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Naughty By Corey Nakashima

(310) 941-6326

1. EXT. - DICK LORANS HOUSE, NIGHT It is a cold, December night, perhaps a few days before Christmas. A lone PEDESTRIAN walks the sidewalk as a car pulls up in front of a darkened, two-story house. The car parks and DICK LORAN steps out onto the curb. He loosens his work tie as he grabs his briefcase from the car and turns towards his house. He makes his way up the walkway as the PEDESTRIAN smiles and says-PEDESTRIAN Merry Christmas!-DICK walks past him without any sign of recognition, to which the PEDESTRIAN responds with a disgruntled-PEDESTRIAN --DICK! The PEDESTRIAN shakes his head and walks off. DICK unlocks the front door and walks in. 2. INT. - THE ENTRY WAY, NIGHT DICK closes the front door behind him. The eerily quiet. Darkness envelops every room pierced only by lights shining through the indifferent to the lack of lighting, walks 3. INT. - THE HALLWAY, NIGHT --the dimly lit hallway. He walks down the corridor, before turning into-4. INT. - THE STUDY, NIGHT --his study. He enters the room and switches on a desk lamp, before opening a cabinet to pour himself a drink. As the lamp illuminates the room, we see a figure sitting in an arm chair. The man, JACK FROST, sits perfectly erect, as if cut from cold obsidian. He studies DICK with a chilling stare as cold as his name implies. DICK, his back to FROST, stops pouring the liquor DICK (Without turning around) I shouldve known Id be seeing you soon. (Finishes pouring himself a drink) (MORE) (CONTINUED) house seems and hallway, blinds. DICK, tiredly through--



DICK (contd) Shall I make one for you as well? FROST Santa doesnt approve of those on his naughty list. DICK sits in his chair behind the desk and turns to face FROST. As he does so, he stealthily opens a drawer, revealing a revolver. He sips his drink as he smirks at FROST. DICK Old Man Cringle, eh? Tell me, on what errand did the fat man send you? FROST Tying a knot in Susies hair, putting a tack on that teachers chair, those are minor offenses. But siphoning billions of dollars through illegal blood diamonds is a whole other matter. At this, DICK gives a slight chuckle and slowly moves his hand towards his revolver. DICK Oh is that all? You know, Im surprised my wife didnt offer you any of her homemade cookies-FROST just stares coldly back at DICK. A heavy silence descends upon the room. DICK locks eyes with FROST, a flicker of understanding behind them. DICK (slowly) I see... tell me, what happened to her? FROST Coal. From Rudy. 5. INT. - DICKS KITCHEN, TWO HOURS PRIOR, NIGHT The scene suddenly cuts to DICKs kitchen, about two hours prior. We see a violent struggle erupt between DICKS WIFE and a brash, young punk, RUDY. He delivers a wide swing that connects with the WIFES face. She retaliates by throwing one of her own and sending RUDY across the counter. She then (CONTINUED)



grabs a frying pan and aims a shot at RUDYS head. He blocks her arm, as well as the following punch, though he fails to stop her headbutt. RUDY staggers back, but catches the WIFE with a kick to the gut as she charges at him. He delivers a viscous uppercut that sends the WIFE flying behind the counter. As RUDY moves towards her, he pulls out a Christmas stocking from his jacket. He swings it down repeatedly upon her until he is satisfied with his work. He then drops the stocking and exits the room as pieces of coal roll across the floor. 6. INT. - THE STUDY ROOM, PRESENT TIME, NIGHT The silence between DICK and FROST has deepened. DICK sits behind the desk, no longer paying attention to his drink. A moment of fire burns in his eyes, one that mirrors the icy stare of FROST. The moment passes, however, and DICK seems to recover his dry wit. DICK That red-nosed bastard... Well, I cant say I will go as easily. DICK then lifts his revolver, cocks the hammer, and points it at FROST. He gives a triumphant look as he pulls the trigger. The hammer slams forward... but nothing else happens. Shocked, DICK looks at his gun then back at FROST, who allows himself a slight smile. FROST You should know by now, Dick. He sees you when youre sleeping, he knows when youre awake. And he knows where you keep your gun. He lifts his left hand and lets the revolvers bullets fall to the floor. DICK sits in the chair with a slowly rising terror in his chest. He puts the revolver down on the desk and sits back, defeated. Once more, he looks into the cold stare of FROST. DICK So... Now what? Do I get coal as well? FROST No. For half a second, DICK looks confused, then relieved. With hardly any movement, FROST lifts the silenced gun concealed in his jacket and fires. DICKs head snaps back as the bullet pierces through cranium and he topples backwards out of his chair. (CONTINUED)



FROST Lead. The chillingly sensation of death fills the room as FROST stands up from the chair and re-holsters his gun. He walks towards the desk and pulls out a list. He reaches for a pen and checks off DICK from a list of names. The list is returned to his jacket pocket, and FROST finishes DICKs drink before leaving the room. 7. EXT. - DICKS HOUSE, NIGHT Again, the house stands dark and silent, illuminated by only a few street lamps. FROST exits the house and briskly walks down the walkway and down the street. Not a single other soul inhabits the street, save for the one walking towards his next destination... and the one ascending to the cold, night sky. END

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