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Unit 1: Government, PoIicies & the Uniformed PubIic Services

Task 3 (P4, M3, D2)

Government can create new legislation in relation to current events or new Rights
and responsibilities to specific groups.
Regulation of nvestigatory Powers Act 2000 (RPA) is an act of parliament which
allows the surveillance and investigation of citizens of the UK. The Act was put in
place to cover the technological increase of the world and back log data of, Emails,
text messages and phone calls. Also to intercept any method of electrical
communication that can be identified as a dangerous source by identifying key words
in a conversation. For example, in relation to more recent affairs according to the
media Osama Bin laden was located due to one of his associates using a mobile
phone device within his secret lair, by monitoring the electrical communications the
threat was located and dealt with.

However the RPA contradicts The Human Rights Act 1998. n correspondence to
Article 8 of the Human Rights Act, states that any one person has the right to respect
for private and family life also, Article 10 states, any person has the right to freedom
of expression. RPA is in breach of these Articles because the monitoring of
communications and storing of data is disrespecting a person's right to private life
and their freedom of expression because a person is entitled to an opinion and the
spying on a person to log their communications is breaching their privacy Rights.
Although when the Government is challenged to explain why they are spying of the
country, their reply would be around the lines of "we have to sacrifice the societies
Human Rights to protect the overall security of the country.

RPA impacts on public services because the data that is collected is held for 3 years
and a ghost profile of the data is held for 6 years but this information can be used
against a criminal as evidence against them, so this is a helpful source for public
services to use to assist bringing criminals to justice. However in the wrong hands it
is potentially dangerous for the security of the country. The Human Rights Act impact
on the public services because in Article 5 of the Human Rights Act it clearly states
that any person has the right to liberty and security, therefore the data that is
gathered in relation to RPA is complying with Article 5 however, still contradicting
Article 8 and 10. But the purpose of the Armed Forces and the Police service is to
protect the information and people of the United Kingdom.
By doing this enhances the security of the country and gives the population a sense
of security in their country. Whether they understand that their methods of
communication are being monitored by the Government officials, which are securing
the countries electronic communications to identify key people who are suspected of

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