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Professional Project

Introduction Body - Part 1: Who am I as a learner
- VARK, Honey-Mumford, Myer Briggs, and Belbin Inventory

Phong Do Vinh Nguyen BA (Hons) International Business Management

Simon Lillystone

Student No.

The ethics of Marketing in today business world 2nd December 2011 Northumbria University

- Part 2: Implications for career choice

Life-long Learning Transferable skills Justify chosen career choice


- I am an international student

Section A Presentation

- This research is comprised of two main sections: section A and section B.

Who am I as a learner

ISTJ 65% ISFJ 72% ISFP 60% ESFP 58% ESFJ 75% INFJ 66% INFP 57% ENFP 51% ENFJ 71% INTJ 58% INTP 41% ENTP 43% ENTJ 56%

Visual : Aural: 6 10 Read/Write: 7

Kinesthetic: 6

ISTP 44% ESTP 50% ESTJ 59%


Figure BELBIN Test Result Source: Activist
Roles Plant (PL) Resource Investigator (RI) Co-ordinator (CO) Shaper (SH) Monitor Evaluator (ME) Teamwork (TW) Implementer (IMP) Completer Finisher (CF) Specialist (SP) Result 95 46 66 9 39 24 8 38 80 Preference Preferred Role Manageable Role Preferred Role Least Preferred Role Manageable Role Least Preferred Role Least Preferred Role Manageable Role Preferred Role

Honey and Mumford

Reflector 17 Theorist 11 Pragmatist 15


Figure Honey and Mumford Test Result

Topic The Marketing Ethics in today business environment

Section B Presentation

1. Introduction a. Reasons for choice of topic: - Suitable for myself - Ethics is important for marketing

b. Academic objectives of project

What is marketing ethics? What is the relationship between ethic and marketing To identify factors leading to wrong decisions/moves made by marketers in term of ethics To identify the methods to improve marketers attitude and thinking towards ethical issues

1.3 Outline of sections

This project is divided into three sections. The first section provides a brief introduction of the literature research which is done for the project. At first the project provides different definitions of the ethics marketing as well as its history through the years. The second section provides some ethical cases, ethical problems, and solutions for avoiding these ethical problems.


Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 History of ethics
Aristotle Napoleon The main study that ethics focus on is the differences between right and wrong.

2.2 Marketing ethics

practices that emphasize transparent, trustworthy, and responsible personal and organizational marketing policies and actions that exhibit integrity as well as fairness to consumers and other stakeholders

2.3 Several marketing ethics cases

Coca-cola case Tobacco case

2.4 Reasons and solutions for unethical behaviours and actions in marketing
There are four major drivers of dishonesty of immoral behaviour presented as follows: low costs for large benefit, a lack of social norms, lack of self-awareness and a related low moral awareness, and self-deception (Nina, Dan et al. 2010).

It can be seen that much progress has been made in order to advance theory and research in the field. There is recognition through academic research and regulatory initiatives that organisations have to improve their attitude and awareness towards ethical issues.

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