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Mayan 2012 phrophecies-significance in the present modern world

I invite you to open your hearts and minds to the amazing 2012 prophecy messages left by the Classic Mayan. The most profound was a December 21, 2012 prophecy of a rare cosmic alignment between our sun, earth and the galactic center of the Universe. On the same day, the earth and our galaxy make a journey we haven't traveled in almost 26,000 years. These two synchronized events are predicted in the 2012 prophecies to drastically change our spiritual values and priorities. In fact, as you'll find out the changes have already begun and is reflected in what affects our daily lives. The Mayan 2012 prophecy predicts not only a major shift in our thinking and our values, but also our level of spiritual development. According to the Maya we are living in a time of darkness. But an era of light and great hope is predicted when our sun and galaxy crosses over the galactic equator on December 21st, in their 2012 prophecy. It's during this crossing the December solstice sun aligns with the cosmic womb of creation, the great bulge in the Milky Way near the dark rift. This alignment opens an opportunity for Earth's rebirth to a higher level of consciousness in the 2012 prophecy. The Maya were in touch with the oneness of all things. Quantum Physics a newer science has verified this oneness. Everything, including us is made of energy right down to the smallest molecule. This energy is the same for all things in the universe.

The Maya spent their lives tracking and recording the universe. They believed that what happened above happened below. In other words the cosmos and events on earth mirrored each other. Past, present and future events could be predicted or verified by tracking precession changes in the universe and the alignments of our sun with other parts of the universe.Even the bible says, "As above, so below."

The CLEANSING the Maya predicted is what we are experiencing right now on a global as well as a personal level. Change can be a painful process, especially when you fight it. But, it doesn't have to be. The Maya say an era based on LOVE, UNITY, BROTHERHOOD and INTEGRITY will replace the darkness we are in right now.

The process of change has already begun. We are in the 20 year period before the 2012 prophecy date, when the transition unfolds bringing massive changes to the earth. We have the internet to thank for connecting the people of the world. The internet is not a lucky find or here by accident. Everything happens for a reason. We think it's WE humans who have created this massive technological boom in the last hundred or so years. It appears it's all part of the universal plan to raise the consciousness of the earth through increased communication. This rise in exposure to each other pushes us towards oneness, and the values of the next world age as the Maya predicted. This makes us all "human." People from other countries now have a face, name and family like ours. We are connecting with these people and SHARING our cultures and lives. This is a sure sign of the beginning of"brotherhood" the Maya predicted. The sexes have been connecting with each other on a more equal level for over fifty years. This connection is based on shared values and the equivalent contribution each makes to the whole. And, I'm not talking about physical sex or procreation. The dance of the masculine and the feminine working EQUALLY as ONE for the common good has begun. This psychological shift represents metaphorically the "unity of the masculine and feminine within us all."As without. To the Maya, this unity is representative of the 2012 prophecy. As a friend of mine once said, "Women are finally going to forgive men for burning them at the stake in the 1400's." The internet is also famous for the "positive" messages being sent all over the world about love, peace, joy and inspiration. Virtually everyone in the world receives happy uplifting stories through their emails. They are a welcome and often excessive change from the negative information on the news. This change is about the "love" the Maya prophesized. Our newest members to society, the indigo, crystal and rainbow childrenwere born with a strong sense of "integrity." They know when someone is not being honest with them and can smell a rat quickly. Lying is becoming obsolete and will not be tolerated in the new Age.

Could it be the Maya were onto something...something so profound they had to tell us through their 2012 prophecy? They wanted to prepare us for this historical opportunity to rise in spiritual consciousness on December 21, 2012.

Our souls are begging for change.

The values the Maya, unity, brotherhood, and integrityare the direction of that change. It truly is a time of worldwide cleansing. The most important cleansing is taking place in our own minds...starting with personal ethics and priorities. The healing power of forgiveness will gain major importance from now till 2012. Mental change always comes before physical change. As without, again.

Even President Obama has made the unprecedented move to ask evolutionary leaders of the world their views on how we can make the world a better place. This is a marked contrast from relying on mega corporations, other politicians and economic scholars to shape the world into what we want it to do.

I invite you now to search your mind and visualize the possibilities for worldwide spiritual growth. What would that look like to you? I for one welcome this time of great change. But the change starts within each of us on an individual basis first. Inner work is the most important preparation anyone can make for this cycle change.

It's time to connect to the Maya's spiritual side...or better yet...OURspiritual side.

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