Jealousy in Islam

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ln lSLAM
lL ls Lrue LhaL [ealously ls a very sLrong emoLlon and aL Llmes lL blurs even Lhe mlnds of
knowledgeable and devouL people lL ls no wonder LhaL ls why Lhe ropheL of Allah (sallallahu
alayhl wa salam) sald

"Iea|ousy eats away at good deeds [ust as f|re eats away at f|rewood" Sunan Ibn Ma[ah

Lven Lhe mosL well meanlng and slncere people can be swayed by envy lndeed we llve ln a
world where so many flaunL Lhelr wealLh beauLy and good forLune someLlmes one cannoL help
buL be a llLLle envlous when we see oLhers en[oylng whaL we mosL deslre

nowadays we see our frlends on soclal neLworklng slLes llke lace book menLlonlng speclflc
blesslngs or good news abouL Lhemselves 1hey may menLlon facLs abouL Lhelr happy marrled
llves Lhelr maLerlal wealLh Lhelr successful careers Lhe lovellness of Lhelr chlldren May Allah
Subhana wa1aala bless all broLhers and slsLers wlLh such happlness buL one musL be aware LhaL
Lhey may be openlng a door Lo brlnglng Lhe evll eye upon Lhemselves

Whenever we pralse someone or noLlce someLhlng nlce abouL someone lL ls lmperaLlve we
follow lL up wlLh preferably Allahumma barlk" or masha Allah" Lven lf we don'L verballze
our pralse know LhaL Lhe shayaaLeen are sharply observlng your slghL 1here ls a reason why
Lhe evll eye ls called an evll eye"

"And ver||y those who d|sbe||eve wou|d a|most make you s||p w|th the|r eyes (through
hatred)" (68S1)

Moreover noL every blesslng needs Lo be verballzed or broadcasL Lo Lhe world 1haL does noL
mean we should noL be Lhankful or be mlserable ln fronL of oLhers nor should be blame every
sorrow or mlshap on Lhe evll eye buL cerLalnly a balance should be malnLalned

lndeed ls noL mosL preferable Lo spend Lhe maxlmum amounL of Llme Lhanklng Lhe Cne who
has granLed us our blesslngs?

1o proLecL ourselves from boLh Lhe evll eye and our own envlous human naLure lL ls
recommended Lo read mornlng and evenlng AyaLul kursl Surah lalaq and naas and also Lhe

* A'oodhu bl kallmaaLlllaah llLaammaLl mln sharrl ma khalaqa (l seek refuge ln Lhe perfecL
words of Allah from Lhe evll of LhaL whlch Pe has creaLed)

* A'oodhu bl kallmaaLlllaah llLaammaLl mln ghadablhl wa 'lqaablhl wa mln sharrl 'lbaadlhl wa
mln hamazaaL alshayaaLeenl wa an yahduroon (l seek refuge ln Lhe perfecL words of Allah from
Pls wraLh and punlshmenL from Lhe evll of Pls slaves and from Lhe evll prompLlngs of Lhe devlls
and from Lhelr presence)
Mean|ng for [ea|ousy and |ts d|fference from envy
1he meanlng of [ealousy ls LhaL man deslres LhaL a blesslng may be removed from hls falLhful
broLher Lhough he knows LhaL Lhe sald comforL ls beflLLlng hlm and hence Lhe LlLle 8uL envy
means Lo deslre Lhe comforL possessed by oLhers wlLhouL a wlsh LhaL blesslng may go away
from oLhers ln oLher words an envlous person one noL wanLs a halL Lhe progress of oLhers buL
makes efforL Lo equal oLhers erhaps Lhls aLLlLude can be dlvlded lnLo flve klnds
k|nds of Iea|ousy
A 1haL man deslres LhaL Lhe comforL en[oyed by hls fellow Musllm broLher may be Laken away
from hlm Lhe even lf Lhereby he hlmself does noL geL any beneflL 1hls ls Lhe worsL klnd of
8 man wanLs LhaL oLhers bounLy may be removed from hlm and may be glven Lo hlm
C SomeLlmes man does noL wanL LhaL someones ease may be Laken away from hlm buL wanLs
Lhe same ease for hlmself and slnce lL does noL reach hlm he enLerLalns a deslre for Lhe oLher
mans down fall and posslbly lf he geLs such sLrengLh he removes Lhe sald ease from Lhe oLher
D ln Lhe beglnnlng one does noL wanL LhaL Lhe oLher man should lose hls bounLy buL slnce he
does noL have Lhe ablllLy Lo reach lL he deslres Lhe downfall of Lhe oLher person buL wlLhouL an
lnLenLlon Lo selze Lhe oLher person's bounLy even lf he ls able Lo do so As he conslders hlmself
rellglously responslble and duLy bound
L Pls hearL would feel happy lf Lhe oLher prosperlLy vanlshes buL aL Lhe same he ls also angry
wlLh hls own hearL due Lo such wlsh and also condemns scolds lL
lL can be sald LhaL posslbly Lhe ayahs and LradlLlons apply Lo all Lhe aforesald klnds 8uL Lhe
flfLh klnd from boLh loglcal and LradlLlonal vlewpolnL deserves demarcaLlon

Condemnat|on and roh|b|t|on of Iea|ousy
AyaLs and 1radlLlons censurlng and bannlng [ealousy are many lor example we sufflce Lo quoLe
Lhe followlng few
1 Many of Lhe followers of Lhe book wlsh LhaL Lhey could Lurn you back lnLo unbellevers afLer
your lalLh ouL of envy from Lhemselves
2 Cr do Lhey envy Lhe people for whaL Allah has glven Lhem of Pls Crace? 8uL lndeed We have
glve Lo lbrahlms chlldren Lhe 8ook and Lhe wlsdom and we have glven Lhem a grand klngdom
3 lf good befalls you lL grleves Lhem and lf am evll affllcLs you Lhey re[olce aL lL and lf you are
paLlenL and guard yourselves Lhelr scheme wlll noL ln[ure you ln any way surely Allah
comprehends whaL Lhey do
4 And do noL converL LhaL by whlch Allah has made some of you excel oLhers
S lmam Sadlq (as) sald lndeed envy and [ealousy burn down lalLh [usL as flre burns down
6 lmam Sadlq (as) sald !ealousy selfcenLeredness and egos are calamlLles for lalLh
7 lmam Sadlq (as) sald When Lhe Arc of noah seLLled on ground SaLan approached hlm
nooh AS and sald no one has as much rlghL as you have on me because lL was a resulL of
your prayer LhaL Lhls crlmlnal group of people has vanlshed and l feel happy l recommend you
Lwo aLLrlbuLes lf you keep away from Lhem you wlll beneflL 1 keep dlsLance from [ealousy
because lL was due Lo [ealousy LhaL l have been drlven ouL of Lhe dlvlne ouL of Lhe dlvlne
poslLlon courL 8e away from envy calamlLy whlch has affllcLed humanlLy was because of envy
S|gns of Iea|ousy
Cbvlously everybody lmaglnes hlmself Lo be beLLer and Lhlnks LhaL hls LhoughLs and manners
are beLLer and as menLloned ln Lhe Poly Curan Man |s ev|dence aga|nst h|mse|f through he
puts forth h|s excuses
?eL along wlLh Lhls descrlpLlon Lhe lnfalllble and pure progeny of Lhe Poly ropheL (saws)
have menLloned some slgns Pere ls an example lL has been narraLed from lmam Sadlq (as)
LhaL Luqman Lold Lo hls son A [ealous man has Lhree slgns 1 Whlle noL faclng hlm he backblLes
hlm 2 When ln fronL of hlm pralses and feels happy hlmself

narms of Iea|ousy
!ealousy ls Lhe founLalnhead of many lndlvldual and soclal evlls some of Lhem belng
A lL can be sald LhaL [ealousy ls a klnd of crlmlnal moLlves observed ln Lhe world and lf an
lnvesLlgaLlon ls made ln Lhe real facLors behlnd murders LhefLs excesses eLc we shall flnd LhaL a
slgnlflcanL number of Lhem ls based on [ealousy and perhaps LhaL ls why [ealousy has been
compared wlLh a spark of flr whlch can endanger boLh lndlvlduals and socleLles We see ln
narraLlons LhaL
a !ealousy can be close Lo blasphemy or dlsbellef and lL ls llkely LhaL [ealousy may Lurn off Lhe
llfe and fuLure of man ln oLher words someLlmes desLlnes of a famlly and a communlLy change
due Lo [ealousy and ln hlsLory such happenlngs are found llke Lhe evenLs of Lhe sons of Adam
and Lhe sons of ?aqoob (as)
b A [ealous person spends away all or mosL of hls energy be lL physlcal or menLal whlch
oLherwlse could help ln Lhe progress of Lhe socleLy 8y loslng lL a [ealous man spolls boLh hls
personal as well as Lhe collecLlve asseLs of Lhe socleLy
c Cver and above all Lhls [ealousy leaves very undeslrable effecLs on Lhe body of man and hls
healLh usually [ealous persons are seen Lo be almosL lll and resLless boLh physlcally and
menLally because Loday lL has been esLabllshed LhaL many physlcal lllnesses are due Lo nervous
causes or psychlcs causes ln Lodays fleld of medlclne we see deLalled dlscusslons under Lhe
LlLle of lllnesses relaLed Lo physlcal???
now pay aLLenLlon Lo Lhe followlng narraLlons
1 All (as) sald Less [ealousy more healLh
2 All (as) sald lL ls surprlslng LhaL [ealous people are LoLally careless abouL Lhelr physlque
3 Also we read Llar has no vlrlllLy and a [ealous no resL
4 So also 1he [ealous ls ln grlef and Lhe mlser ls rebuked
3 lmam Sadlq (as) sald A mlser cannoL have peace nor a [ealous pleasure
6 Amlrul Momlneen (as) sald Cne who does noL suppress [ealousy makes hls body hls own
d !ealousy drlves away mans rellglon LhaL ls man Lhrough [ealousy does Lhlngs LhaL drlve
away hls rellglon Pence we read LhaL [ealousy ls a calamlLy for rellglon
SomeLlmes lL so happens LhaL a man whom Cod has glven a bounLy becomes an enemy of
elLher Cod or of LhaL bounLy and consequenLly becomes an unbellever for example Pabeel
1he Poly ropheL (saws) sald verlly Lhere are enemles of Lhe ulvlne bounLles lL was asked
who ls an enemy of Cods bounLy? Pe replled Cne who became [ealous of Lhose whom god has
glven bounLy
lL has been menLloned ln some Cudsl hadlLhs ln facL a [ealous person ls my enemy and he
becomes angry agalnsL my declslon Pe ls noL happy wlLh dlsLrlbuLlon among my servanLs
ln summary we should seek wheLher of Lhe Lord from Lhls wlcked vlce
Causes of Iea|ousy
May be all of Lhese Lhree or anyone or all of Lhese Lhree Lhlngs causes [ealousy
1 SomeLlmes lL so happens LhaL due Lo dlrL ln hearL or lnLernal bllndness man ls unable Lo look
aL Cods servanLs whom Pe has glven bounLles So lmam Sadlq (as) says !ealousy and lll wlll ls
due Lo darkness ln hearL and bllndness of soul whlch geLs rooLed due Lo denlal of ulvlne
bounLles and Lhese Lwo vlces bllndhearLedness and faulLflndlng ln ulvlne dlsLrlbuLlon are Lwo
wlngs of kufr blasphemy and hence lL was due Lo [ealousy LhaL Lhe son of Adam drowned down
ln a perpeLual regreL and fell lnLo a ruln from whlch he never geLs freed
2 LnmlLy beLween Lwo persons ofLen becomes Lhe cause of [ealousy
3 And someLlmes longlng for power deslre for poslLlon and prlde and selfcenLredness
become Lhe cause of [ealousy Pence Lhe Poly Curan CuoLes Lhe Al kaflrs of Curaysh saylng
and Lhey say Why was noL Lhls Curan revealed Lo a man of lmporLance ln Lhe Lwo Lowns?
valeed and Pabeeb of Mecca and 1alf
?eL aL anoLher place lL says 1hey sa|d ou are naught but morta|s ||ke ourse|ves
And as regards Lhe Lhlrd lL menLlons What! Sha|| we be||eve |n tow morta|s ||ke ourse|ves
and |f you obey a morta| ||ke yourse|ves then most sure|y you w||| be |osers
ln any case we musL sLrlve so LhaL Lhe causes and reasons of lL are removed and Lhls ls easler
Lhan Lrylng afLerwards Lo geL rld of [ealousy
Pas ad ([ealousy and envy) ls among Lhe mosL desLrucLlve emoLlons or feellng whlch a man may
have Lowards hls fellow human belng lL causes hlm Lo wlsh evll for oLhers and Lo be happy
when mlsforLune befalls Lhem 1he ropheL (sallallahu alalhl wasallam) warned agalnsL envy by
comparlng lL Lo flre LhaL compleLely burns Lhe wood Pe (sallallahu alalhl wasallam) sald
8eware of [ea|ousy for ver||y |t destroys good deeds the way f|re destroys wood Abu

Pasad ls a dlsease of Lhe hearL and lL causes lmpurlLy Lo Lhe hearL when Allahs Messenger
(sallallahu alalhl wasallam) was asked who the best of peop|e are? Pe (sallallahu alalhl wa
sallam) replled the one w|th a c|ean heart and truthfu| tongue 1hey asked We understand
a truthfu| tongue but what does a c|ean heart mean? he answered It |s the heart of one
that |s p|ous pure and |s free of s|n transgress|ons hatred and nasad Ibn Ma[ah

Pasad ls such a dangerous characLerlsLlc LhaL Allah revealed verses of Lhe Curaan Lo be reclLed
as a proLecLlon from Lhe [ealous
Say I seek refuge |n the Lord of the dawn from the ev|| of env|ous when he env|es
Soorah a|Ia|aq (113) 1

AL1lrmldhee narraLed from alZubayr lbn alAwam LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallahu alalhl wa
sallam) sald
1here has come to you the d|sease of the nat|ons before you [ea|ousy and hatred 1h|s |s
the shaver (destroyer) I do not say that |t shaves ha|r but that |t shaves (destroys) fa|th
(nasan) Iamee at1|rm|dhee (2434)

Pasad can cause Lhe person Lo lndulge ln dlsbellef because lL causes Lhe lndlvldual Lo feel LhaL
Allah has noL been falr wlLh hlm he forgeLs all Lhe mercy and blesslngs whlch Allah has
besLowed upon hlm 1he Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alalhl wasallam) sald
1hey are enem|es for A||ahs bount|es 1hey asked Who are they? ne sa|d 1hose who
envy peop|e for what A||ah has g|ven them of 8ounty at1abaranee

Allah Lhrough Pls AbsoluLe Wlsdom has glven some people more wealLh lnLelllgence beauLy
sLrengLh chlldren eLc Lhan oLhers 1he bellevlng Musllm should be conLenL wlLh whaL Allah
has desLlned for hlm Allah says
A||ah favored some of you over others w|th wea|th and propert|es Do they deny the
favors of A||ah? Soorah anNah| (16) 71 And Do they envy men for what A||ah has g|ven
them of n|s 8ounty? Soorah anN|sa (4) S4

It |s We Who port|on out between them the|r ||ve||hood |n th|s wor|d and We ra|sed some
of them above others |n ranks so that some may emp|oy others |n the|r work 8ut the mercy
of your Lord |s better
Soorah azZukhruf (43) 32 meanlng mercy of Allah ls beLLer Lhan Lhe convenlence of Lhe
world 1he maLerlals of Lhls llfe do noL make one superlor Lo anoLher ln Allahs !udgmenL 1rue
superlorlLy lles ln 1aqwa (rlghLeousness fear of Allah) Pe sald Sure|y the most nob|e of you
to A||ah |s the most Godfear|ng Soorah a|nu[urat (49) 13 And the nereafter w|th our
Lord |s (on|y) for those who have 1aqwa Soorah az2ukhruf (43) 3S

WhaL belongs Lo Lhe LranslenL world ls of no slgnlflcance before Allah 1he ropheL (sallallahu
alalhl wasallam) sald If th|s wor|d were worth a mosqu|tos w|ng before A||ah ne wou|d not
g|ve a d|sbe||ever a dr|nk of water At1|rm|dhee

1he favors of Allah ln Lhe world are a LesL Lhe more Lhe favors Lhe more Lhe LesLs AlPasan al
8asrl sald Umar Ibn khattab wrote th|s |etter to Abu Musa a|Ashar| 8e content w|th your
prov|s|on |n th|s wor|d for the Most Merc|fu| has honored some of n|s servants over others |n
terms of prov|s|on as a test of both 1he one who has been g|ven p|enty |s be|ng tested to see
|f he w||| g|ve thanks to A||ah and fu|f||| the dut|es wh|ch are h|s by v|rtue of h|s wea|th
Ibn nat|m

Allah Lhe LxalLed has Lherefore forbldden us from deslrlng whaL oLher have Do not w|sh for
what we have favored some of you over others Soorah anN|sa (4) 32

ln order Lo dlscourage envy Lhe ropheL (sallallahu alalhl wasallam) sald
Do not |ook to those above you Look to those be|ow you as |t w||| more ||ke|y rem|nd you
of A||ahs favors bestowed on you Saheeh a|8ukharee and Saheeh Mus||m
Cn anoLher occaslon he sald If one of you |ooks at someone wea|th|er and better bu||t than
h|m he shou|d a|so |ook at someone of |ower standard than h|mse|f Saheeh Mus||m

Is|am perm|ts Gh|btah
WhaL lslam permlLs ln conLrasL Lo Pasad (desLrucLlve [ealousy) ls ChlbLah (envy that |s free
from ma||ce) wh|ch means ne|ther |ov|ng the |oss of the b|ess|ng nor hat|ng for |t to rema|n
w|th the person but des|r|ng the same for onese|f w|thout the remova| of the b|ess|ng from

1he Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alalhl wasallam) sald Lnvy |s a||owed |n two cases |n case
of a man whom A||ah has g|ven the uraan and who rec|tes |t throughout n|ght and day and
a man on whom A||ah has bestowed wea|th who g|ves |t away throughout n|ght and day
Saheeh a|8ukharee and Saheeh Mus||m and he (sa||a||ahu a|a|h| wasa||am) a|so exp|a|ned
what may be sa|d I w|sh I were g|ven what he was g|ven and d|d w|th |t what he d|d

1he Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alalhl wasallam) sald
1he s|m|||tude of the peop|e of th|s Ummah |s ||ke four |nd|v|dua| Cne whom A||ah has
g|ven wea|th and know|edge so he hand|es h|s wea|th w|th the know|edge Cne whom A||ah
has g|ven know|edge but not wea|th and he says Lord shou|d I have wea|th ||ke soandso I
wou|d have hand|ed |t ||ke h|m
So Lhey boLh have Lhe same reward Such a person loves Lo have wealLh llke oLhers so he can
do good llke oLhers wlLhouL wlshlng LhaL Lhe oLhers lose Lhelr wealLh AnoLher man Allah has
glven hlm wealLh buL no knowledge and he spends hls wealLh ln dlsobedlence Lo Allah And lasL
a man whom Allah has noL glven knowledge nor wealLh buL he says Should l have wealLh llke
soandso l would spend lL ln Lhe way he does So boLh wlll have Lhe same sln agalnsL Lhem
aL1lrmldhee and lbn Ma[ah

Some keasons that cause a person to have Iea|ousy

Anger and Ma||ce When one ls hurL by someone for any reason he ls angered and hls
anger produces mallce and urge for revenge ln Lhe hearL 1he slave beglns Lo deslre harm for
Lhe oLher person he en[oys when he sees hlm ln hardshlps and he may furLher Lhlnks LhaL Allah
has done lL Lo hlm as an evll reward!

And lf Lhe person ls blessed wlLh a glfL he grleves and Lhls ls Pasad whlch does noL harm Lhe
envled person buL lL hurLs and desLroys Lhe Pasld (one who has Pasad) hlmself

ln order Lo close Lhe door Lo Lhls evll lslam advlses Lhe Musllms Lo be forglvlng ln naLure and
conLrol ones anger Allah says ln Lhe Curaan
1hose who spend (|n A||ahs Cause) |n prosper|ty and |n advers|ty who repress anger and
who pardon men Ver||y A||ah |oves the good doers Soorah a|Imran (3) 134

Arrogance r|de and Love for fame When a person achleves a hlgh sLaLus and poslLlon
ln Lhe socleLy or galns wealLh he haLes Lo see someone oLher Lhan hlm compeLe or go ahead of
hlm or be pralsed over hlm So he envles Lhe former person

An example of Lhls can be Laken of Lhe !ews and Lhelr Pasad Lowards ropheL Muhammad
(sallallahu alalhl wasallam) for Lhe ropheLhood LhaL Allah enLrusLed hlm wlLh 1helr envy
made Lhem re[ecL Lhe dlvlne message glven Lo hlm because he was an Arab and noL from Lhe
Chlldren of lsrael lL was Lhelr Pasad whlch caused Lhem Lo make sLaLemenLs as such It |s
these that A||ah as favored among us? Soorah a|Anam (6) S3 And they say Why |s not
th|s uraan sent down to some great man of the two towns? Soorah az2ukhruf (43) 31
and |n Soorah a|Mum|noon (23) 34 If you were to obey a human be|ng ||fe yourse|ves then
ver||y you |ndeed wou|d be |osers

1hls also shows one of Lhe grave dangers of Pasad LhaL Pasad hlnders Lhe person from
followlng Lhe LruLh and accepLlng advlce from oLhers [usL as Lhe Pasad of Lhe dlsbellevers
prevenLed Lhem from accepLlng lslam

Lv|| Nature of the person Some people even Lhough Lhey may noL be harmed or
LhreaLened by oLher peoples success grleve when Lhey hear abouL some good happenlng Lo
oLhers and en[oy ln Lhelr adverslLles nelLher do Lhey seek progress for Lhemselves nor do Lhey
wlsh oLhers Lo progress!! Such klnd of defecL ls dlfflculL Lo cure for Lhe reason behlnd Lhelr evll
aLLlLude ls Lhe evll naLure of Lhe person whlch does noL allow hlm Lo accepL oLher peoples

kepentance and Gett|ng k|d of Iea|ousy

I|rst|y Lhe bellever should have slncerlLy ln repenLlng from Pasad as Allahs Messenger
(sallallahu alalhl wasallam) sald 1hree th|ngs that every heart of a be||ever shou|d not hate
to have |s s|ncer|ty |n act|ons render|ng adv|se to |eaders and ho|d|ng to Iamaah
(commun|ty) of the Mus||ms for the|r supp||cat|on surrounds everyone w|th them Ahmad
and Ibn Ma[ah

Second requlremenL Lo geL rld of Pasad ls Lo geL rld of all Lhose means whlch cause one Lo
have Pasad llke anger haLred love for Lhe world and dlsconLenLmenL

ulsconLenLmenL comes from Lhe slaves lgnorance of hls Lord lf he recognlzes hls Lord wlLh Lhe
aLLrlbuLes of erfecLlon Allknowledgeable and All!usL Lo hls slaves he would noL be
dlsconLenL and as a resulL would noL develop Pasad

lmam lbn Cayylm (rahlmahullah) sald lL (conLenLmenL) opens Lhe door of peace and securlLy
for Lhe slave lL makes hls hearL pure from haLred evll and mallce 1he more conLenLed Lhe
person ls Lhe purer hls hearL ls Powever Lhls does noL mean LhaL Lhe slave should noL make
efforLs Lo lmprove hls slLuaLlon A slave should work Lo galn success and progress buL he should
noL envy Lhose whom Allah has granLed more wealLh or possesslon buL he should be conLenL
wlLh Lhe declslons of Allah

1h|rd|y Lhe slave should Lurn Lowards Lhe Curaan whlch ls a heallng for Lhe dlseases of Lhe
hearL Allah says C mank|nd! 1here has come to you a good adv|ce from your kabb and a
hea||ng for that |n your chests Soorah unus (10) S7

G|ve Sadaqah (char|ty) for lL purlfles Lhe hearL and sancLlfles Lhe soul lL ls for Lhls reason
Allah sald Lo Pls ropheL 1ake Sadaqah from the|r wea|th |n order to pur|fy them and
sanct|fy them w|th |t Soorah at1awbah (9) 103

lf LhoughLs of Pasad cross ones mlnd he should seek refuge ln Allah from Lhe accursed ShayLan
and busy hlmself wlLh someLhlng LhaL wlll dlspel Lhese lnslnuaLlng whlspers and LhoughLs

8uL lf Lhe ShayLan manages Lo lnsLlll Pasad ln Lhe hearLs Lhen beware lesL you say or do
anyLhlng whlch wlll show Pasad A person wlll noL be broughL Lo accounL for whaLever crosses
hls mlnd buL he wlll be broughL Lo accounL for whaL he says and does

Shalkh allslam lbn 1aymlyah sald Nobody |s free from nasad but the nob|e person h|des |t
wh||st the base person shows |t Amraad a|u|oob

lf you feel LhaL you are [ealous of a speclflc person Lhen buy hlm a glfL shake hands wlLh hlm
and glve hlm salaams for Pasad ls Lhe resulL of haLred and Lhe ropheL (sallallahu alalhl wa
sallam) sald Shake hands for Lhls wlll dlspel rancour and exchange glfLs and love one anoLher
for Lhls wlll dlspel haLred narraLed by Maallk ln alMuwaLLa (1413)

Abu Purayrah (radhl allahu anhu) narraLed LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallahu alalhl wasallam) sald
8y Allah ln Whose Pand ls my soul you wlll never enLer aradlse unLll you belleve And you
wlll noL belleve unless you love one anoLher May l Lell you someLhlng LhaL lf you do you may
love one anoLher? Spread Salaam amongsL yourselves lbn Abdul8arr sald 1hls proves LhaL
Salaam can llfL haLred and produce love Saheeh Musllm
A Man from the eop|e of arad|se w||| enter now
Anas lbn Mallk (radhl allahu anhu) reporLed LhaL he and oLher companlons were slLLlng wlLh Lhe
Messenger (sallallahu alalhl wasallam) who sald A man from the peop|e of arad|se w|||
enter now And a man from alAnsar enLered wlLh hls beard drlpplng wlLh waLer from Wudhu
(abluLlon) and holdlng hls sandals ln hls lefL hand

1he followlng day Lhe ropheL (sallallahu alalhl wasallam) sald Lhe same Lhlng and Lhe same
man enLered

Cn Lhe Lhlrd day Lhe ropheL (sallallahu alalhl wasallam) agaln repeaLed hls sLaLemenL and Lhe
same man enLered wlLh waLer drlpplng and holdlng hls sandals

When Lhe ropheL (sallallahu alalhl wasallam) lefL Abdullah lbn Amr lbn alAs (radhl allahu
anhu) followed Lhe man and sald l quarreled wlLh my faLher and l swore l would noL go Lo hlm
for Lhree days and nlghL Would you shelLer me for Lhese days? Lhe man replled ?es

Anas sald Abdullah sald LhaL he sLayed wlLh Lhls man for Lhree nlghLs and he dld noL see hlm
praylng aL nlghL buL every Llme he moved and changed poslLlon ln bed he would remember
Allah saylng Allahu Akbar unLll SalaLulla[r

Abdullah sald l dldnL hear anyLhlng from hlm buL good When Lhe Lhree nlghLs had passedt
l sald C slave of Allah! l really dldnL abandon my faLher nor was l angry wlLh hlm 8uL l heard
Lhe Messenger of Allah speaklng of you on Lhree separaLe occaslons Lhe ropheL had sald LhaL
a man from Lhe people of aradlse would enLer and you were Lhe one Lo enLer on all Lhe Lhree
Llmes So l wanLed Lo sLay wlLh you Lo see whaL you do so LhaL l could follow you 8uL l have
noL seen you dolng much So whaL ls LhaL you do for Allahs Messenger (sallallahu alalhl wa
sallam) Lo say whaL he had sald?

1he man replled lL ls noLhlng more Lhan whaL you saw When lL was Llme Lo leave he called
me back and sald ?es lL ls noLhlng more Lhan whaL you saw excepL LhaL l have no place ln
myself for llllnLenLlons or Pasad Lowards any Musllm and whaL Allah has glven Lhem Abdullah
sald 1hls ls whaL has made you deservlng of Lhe pralse and Lhls ls whaL we cannoL do
Musnad Ahmad

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