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Functional requirements for information management including MIS

Functional requirements for information management including MIS

October 2006 Becta 2006 Functional requirements for information management including MIS

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Becta | Functional requirements for information management including MIS

This document is a result of work by the Data Services programme run by Becta (British Educational Communications and Technology Agency) and the DfES (Department for Education and Skills). It presents a set of functional requirements for information management platform software and systems to be used in schools in England. It covers parts of the data services components of Bectas national digital infrastructure with some overlap with learning services. Beyond the scope of this document are requirements for connectivity and institutional infrastructure. An information management platform may be a single product or suite of integrated products. An information management platform may also be a collection of interoperable systems, modules or services from different suppliers. Each may perform discrete functions, but collectively they should deliver the requirements described below. It is likely that there will be a core system that supports coordination of the submission of statutory returns. Interested stakeholders have had the opportunity to discuss and comment on versions of this document and this final version takes account of that feedback. Feedback on these requirements should continue to be supplied either: through Bectas communities forum [] to

A key aspect of information management is the ability to exchange data with other systems. It is assumed that: openly available xml schemas should define exchange formats common open protocols should be used the main users will be administrators, teachers and the senior management team the requirements for primary and secondary schools will vary.

Some information has to be provided as part of the statutory returns mandated by the DfES and other government agencies. Data definitions within information management systems should confirm to the Common Basic Data Set. Systems should be able to generate and validate a unique identifier for each pupil where the identifier is to a formula determined by the DfES.

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Becta | Functional requirements for information management including MIS

Becta is currently undertaking work on improving and embedding interoperability, developing a model that allows data to be shared and managed across all information management systems. This work arises from Becta's 'School Management Information Systems and Value for Money' report, published last year []. Becta supports and will deploy open standards and specifications for interoperability. Further information about the exact interoperability standards that Becta will adopt and mandate will be published shortly. Suppliers of information management platforms/MIS should also be aware of the forthcoming Information sharing index []. This is intended to aid more effective protection and early intervention for children at risk and is a key element of the Every Child Matters programme. It is expected that by 2008 information management systems should have the functionality to integrate with the Information sharing index. Suppliers are asked to take note of the work of 'Managing Information Across Partners' (MIAP). This aims to improve information sharing across all education sectors (including schools) by the introduction of Common Data Definitions, a Unique Learner Number, a UK Register of Learning Providers and a data-sharing Interface. The DfES and Becta are leading members of MIAP, and are working to ensure future sharing of appropriate data through MIAP. Further details about MIAP can be found online. []. Suppliers should also be aware that for the interface they need to use RAISEonline, the new data analysis and target setting tool from Ofsted and the DfES. Each requirement is indicated as mandatory or recommended. The use of the word 'shall' indicates mandatory and 'should' indicates recommended but optional. 'Could' is used to provide illustrative examples of how requirements might be met rather than to indicate mandatory or recommended requirements. O = obligation M = mandatory R = optional but recommended

October 2006 Becta 2006 Functional requirements for information management including MIS

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Becta | Functional requirements for information management including MIS

Requirement name
R1: Access remotely

O Description
M Users shall be able to access the platform away from the organisation.

The platform shall be accessible via a browser using internet protocols. The intention is to enable 'anytime, anywhere' access and to include different types of users as appropriate. The platform shall enable the interface to be customised, including being able to change the display. It is the responsibility of a platform provider to ensure appropriate accessibility guidelines are followed. It is recognised that there needs to be a sensible balance between universal accessibility and the provision of the required information in an understandable format. Appropriate admission information shall be imported and exported. (NB: Some information is sent by an authority to the school and shall be imported. Some information is sent by the school to the authority and shall be exported. A final transfer file is one that the school platform shall be able to import. Information should cover individual admissions, outside of group transfers.)

R2: Accessibility

M The platform interface shall be accessible to its users.

R3: Admissions

M The platform shall be able to import and export admission information.

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Becta | Functional requirements for information management including MIS

Requirement name
R4: Assessment management

O Description
M The platform shall support the management and recording of assessments.

The assessment information in this requirement is expected to include the summative, high-level kind for purposes that are school-wide, regional or national in scope, and to allow for the entry of individual assessment outcomes at individual pupil level. Key stage and National Curriculum assessment information shall be included for schools at the appropriate phase, including Foundation Stage Profile. The system should allow for the entry of P scales at all Key Stages for pupils judged to be working at National Curriculum level W for SEN reasons. Information about exam entries and coursework results shall be included at the appropriate school levels. The system should support schools in setting end of key stage targets for pupils. Recommended: The platform should provide the ability to add comments and to create customised data fields. The system should allow for the entry and analysis of QCA optional test question level data.

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Becta | Functional requirements for information management including MIS

Requirement name
R5: Attendance

O Description
M Support shall be provided for the measurement and reporting of attendance.

This shall include sufficient information to support the statutory requirements for auditing purposes, DfES returns and termly reports on individual attendance. It should include non-editable attendance codes. Recommended: The platform should provide interfaces to support attendance recording by teachers, or integration with automated attendance or tracking devices.

R6: Authentication

M Users shall be uniquely identified and verified.

There shall be a consistent approach to authentication; for example, every user may have a unique user name and password linked to individual or group roles and privileges. Providers shall take steps to help the school avoid unauthorised access. There shall be the ability to the record and report pupils behaviour. This shall include positive achievements and behaviours. The platform shall enable the recording and reporting of exclusions as required by the DfES.

R7: Behaviour management

M Support shall be provided for managing behaviour information.

R8: Consistent learner information

M Learner information shall be consistent throughout the platform.

There shall be minimal duplication of information and processes should be automated to avoid errors and inconsistencies.

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Becta | Functional requirements for information management including MIS

Requirement name
R9: Data protection

O Description
M All stored data shall be secure.

Conformance with current legislation and the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 for personal data shall be required. It is the responsibility of the school to conform to the act rather than the information platform provider; however. The platform shall not prevent the school from fulfilling this responsibility.

R10: Information access

M Users with privileges shall be able to access appropriate information.

It shall be possible for individuals to be allocated one or more roles. Individuals, or roles, shall be associated with permissions at various levels to sets of data and aspects of the platform functionality. Permissions shall control the ability to read or write data. Permission to read or write elements shall be capable of being assigned at an appropriate level of granularity. Recommended: Permission to read or write elements should be capable of being assigned at the individual element (field) level. It is recognised that, in practice, elements will be grouped when assigning permissions.

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Becta | Functional requirements for information management including MIS

Requirement name
R11: Learner information exchange

O Description
M It shall be possible for learner information to be imported and exported by the platform.

The platform shall include support for the provision of statutory information to the DfES or other authorities. The platform shall include support for transfer of learner records between institutions. Recommended: Functionality should include information exchange with other school systems for example parts of a learning platform. Information about groups should be stored and exchanged, such as registration group, class or set, for allocating to pupils.

R12: Messaging

M Individuals and groups should be able to send messages to each other.

Users shall be able to send messages to individuals and groups. Recommended: Sending SMS text messages to mobile phones should be supported. Integration with email should be supported.

R13: Reporting

M Reports shall be produced.

Statutory reports shall be produced. Reports to parents shall be produced. Reports shall be printable. It shall be possible to export reports in interoperable formats. Recommended: It should be possible to customise reports. Reports should include student lists for example. Reports could be paper or electronic.

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Becta | Functional requirements for information management including MIS

Requirement name
R14: SEN

O Description
M Special educational needs management shall be supported.

The platform shall produce statutory special needs information. Recommended: The platform should include facilities to monitor special education needs.

R15: Data returns

M The platform shall enable the submission of all statutory returns. M Supporting information.

There is a set of data returns, including statutory returns that shall be provided in digital format. These are defined by the DfES and other government agencies. Information about the usage of the platform shall be provided. Concise information supports the use of the software and systems. This information could be in several forms such as paper documents, electronic files for printing or online help.

R16: Support

R17: Timetable management

M The platform shall support development and management of a timetable.

The platform shall support the use of calendars and timetables at the appropriate school levels. Recommended: A timetable module should be able to provide timetable data to other modules. Fuller support of timetable management should be provided at larger schools as appropriate.

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Becta | Functional requirements for information management including MIS

Requirement name
R18: Workforce management

O Description
M The platform shall support staff management.

The platform shall produce statutory school workforce information and shall be able to maintain records about the school workforce. Recommended: Staff cover should be recorded and reported. Records of professional development should be maintained.

R19: Asset management

The platform should provide a system for recording and managing assets.

This should include the tracking of equipment and other resources. Buildings and decoration could be included. The local authority may provide some of this functionality.

R20: Coursework management

The platform should be capable of managing coursework.

Schools should be able to record and submit pupils coursework (formally agreed and accredited units of study). The platform should enable the storage and management of completed coursework and coursework results.

R21: Curriculum planning

The platform should provide support for curriculum planning. Management of dinner money.

This should include production of reports for medium- and long-term planning and support, or integrate with, lesson planning. Facilities should be included to record the payment of dinner money or could include cashless vending. The platform should provide a means of identifying and tracking versions of key documents.

R22: Dinner money

R23: Document management

The platform should enable documents to be managed.

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Becta | Functional requirements for information management including MIS

Requirement name
R24: Financial management

O Description
R The platform should be compatible with Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) and support strategic multi-year budgeting.

Financial management systems can either be provided as part of the information management platform or may be provided externally. The local authority may provide support for financial management. Support for the generation of orders should be provided, that could include e-ordering; this should be based upon catalogues from providers.

R25: Library

The platform should integrate with library management. Options for learners should be managed.

The library system may be part of the platform or a separate system. This is less likely to be a requirement in primary schools. The recording option choices should be record at the appropriate school levels. This is likely to be required for Year 9 and Year 11.

R26: Options

R27: Transition portfolios

The platform should be able to support the creation and maintenance of electronic portfolios for transfer to other organisations. The platform should be capable of supporting web services protocols

This kind of functionality is sometimes provided as part of an e-portfolio system.

R28: Web services

The platform shall be capable of transparently interacting with appropriate web services using standard protocols.

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