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work benefits

At bharti airtel, we believe in rewarding talent whenever and wherever its due. Through a "total rewards approach", we offer deserving employees, performance bonuses, guaranteed cash, short term and long term benefits as well as stock options. A fine blend of the aforementioned benefits as well as tremendous growth opportunities in career growth makes life at airtel exciting as well as encouraging. By combining on-the-job learning, involvement in key projects, mentoring programs and exposure across various businesses, airtel offers all its employees, guaranteed job satisfaction resulting in a total employee proposition.
compensation management our strategic intent
total compensation approach pay competitively iIn the marke reward right leadership behavior pay For performance internal compensation equity

At airtel, we carry a philosophy of external competitiveness and a strong pay for performance culture whilst maintaining internal equity. Our compensation strategy is not only defined by external influences such as industry practices and availability of talent, but internal inspection and talent harnessing and recognition play a key role in determining it. Also, we take into consideration factors such as performance and maintaining internal equity to ensure people at same level (in the organization hierarchy) and same performance are paid at the same level.

snapshot of employee benefits

Medical support: at airtel, every employee is offered entire end-to-end health care, health insurance assistance and support through the following benefits: 1. Emergency medical assistance 2. Critical case concierge service 3. Emergency cash assistance 4. End-to-end assistance with the hospital, insurer / TPA, the employee / patient and the HR to ensure that the trauma associated with hospitalization is minimized for an employee. 5. Advice on best-in-class doctors and hospitals in India to ensure that the employee is provided timely and accurate support in selecting the best medical treatment option. Temporary loan to employees policy: employees can avail temporary loan facility in case of any contingency. Group accident/life insurance: we provide financial assistance to an employee and/or their family in case of loss of earning capacity of the employee due to accident/death (for any reasons)

during the course of employment and cover employees under life insurance. Hardship allowance: for employees working in areas where there is significant threat to life and safety, we also provide a special allowance.

benefits for working women

airtel offers a safe, friendly and respecting culture and work environment, which we believe is necessary to inspire the best out of our female employees. Benefiting working women through various initiatives and stances has benefitted the organization on a whole. Following are a few benefits for working women: Family friendly work options : flexi time, telecommuting (home/ remote office), part time options. Maternity/ post natal benefits : 12 weeks maternity leave, leave extendable up to 6 months, flexi work location, flexi /part time options. Revised sabbatical policy : allows for time off for enhancing education upto 1 year & personal exigencies upto 6 months. Travel policy revision : includes two additional safety norms for women employees. Employee referral policy : enhanced monetary benefits for referring women employees across all levels. Mentoring program : Initiated for high potential middle management women employees mentoring by senior women leaders.

Reward System:
AIRTEL considers its employees not just as a cost but also as a resource in which the company has invested from which it expects valuable returns. Pay policies and programs are one of the most important human resource tools for encouraging desired employee behaviors. The advantage of paying above the market average is the ability to attract and retain the top talent available, which can translate into highly effective and productive work force.

The incentive schemes and incentive objective have been clearly communicated to all individuals and weekly progress report is also communicated to all concerned.

Compensation and benefit plans:

Airtel has a separate department for compensation. That department deals in staffing and compensation planning. First of all this department has all the information regarding who is being employed and how it is performing. What so ever promises are made to the employees, they know that. So its easy for them to design compensation plans because they know every employee which is being hired. Compensation and benefit plans are particularly based on performance. If performance is up to the standards of Airtel and the employee has good conducts he is rewarded. After performance evaluation, results are rechecked and matched with the standards. Based on that, proper compensation plans are designed. Salary policy The company will pay salaries of the employees as fallows o o o o All new employees have to open bank accounts in specified banks prescribed by the company so that their salary will be credited at the end of each month. After opening account with the bank employees should forward his account number to HR. Upon termination of services the employee will receive his salary within 15 days up to the time of date of his last working day. Upon resignation the employee will be paid his dues during a maximum period of 15 days from the date he left the job.


Promotions are also reward management technique to motivate employees. In AIRTEL promotions are based on the merit and seniority (experience) basis. The one who performs well consistently over time gets reward in the form of promotion.

Bonuses The employee may receive 1 to 3 month bonus subject to evaluation of accomplished objectives. In Airtel the reward system is based on the individual performance and individual employee performance is judged for the reward. The manager of respective departments recommends a candidate from his section for the reward purpose to HR. Reward Categories at Airtel

Intrinsic and Extrinsic rewards include:

Smart/Quality work Exceptional performance in a project Targets achievements Special assignments

Medical care Life insurance Vacations Relocation Credit advance policy provident policy/advance against provident fund and a capping of gratuity Recreation Club Policy Travel Education assistance policy Mobile phone Business mobile phone policy Official Blackberry Policy Life insurance Medical entitlement

Health & Safety Policies

The safety of employees is everyones responsibility. Accidents, precaution and efficient work go hand in hand. All levels of employees have a primary responsibility for the safety and well being of all of us.

Therefore, interest in practicing safety prevention must be encouraged by:

a) Setting good examples. b) Acting upon safety records. c) Reviewing safety programs. d) Holding personal interviews or group conferences. e) Starting activities that will stimulate and maintain employees interests.

No phase of operation of administration is of greater importance than accident prevention. It is the policy of the Company to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions and to follow operating practices that safeguard all employees and result in safe working conditions and efficient operations. Proper First Aid Kit will be available at all Airtel Offices including remote locations. There is no need for such measures at Airtel as maximum jobs do not expose you to the health hazards and are not such that require safety measures. However, there is a tendency of being safe in every human and that shows when you visit some Airtel officer to meet someone of a high designation level. You need to fulfill various safety measures.

Employee Relations:
It is the company policy to ensure that the required standards of performance and conduct are maintained. The disciplinary procedure is intended only as a statement of Company policy and management guidelines. It does not form part of the contract of employment or otherwise have contractual effect.

Discipline Procedure:

Warning may be addressed to the employees verbally and in written through their immediate supervisor. The warning shall refer to the contraventions committed by the employee and will serve to remind the employees the he/she abide by the company rules and regulations in performing his/her work, and that this contravention should not be repeated in future.

A written letter may be addressed to the employee describing the contravention committed. The employee will also be notified that a higher penalty may be inflicted on him in the contravention is repeated in future. The warning letter may be registered in the employees personal file .issuance of written warning can be recommended by the respective supervisor and HOD. It will be issued by the HR department after approval of VP HR.

Deduction from the salary will be an amount of employee salary depending on the type offence and decision taken accordingly. The employee may be suspended from performing his or her duties for a period of time as conveyed in written. Unauthorized absence of more then two times in Six month can result in termination of employment. An employee who is absent from the job with out satisfactory explanation is considered to be an unauthorized unpaid absence. Discrimination, intimidation and harassment based on sex, race, religion, age, color, disability, sexual orientation and cultural background is prohibited at the workplace.

The Head of Department should maintain direct control of all disciplinary records. A copy of all records must be placed on the employee's personal file in the Human Resources Department. All warnings will remain upon the employee's personal file indefinitely, but will normally be disregarded for disciplinary purposes after the following periods: Stage 1 - Verbal warning: 03 months

Stage 2 - Written warning:

Stage 3 - Final written warning: Stage 4 - Dismissal

06 months
12 months

These time periods may however be extended in appropriate circumstances taking into account the nature of the offence. The time period will commence from the date of the letter/memorandum confirming the warning, even

though any specified time for improvement has expired.

Employees services may be terminated in following cases

Willful failure to carry out reasonable orders including the performing of job assigned by supervisor.

Falsification of any official company records will subject to the termination without prior notice.

Violation of Safety Rule

Failure is refusal to conform to safety practices or the misuse of safety device.

Causing a disturbance on company property resulting from fighting.

Profanity or Indecent Conduct

The use of profane language or engaging in immoral conduct.

Coming to work under the influence of drugs or bringing drugs into the facility.

Willful Damage to Property

Careless spoilage, destruction of company property or material.

One Day Absenteeism

Unauthorized absence from work for one day without notifying employer.

Deliberate misrepresentation of past history or other important matters.

Accepting Money or Gift

Taking advantage of ones positions to accept money or gift is against the rules of company.

As we know AIRTEL is highly aware of how to motivate its employees in the best way. This can be judged by the enthusiasm and good spirit that people show in performing their jobs. There is a well-

devised system that AIRTEL follows for the purpose of motivation. It includes both financial and nonfinancial rewards along with the major Motivators and Dissatisfies.

The company recognizes the importance of making people drive towards their goals and the basic step towards this is made through recognizing the value of importance that the company gives to its employees. AIRTEL has a set of financial rewards, medical, dental, vision and life insurance, retirement plan, educational refund assistance, paid vacation days, family and work life balance benefits and profit sharing plan, Annual bonus opportunities, company cars etc. other ways in which employees are motivated are:

Employees are safe in knowing that they will be rewarded for any exceptional work. This reward is not only monetary. It is accompanied by the employee being given recognition and greater empowerment. Employees are given a very beautiful and healthy work environment. Special attention is given to make the physical environment most productive. This is why AIRTEL offices are considered to be the most well decorated and organized. As we know AIRTEL has a desire to promote the high achievers from with in the company. Positions are given on merit and are transparent and fair in nature. There is no special treatment. Therefore each employee knows that he can aim for the top and actually get there. This has proved to be a great source of motivation for the employees of AIRTEL.

Motivational factors:
Airtel is a leading telecom company and all the employees working there feel pride in affiliating them with the organization. Its the biggest intangible motivational factor. Affiliating with organization, employees are self motivated to work and loyalty comes from within. However they have other factors too. They believe in praising the good work done by employees and reward them on that. Reward may be tangible or intangible. They also arrange parties in which star performers are highlighted. Also they have informal meetings after performance evaluation and supervisors, subordinates, colleagues talk about there success and are motivated through intrinsic factors. Delegation of authority and empowerment re the tools which they use to motivate employees and that is how they keep up the good work.

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