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Effective March, 2011


(vlslon 8ole) 1he prlmary role of Lhe commlsslon ls Lo collaboraLlvely deflne and supporL Lhe achlevemenL of
Lhe commlsslon area vlslon LhaL, ln Lurn, supporLs Lhe achlevemenL of Lhe parlsh vlslon. Ceneral auLhorlLy ls
glven Lo commlsslons Lo esLabllsh commlsslon operaLlng pollcles/guldellnes and evaluaLe commlsslon mlnlsLry
ouLcomes. MlnlsLry lmplemenLaLlon (AcLlon 8ole) ls generally carrled ouL by mlnlsLry area sLaff and lndlvldual
mlnlsLry commlLLees wlLhln Lhe framework of pollcles and guldellnes esLabllshed by Lhe arlsh CommunlLy
Councll and commlsslons. Cverall auLhorlLy for parlsh vlslon and operaLlons resldes ln Lhe arlsh CommunlLy
Councll, as delegaLed by Lhe asLor.

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! CommunlcaLe Lhe vlslon of Lhe commlsslon Lo Lhe parlsh
! LvaluaLe and perlodlcally updaLe Lhe commlsslon vlslon, as requlred
! LvaluaLe mlnlsLry ouLcomes ln response Lo Lhe commlsslon vlslon and parlsh guldlng documenLs
! arLlclpaLe wlLh oLher commlsslon members ln evaluaLlng Lhe parlsh vlslon and overarchlng goals
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! LsLabllsh commlsslon plannlng pollcles allgned wlLh Lhe C plannlng process
! Lncourage all commlsslon mlnlsLrles Lo parLlclpaLe ln plannlng process
! ln collaboraLlon wlLh oLher commlsslons, develop a proposed parlsh annual plan, lncludlng ob[ecLlves,
sLraLegles, expecLed ouLcomes, and lndlcaLors of success and LransmlL Lo Lhe arlsh CommunlLy Councll
! LvaluaLe progress of annual commlsslon plan achlevemenL as basls for conLlnuous lmprovemenL of
commlsslon ob[ecLlves and ouLcomes
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! LvaluaLe Lhe effecLlveness of exlsLlng mlnlsLrles ln collaboraLlon wlLh currenL mlnlsLry leaders and sLaff
and recommend changes as approprlaLe
! LvaluaLe Lhe need for new mlnlsLrles and lmplemenL as resources are approved and avallable
! LvaluaLe Lhe need Lo dlssolve exlsLlng mlnlsLrles (noL ln allgnmenL wlLh mlsslon, no acLlve leadershlp or
parLlclpaLlon, mlnlsLry ob[ecLlve achleved), formally lmplemenL and communlcaLe dlssoluLlon
! CoordlnaLe mlnlsLry analysls and ad[usLmenL declslons wlLh annual plannlng process
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! rovlde lnpuL Lo commlsslon sLaff performance managemenL process, as approprlaLe
! rovlde encouragemenL and recognlLlon Lo commlsslon sLaff
! arLlclpaLe on commlsslon sLaff hlrlng Leams, as approprlaLe
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! lmplemenL communlcaLlon acLlvlLles LhaL effecLlvely dlssemlnaLe key lnformaLlon Lo all commlsslon
! CoordlnaLe wlLh oLher commlsslon leaders, as approprlaLe
! LsLabllsh commlsslon guldellnes and pracLlces LhaL encourage sLrong collaboraLlon wlLh all oLher
commlsslons ln achlevlng parlsh vlslon
Effective March, 2011
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! arLlclpaLe ln monLhly commlsslon leadershlp meeLlng
! arLlclpaLe ln parlsh-wlde leadershlp evenLs
! arLlclpaLe on shorL-Lerm Lask groups as approprlaLe Lo avallable Llme, lndlvldual LalenLs and personal
! arLlclpaLe ln leadershlp developmenL acLlvlLy (ex.: leadershlp skllls Lralnlng, annual mlnlsLry area
reLreaL, eLc.)
! ldenLlfy and culLlvaLe fuLure commlsslon leaders and parLlclpaLe ln annual selecLlon process
! 8egularly evaluaLe performance of commlsslon leadershlp body and ad[usL orlenLaLlon, guldellnes, and
operaLlng pracLlces as requlred Lo nourlsh a healLhy and effecLlve Leam envlronmenL
1. A reglsLered, parLlclpaLlng member of Cuardlan Angels CaLhollc Church, age 18 or older
2. AcLlve parLlclpanL ln parlsh worshlp and mlnlsLry
3. CommlLmenL Lo undersLand and collaboraLlvely faclllLaLe achlevemenL of Lhe parlsh mlsslon and goals
for Lhe common good of Lhe parlsh
4. AblllLy and deslre Lo parLlclpaLe ln respecLful dlalogue LhaL supporLs consensus declslon-maklng
3. AblllLy Lo observe confldenLlallLy when requlred
1. Lach commlsslon ls composed of slx parlshloner members, each servlng a Lerm of Lhree years. (parlsh
sLaff members are lnellglble wlLh Lhe excepLlon of Lhe sLaff llalson) A member may serve more Lhan one
Lerm, buL may noL serve more Lhan Lwo Lerms consecuLlvely.
2. arlshloner member Lerms begln !uly 1 and are sLaggered so LhaL Lwo parlshloner members are
replaced each year (unless one or boLh of Lhe ouLgolng members are selecLed Lo serve a second Lerm).
3. Cne sLaff llalson, appolnLed by Lhe arlsh ulrecLor, ls a member of Lhe commlsslon. 1he sLaff member
forms a parLnershlp wlLh commlsslon members and engages fully ln Lhe dlscusslon, dlscernmenL and
declslon-maklng of Lhe commlsslon. 1he sLaff member remalns on Lhe commlsslon from year Lo year
unLll reasslgned by Lhe arlsh ulrecLor.
1. repare for and regularly aLLend monLhly commlsslon meeLlngs as scheduled
2. ALLend all parlsh and speclal leadershlp meeLlngs, as requlred
3. arLlclpaLe on speclal purpose sub-commlLLees, as requlred
! Lxerclse confldenLlallLy ln senslLlve areas, as communlcaLed by leadershlp
! 8e respecLful of oLhers and Lhelr oplnlons, especlally Lhose ln opposlLlon of yours
! CommunlcaLe ln sync wlLh Lhe councll's poslLlon and Lone when lnLeracLlng wlLh our communlLy
! arLlclpaLe ln a manner LhaL observes Lhe meeLlng Llme relaLlve Lo Lhe agenda, and relaLlve Lo Lhe number
of parLlclpanLs (6 members, each member parLlclpaLes 1/6 of Lhe Llme).
! 8e ob[ecLlve! no hldden agendas or personal vlews. ?ou are Lhe volce of Lhe parlsh.

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