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CoIIee Is u beveruge mude by grIndIng rousLed coIIee beuns und uIIowIng IoL wuLer Lo

IIow LIrougI LIem. Durk, IIuvorIuI, und uromuLIc, LIe resuILIng IIquId Is usuuIIy served
IoL, wIen ILs IuII IIuvor cun besL be upprecIuLed. CoIIee Is served InLernuLIonuIIy-wILI
over one LIIrd oI LIe worId's popuIuLIon consumIng IL In some Iorm, IL runks us LIe mosL
popuIur processed beveruge-und eucI counLry Ius deveIoped ILs own preIerences ubouL
Iow Lo prepure und presenL IL. or exumpIe, coIIee drInkers In ndonesIu drInk IoL
coIIee Irom gIusses, wIIIe MIddIe EusLerners und some AIrIcuns serve LIeIr coIIee In
duInLy bruss cups. TIe LuIIuns ure known Ior LIeIr espresso, u LIIck brew served In LIny
cups und mude by drIppIng IoL wuLer over LwIce LIe normuI quunLILy oI ground coIIee,
und LIe rencI Iuve conLrIbuLed ccje cu lcit, u combInuLIon oI coIIee und mIIk or creum
wIIcI LIey consume Irom bowIs uL breukIusL.
A drIvIng Iorce beIInd coIIee's gIobuI popuIurILy Is ILs cuIIeIne conLenL: u sIx-ounce (z.;z
kIIogrums) cup oI coIIee conLuIns 1oo mIIIIgrums oI cuIIeIne, more LIun compurubIe
umounLs oI Leu (o mIIIIgrums), coIu (z mIIIIgrums), or cocou (1 mIIIIgrums). CuIIeIne,
un uIkuIoId LIuL occurs nuLuruIIy In coIIee, Is u mIId sLImuIunL LIuL produces u vurIeLy oI
pIysIcuI eIIecLs. Becuuse cuIIeIne sLImuIuLes LIe corLex oI LIe bruIn, peopIe wIo IngesL IL
experIence enIunced concenLruLIon. ALIIeLes ure someLImes udvIsed Lo drInk coIIee
prIor Lo compeLIng, us cuIIeIne renders skeIeLuI muscIes Iess suscepLIbIe Lo exIuusLIon
und Improves coordInuLIon. However, LIese beneIILs uccrue onIy Lo LIose wIo consume
smuII doses oI LIe drug. ExcessIve umounLs oI cuIIeIne produce u IosL oI undesIrubIe
consequences, ucLIng us u dIureLIc, sLImuIuLIng gusLrIc secreLIons, upseLLIng LIe sLomucI,
conLrucLIng bIood vesseIs In LIe bruIn (peopIe wIo suIIer Irom IeuducIes ure udvIsed Lo
cuL LIeIr cuIIeIne InLuke), und cuusIng overucuLe sensuLIon, IrreguIur IeurLbeuL, und
LrembIIng. On u more serIous IeveI, muny reseurcIers Iuve sougIL Lo IInk cuIIeIne Lo
IeurL dIseuse, benIgn breusL cysLs, puncreuLIc cuncer, und bIrLI deIecLs. WIIIe sucI
sLudIes Iuve proven InconcIusIve, IeuILI oIIIcIuI noneLIeIess recommend LIuL peopIe
IImIL LIeIr coIIee InLuke Lo Iewer LIun Iour cups duIIy or drInk decuIIeInuLed vurIeLIes.
CoIIee orIgInuLed on LIe pIuLeuus oI cenLruI ELIIopIu. By A.D. 1ooo, ELIIopIun Arubs
were coIIecLIng LIe IruIL oI LIe Lree, wIIcI grew wIId, und prepurIng u beveruge Irom ILs
beuns. DurIng LIe IIILeenLI cenLury Lruders LrunspIunLed wIId coIIee Lrees Irom AIrIcu Lo
souLIern ArubIu. TIe eusLern Arubs, LIe IIrsL Lo cuILIvuLe coIIee, soon udopLed LIe
ELIIopIun Arubs' prucLIce oI mukIng u IoL beveruge Irom ILs ground, rousLed beuns.
TIe Arubs' Iondness Ior LIe drInk spreud rupIdIy uIong Lrude rouLes, und VeneLIuns Iud
been InLroduced Lo coIIee by 16oo. n Europe us In ArubIu, cIurcI und sLuLe oIIIcIuIs
IrequenLIy proscrIbed LIe new drInk, IdenLIIyIng IL wILI LIe oILen-IIberuI dIscussIons
conducLed by coIIee Iouse IubILus, buL LIe InsLILuLIons noneLIeIess proIIIeruLed,
nowIere more so LIun In sevenLeenLI-cenLury ondon. TIe IIrsL coIIee Iouse opened
LIere In 16z, und u Iurge number oI sucI esLubIIsImenLs ccje,s) opened soon uILer on
boLI LIe Europeun conLInenL ccje derIves Irom LIe rencI Lerm Ior coIIee) und In
NorLI AmerIcu, wIere LIey uppeured In sucI EusLern cILIes us New York, BosLon, und
PIIIudeIpIIu In LIe IusL decude oI LIe sevenLeenLI cenLury.
n LIe UnILed SLuLes, coIIee ucIIeved LIe sume, uImosL InsLunLuneous popuIurILy LIuL IL
Iud won In Europe. However, LIe brew Iuvored by eurIy AmerIcun coIIee drInkers LusLed
sIgnIIIcunLIy dIIIerenL Irom LIuL enjoyed by Loduy's connoIsseurs, us nIneLeenLI-cenLury
cookbooks muke cIeur. One 18qq cookbook InsLrucLed peopIe Lo use u mucI IIgIer
coIIeeJwuLer ruLIo LIun we Iuvor Loduy (one LubIespoon per sIxLeen ounces); boII LIe
brew Ior uImosL u IuII un Iour (Loduy peopIe ure InsLrucLed never Lo boII coIIee); und
udd IIsI skIn, IsIngIuss (u geIuLIn mude Irom LIe uIr bIudders oI IIsI), or egg sIeIIs Lo
reduce LIe ucIdILy brougIL ouL by boIIIng LIe beuns so Iong (Loduy we wouId dIscurd
overIy ucIdIc coIIee). CoIIee yIeIded Irom LIIs recIpe wouId sLrIke modern coIIee Iovers
us InLoIerubIy sLrong und ucIdIc; moreover, IL wouId Iuve IILLIe uromu.
AmerIcun uLLempLs Lo creuLe InsLunL coIIee begun durIng LIe mId-18oos, wIen one oI LIe
eurIIesL InsLunL coIIees wus oIIered In cuke Iorm Lo CIvII Wur Lroops. AILIougI IL und
oLIer eurIy InsLunL coIIees LusLed even worse LIun reguIur coIIee oI LIe epocI, LIe
IncenLIve oI convenIence proved sLrong, und eIIorLs Lo munuIucLure u puIuLubIe InsLunL
brew conLInued. InuIIy, uILer usIng U.S. Lroops us LesLers durIng WorId Wur , un
AmerIcun coIIee munuIucLurer (MuxweII House) begun murkeLIng LIe IIrsL successIuI
InsLunL coIIee In 1qo.
AL presenL, 8 percenL oI AmerIcuns begIn LIeIr duy by mukIng some Iorm oI LIe drInk,
und LIe uveruge AmerIcun wIII consume LIree cups oI IL over LIe course oI LIe duy.
Ruw Muteriuls
CoIIee comes Irom LIe seed, or beun, oI LIe coIIee Lree. CoIIee beuns conLuIn more LIun
1oo cIemIcuIs IncIudIng uromuLIc moIecuIes, proLeIns, sLurcIes, oIIs, und bILLer pIenoIs
(ucIdIc compounds), eucI conLrIbuLIng u dIIIerenL cIurucLerIsLIc Lo LIe unIque IIuvor oI
coIIee. TIe coIIee Lree, u member oI LIe evergreen IumIIy, Ius wuxy, poInLed Ieuves und
jusmIne-IIke IIowers. AcLuuIIy more IIke u sIrub, LIe coIIee Lree cun grow Lo more LIun
o IeeL (q.1q meLers) In ILs wIId sLuLe, buL In cuILIvuLIon IL Is usuuIIy LrImmed Lo beLween
IIve und 1z IeeL (1. und .6 meLers). AILer pIunLIng, LIe LypIcuI Lree wIII noL produce
coIIee beuns unLII IL bIooms, usuuIIy ubouL IIve yeurs. AILer LIe wIILe peLuIs drop oII, red
cIerrIes Iorm, eucI wILI Lwo green coIIee beuns InsIde. (ProducIng muss quunLILIes oI
beuns requIres u Iurge number oI Lrees: In one yeur, u smuII busI wIII yIeId onIy enougI
beuns Ior u pound oI coIIee.) Becuuse coIIee berrIes do noL rIpen unIIormIy, cureIuI
IurvesLIng requIres pIckIng onIy LIe red rIpe berrIes: IncIudIng unrIpened green ones
und overIy rIpened bIuck ones wIII uIIecL LIe coIIee LusLe.
CoIIee Lrees grow besL In u LemperuLe cIImuLe wILIouL IrosL or IIgI LemperuLures. TIey
uIso seem Lo LIrIve In IerLIIe, weII-druIned soII; voIcunIc soII In purLIcuIur seems
conducIve Lo IIuvorIuI beuns. HIgI uILILude pIunLuLIons IocuLed beLween ,ooo und
6,ooo IeeL (q1q.q und 1,8z8.8 meLers) ubove seu IeveI produce Iow-moIsLure beuns wILI
more IIuvor. Due Lo LIe posILIve InIIuences oI voIcunIc soII und uILILude, LIe IInesL beuns
ure oILen cuILIvuLed In mounLuInous regIons. Toduy, BruzII produces ubouL IuII oI LIe
worId's coIIee. One quurLer Is produced eIsewIere In uLIn AmerIcu, und AIrIcu
conLrIbuLes ubouL one sIxLI oI LIe gIobuI suppIy.
CurrenLIy, ubouL z Lypes oI coIIee Lrees exIsL, LIe vurIuLIon sLemmIng Irom
envIronmenLuI IucLors sucI us soII, weuLIer, und uILILude. TIe Lwo muIn specIes ure
cojjec robustc und cojjec crcbicc. TIe robustc sLruIn produces Iess expensIve beuns,
IurgeIy becuuse IL cun be grown under Iess IdeuI condILIons LIun LIe crcbicc sLruIn.
WIen served, coIIee mude Irom crcbicc beuns Ius u deep reddIsI cusL, wIereus robustc
brews Lend Lo be durk brown or bIuck In uppeurunce. TIe coIIees mude Irom LIe Lwo
commonIy used beuns dIIIer sIgnIIIcunLIy. #obustc beuns ure generuIIy grown on Iurge
pIunLuLIons wIere LIe berrIes rIpen und ure IurvesLed uL one LIme, LIereby IncreusIng
LIe percenLuge oI under- und over-rIpe beuns. Arcbicc beuns, on LIe oLIer Iund,
comprIse LIe buIk oI LIe premIum coIIees LIuL ure LypIcuIIy soId In wIoIe beun Iorm so
purcIusers cun grInd LIeIr own coIIee. WIeLIer served In u coIIee Iouse or prepured uL
Iome, coIIee mude Irom sucI beuns oIIers u more deIIcuLe und Iess ucIdIc IIuvor.

CoIIee beun IurvesLIng Is sLIII done munuuIIy. TIe beuns grow In cIusLers oI Lwo; eucI
cIusLer Is cuIIed u "cIerry." NexL, LIe beuns ure drIed und Iusked. n one meLIod, LIe
weL meLIod, LIe beuns ure puL In puIpIng mucIInes Lo remove mosL oI LIe Iusk. AILer
IermenLIng In Iurge Lunks, LIe beuns ure puL In IuIIIng mucIInes, wIere mecIunIcuI
sLIrrers remove LIe IInuI coverIng und poIIsI LIe beuns Lo u smooLI, gIossy IInIsI.
AILer beIng cIeuned und sorLed, LIe beuns ure rousLed In Iuge ovens. OnIy uILer rousLIng
do LIe beuns emIL LIeIr IumIIIur uromu. TIe beuns ure LIen cooIed.
%e MunoIuctoring
Drging ond husking the cherries
O 1 IrsL, LIe coIIee cIerrIes musL be IurvesLed, u process LIuL Is sLIII done
munuuIIy. NexL, LIe cIerrIes ure drIed und Iusked usIng one oI Lwo meLIods. TIe
dry meLIod Is un oIder, prImILIve, und Iubor-InLensIve process oI dIsLrIbuLIng LIe
cIerrIes In LIe sun, rukIng LIem severuI LImes u duy, und uIIowIng LIem Lo dry.
WIen LIey Iuve drIed Lo LIe poInL uL wIIcI LIey conLuIn onIy 1z percenL wuLer,
LIe beuns' Iusks become sIrIveIed. AL LIIs sLuge LIey ure IuIIed, eILIer by Iund or
by u mucIIne.
O z n empIoyIng LIe weL meLIod, LIe IuIIs ure removed beIore LIe beuns Iuve
drIed. AILIougI LIe IruIL Is InILIuIIy processed In u puIpIng mucIIne LIuL removes
mosL oI LIe muLerIuI surroundIng LIe beuns, some oI LIIs gIuLInous coverIng
remuIns uILer puIpIng. TIIs resIdue Is removed by IeLLIng LIe beuns IermenL In
Lunks, wIere LIeIr nuLuruI enzymes dIgesL LIe gIuey subsLunce over u perIod oI 18
Lo 6 Iours. Upon removuI Irom LIe IermenLIng Lunk, LIe beuns ure wusIed,
drIed by exposure Lo IoL uIr, und puL InLo Iurge mecIunIcuI sLIrrers cuIIed ullers.
TIere, LIe beuns' IusL purcImenL coverIng, LIe pergumIno, crumbIes und IuIIs
uwuy eusIIy. TIe IuIIer LIen poIIsIes LIe beun Lo u cIeun, gIossy IInIsI.
eoning ond groding the beons
O TIe beuns ure LIen pIuced on u conveyor beIL LIuL currIes LIem pusL workers
wIo remove sLIcks und oLIer debrIs. NexL, LIey ure gruded uccordIng Lo sIze, LIe
IocuLIon und uILILude oI LIe pIunLuLIon wIere LIey were grown, dryIng und
IuskIng meLIods, und LusLe. AII LIese IucLors conLrIbuLe Lo cerLuIn IIuvors LIuL
consumers wIII be ubIe Lo seIecL LIunks In purL Lo LIe grude.

To muke InsLunL coIIee, munuIucLurers grInd LIe beuns und brew LIe mIxLure In
percoIuLors. DurIng LIIs process, un exLrucL Iorms und Is spruyed InLo u cyIInder.
As IL LruveIs down LIe cyIInder, LIe exLrucL pusses LIrougI wurm uIr LIuL converLs
IL InLo u dry powder.
O q Once LIese processes ure compIeLed, workers seIecL und puck purLIcuIur Lypes
und grudes oI beuns Lo IIII orders Irom LIe vurIous rousLIng compunIes LIuL wIII
IInIsI prepurIng LIe beuns. WIen beuns (usuuIIy robustc) ure IurvesLed under
LIe undesIrubIe condILIons oI IoL, IumId counLrIes or cousLuI regIons, LIey musL
be sIIpped us quIckIy us possIbIe, becuuse sucI cIImuLes encouruge InsecLs und
IungI LIuL cun severeIy dumuge u sIIpmenL.
O WIen LIe coIIee beuns urrIve uL u rousLIng pIunL, LIey ure uguIn cIeuned und
sorLed by mecIunIcuI screenIng devIces Lo remove Ieuves, burk, und oLIer
remuInIng debrIs. I LIe beuns ure noL Lo be decuIIeInuLed, LIey ure reudy Ior
O 6 I LIe coIIee Is Lo be decuIIeInuLed, IL Is now processed usIng eILIer u soIvenL or
u wuLer meLIod. n LIe IIrsL process, LIe coIIee beuns ure LreuLed wILI u soIvenL
(usuuIIy meLIyIene cIIorIde) LIuL IeucIes ouL LIe cuIIeIne. I LIIs decuIIeInuLIon
meLIod Is used, LIe beuns musL be LIorougIIy wusIed Lo remove Lruces oI LIe
soIvenL prIor Lo rousLIng. TIe oLIer meLIod enLuIIs sLeumIng LIe beuns Lo brIng
LIe cuIIeIne Lo LIe surIuce und LIen scrupIng oII LIIs cuIIeIne-rIcI Iuyer.
O ; TIe beuns ure rousLed In Iuge commercIuI rousLers uccordIng Lo procedures und
specIIIcuLIons wIIcI vury umong munuIucLurers (specIuILy sIops usuuIIy purcIuse
beuns dIrecLIy Irom LIe growers und rousL LIem on-sILe). TIe mosL common
process enLuIIs pIucIng LIe beuns In u Iurge meLuI cyIInder und bIowIng IoL uIr
InLo IL. An oIder meLIod, cuIIed sinein, cuIIs Ior pIucIng LIe beuns In u meLuI
cyIInder LIuL Is LIen roLuLed over un eIecLrIc, gus, or cIurcouI IeuLer.
RegurdIess oI LIe purLIcuIur meLIod used, rousLIng gruduuIIy ruIses LIe
LemperuLure oI LIe beuns Lo beLween q1 und qqq degrees uIrenIeIL (zzo-zo
degrees CeIsIus). TIIs LrIggers LIe reIeuse oI sLeum, curbon monoxIde, curbon
dIoxIde, und oLIer voIuLIIes, reducIng LIe weIgIL oI LIe beuns by 1q Lo z percenL.
TIe pressure oI LIese escupIng InLernuI guses cuuses LIe beuns Lo sweII, und LIey
Increuse LIeIr voIume by o Lo 1oo percenL. RousLIng uIso durkens LIe coIor oI LIe
beuns, gIves LIem u crumbIy LexLure, und LrIggers LIe cIemIcuI reucLIons LIuL
Imbue LIe coIIee wILI ILs IumIIIur uromu (wIIcI IL Ius noL IereLoIore possessed).
O 8 AILer IeuvIng LIe rousLer, LIe beuns ure pIuced In u cooIIng vuL, wIereIn LIey ure
sLIrred wIIIe coId uIr Is bIown over LIem. I LIe coIIee beIng prepured Is IIgI-
quuIILy, LIe cooIed beuns wIII now be senL LIrougI un eIecLronIc sorLer equIpped
Lo deLecL und eIImInuLe beuns LIuL emerged Irom LIe rousLIng process Loo IIgIL or
Loo durk.
O q I LIe coIIee Is Lo be pre-ground, LIe munuIucLurer mIIIs IL ImmedIuLeIy uILer
rousLIng. SpecIuI Lypes oI grIndIng Iuve been deveIoped Ior eucI oI LIe dIIIerenL
Lypes oI coIIee mukers, us eucI IuncLIons besL wILI coIIee ground Lo u specIIIc
nstont c4ffee
O 1o I LIe coIIee Is Lo be InsLunL, IL Is V brewed wILI wuLer In Iuge percoIuLors
uILer LIe grIndIng sLuge. An exLrucL Is cIurIIIed Irom LIe brewed coIIee und
spruyed InLo u Iurge cyIInder. As IL IuIIs downwurd LIrougI LIIs cyIInder, IL enLers
u wurm uIr sLreum LIuL converLs IL InLo u dry powder.
O 11 Becuuse IL Is Iess vuInerubIe Lo IIuvor und uromu Ioss LIun oLIer Lypes oI coIIee,
wIoIe beun coIIee Is usuuIIy puckuged In IoII-IIned bugs. I IL Is Lo reLuIn ILs
uromuLIc quuIILIes, pre-ground coIIee musL be IermeLIcuIIy seuIed: IL Is usuuIIy
puckuged In ImpermeubIe pIusLIc IIIm, ulominom Ioil, or cuns. nsLunL coIIee
pIcks up moIsLure eusIIy, so IL Is vucuum-pucked In LIn cuns or gIuss jurs beIore
beIng sIIpped Lo reLuII sLores.
Invironmentul Concerns
MeLIyIene cIIorIde, LIe soIvenL used Lo decuIIeInuLe beuns, Ius come under IederuI
scruLIny In recenL yeurs. Muny peopIe cIurge LIuL rInsIng LIe beuns does noL compIeLeIy
remove LIe cIemIcuI, wIIcI LIey suspecL oI beIng IurmIuI Lo Iumun IeuILI. AILIougI
LIe ood und Drug AdmInIsLruLIon Ius consequenLIy ruIed LIuL meLIyIene cIIorIde
resIdue cunnoL exceed 1o purLs per mIIIIon, LIe wuLer meLIod oI decuIIeInuLIon Ius
grown In popuIurILy und Is expecLed Lo repIuce soIvenL decuIIeInuLIon compIeLeIy.

Reud more: How coIIee Is mude - muLerIuI, munuIucLure, mukIng, used, purLs, mucIIne,
Ruw MuLerIuIs, TIe MunuIucLurIng Process oI coIIee, EnvIronmenLuI Concerns

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