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Workshop on Communicating Population and Health Research to Policymakers East-West Center June 2006

Prepare and Present a Policy Memorandum (Exercise)

Introduction of NORPLANT in Thailands National Family Planning Program You have recently been appointed Deputy Minister for Program Development and Budget in Thailands Ministry of Health. In your new position, you are responsible for planning and policy analysis and for preparing the Ministrys budget, which includes the budget for the National Family Planning Program (NFPP). Each year, your Ministry holds a budget review with the Ministry of Finance to consider what changes should be made in current programs, as well as the budget implications of these changes. All major changes in program budgets and subsidies in the health sector must be approved by the Ministry of Finance. In recent years, the NFPP launched a pilot project to explore the advisability of adding NORPLANT to the contraceptives that the government makes available in public hospitals and clinics. All pilot projects are evaluated before they are expanded nationally. You now have results from the NORPLANT evaluation, which you will use to develop recommendations for next years budget. As part of your annual budget review, you are asked to prepare a memorandum for the Finance Minister and brief him on the results of the pilot introduction of NORPLANT and the issue of whether the method should be introduced nationally. Specifically, you need to discuss whether the pilot project provided useful benefits, whether it was cost-effective, and whether NORPLANT should be introduced at the national level as part of next years budget. You have never briefed the Finance Minister before, but you know that he is primarily interested in trade and investment and considers public health expenditures to be a drain on the national budget. Issues to consider 1. What are the essential findings of the pilot project evaluation that the Minister of Finance should know about? 2. Is it in the governments interest to continue offering NORPLANT in public hospitals and clinics? 3. Do the benefits of offering the method outweigh the costs? Should cost be the primary consideration? 4. If the NFFP continues to offer NORPLANT, are there more affordable ways to offer the method? Can the method be rationed? 5. Who is likely to favor or oppose including NORPLANT in the governments program? Who is likely to favor or oppose alternative means of offering or financing the method? 6. What other information would you seek in preparing your memorandum that is not included in the attached report?

Tips for Writing a Policy Memorandum 1. Ask yourself first: What does this policymaker need to know to make a good decision? Will he or she want a lot of data, a little data, very specific data? 2. Consider these questions and use or develop the most relevant data selectively: How much will the action you are proposing cost>? Overall, 1st year, 2nd year. etc? Who will pay? What will the benefit be? Who will be affected? 3. When presenting options, be sure they are all different and mutually exclusive. You cannot do more than one of the options. For example: Option 1. Government should not do it (whatever it is) at all. Option 2. Government should do it on a large scale. Option 3. Government should do it on a small scale or partially. 4. Think about your format. Make your memo easy to readwell spaced and clear. Headings, subheadings, and main points should be obvious (boldface?). 5. Double check your figures. Are all your statements and numbers correct? 6. End on a positive, upbeat, confident note.

Prepare and Present a Policy Memorandum (Sample format)

Policy Memorandum To: From: Subject: Date: Summary

What is the issue? Why is a decision needed? What key information is contained in this memorandum? What course of action is recommended?


Brief, essential points that explain how this issue has evolved or become a concern.


What are the key issues to be addressed by the Ministerone to three at most? What position(s) have others taken on these issues?

What are the plausible courses of action, along with the pros and cons of each? What are the risks and potential opposition that might result from choosing an option?


Your recommended course of action and why.

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