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articulate the theme covered, your approach towards

covering the theme, the industries/companies that will be researched to cover the
theme, data sources you would looking at, methodology and any other factors that you
consider relevant to the issue under consideration.

1) Pow can flrmspeclflc advanLages be harnessed Lo arresL Lhe aLLrlLlon of counLryspeclflc
advanLages as newer locales wlLh slmllar resource poslLlons emerge across Lhe world? Lxplore Lhls
Lheme ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe lndlan 8C (l1LS) lndusLry


lndlan l1 lndusLry evoluLlon
l1es 8C lndusLry overvlew
CurrenL challenges hllllplnes wlLh slmllar resources eLc

The ndian information technology (T) industry has played a key role in putting ndia on the global
map. Over the past decade, the ndian T-BPO sector has become the country's premier growth
engine, crossing significant milestones in terms of revenue growth, employment generation and
value creation, in addition to becoming the global brand ambassador for ndia.
(NASSCOM), 'T-BPO Sector in ndia: Strategic Review 2011,' the sector is estimated to aggregate
revenues of US$ 88.1 billion in FY2011 from US$ 73.1 billion in FY2010. Clobal Lechnology spendlng
grew by 4 ln 2010 Lo uSu $16 Lrllllon whlch was ouLpaced by global sourclng growLh of 10 Lo $102
bllllon ln 2010 lndla's share ln global sourclng was 33 ln 2010 up from 31 ln 2009 Lven Lhe domesLlc
markeL ls growlng aL a healLhy raLe of 16 on ?C? basls

1he lndusLry added 90000 new [obs ln Lhe 20092010 Laklng Lhe LoLal number of employees Lo 23 mllllon
lL also generaLed around 82 mllllon lndlrecL [obs

lndla's l1eS exporLs have grown Lo uS$ 124 bllllon ln 20092010 from uS$ 117 bllllon ln
200809 a growLh of more Lhan 39 per cenL l1eS ls Lhe fasLesLgrowlng segmenL across Lhe
l1 servlces and sofLware segmenLs and accounLs for 20 per cenL of Lhe counLry's l1 lndusLry (lncludlng
hardware) hile labour arbitrage has been a key driver for this growth, other factors such as access to
talent, service quality, productivity, and time-to-market have gained importance. 1he lndusLry has graduaLed
Lo provldlng a hlgh proporLlon of volcebased servlces as well as a range of backofflce processlng servlces
1he secLor's scope of servlces has expanded ln Lhe lasL Lhree Lo four years Lo lnclude lncreaslngly complex
processes lnvolvlng rulebased declslon maklng and research servlces

Most horizontal BPO5 segments (e.g., Customer nteraction and Support6, Finance & Accounting,
Human Resources, Procurement Services, and Knowledge Services) have matured significantly and
account for more than 70 percent of the ndian BPO industry. Another dimension of increased maturity of the
industry is reflected in the growing importance
of vertical-specific processes7. More than 25 percent of the ndian BPO market today consists of
delivering functions and processes that are specific to a particular industry or vertical.
Continuing on current growth momentum could help the ndian BPO industry reach about US$ 30
billion in export revenues by 2012. However there are a number of challenges, ndian BPO industry is facing,
e.g. ready to consume talent, emerging competition from other offshore locations. These off shore location
are emerging as viable options for BPO delivery centers (e.g., Philippines, Eastern Europe, Latin America,
and China), and could pose a threat to ndia's continued dominance of the space. These locations also offer
cost than source geographies, provide sizeable pools of talent, and offer valuable leverage points to
buyers. Further, these competing destinations are continuing to reshape their fiscal and regulatory
incentive structures to attract buyers as well as providers of BPO services.

Approach / MeLhodology
1 8ecenL Lrend ln Lhe l1es 8C lndusLry AdvanLage and Challenges
2 1o sLudy varlous Lypes of exlsLlng 8C models SLandalone 8Cs capLlves and l1 8C plaLform
(Core l1 cos wlLh 8C capablllLles)
3 SLudy of flrmspeclflc advanLages and dlfferenLlaLlon capablllLles among varlous players ln 8C
4 SLudy of lmpacL from new emerglng locaLlon
3 ueLermlnlng sLraLegles Lo counLer Lhe lmpacL of Lhese emerglng locaLlon by leveraglng flrmspeclflc

uaLa sources
rlmary research
Secondary research reporLs nasscom l8Ll flrms' web pages CuarLerly reporLs
WhlLe apers mpact of T-BPO ndustry in ndia: A Decade in Review, ndian T-BPO ndustry: Building
Future Ready Organisations, BPO 3.0: Charging Ahead
Databases: ETntelligence, BD, EBSCO, Prowess, Capitaline etc
nterviews/speeches of industry captains etc.

CLher facLors CounLry speclflc regulaLlons ln 8C secLor uemographlc dlvldend Sklll seL exchange raLes

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