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QUESTION 1 : Steps that may be use to maximize coordination during the construction stage inside a tall building The process of construction involves the organization, administration, and coordination of resources. The resources are labors, temporary and permanent materials, equipment and monetary. These must be integrated in the most efficient manner possible to complete construction projects on schedule, within the budget and according to the standards of quality and performance specified by the project owner or designer. An effective coordination system is needed to organize, leading and controlling the whole construction process to make sure it works smoothly. Coordination meant that to clearly and accurately sending and acknowledging information, instruction and commands with difference methods of communication such as site memo, letters of instruction, verbal instruction, body language and telecommunications within various parties involve in the construction and providing useful feedback. It can be summarized that there are seven (7) major steps to maximize coordination during the construction stage in tall building : 1)Work Schedule/ Program In construction, work program is the important document as a main document before commencement of construction work. Work schedule/program is one of the main processes in construction. The work program submitted by contractor need to be verified by consultant and require client to approve before commencement of physical works. Client taking a time to approve the work program submitted by contractor which approximately between two to three week to approve. It because the client required consultant advice and ensure the work program is reliable. Without this the approval the contractor cannot comment the work except for preliminary and mobilization works only. Monitoring the work program really essential from clients perspective due to the cost and time constrain. 2) Authorities Permit/ Approval In tall building construction, there are a lot of permits and approvals required from authorities before construction of the project. It is revealed that the permits and approvals from authorities are the critical and requires close follow-up. Any delay in getting approval will cause significant delay to the construction. 3) Quality Aspect In project construction nowadays, quality is become one of the important goals beside that time and cost. There are many ways to ensure the quality meeting the expected standard. Among others the great supervision imposed on site, setting up the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP), engaging the quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) to monitor physical construction. 4) Document Controlling System Document recording systems are really important in tall building project. The documents such as tender document, specification, approved work program, site instruction and progress report should be kept accordingly for recording purposes. However implementation of Information Technology (IT) system in document control can enhance the coordination.

5) Communication between Project Team During construction of the project, the project teams must be in contact at all times. It is essential because if any problem on site must be solved immediately to avoid any delays. IT tools are been used in communicating between project team such as email, fax, short messaging system (SMS) and telephone.

6) Safety Aspect Safety aspect is one of the main aspect in tall building construction. Straight enforcement should be imposed in every construction site to ensure the safety aspect been fulfill by contractor. There a many ways been implemented to ensure the safety aspect straightly imposed on site such as by penalty system, encourage government agency to visit the construction site and stop work order. 7) Changes/ Variation In every construction site, variation or changes are relatively common. It is due to certain reason such as requested by client, error in design, meeting requirement by authority and so on. The teams should be coordinated accordingly in early stage by ensuring all requirements either by client or authority been meet before commencement of physical works. Thorough checking also helps in ensure all documents been prepared without error. The changes/ variation will cost to the client and will effect to project budget.

QUESTION 2 : What has to be considered during the testing and commissioning period of M&E installation inside a tall building

Air-Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation (ACMV) System /Environmental Control System (ECS) The QP shall ensure that the ACMV system / ECS is in working condition and that it is checked, balanced and tested to ensure compliance with peacetime requirements. For total supply air quantity less than or equal to 4.5 cubic m/s, the tolerance for air quantity shall be within +10% of the design air quantity. Thereafter, the tolerance shall be reduced by 1% for every increment of 4.5 cubic m/s of air quantity. Water Supply System Prior to the commencement of the IFST, the water supply system shall be sterilised, tested and inspected to ensure compliance with peacetime requirements. Sanitary and Drainage System Prior to the commencement of the IFST, the sanitary and drainage system shall be tested and inspected to ensure compliance with peacetime requirements. Electrical Distribution System Prior to the commencement of the IFST, the system shall be tested and inspected to ensure compliance with peacetime requirements. Communications and Monitoring System Prior to the commencement of the IFST, the system shall be tested and inspected to ensure compliance with peacetime requirements. Generator and Fuel Delivery System Prior to the commencement of the IFST, the system shall be tested and inspected to ensure compliance with peacetime requirements. Combined Electrical and Communications Systems Test The QP shall conduct a combined electrical and communications systems test after IFST for all the electrical systems have been conducted, using normal electricity supply or supply from the standby generator set if the latter is available.

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