suggestions by teachers See Grey Culbreth Middle School, North Carolina for excellent example of a blended ownership model

Barriers to mobile learning

Costs Teacher skill Infrastructure robustness Bureaucratic barriers Inappropriate use Cyber-bullying

Changing family perception

Unless teachers in the school actively engage in integrating the iPod touch, students (and thus families) do not perceive their value for learning.

Mobile devices like the iPod touch/iPad have real learning value in teaching and learning contexts. It is the imagination of teachers to integrate such devices in innovative ways that is the most valuable resource.

Adoption of any large scale program in a school, such as a 1 to 1 laptops / iPads or mobile devices, requires a full time role for curriculum / pedagogical / policy support for a minimum of 12 months. A whole school vision driven by leadership is vital. Connect regularly with your community: parent evenings, newsletters, online sharing.

1. Allow mobility in learning technologies for your students with an agreed device 2. 1 to 1, 24 hours a day access ( for all but the youngest students) 3. Provide dedicated time for teacher professional development and individualised classroom support

4. Consider the role of text books in your school and start devising a replacement strategy 5. Communicate your goals and successes clearly with your community, regularly 6. Join a national / international community discussing mobile learning to share your thoughts and ask questions, such as http://

7. Ensure whole school, leadership driven mobile learning. 8. Take responsibility within your curriculum for explicitly teaching mobile capabilities and appropriate use. 9. Look to the next generation of mobile learning: collaborative, peer generated, augmented, contextual

Further resources


Innovation and Excellence Showcase 2010 https:// louiseduncan


Learning in Hand

Tony Vincents most recent blog dispels many iPod touch myths.

App reviews

touch - where to look for resources and ideas

Diigo groups

Keeping in

Look for App reviews on YouTube Learnstein Classroom 2.0

Amazon Twitter Macworld

#slide2learn #edapps


mLearning and iTunes U


iTunes U can be accessed directly from the iPod touch. Just select iTunes, then more, and youre in! Challenge yourself to nd new resources at least once a week.




Please visit


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