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The word "brand", when used as a noun, can refer to a company name, a product name, or a unique identifier such as a logo or trademark.

In a time before fences were used in ranching to keep one's cattle separate from other people's cattle, ranch owners branded, or marked, their cattle so they could later identify their herd as their own.

The concept of branding also developed through the practices of craftsmen who wanted to place a mark or identifier on their work without detracting from the beauty of the piece. These craftsmen used their initials, a symbol, or another unique mark to identify their work and they usually put these marks in a low visibility place on the product.

Not too long afterwards, high quality cattle and art became identifiable in consumers minds by particular symbols and marks. Consumers would actually seek out certain marks because they had associated those marks in their minds with tastier beef, higher quality pottery or furniture, sophisticated artwork, and overall better products. If the producer differentiated their product as superior in the mind of the consumer, then that producer's mark or brand came to represent superiority.

Today'smodern concept of branding grew out of the consumer packaged goods industry and the process of branding has come to include much, much more than just creating a way to identify a product or company. Branding today is used to create emotional attachment to products and companies. Branding efforts create a feeling of involvement, a sense of higher quality, and an aura of intangible qualities that surround the brand name, mark, or symbol.

So what exactly is the definition of "brand"? Let's cover some definitions first before we get too far into the branding process.

WHAT IS A BRAND? If you ask ten marketing professionals or brand managers to define the word "brand", you very well may get ten different answers. Most of the answers you receive, hopefully, will at least have some commonalities.

In my own experience and in my extensive study of brands and branding, there is one definition of "brand" that seems to most succinctly define exactly

what a brand is.

A brand is an identifiable entity that makes specific promises of value. In its simplest form, a brand is nothing more and nothing less than the promises of value you or your product make. These promises can be implied or explicitly stated, but none-the-less, value of some type is promised.


I've heard very strong arguments that public relations is the way a strong brand is truly established and advertising is how the brand is maintained. In fact, recently, authors Al and Laura Ries devoted an entire book, The Fall of Advertising & The Rise of PR, to reinforce and illustrate this idea (Harper, 2002). If you think about this theory for a moment, it makes a lot of sense.

If a brand is successful in making a connection with people and communicating its distinct advantage, people will want to tell others about it and word-of-mouth advertising will develop naturallynot to mention writers in the press will want to write about the brand. Once that type of differentiation is established in the market's mind, advertising can help maintain and shape the brand.

What you need to do in branding is to communicate what the brand distinctively stands for using as few words or images as possible. So remember, branding is all about creating singular distinction, strategic awareness, and differentiation in the mind of the target market--not just awareness. When you have been successful, you will start building equity for your brand.

Brand Equity is the sum total of all the different values people attach to the brand, or the holistic value of the brand to its owner as a corporate asset.

Brand equity can include: the monetary value or the amount of additional income expected from a branded product over and above what might be expected from an identical, but unbranded product; the intangible value associated with the product that can not be accounted for by price or features; and the perceived quality attributed to the product independent of its physical features.

A brand is nearly worthless unless it enjoys some equity in the marketplace. Without brand equity, you simply have a commodity product.

If a brand is not effectively managed then a perception can be created in the mind of your market that you do not necessarily desire. Branding is all about perception.

Wouldn't it be nice to have people perceive you the way you would like them to perceive you? That is what branding and brand management are all about.

Brand management recognizes that your market's perceptions may be different from what you desire while it attempts to shape those perceptions and adjust the branding strategy to ensure the market's perceptions are exactly what you intend

So you may now have a better understanding of what a brand is and why awareness about your brand does not necessarily mean your brand enjoys high brand equity in the marketplace. You might even understand that brand management is all about shaping and managing perceptions. You may still be asking yourself, however, why you should care about branding in the first place.


Most imaging and document product segments are extremely competitive, with multiple brands competing for share of mind in the battle for overall market share. In many cases the competing products and services have very similar feature sets and price points that are available through comparable channels. Brand can often be the key discriminating factor in a customers decision to select one product over another.

Brand is essentially the sum of all experiences related to the product, service, and companies that make and deliver the product. Brand perceptions are shaped by functional experiences (i.e. speed, quality, reliability, ease of use) as well as emotional experiences (i.e. make me feel better, improve my performance, make my life/job more gratifying or easier) the customer associates with the product and company. Brand experiences and perceptions are developed over time through a variety of sources, including: Previous experience with the brand Interactions with sales, customer service, and other employees

Recommendations from friends and colleagues Reviews by reputable sources Advertising

Brand managers need to understand how customers perceive and select brands in specific product categories and market segments. You also need to know what is important to customers when making a brand decision, where customers get information about products and services, and what customers think about your brand.

Most vendors are working with very tight margins and cannot afford to invest in programs that do not demonstrably improve their market position. With marketing costs increasing, you need objective input to make budget decisions for your marketing activities.

Classic Polo regularly conducts extensive brand decision research on the imaging and document technology markets. We can cost-effectively provide you with objective information and insights that will help guide your important marketing decisions.

Measure unaided and aided brand awareness Determine brand share 6

Assess customers brand preference Determine the information sources used in making brand decisions Identify the key factors when selecting a brand Measure the brand performance by key factors (i.e. performance, price, availability) Quantify the strength of the brand by components Understand the role of sales representative in brand selection Measure brand loyalty and premium or discount Determine factors for switching brands


We are all interested in marketing and how it is affected by cultural differences. We wanted to make our dissertation in an international perspective since our major is International Business and we have all been living in other cultures. While living abroad we all faced the situation in which we had to choose between a familiar brand and one for us unknown brand. Thereby we found it interesting to discover the determinants for consumers brand choice.

Further, nowadays people have a demanding lifestyle. They do not have time to stop for a moment and feel their own will. They want to be as efficient as possible; want to save as much time as possible. They feel that time is not enough and that they do not have the required energy.

All the different choices buyers make when purchasing can be stressful and the possibility and demand on how to act and what to say can be an extra burden. Sometimes, consumers want someone to give them a proposal of a product, or just take a product among many, without even bringing the product into line with their needs. It can be difficult to make choices, especially at the first purchase in an unknown environment. Therefore, we wanted to know to what extent people are using brand awareness when choosing brand.

So, it is necessary to do research to know the customer perception on brand awareness.


To study about the Brand awareness of Royal Classic Polo. To analyze the customers perception towards Classic Polo.

To find whether the customers are satisfied with the various brands provided by the Classic Polo that makes them not to loose their customers.

To render valuable suggestions to the management with regards to brand awareness that they could offer to their customers for their well being.


This study helps us to identify customers awareness towards Royal Classic Polo and its products.

The study also identifies how customers perceive the brand name in their mind and identify the customers expectation which helps to enhance the brand awareness and perceptions of the company.



Time was another important constraint for this research. Due to inadequate time, the sample size taken for the study was 100 among the customers in the organization and hence it has limited the research.

The study is confined to a particular organization (Royal Classic Polo, Chennai) and hence, the conclusions must be drawn with due care, when an attempt is made to generalize the result.

Further, the data collected were subjected to recall bias as respondents have recalled from their memory and furnished the readymade information. The respondents have given their opinion and there were no ways to check the correctness of their opinion.

The suggestions, findings and conclusions are based upon the information given by the respondents.



It is a way of systematically solving the research problem. Research Methodology deals with the research design used and other methods used to present the study. Methodology includes a critical evaluation of alternative research strategies and methods. Research work cannot be carried out successfully without a sound methodology and setting of the study. Here researcher describes the statement of the problem, objective of the study, sampling procedures and various tools of data collection. Problems faced during the study and the chapterization of research work. Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve this social problem.

According to the American management association defines marketing research as the systematic gathering recording and analysis of data about the problem related to the marketing of goods and services. Marketing research includes all the activities that enable an organization to obtain the information it needs to make decision about its environment. Its marketing mix and its present or potential market.

Research involves considerable time and money and need specialized personnel. The cost of research must be justified by the benefits of research findings. As such the functions involved are: Systematic collection of data and information. Properly recording them for use Analyzing and interpretation the recorded facts and figures to arrive useful 12



Every researcher has his/her own personal motivations to perform a scientific study while in general; according to Yin (1994), the type of research purpose can be classified into three categories: exploratory research, descriptive research and explanatory research. This research purpose and research questions reveal that this study is primarily descriptive.

Descriptive Research Design

It is designed to describe something, such as demographic characteristics of consumers who use the products. It deals with determining frequency with something occurs or how two variables vary together. This study is also guided by an initial Hypothesis.

Importance of Descriptive Study

During the analysis of characteristics of certain groups, for e.g. users of a product with different age, sex, education etc. To forecast the future trends, e.g. sales of a companys product in each of next five years. To study whether certain variables are associated, e.g. income and usage of a product.



According to Guba and Lincoln (1994), two approaches or methodsquantitative and qualitative are available to researchers. The choice of research approach naturally depends on the defined research problems and the data needed for solving these problems. In this study, qualitative approach has been chosen. A model has been formulated by viewing the related literature and thereby making our research hypothesis.


Yin (1994) has identified five strategies; experiments, surveys, analysis of archival information, histories and case studies. Each of these strategies is a different way of collecting and analyzing empirical evidence. In has distinguished strategies according to three conditions. These conditions are the type of research questions, the extent of control an investigator has over actual behavioral events and also degree of focus on contemporary as opposed to historical events. Required Research Strategy Experiments Survey Archival analysis History Form of research questions How, Why Who, What, Where, How much, How many Who, What, Where, How much, How many How, Why control over behavioral events Yes No No No

Focus on contemporary events Yes Yes No No


Case study

How, Why



This study was on contemporary events and without any control on the behaviors. So, survey strategy was appropriate for this study.


It consists of sixteen set of questions. Questionnaires deals with name, age, gender, type of customers, general impression of Classic polo, familiarity with the brand name, customers memorable with the logo of classic polo, awareness about the company, familiarity through advertisements, classic polo softwares and their satisfaction, brokerage percentage of classic polo, ways to improve their brands, quality they provide for their brands.


The population of interest was defined as the customers of Royal classic polo, Chennai. Sample size refers to the numbers of items to be selected from the universe to constitute a sample. The sample size for this study is 100. The best method for this project is Simple random sampling so that every person has the chance of being selected.

Sampling can be carried out fewer than two important methods, in order to obtain a respective of the sample they are classified as: 1. Probability sampling 2. Non-probability sampling 15

The target population should be defined in term of elements, sampling units, extent and time. An element is the object about which or from which the information is desired. In survey strategy the element is usually the respondent. A sampling unit is a unit containing the element that is available for selection at some stage of the sampling process. Extent refers to the geographical boundaries of the research and the time refers to the period under consideration.


Respondent. classic polo customers chennai June 13th to Aug 6th

Sampling units: Extent Time : :



The task of collecting data being after a research problem has been defined and plan is chalked and plan is chalked out. This study pertains to collect data from primary sources primary data and from secondary sources secondary data.

Primary data: The survey has been undertaken to collect first hand primary data from the customers of Royal Classic Polo, chennai in order to render an effective analysis of the various in a real life setting. Primary data were collected in marketing by orderly designed three basic methods: survey, observation and experiments.

Secondary data: The secondary data were collected from the company website for the purpose of company profile and various other data collected from news papers, magazines and books those were related to stress management.


The data collected from the survey was edited, coded and tabulated for the purpose of analysis and interpretation of data, statistical tools like, Percentage Analysis.


Percentage method is used in marketing comprehension between two more series of data. Percentages are used to compare the relatives terms, the distribution of two or more series of data and are presently by way of bat diagram and pie diagrams in order to have a better understanding.

In this method frequency of the various criteria factors are tabulated and the percentage for each value with respect to the total is found out. They are presented pictorially by way of graphs in order to have better understanding.

The formula is

No. of respondent % of respondent = ---------------------- 100 Total respondent



Research design Statistical tools Research instrument Questionnaire Contact method Method of data collection Sampling method Sampling type Sampling unit Sampling size

- Descriptive research - Percentage method - Questionnaire - Open ended and close ended - Survey - Personal interview - Primary & secondary data - Non-probability sampling - simple random sampling - Consumers - 100



Although the last decades specialized literature revealed and crystallized the concept of brand equity(in relation to which brand awareness is one of the fundamental dimensions) the term has been and still is approached in several manners in the specialized literature.

Aaker (1991) approaches brand equity as a set of fundamental dimensions grouped into a complex system comprising mainly: brand awareness, brand perceived quality, brand loyalty and brand associations. He also suggests a brand equity tenmodel for assessing brand equity . (Aaker, 1996), taking into consideration several factors among which brand awareness is fundamental.

Kevin Lane Keller approaches brand equity from a customer based perspective defining it as the differential effect of brand knowledge on consumer response to the marketing of the brand.


Farquhar (1989) considers that building a strong brand within consumers minds means creating a positive brand evaluation, an accessible brand attitude, and a consistent brand image, the accessible brand attitude actually referring to what the others term as awareness.

An important dimension of brand equity is brand awareness, very often an undervalued component. Not only that awareness is almost a prerequisite for a brand to be included in the consideration set (the brands that receive consideration for purchase), but it also influences perceptions and attitudes, and can be a driver for brand loyalty.

Reflecting the salience of the brand in the customers mind, awareness can be assessed at several levels such as recognition, recall, top of mind, brand dominance (the only brand recalled), or, even more, brand knowledge (what the brand stands for is very well known by consumers).

Brand awareness is the first and prerequisite dimension of the entire brand knowledge system in consumers minds, reflecting their ability to identify the brand under different conditions: the likelihood that a brand name will come to mind and the ease with which it does so.

Brand awareness can be depicted into brand recognition (consumers ability to confirm prior exposure to the brand when given the brand as cue) and brand recall (consumers ability to retrieve the brand when given the product category, the needs fulfilled by the category, or some other cues).


Brand awareness is essential in buying decision-making as it is important that consumers recall the brand in the context of a given specific product category, awareness increasing the probability that the brand will be a member of the consideration set.

Awareness also affects decisions about brands in the consideration set, even in the absence of any brand associations in consumers minds. In low involvement decision settings, a minimum level of brand awareness may be sufficient for the choice to be final. Awareness can also influence consumer decision making by affecting brand associations that form the brand image.

Considering Farquhars (1989) approach of brand equity, the accessible attitude he refers to is related to how quickly a consumer can retrieve brand elements stored in his/her memory (brand awareness).

The attitude activation is sometimes automatic (it occurs spontaneously upon the mere observation of the attitude object) and sometimes controlled (the active attention of the individual to retrieve previously stored evaluation is required). It was also proven (Farquhar, 2000) that only high accessible attitudes (brands with a high level of awareness) can be relevant when purchasing or repurchasing a brand.

Other authors (Laurent, Kapferer and Roussel, 1995) suggest three classical measures of brand awareness in a given product category: spontaneous (unaided)


awareness (consumers are asked, without any prompting, to name the brands they know in the product category in this case the unaided awareness of a brand is the percentage of interviewees indicating they know that brand), top of mind awareness (using the same question, the percentage of interviewees who name the brand first is considered) and, respectively, aided awareness (brand names are presented to interviewees in this case the aided awareness of a brand is the percentage of interviewees who indicate they know that brand).

The outcome of any brand choice can only be known in the future, the consumer being thus forced to deal with uncertainty. Brand choice could be considered the central problem of consumer behaviour, while the perceived risk associated to buying decisions is a pivotal aspect of brand choice. Risk is often perceived to be painful in that it may produce anxiety, in which case it must be dealt in some manner by the consumer.

Among the main functions of a brand from the consumers perspective is considered to be the minimization of perceived purchasing risk, which in turn helps cultivate a trust-based relationship. Brand awareness can influence consumers perceived risk assessment and their confidence in the purchase decision, due to familiarity with the brand and its characteristics.



Global Scenario The Global textile and clothing industry is worth over US$4,395 billion with clothing accounting for 60 percent of the market and textiles remaining 49 percent. 23

USA and European Union(EU) together dominate consumption, accounting for 64 per cent of clothing consumption and 39 percent of textile consumption.

Industry Insight-Indian Textile USA and EU together for a majority of worlds home textile imports. Among the other counters Japan, Australia and New Zealand are the biggest consumers of home textiles. With World Trade Organization (WTO) replacing Multi-fiber agreement (MFT), global textile industry is slated to undergo major structural changes.

The Globalization of the textile trade will increase sourcing from developing countries owing to low labour costs and indigenous fiber supplies. The Countries such as China and India, who are already out of the quota system, will benefit. China is the leading textile exporter in the world. Asian Countries such as India, Pakistan and China, have a competitive advantage thanks to large cotton cultivation base and low cost labour.

2.1.1 Indian Scenario India is a traditional textile -producing country with textiles in general, and cotton in particular, being major industries for the country. India is among the worlds top producers of yarns and fabrics, and the export quality of its products is ever increasing. Textile Industry is one of the largest and oldest industries in India.


Textile Industry in India is a self-reliant and independent industry and has great diversification and versatility. The textile industry can be broadly classified into two categories, the organized mill sector and the unorganized decentralized sector.

The organized sector of the textile industry represents the mills. It could be a spinning mill or a composite mill. Composite mill is one where the spinning, weaving and processing facilities are carried out under one roof. The decentralized sector is engaged mainly in the weaving activity, which makes it heavily dependent on the organized sector for their yarn requirements. This decentralized sector is comprised of the three major segments viz., power loom, handloom and hosiery. In addition to the above, there are readymade garments , khadi as well as carpet manufacturing units in the decentralized sector.

The Indian Textile Industry has an overwhelming presence in the economic life of the country. It is the second largest textile industry in the world after China. Apart from providing one of the basic necessities of life i.e. cloth, the textile industry contributes about 14% to the country's industrial output and about 17% to export earnings. After agriculture this industry provides employment to maximum number of people in India employing 35 million people. Besides, another 50 million people are engaged in allied activities. Textile Industry contributes around 4% of GDP, 9% of excise collections, 18% of employment in industrial sector, and has 16 % share in the countrys export. The Industry contributes around 25% share in the world trade of cotton yarn. India is the largest exporter of yarn in the international market and has a share of 25% in


world cotton yarn export market. India contributes for 12% of the worlds production of textile fibers and yarn.

Indian textile industry is second largest after China, in terms of spindle age, and has share of 23% of the worlds spindle capacity. India has around 6% of global rotor capacity. The country has the highest loom capacity, including handlooms, and has a share of 61% in world loom age. The Apparel Industry is one of largest foreign revenue contributor and holds 12% of the countrys total export.



RCG, a 60 million US $ company, vertically integrated textile major, has been the forefront of quality and innovation since it's inception in 1991, having a fantastic clientele across the Indian market, and in many countries across the globe.

RCGs infrastructure comprises of complete facilities required for knitwear manufacturing, right from Knitting, Wet processing (dyeing), Finishing, Garmenting and Retailing. The ultra modern facilities ensure maximum productivity, with minimum work force required at every stage of production. The periodical modernization at every factory ensures the updates best quality standards available in Industry. All factories are well planned and spaced to take care of future expansion plans too, with all statutory compliances made up to date. All factories are


environment friendly models, with minimum carbon emission and maximum utilization of solar & wind power. Water wastage both industrial & domestic effluent are treated well, and re-used in-house for factory as well as gardening.

As performance bars got raised to new heights and requirements started becoming more demanding in nature, RCG realized that operational efficiencies are the key to acquire the competitive edge, and hence the factories are strategically spread over various places, according to the worker availability and their skill sets present.

The Directors: Mr. R. GOPALAKRISHNAN,(Chairman of the company) Diploma Holder in Textile Technology, with 30 years experience in the Industry. He spearheads on strategy of Company, with hands-on control over manufacturing and export business .

Mr. R. SIVARAM,(Managing Director) Diploma Holder In Civil Engineering, with 20 years experience in the Industry .He heads all manufacturing and Retailing of Domestic brands. They both lead a team of Dedicated, Energetic and Enthusiastic professionals devoted to realize RCGs vision.



RCGs core values are centered on maintaining the highest standards of ethics and business practices in order to achieve the overall objective of being a global player through the relentless pursuit of perfection.

MISSION: To grow Horizontally And vertically in all formats ( MBO, EBO, chain stores)through continuous innovation by offering unparalleled value to create customer delight.

The Royal Classic Groups (RCG) began as an exporter and gradually expanded its wings in the national boundary as a textile giant with two brands under it. Various products are manufactured like, shirts, t-shirts, trousers, denims, sportswear, loungewear, kids wear, and supplied across the globe. All our garments are made in house and we have one of the best facilities available to world standards. Designing concepts keeps on transforming from season to season and as per the latest trends.

Royal Classic Groups is structured into two main formats: EXPORT DIVISION:


Working across cultural boundaries requires a strong expertise on how cultural variables affect outcomes. We leverage our expertise for achieving our clients' goals with our professionals' knowledge, experience, diversity and passion. Our clients consistently say that collaboration with our talented and resourceful team is a key reason why they choose to work withus.

In Knits, RCG specializes in 100% Cotton and Blended fabrics with Polyester / Modal / Spandex. We specialize in Yarn dyed stripes, Mercerized fabrics, Bio wash fabrics, and Rotary prints etc. in all Jersey / Pique, Interlock and Rib constructions.

Having huge in-house fabric Knitting and Wet processing and latest finishing range, we excel the International standards of fabrics with our Ultra modern plants. Product range includes: Men's Premium Golf shirts, Crew neck Tees, A Tees, Men's basic briefs, Trunks and Boxers, Infants clothing, Gift packs are our specialty.

DOMESTIC DIVISION: Over the past 11 years, Royal Classic Groups has been continually improvising, building new brands. RCG has now taken its brands Classic Polo and Smash to worldwide, building a powerful franchise of thousands of loyal customers under its tree. Investments in brand building have enabled the brands to occupy the top positions in their respective categories, all the while allowing the brands to be continually developed.


At Royal Classic Groups, we are constantly innovating to make your shopping experience pleasant. Trust, Excellence, Quality, these are some of the abiding values that have beenalliedwithus.

We produce 540+ designs per season that have found their way across the globe with others. Our consistent focus on cutting-edge research and technology has resulted in pioneering new products which have set new benchmarks in the textile industry. Having a thorough grasp of the domestic market, which is a major advantage for Indian Retail businesses. It is impossible for every locality to develop a common model; therefore, retail businesses should use their accumulated experiences to come up with appropriate solutions. And so, our brands have carved a niche in the mid-premium segment by showing a continuous growth in its business graph and therefore we are unconditionally accepted by our customers.

RCG has been growing +60% years on year since inception. In retail front, the company has an optimistics target to reach 100 exclusive stores accrose India by March12. Every year RCG launches 2-3 new brands in to the fashion industry apart from the design innovation every year.


The Brand is present all over India in 65 exclusive brand outlets and 3500 multi Brand outlets. Every design is an outcome of R&D which is in-house and is supervised by team of international technicians. 30

Classic Polo was launched in 14 th feb of 2001,in technical collaboration with Kitaro,Germany, 100% vertically integrated and the parent company with worth 420 corers.Classic Polo company ownes three other brand Viz., Swiss Club. O press, Smash.

Segment Core Product Segment Price and Positioning Target group U.S.P Product Range

Description SMART CASUALS (mid premium) 20-35 years, upwardly mobile,SEC B+>>> Widest range Work wears T-shirts/shirts/trouser/cargos /Jackets/sweater/Loungewear

Brand Promise

Variety and Value for money.

The two major brands under the tree of Royal Classic Groups are: CLASSIC POLO :

Classic Polo, one of the Indias finest indigenously manufactured complete men's wardrobe solution which was launched in 2001, Feb 14th by Royal Classic 31

Groups. The flagship brand of Royal Classic Groups, Classic Polo has over the years metamorphosis into a dynamic and responsive brand in mens category. Today, it has the privilege of being one of the few power brands for young professionals that fuses international trends with innovative fashion, reasonably priced. SMASH :

'Smash' the innerwear category from the house of RCG has carved its own place in the IG/UG market. Smash stands for quality and comfort, positioned as a mid-segment brand. Enjoys a very strong brand recall: The Red Bull stands for aggression, wild, a macho and confident, characteristic that goes well with male category.

Infrastructure: Innovation in manufacturing programs of garment occur in the production facilities very often. The specialization reflets in the quality of the goods delivered, as the workers, exclusives and machinery are trained and tuned for that purpose.

Cotton Farming Ginning and Pressing 32

Spinning Yarn Knitting Dying and finishing Garmenting Captive Power plant


One of the major problem which Royal Classic Polo in Chennai faces is the lack of maintenance of their products. So, the customers are not aware of some of the products. Hence there arises lack of brand awareness especially for trousers.

Annual sales report of Classic polo shows that there was a decline in the sales for trousers, whereas there was a good sale for t-shirts which makes the

company to be more profitable. So, the company starts to concentrate on the increase of sale of t-shirts and pays less attention to increase the trouser sales.

To purchase more products and services, it requires more than simple brand awareness. We also need to have positive evaluations and emotions about the brand. Indeed, brands can increase their levels of brand awareness by performing poorly.


This may explain why brands with enormous strategic problems and flagging sales, register strong in brand awareness.



This chapter contains various Tables and Chart prepared from the entire survey on the respondents who are the customers of Royal Classic Polo, Chennai

Table No.1 Respondents by Gender wise distribution No. of Respondents 76 24 100

S.No 1. 2. Male Female Total


Percentage 76 24 100

Source: Questionnaire


From the above table, It can be seen that out of 100 respondents 76% are males and the other 24 % are females. Thus majority of the respondents are male. This shows men show more interest than women in share market.

Chart 1 Respondents by Gender wise distribution


Table No.2 Age of Respondents S.No 1. 2 2. 3. Age 18- 25 Years 25-35 years 35-45 Years 45 and above Total
Source: Questionnaire

Percentage 55 25 12 8 100

From the above Table No.2, it is clear that out of 100 respondents, 55% are between 18-25 years of age, 25% are between 25-35 years of age,12% are between


35-45 years of age and 8% are above 45 years of age. Thus it is concluded that a majority of the respondents are between 18 to 25 years of age group. These shows 18-25 years of age group shows more interest in share market.

Chart No.2 Age of the Respondents


Table No.3 Type of Customer Type Trader Speculator Value 40 14 Percentage 40% 14%



46 Source: Questionnaire



As per the above Table it is very clear that out of 100 respondents, 40% of the respondents are Traders. 46% of respondents believe in long term investment And 14% of respondents are speculators.

So, from the study it is understood that long term investment is the main objective of the customers.



Table No.4 General Impression about Royal Classic Polo

S.No 1. 2. 3.

General Impression High quality service More Reliable and user friendly Good customer support

Percentage 52 18 8


4. 5.

Low brokerage slabs Quick fund transfer Total Source: Questionnaire

12 10 100

From the above Table it can be understood that out of all respondents, 70% respondents general impression about Royal Classic Polo is it offers High quality service and reliable

And 8% of respondents general impressions about Royal Classic Polo is It offers good customer support.

Therefore, according to the above analysis majority of the respondents believes that Royal Classic Polo gives high quality service and reliable.

Chart No.4 General Impression about Royal Classic Polo


60 50 40 30 20 10 0

High quality service More Reliable and user friendly Good customer support Low brokerage slabs Quick fund transfer


Table No.5 How Familiar with Royal Classic Polo

S.No 1.

Opinion Never heard of Royal Classic Polo 42

Value 14

Percentage 14%

2. 3 4 5

Heard of Royal Classic Polo but never buy their products Buy their products occasionally Buy their products on a regular basis Total

30 35 21 100

30% 35% 21% 100%

Source: Questionnaire

From the above Table it can be understood that out of 100 respondents, 56% of customers have bought Royal Classic Polo products and 44% of respondents never buy their products. And also out of 100 respondents 86% of respondents are aware of Royal Classic Polo. Therefore according to the above analysis only 14% of respondents never heard about Royal Classic Polo.

Chart No. 5 How Familiar with Royal Classic Polo.


35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Buy their products on a regular basis Never heard of Royal Classic Polo

Heard of Royal Classic Polo but never buy their products Buy their products occasionally


Table No.6 How memorable the logo of Royal Classic Polo How memorable the logo of Royal Classic Polo It is not memorable as well as unique It is memorable, but it is not unique It is not memorable, but it is unique It is memorable, it is unique It is very memorable, it is very unique Total Source: Questionnaire

S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Percentage 2% 16% 10% 40% 32% 100%

From the above Table No.6, it can be understood that out of 100 respondents, 40% of customers said that Royal classic polo logo is memorable as well as unique, 32% of customers said that Royal classic Polo logo is very memorable, it is very unique. Only 2% of customers said that Royal classic Polo logo is not memorable as well as unique. Other 26% of customers said that Royal classic Polo logo is whether memorable or unique.


Chart No.6

How memorable the logo of Royal classic Polo


Table no.7 Where have you seen advertisements for Brand Royal classic Polo Advertisements for Brand Royal classic Polo Billboards Magazines Newspapers Online Public transportation Other(TV, Radio etc) Total

S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Percentage 2% 6% 10% 72% 2% 8% 100%


From the above Table No.7, it can be understood that out of 100 respondents, 72% of respondents have seen advertisement of Royal classic Polo through Online, only 16% of respondents have seen advertisement of Royal classic Polo in Magazines and Newspapers. 4% of respondents have seen the advertisements in billboards and public transportation and 8% of respondents have seen in TV and Radio etc.


Chart No.7 Where have you seen advertisements for Brand Royal classic Polo


Table no: 8 Product Awareness S. no 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type of products

Mutual funds

Commodity Demat Nfo Ipo More than one Total

Source: Questionnaire

Percentage 8 7 65 4 6 10 100

From the above Table No.8, it can be understood that out of 100 respondents 65% of respondents are aware of Demat A/C ,7% of respondents aware of Commodity and 8% Aware of Mutual Funds. And 10% of respondents are aware of more than one product of Royal classic Polo.


Chart No.8 Products awareness


Table no: 9 Awareness about Classic Polos Software


From this we are clear that 52% of the people use classic polo plus and 13% prefers classic polo swift and 35% prefers classic polo easy


Chart No.9 Awareness about Classic Polos software


Table No.10


Percentage of Satisfied Customers with Classic polo software Are you satisfied with software Yes No Total

S.No 1. 2.

Percentage 90 10 100

From the above Table No.10, it can be understood that out of 100 respondents 90% of respondents are fully satisfied with Classic polos software only 10% of respondents are not satisfied with software, because it is not user friendly and also has a lot of technical terms which makes the software little complicated.

Chart No.10 53

Percentage of Satisfied Customers with Royal Classic Polo


Table No.11 Brokerage plans of Royal Classic Polo

S.No 1. 2. Yes No

Are you aware of brokerage rates Total

Percentage 82 18 100

From the above Table No.11, it can be understood that out of 100 respondents 82% of respondents are aware of brokerage plans given by Royal Classic Polo Only 18% of respondents are not aware of plans of Royal Classic Polo.

Chart No.11


Awarness about brokerage rates

Table No.12


Customers suggestion about new products

S.No 1. 2. 3.

Way of approach to customers Show you through a brochure, mailer or your website Through a telephone call or visit by a representative. Getting a sample for hands-on experience Total

Percentage 50 42 8 100

From the above Table No.12, it can be understood that out of 100 respondents 50% of respondents like to show the new products of Royal Classic Polo you through a brochure, mailer or their website 42% of respondents like to tell them Through a telephone call or visit by a representative. Only 8% of respondents like to get a sample for hands-on experience.


Chart No.12

Customers suggestion about new products

Table No.13


Quality of service

S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Quality of service Extremely unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Average Satisfactory Extremely satisfactory Total

Percentage 4% 6% 52% 26% 12% 100

From the above Table No.15, it can be understood that out of 100 respondents 52% of respondents feel that Royal Classic Polo provide them an average service. 26% of respondents feel that quality of service received by Royal Classic Polo is very satisfied.12% of respondents feel quality of service received by Royal Classic Polo is first-class. Only 10% of respondents feel that quality of service received by Royal Classic Polo is Unsatisfactory this is because no proper communication and no proper customer care department

Chart No.13


Quality of service

Table no: 14 Royal Classic Polo Products


S. no 1 2 3 4 5 6

Mutual funds

Commodity Equity shares Nfo Ipo More than one Total

No of respondents ever purchased the products 15 35 6 10 21 13 100

From this we come to know that 15% of the respondents purchased the products through mutual funds and 35% through commodity and 6% through equity and 10% through Nfo and 21% through Ipo and 13% through more than this.


Chart no: 14 Royal Classic Polo Products




Nearly 76% of the male prefer share market. People in the age limit of 18 to 25 years are mostly doing online trading. Nearly 64% of customers are saying that Classic polo offers high quality service. Classic polo mainly concentrates on demat account opening. Around 90% of people are fully satisfied with software provided by Classic polo According to the quality of service given by Classic polo only 10% of people are not satisfied with Classic polo. According to the survey Classic polo is very friendly and also very reliable with their customers and more systematic in nature. Most of the customers are fully aware of the Classic polos products and services. Percentage of non trading customers in Classic polo is very less.



To attract middle class people Classic polo should give their advertisement through media like Television, Radio, Newspaper etc... They should concentrate on other products also other than demate. Classic polo Plus software is one of the major advantages of Classic polo so it should be user friendly. They should reorganize the customer care department and also relationship management department. Punctual and efficient level is low in Classic polo so they should improve these two. Proper communication system is also lacking so they should appoint some person to manage the communication system. They should concentrate on all the products they sale. They should be aware of their product strategy always.

As per the analysis, the clients are satisfied some aspects like secured to trade on online with Classic polo, Brokerage charges, Overall services of Classic polo and quality of Online trading product. The satisfaction level regarding product and services varies from one another. Even though the clients are satisfied, the company must upgrade its product and services in order to convert the satisfaction level to delight one.


I have noticed that some of the clients are said that they are not getting much proper response after opening account, so Classic polo should take necessary steps to reduce the grievances of the client.

This study also shows that the clients are aware with the present product and services of Classic polo. Their satisfactory level is also very good but in some cases they are not satisfied with Classic polo. Even though Innovation and reliability make Classic polo as a leading brokerage company in India.





3) Age 35 to 45

: above 45 years

18 TO 25 years

25 to 35

4) Which type of customer you are Investor



5) What are your general impressions of Classic polo ? 1. High quality service 2. More reliable and user friendly 3. Good customer support 4. Low brokerage 5. Quick fund transfer

6) How familiar are you with Brand Name Classic polo ? 1. Ive never heard of Classic polo 2. Ive heard of Classic polo but never buy their products 3. I buy their products occasionally 4. I buy their products on a regular basis 7) How memorable would you rate the logo of Classic polo? 1. It is not memorable or distinct, it is not unique 2. It is memorable or distinct, but it is not unique 3. It is not memorable or distinct, but it is unique 4. It is memorable or distinct, it is unique 5. It is very memorable or distinct, it is very unique 8) Where have you seen advertisements for Brand Classic polo? 1. Billboards 2. Magazines 3. Newspapers 4. Online 5. Public transportation 6. Other 9) Which of the following Classic polo products are you aware of? 1. Mutual Funds 2. Commodity 3. Demat 4. NFO 5. IPO 6. If more than one please specify


10) Which of the Classic polo soft wares are you aware of? 1. 2. 3. 4. Classic polo Plus Classic polo Swift Classic polo Easy If more than one please specify

11) Are you satisfied with software provided by Classic polo? Yes If No please specify the reasons No

12) Are you aware of brokerage percentage given by Classic polo? YES NO

13) In thinking about the quality of service you have received from us recently, how did we fare? 1. Extremely unsatisfactory 2. Unsatisfactory 3. Average 4. satisfactory 5. Extremely satisfactory If you indicated Unsatisfactory or extremely unsatisfactory, please could you tell us what happened?

15) Which of the following Classic polo product have you ever purchased? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mutual Funds Commodity Equity shares NFO IPO


6. If more than one please specify


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