Pulse Issue 1

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Issue 1 June 2008

Taking the initiative, creating opportunities, This might be our last issue for this year, but In this issue Page
making the difference… This is what PULSE this is far from being the end, it is merely a 1
is all about. pause to recharge our batteries. A fresh
True, we did start late but better late than start, one with momentum is our promise to The Dean’s 1
never. True, publishing PULSE once a month you for next year. If God permits, we will be Letter
is not that much of a change, but it is an there working from day one as always to ‫ 
incremental step in the right direction. enrich our journey in the faculty of  ‫ا‬
We have embarked on a promising journey, medicine.
KAZEM, So That 3
one that shall fulfill our ambitions and set On behalf of MEDCLUB, we wish you all the
We Never
the standards for our professional life. luck in your final exams, the culmination of Forget…
Medicine is a vocation, so lets respond! which is a successful year. We wish you a
Sometimes, facing the mess of courses and busy summer and an enjoyable vacation. Emotional 3
exams as students, facing the stress of Intelligence: A
healthcare as physicians, we forget the Different Way of
essence of the medical profession. Diseases Being Smart
become names on paper… Patients become “Transsexualism” 4
inanimate objects to manipulate… A REAL
It is our duty as medical students to create TABOO!!!
our own oasis, to create an outlet to breath
Contrôle du 4
through so as to survive the challenges of
Dopage à la
medical school.
PULSE provides such outlet, it is our free
space where one liberates thought, it is our L'Antidote 5
Miraculeux de ma
opportunity to get creative. Ménopause
Nanotechnology, 6

A new Pulse is born and throbbing in our hands. will it get any
A Pulse of creativity, humor and sharing of Un festival à faire 6
battre le Coeur
information. Le Cordon 7

A Pulse of love, friendship and “belonging”. Ombilical d'un

Bébé Peut Sauver

A pulse of link between the students and their varieties. des Vies !

Medical Grammar 7
A Pulse of communication with the “Other”. and Spelling

To the editorial committee : Bravo and ‫ وك‬for the NO KIDDING! 8

new magazine. Keep on going…

God Bless you…
Pr. Philippe Chedid
Dean of Faculty of Medical Sciences
Lebanese University
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‫‪.Bon i‬‬

KAZEM, So That We Never Forget…
“Shabeb Sabaya” this is the way he addressed the class every time…
Once he was amongst us… radiant, busy…
Cherished in the memory of friends…
Kazem the doctor to be, Kazem the message…
A sublime message to all, a message that heals,
This is as far as sacrifice can go…
A sacrifice for his country, for his village
A sacrifice under that olive tree, on that holy
One might diaspprove of the war he fought, or oppose his political
views, but surely one had to admire his honesty, integrity and sense of
Kazem, not merely a picture we hang on our wall…
Kazem, a living memory carved in the crevasses of our conscience…
Kazem, so that we never forget…

Emotional Intelligence: A Different ay of Being Smart

For many years, it was thought distressing moods well and qualities so children can better
that a person’s intelligence (IQ control impulses. It’s being cope in the world. For example,
or intelligence quotient) motivated and remaining instead of protecting shy
determined how people hopeful and optimistic when you children from the world, parents
succeeded in life. Recently, have setbacks in working toward encouraged their young children
researchers have found that IQ goals. It’s empathy; knowing to participate in challenging
isn’t the only predictor of a what the people around you are situations (meeting new kids,
person’s success. They are now feeling. And it’s social skill— going to new places). Giving the
looking at emotional intelligence getting along well with other children the experience of
(EQ) as another determinant of people, managing emotions in mastering something new
a person’s success in life. relationships, being able to without overwhelming them
persuade or lead others” improved their social skills.
“Emotional intelligence is a
different way of being smart. It Emotional Intelligence is D.Ezzedine
includes knowing what your Learned: Although children are
feelings are and using your b o r n with different
feelings to make good decisions temperaments, EQ helps parents
in life. It’s being able to manage and teachers work with these

“Transsexualism” A REAL TABOO!!! Try not to become a
A transsexual is a person who believes that disorder”. man of success, but
his or her body does not reflect his or her Laws regarding changes to the legal status rather try to be-
true 'inner' identification of physical sex or of transsexuals are different from country come a man of
gender, and so change their physical sex in to country. Many Western societies have value.
an effort to be on the outside as they feel procedures whereby an individual can Albert Einstein
they are on the inside. The main symptom of change their name, and sometimes, their
this condition is a unique type of depression, legal gender, to reflect their gender iden-
anxiety or even psychological pain: Gender tity. In many other countries especially in
Dysphoria. If untreated, it can lead to mental those where the idea of transsexualism
and emotional problems, and sometimes isn’t yet clearly established or even re- Recommended
suicide. No evident cause has been deter- Textbooks
fused, it is still not possible to change birth
mined for tanssexualism. records or other legal documents relating
Many transsexual people desire various to ones gender status.
types of medical alterations to their bodies. In certain countries, transsexuals suffer
These physical alterations are collectively from poor social integration, infact em-
referred to as sex reassignment therapy and ployment discrimination against them is
often include hormone replacement therapy rampant and many of them are fired. And
and surgery. In order to receive this therapy, the debate continues...
transsexuals should be diagnosed for a psy- A.Hamade
chological disease called “gender idendity
Thieme-Color Atlas Of

Contrôle du Dopage à la Testostérone:

Les Sportifs Génétiquement Inégaux
Selon une étude suédoise publiée à quel- Les chercheurs ont injecté à 55 volontaires
ques mois des Jeux olympiques de Pékin : masculins 500 mg de testostérone énantha-
Les sportifs seraient inégaux face aux te, une substance interdite par pratique-
contrôles antidopage, une variante généti- ment toutes les fédérations sportives. Les
que pouvant masquer l'utilisation de la tes- volontaires ont été répartis en 3 groupes,
tostérone, un des produits interdits les plus selon qu'ils possédaient une, deux ou zéro Clinical Dermatology
utilisés. Inversement, des athlètes avec une copies du gène UGT2B17. (Blackwell)
expression différente du même gène cour-
Plus de 40% des hommes qui n'avaient pas
raient le risque d'être à tort accusés de do- Recommended
de copie du gène ont présenté des analyses
page. ebsites
d'urine dans les limites autorisées, malgré
Le dépistage du dopage à la testostérone l'administration d'une dose importante de www.learnerstv.com
est basé actuellement sur l'analyse de deux produit interdit.
substances présentes dans les urines: glu-
En revanche, 100% des hommes des deux
curonides de testostérone (TG) et d'épistes- www.labtestsonline.org
autres groupes ont été testés positifs, selon
tostérone (EG). Un rapport TG/EG supérieur
l'étude publiée dans le Journal of Clinical www.vulgaris-
à 4 est considéré comme suspect par le Co-
Endocrinology and Metabolism. medical.com
mité international olympique.
J.Saliba www.psyplexus.com
L’équipe de chercheurs conduite par Jenny
Jakobsson Schulze (Institut Karolinska, www.endotext.org
Stockholm, Suède) a cependant montré que
les résultats de ce test de détection peu-
vent varier, en fonction du nombre de co-
pies d'un gène dit UGT2B17 présentes chez
un individu.
L'Antidote Miraculeux de ma Ménopause
Suis-je en ménopause? Je ne rigole pas… j'ai vraiment pensé à cette question… et je suis parvenu à une
réponse satisfaisante, selon une approche scientifique… Posez-vous ces questions, et vous me partageriez
cette expérience!
Dans tout ce qui suit: la première colonne parle scientifiquement de la ménopause, alors que la deuxième
colonne essaie de projeter ces descriptions scientifiques sur notre réalité quotidienne!
Interruption physiologique des cycles mens- … Bon! Si les "follicules" sont des idées… Quand était la dernière
truels, due à la cessation de la sécrétion fois où j'ai eu à la tête une idée intéressante dont je me suis enga-
hormonale des ovaires,… et plus de verse- gé à rechercher? Ou même si les follicules sont des moments
ment de follicules. agréables… O! C'était depuis longtemps!
Et puis: "Le cycle" de ma vie est totalement bouleversé, dû à
la cessation de ma vie sociale (hormonale!)

Bouffée de chaleur: …Bouffées de chaleur? Bon! Chaque lundi, quelques minutes avant
leur intensité et leur fréquence sont varia- l'examen… mais surtout durant le weekend,…
bles… Parfois la nuit, je pense et j'organise le temps de mes études du
Au début elles surviennent la nuit… lendemain…
Puis elles se multiplient la journée, à la fin Même à la journée,… en étudiant au foyer,… même durant le re-
des repas… pas, on parle à propos du cours et de l'examen!

Des troubles psychiques Des troubles psychiques?... Bon!

Fatigue sans cause organique Toujours fatigué…
Sautes d'humeur, anxiété,… Special anxiété
Je me sens parfois très extrémiste dans mes émotions… points ofde
Insomnie interest:
ne pas terminer à temps le cours… insomnie: je ne dors plus, des
Troubles de mémoire ou défaut de concen- nuits blanches,… non: elles doivent être appelées des nuits noires!

tration mentale Mémoire? Nulle! Je ne peux pas bien concentrer en étudiant!! J'en
ai marre!

Bon… c'est catastrophique! Nous sommes vraiment dans un asile de fous! On risque perdre notre maturité, notre
fertilité… serions nous murs, mais sans ce chapeau circonflexe? Comment y agir? Est-ce par un traitement hormo-
nal? Scientifiquement: ceci peut résulter en certain cancer, ou autres graves complications… Un traitement hormo-
nal pour notre cas serait comparable à des cours additionnels, des heures supplémentaires d'études ce qui va mener
a la mort immédiate…
Peut-on arrêter tout? Va-ton prendre la décision d'une certaine ablation? D'une castration? Non… ca serait un sui-
cide! Et on perdra tout!!

[………………] Et donc? Quoi faire?

La réponse, la clef, le maitre mot, la vraie consigne, le cure, l'antidote miraculeux: "qu'on sache être les maitres de
notre "temps", de savoir bien le répartir: du temps pour faire du sport, en marchant, courant, ou même en lisant ce
journal! Savoir trouver un moment chaque jour pour penser à propos de nous-mêmes, et des personnes que nous
aimons bien!
Et donc… lançons ce défi, et nous ne serions jamais en ménopause! "Nchalla"
J. Almawieh

N an otech nol o gy, w i l l i t get any s m al l e r ?
The biological and medical research Drug delivery Did You
communities have exploited the unique The overall drug consumption and side-
properties of nanomaterials for various effects can be lowered significantly by Know?
applications . Functionalities can be added to depositing the active agent in the morbid On average, you
nanomaterials by interfacing them with region only and in no higher dose than speak almost
biological molecules or structures. This needed. 5,000 words a
t e ch n o l o g y day- although
promises to be Tissue almost 80% of
revolutionary. engineering speaking is self-
Nanotechnology talk (talking to
Diagnostics can help to yourself).
Biological tests reproduce or to
m easuring t he repair damaged If all your DNA is
presence or activity tissue. This so stretched out, it
of selected called “tissue would reach to
substances become engineering” the moon 6,000
quicker, m o re makes use of times.
sensitive and more artificially
flexible when stimulated cell The easiest way
certain nanoscale proliferation by to tell if
particles are put to using suitable someone's
work as tags or labels. Magnetic nanomaterial-based scaffolds and growth thought process
nanoparticles, bound to a suitable antibody, factors. Tissue engineering might replace
is primarily right
are used to label specific molecules, today’s conventional treatments like organ
or left brained is
structures or microorganisms. Gold transplants or artificial implants. On the
to ask them the
nanoparticles tagged with short segments of other hand, tissue engineering is closely
DNA can be used for detection of genetic related to the ethical debate on human stem f o l l o w i n g
cells and its ethical implications. question face to
sequence in a sample.
E.Ha face. "Do you
prefer a good
Un festival à faire battre le Coeur war or a bad
peace." If you
A quoi être un bon médecin ayant oublier monitor the way
sa vraie vocation. c'est le message qu'un their eyes move
petit groupe de médecins "Heart Beat" take the opposite
essaie de faire passer à notre societé très direction (i.e if
matérialiste. they look left,
Ce groupe est formé de differents médecins they are right
b r a i n e d
non seulement brilliants en leur profession
mais aussi dans les domaines artistiques
(chanteurs, musiciens…). Grâce à leur
talent, ils organisent des festivals dont les
gains sont destinés à soigner des enfants
souffrants de problèmes cardiaques et
d'essayer de leur offrir toute une vie. La
présence de ce groupe nous incite nous
même, futures medecins à prendre
l'initiative, à ne jamais oublier le but ultime de notre profession et de notre vraie
A. Obeid
Le Cordon Ombilical d'un Bébé Peut Sauver des Vies ! v V H 0 ( g ‫ ان‬v)
H‫آ‬, cc‫ ا‬v  C v;0
En effet, cela fait 20 ans que la première Le prélèvement du sang placentaire a lieu
‫ ان ع‬v) ‫ و‬.cc‫ا‬
greffe de cellules de sang de cordon a eu dans les minutes qui suivent l'accouche-
H‫ ان آ‬.v:` ‫اة‬
lieu. Longtemps limitée aux enfants, cette ment, lorsque le cordon ombilical vient
H‫ ث و آ‬H‫م و آ‬
thérapie est de plus en plus pratiquée. Face d'être coupé et que le placenta est encore
pF v ‫ا;`ن ك‬
à cette demande croissante, les dons ne sui- dans l'utérus. Il n'est ni dangereux ni doulou-
vent pas. C'est pour cette raison que l'Eta- reux pour la mère comme pour l'enfant.
v) ‫ ( ا) ح‬
blissement Français du Sang (EFS) profite de Alors coupez le cordon et faites en don. En
 H‫ ه‬.‫ >ة‬p‫ا‬
ce vingtième anniversaire pour replacer au donnant la vie, vous pourrez peut être en *‫ ا‬D
` H‫؟ ه‬v‫ذا‬
coeur de sa campagne le don de cordon om- sauver d'autres.  v‫ح؟  رأ‬+0
bilical . c @ H‫؟ ه‬HJ+‫ا‬
Le sang placentaire ou sang de cordon ombi- Source : Dossier de presse de l'EFS, Avril 4C‫ ا‬#) ;`; C‫ا= ا‬
lical contient des cellules souches à l'origine 2008  +‫و ا= ا‬
des globules rouges et blancs, que l'on ne @#  H‫؟ ه‬q
trouve que dans la moelle osseuse. Il exige "z‫ف "ا‬J
‫ ( اآ‬
une moins grande compatibilité tissulaire  @;‫ ا‬H‫؟ ه‬d#)
entre donneur et receveur que les greffes de ‫ ام ان‬,‫س‬#‫  ا‬z
moelle et donne des résultats équivalents. ‫؟ ان‬v) ‫ )ء‬Y.
Ce procédé permet de soigner les problèmes ‫ط  غ ة‬F ‫اول‬
de santé graves du sang : maladies héréditai- ‫>ة و رؤ >ة‬
res de l'hémoglobine, leucémies, lympho- ‫ (  ا
mes, anémie de Fanconi... Les cellules sou- ‫ اة و‬p‫` ع ا‬
ches présentes dans la cordon sont extrême- ..#) 0>C‫ و ا‬
ment précieuses. )`‫ل ا‬0 ‫ب >ن‬6‫ا‬
En 2007, 6000 greffons avaient été stockés
en France. L'EFS souhaite doubler le nombre
e3 ‫  ل‬.
d'unités de sang stockées d'ici 2010 pour
Y' q C ‫اة‬
pallier ce manque.
‫ )(  ع‬v;‫أذ‬
3 + ,.
Medical Grammar and Spelling cc‫ ا‬G .
Forget illegible handwriting! Have you ever witnessed the results of what happens when doc-
tors pay little attention to spelling, grammar and interpretation? a ‫ ا ( ا‬C
Here is a list of medical notes written by doctors about certain patients. Y ) ‫أ) ء‬
1-The baby was delivered, the cord clamped and cut, and handed to the pediatrician, who ‫ة‬a H‫راء آ‬
breathed and cried immediately. ‫
=ء ) ة‬e
2-She has no rigours or shaking chills, but her husband states she was very hot in bed last Y‫ أ‬H‫\ آ‬4 ( ‫و‬
night. )‫ ا‬G F ‫ق‬J
3-Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year.
4-On the second day the knee was better, and on the third day it ‫ود ه
ا ن اي‬
‫  أن ى‬, 
5-The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears
to be depressed. ‫ا   ة و‬
6-The patient refused autopsy. &' ,‫"ع‬#  $ %‫ا‬
7-The patient has no previous history of suicides. ‫*)( أ'"د ا ن و‬
8-She is numb from her toes down.
9-The skin was moist and dry. ‫ن‬+‫ا‬
10-Patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch.

There are several kinds of doctors, and it is told that they can be differentiated by the
following method: IDIOT PARENT!
-General Practitioners know nothing and do little. A woman called the
-Surgeons know little and do everything. hospital because she
-Internists knows everything and do nothing. caught her little
-Pathologists know everything and can do everything, but it's usually too late. daughter eating ants.
The doctor quickly
If it is dry - add moist; if it is moisten reassured her that the
- add dryness. Congratulations, now you ants are not harmful
are a dermatologist. and there would be no
need to bring her
daughter into the
A young woman went to her doctor complaining of pain. hospital. She calmed
"Where are you hurting?" asked the doctor. down, and at the end
"You have to help me, I hurt all over", said the woman. of the conversation
"What do you mean, all over?" asked the doctor, "be a little more specific." happened to mention
The woman touched her right knee with her index finger and yelled, "Ow, that hurts." Then that she gave her
she touched her left cheek and again yelled, "Ouch! That hurts, too." Then she touched her daughter some ant
right earlobe, "Ow, even THAT hurts", she cried. poison to eat in order
The doctor checked her thoughtfully for a moment and told her his diagnosis, "You have a to kill the ants!
broken finger."

A women told her physician: my son ate the keys of our house, what should I do?
The doctor answered use the window!

Yet again, a lot of

hard work put
into this pro ect,
a big thank you
“ Well, it’s a good thing you for our writers.
switched cigarettes, Bob… Till next year...
You only have cancer light ”
H. Bitar

Dear Students, for those of you who would like to take share in MEDCLUB activities
or have articles published in PULSE, please send your suggestions to our email
MEDCLUB_LU@hotmail.com or contact us on these numbers 03756018-03085710.
We would be more than pleased to publish your work in the upcoming issues. MEDCLUB_LU@hotmail.com
Thank you. 8

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