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Social Problems

19.1 Introduction
India is one oI the developing nations oI the modern world. It has become an independent
country, a republic, more than a halI century ago. During this period the country has been
engaged in eIIorts to attain development and growth in various areas such as building
inIrastructure, production oI Iood grains, science and technology and spread oI education.
The liIe expectancy has increased and many diseases have been controlled. However,
there are many areas in which Indian society is experiencing a variety oI problems. Some
oI these problems have their roots in our colonial past while others are related to demographic
changes, socio-political conditions and cultural processes. This lesson tries to
acquaint you with some oI the problems and the psychological Iactors involved in them.
You will learn about some oI the possible ways in which psychological interventions can
help in dealing with the problems.
19.2 Objectives
AIter reading this lesson you will be able to:
explain social problems such as poverty, gender discrimination and social tension;
state the causes oI these problems;
suggest some interventions Ior dealing with these problems.
19.3 Poverty
A large section oI the Indian society is suIIering Irom poverty. Poverty is a phenomenon
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which is objective as well a subjective. Objectively poverty implies a dehumanizing condition
in which people are unable to look aIter the basic needs. Subjectively poverty stands Ior
perceived deprivation. As such it is relative and any body can Ieel poor by comparing
himselI as herselI with a rich person. Poor people lack the necessary resources and capacity
to satisIy basic needs like Iood, shelter, health and education. They live under diIIicult
conditions which are not conducive Ior development oI their human potential. As you have
learned earlier in the lesson 10 and 11 that Ior healthy human development a child needs
environmental support Ior survival and development. Poverty interIeres with development
in many ways. For instance lack oI or inadequate nutrition arrests mental development
during early childhood. The unavailability oI stimulating environment and absence oI eIIective
role models decreases the motivation level. A large section oI poor children do not go to
school. Even iI they go they become drop outs and Iail to complete education.
In this context it may be pointed out that poverty is also related to the social structure. A
number oI low caste, scheduled tribe and backward communities have been put to
discrimination Ior many centuries. They are socially disadvantaged and are deprived Irom
the experiences necessary Ior development on account oI their membership oI speciIic
groups. In this sense they are doubly deprived.
Studies have shown that the children Irom the background oI poverty and social
disadvantage lag behind their counterparts Irom the enriched background. Their cognitive
development and perIormance is Iound to be at a lower level. Studies oI perception,
memory an intelligence have demonstrated it several times. The studies have also shown
that the perIormance between the advantaged and disadvantaged children increases with
advancing age. It has also been Iound that the poverty condition is demotivating and makes
a person more vulnerable. Low level oI achievement motivation and greater need Ior
dependence in these people make them less eIIective in coping with the problems oI every
day liIe. As a result the poor become marginalized and can not contribute to the mainstream
oI the society.
The question why some people are poor has been answered in many ways. The search Ior
causes oI poverty has lead to many answers. It has been located in the individual, in the
social structure, or the culture oI the people. For instance many people blame the victim
and consider the poor as responsible Ior the characteristics or dispositions oI the people.
A detailed analysis oI the problem oI poverty shows that poverty is caused by multiple
Iactors. The social and economic structure in India promotes inequality, and social
disadvantages. The liIe in the poverty condition reinIorces certain behaviour pattern, values
and coping styles which, reduce the chances oI upward social mobility.

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