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Unit 1: Government, Policies & the Uniformed Public Services Task 5 (P6, M4)

For a new law to be made in the House of Commons the Bill must pass through the first reading which takes place without any debate. Moving on to the second reading this opens up option of debate for MPs to share their opinion. The committee stage is where the Bill is put under a detailed examination before the final amendments by MPs after the committee has examined the Bill.

The third reading is the final chance to make changes before the Bill is passed on to the House of Lords for those to examine the changed or new law. When a Bill has passed through third reading in both Houses it then returns to the House of Commons for the House of Lords amendments to be considered. However, both Houses must agree on the exact wording of the Bill.

After all wording and amendments are agreed the Bill is then passed on the Royal Assent to be accepting the new law into an act of Parliament. The Royal Assent is the Monarch's agreement to make the Bill into an Act and is a formality. Then the law is published and enforced by our Police service and Armed services.

For example, if this process was started in the House of Lords, the law making process does not change because both Houses have to agree on the final outcome the Bill.

Is this process effective?

Although some parts of this process are scheduled and others are not, this process may take quite a while to get through the starting House. Then the problems begin as the Bill moves through the Houses a large debate begins and both Houses will want to amend and change minor details and this process could take a long period of time as both Houses must agree on the final outcome before sending to Bill to be accepted by the Royal Assent.

This process is effective because every MP gets their chance to express their opinion into the law making process on the other hand, due to the Bill having to be scrutinised down to the final capital letter and full stop this process is very difficult to understand for those who are not familiar with it and does take a long period of time to change and create legislation.

In my opinion this process is not effective because of the poor organisation of the time scale that the Bill is formed on. An improvement for the Government to consider is get a schedule in place to make the decision process more efficient and the effectiveness of the new law to be published into the state. For example, The Regulation of Investigatory Powers (RIP) Bill was introduced in the House of Commons on 9 February 2000 and completed its Parliamentary passage on 26 July. This Act of Legislation took almost 6 months to prepare, if there was an organized schedule in place this process would take a much shorter period of time to complete.

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