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EFB Valves Training

Assembly and function of Electrical Feedback valves


Terminology of EFB
The Moog term EFB describes proportional valves with integrated Electrical FeedBack system Moog EFB valves are 2 or 3 stage proportional valves with pilotstage

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Failsafe Mechanic Pilotstage (First stage) Electrical Interface valve connector Integrated Electronic

Main Stage
(Hydraulic Amplifier)

Feedback System
Position transducer
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Assembly shown at D661 valve with ServoJet Pilotstage

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EFB Pilotstage


Moogs Pilotstages

2 Stage Servovalve

Strahlrohr/ Jet-Pipe
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Linear Motor Drive

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ServoJet / Historie


Strahlrohr/ Jet-Pipe Nozzle-Flapper

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ServoJet / Assembly
The Servojet stage consist of the Electro-Mechnical Amplifier and the Hydraulic Amplifier

Electro Mechanical Amplifier

Hydraulic Amplifier

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ServoJet / Assembly

1) Coil

2) Armature 3) Permanent Magnets


2 3

4) Spring-Rod 5) JetPipe 6) Receiver 7) Power Supply

5 7

8) Jet 9) Drain Line / to Tank

7 8 9

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ServoJet / Motor Operation

An armature/jet pipe assembly is mounted on two rods. The single jet sprays between two holes in the receiver. An electrical command is applied to the torque motor coil and creates a induced magnetic force which is superposed to the permanent magnetic flux. This causes deflection of the armature/jet assembly. The deflection of the jet pipe is proportional to the input current which is applied.

Magnetic Flux
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Coil Induced Magnetic Flux

Permanent Magnetic Flux and Coil Induced Magnetic Flux

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ServoJet / Hydraulic Operation

No current applied. Pipe stand in his middle postion. Current applied. Pipe will deflect. Jet is devided and a Delta P is generated.

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Attention : Shows only the principle ->no feedback of the spool position

ServoJet / Advantages
Advantages of the of ServoJet Pilotstage
Reduced Leakage at null (energy saving) High Natural Frequency of approx. (500Hz) Defined Failsafe end position for Failsafe requirements Pressure range form 15 bar up to 280 bars High Pressure gain for precise position controlling. Reduced Hysteresis and Threshold

and ...
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ServoJet / Advantages
Advantages of the of ServoJet Pilotstage
High Resistance against contamination due to increase gab between Receiver and Jet

Gap between Jet and Receiver is 0,3 -0,4 mm

The recommended fluid cleanliness class for all D660 valves per ISO 4406 is <16/13 for normal operation, and <14/11 for longer life.

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EFB Pilotstage

The selection of ServoJet, 2 stage Servovalve or Mini DDV depends on the application and the specified features.

The JetPipe stage will only be used at Explosion Protected Valves according ATEX 95 // 94/9/EU
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EFB Main Stage Comparison of the main stage types very accurate axis cut (+- 1%) very high hydraulic gain very high pressure gain possible higher manufacturing costs

Servo Valve

Proportional Valve
accurate axis cut (< +- 3%) Each overlap condition easily possiple (e.g +-10%) high hydraulic gain high pressure gain possible Mechnical Failsafe possible manufacturing costs lower
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EFB Main Stage

Type of Main Stage (Size NG10)

Proportional Valves: Spool in Body

Servo Valve: Bushing Spool Assembly BSA

Modell Series D661 and D681

Modell Series D661- H

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EFB Main Stage

Type Main stage (Size NG16-25-32)
Standard spool in Body Used only with MiniDDV or 2 Stage MFB-Valves

Proportional Valve: Spool in Body Standard

Modell Series D662/3/4/5 and D682/3/4/5 Standard Spool with stubshuft Used only with ServoJet and Mini DDV Reduced the space and thus the needed oil from Pilotstage to fill up this space. Modell Series D662/3/4/5 and D682/3/4/5
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Proportional Valve: Spool in Body / Stub Shaft Spool

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EFB Position Transducer

The electrical feedback system exists off

Non-contacting position transducer (Iron Core and LVDT) and valve electronic for the evaluation of the LVDT Signal

Iron Core


LVDT : Linear Variable Differential Transducer

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EFB Position Transducer

Principle function of electrical Feedback system
2 Secondary coils
Demodulator 0V

Iron Core Primary coil

Spool in middle Position Modulator

The primary coil is supplied with AC Voltage. Due to the iron core a changing magnetically field will be generated. This changing magnetically field induces in both secondary coils a voltage Both secondary coils are mutual connected together. Therfore, if the iron core is positoned in middle, the induced voltage in both coils will cancal each other out.
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EFB Position Transducer

Principle function of electrical Feedback system
2 Secondary coils
Demodulator 10V

Iron Core Primary coil

Spool in end position Modulator

If the iron core moved out of the middle position, the induced voltage in one secondary coil will encrease and in the other one the induced voltage will decrease. Due to the diffent level of the induced voltage, a AC output voltage will arise. The value of the voltage is proportional to the spool stoke. The sign +/- will show the direction. The AC signal at the input of the demodulator will be converted into a +/- DC Signal
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EFB Valve electronic

The intergrated electonic board include the - power amplifier for the Pilotstage - the evaluation of the Position Transducer signal - Circuits to prozess the input signals (Input-Signal, Logic-Signal) - the position contoller - circuits to prozess the output signals (Spool position, Logic-Signal)

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Strukture of Position Controller

This components are part of the integrated position controller of the EFB Valve and guaranty the repeatable, proportional property with high performance.
Input Electricalsignal
U I-sig U Position Controller & Amplifier

Output - Flow - Pressure


Main Stage


Feedback System

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EFB Valve operating

0% Input Signal U I-sig

Null Position
Position Controller & Amplifier Pilotstage

Output Flow 0% cis

The Spool is position in his middle position.

Main Stage

Feedback System

Spool Position 0%

The controller board permanently measure the position of the Spool and compare ist with the input signal (in this case 0%).

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EFB Valve operating

80% Input Signal U I-sig

Position Controller & Amplifier
max. mA

Output Flow 0% cis

An electric command signal (setpoint UI-sig) is applied to the integrated position control.


Main Stage

Feedback System

Spool Position 0%

Because of the different signal of U I-sig and U pt the amplifier of the contoller board will provide the pilotstage with the maximum current. The Pilotstage will deflect and generate a Delta P on the two ends of the spool.

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EFB Valve operating

80% Input Signal U I-sig

Position Controller & Amplifier
Reduced mA

Output Flow 60% cis


Main Stage

Due to the Delta P at the end side of the spool, the spool will move into the direction with the lower Pressure.

Feedback System

Spool Position 70%

The land open and the medium will flow over the opened lands. The controler permenently compare U I-sig and U pt . If the two signals come closer, the amplifier will reduce the current to the Pilotstage and the pilotstage deflect back into the null direction.

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EFB Valve operating

80% Input Signal U I-sig

End Position
Position Controller & Amplifier Pilotstage

Output Flow 80% cis

If the spool reached the defined position the different between U I-sig and U pt will be cero.

Main Stage

Feedback System

Spool Position 80%

The contoller board will control the pilotstage back into its null position. Therfore there will be no Delta P at the two ends of the spool anymore, so the spool will stop moving. Every distribution which try to change the position of the spool will be permanently compensate by the controller board.

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EFB Failsafe Mechnismen Moog Proportional valves are available with several Failsafemechanismen

Attention : Depending on demanded safety standard, a simple failsafe protection due to the in Moog valve intergrated failsafe systems, does mostly not suffice. For the protection of plants and machines against accidents, the goverments demands repeatedly, redundant safety Failsafesystemes.

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EFB Failsafe Mechnismen

Examples of Failsafe Mechanismen
Shifted null bias of the first Stage

Spring on one side

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EFB Failsafe Mechnismen

- Spring centred spool - with solinoid valve Short cut between the A and B port of the first stage

- Spring centred spool - solinoid valve Solinoid valve block the pressure supply to the fist stage
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EFB Interface
Hydraulic Interface for Proportional - Valves according ISO standard
D661 / 681 D662 / D682 D663 / D683 D664 / D684 D665 / D685 ISO 4401-05-05-0-94 ISO 4401-07-06-0-94 ISO 4401-08-07-0-94 ISO 4401-08-07-0-94 ISO 4401-10-08-0-94 NG10 NG16 NG25 NG25 NG32

Hydraulic Interface for Servo- Valves according iso standard

D661 D662* D663** D664**
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ISO 4401-05-05-0-94 ISO 4401-07-06-0-94 ISO 4401-08-07-0-94 ISO 4401-08-07-0-94

NG10 NG16 NG25

* Prototype-Phase


** planned
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EFB Interface
Electrical Interface


Wiring for valves with 6+PE pole connector

EN 175201 Part 804

Standard wiring (see catalog).

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EFB Interface
Electrical Interface


Wiring for valves with 11+PE pole connector

EN 175201 Part 804

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Standard wiring (see catalogue).

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D660 Series
Type D661-.....NG10 at Delta p = 5 bar/land Rated Flow System Pressure Onboard Electronic : : : 30,60,80 l/min 350 bar 24V= Analog Electronic

Type D662-....NG16 at Delta p = 5 bar/land Rated Flow System Pressure Onboard Electronic : : : 150,250 l/min 350 bar 24V= Analog Electronic

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D660 Series
Type D663-.....NG25 at Delta p = 5 bar/land Rated Flow System Pressure Onboard Electronic : : : 350 l/min 350 bar 24V= Analog Electronic

Type D664-....NG25 at Delta p = 5 bar/land Rated Flow System Pressure Onboard Electronic : : : 550 l/min 350 bar 24V= Analog Electronic

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D660 Series
Type D665-.....NG32 at Delta p = 5 bar/land Rated Flow System Presssure Onboard Electronic : : : 1000 l/min 350 bar 24V= Analog Electronic

Type D665-....NG32 at Delta p = 5 bar/land Rated Flow System Presssure Onboard Electronic : : : 1500 l/min 350 bar 24V= Analog Electronic

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Mini DDV Pilotstufe

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D680 Series

D681 (NG10)

Technical datas see D660 Series

D683 / D684 (NG32)

D682 (NG16)
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D685 (NG25)
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Product Advantages D660/ D680

High dynamic Robust Customized Modell possible Controller accuracy ServoJet : Contamination resistant High flow at stable spool position. Integrated Failsafe Functionen High flow at stable spool position. Integrated Failsafe Function MiniDDV : Less leakage with MiniDDV MiniDDV : pressure independent

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