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Monroeville, PA Location Improvement Plan

Through data analytics using database software Open*Mart is reinvented. The Monroeville, PA location is given a new targeting plan, a new advertising scheme, a new layout, and more. This report covers the process that Dr. Yoo is advised to follow in order to raise the status of his Open*Mart location.

IE 330 Final Project December 5, 2011

Patrick Clifford Joe Gigliotti Brittany Murphy Michael Tomashefski

Introduction Retail analytics is the in-depth process of retail improvement through smarter and more effective business decisions. These decisions are driven by the analysiss data which supports possible choices and options for retail companies. This data is retrieved through studies that include analyzing past retail transactions and the details of each. Trends can be observed through the retail data leading to future predictions and ultimately a more efficiently run business. Retail analytics can help implement an entirely new system to a retail operation, completely transforming the way a business runs. Problem Description Open*Mart is a retail company specializing in providing customers with the products they need whether it be home appliances, groceries, clothing, computers, or more. They focus on providing their customers with specialized sections, each focusing on different product types. With multiple locations around the U.S., Open*Mart aims to run each locations at top efficiency. Dr. Yoo, the manager of the Monroeville, PA Open*Mart location, is interested in conducting a retail analysis of his store. Hes looking to improve the sales and increase profits; all while making things run more smoothly. As a retail manager, Dr. Yoo is not confident enough to improve his store on his own. After receiving a call from his CEO, Dr. Liying, Dr. Yoo is hoping to provide Dr. Liying with a detailed analysis of an efficiently run store. Dr. Yoo has hired Dr. Reddy, an employee of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to provide him with detailed transaction and demographic data. Mr. Reddy collected transaction data related to the previous two years of sales. This data was dumped into a data warehouse. The transaction data contains the following information: Customer ID, Item Type, Item Number, Vendor ID, Week, Day, and Units Bought. Using a data dictionary, each attribute for each transaction is given a number relating to a specific definition. In addition to the transaction data, Mr. Reddy contacted his manager, Mr. David, to assist him in the data analysis. Mr. David gathered demographic data. This data includes information pertaining to the customers of the Monroeville, PA Open*Mart location. Details of customers family size, income, ethnicity, pets, tvs, ages, children, work hours, occupation, education, and magazine subscriptions are included in the data. Stored similarly to the transaction data, the demographic data also contains numbers relating to a data dictionary. The problem at hand for Dr. Yoo is a store below the quality Dr. Liying would approve of. He is relying on Mr. Reddy to provide him with the necessary report to impress Dr. Liying on the status of his store. Project Objectives Dr. Yoo is, overall, aiming to improve his store. This can be achieved by improving sales and improving efficiency. Improving sales will be accomplished by pulling in more customers.

Through advertising and couponing, more customers will learn about more deals and more products. It is important to know how to advertise to customers based on their specific needs. Customers can be grouped based on family and transaction characteristics. Family characteristics include family size, ages, ethnicity, income, and more. Transaction characteristics include items bought, quantity of items bought, frequency of purchases, items bought together, and more. Improving efficiency will be achieved by analyzing trends in purchases. By knowing what has been purchased together and when it has been purchased, Dr. Yoo will know what items to have on stock for the future. Improved efficiency can also be reached through store layout. Placing items that are frequently purchased together near each other, customers can find their desired products more quickly. Simple ways to locate wanted items is important; it keeps customers happy so that they are sure to return to Dr. Yoos store again. Methodology This project requires turning a large set of raw data into usable information by using explicit data mining techniques to give a store specific advice and recommendations. The first step that needed to be done was to comprehend the database schema. This schema needs to cover all the information that is included for this project. For this to work properly it also requires the use of primary and foreign keys in order to build relationships. When the schema is completely filled out, an ER diagram can be fabricated with the information. The ER diagram for this project needed to have many tables and relationships that completely cover the data being used. It was determined that 7 tables should be used for this project: coupon usage, customer information, female information, male information, items in the store, transaction, and subscription. Then we also needed 6 relationships in order to link the tables, this included: items bought, coupons used, subscriptions, transactions, males in household, and females in household. With all this set up the next step is to set up these data bases in Microsoft Access and upload the data from Microsoft Excel. Then all the data types and relationships are completed so that the Access file has all the information and it is all associated together logically. The Microsoft Access database allows us to write different queries in order to find target data. This was the main focus in the next step quires were written that allows us to locate useful information. The queries that we decided to write included: what items are bought together, what items people with children buy, where people get the most coupons from, what are the major subscriptions and what they buy, finding top customers and products, and finally what is the most popular brand of snacks. These quires give us information that allow us to easily identify what items to advertise, how to layout the store, and what type of products to sell more of. After the queries are written out another method to gather information on a database is K Means clustering. K Means clustering is an advance algorithm that determines the buying habits of customers and groups them into similar behaviors. This algorithm was written in Microsoft Excel with VBA coding to take the purchasing information of 2 products and group their buyers by how much they buy. This was done for 8 pairs of items to better understand customers buying habits. Along with K means clustering another tool to understand the

customers buying habits is the similarity analysis. The similarity analysis gives a good understanding on what items are purchased by a certain demographic of people. This information can be used to send out coupons and advertisements to those demographics of people that buy a product the most. The last thing to do in the project was to take all the information that was gathered in the previous steps and make detailed recommendations that could benefit the company. These recommendations include product placement within the store, who to advertise certain products to, what products to buy more of, and what deals to give on items bought together. These recommendations could save the company a lot of money on advertising costs by only selecting a target demographic of people to publicize to. These recommendations can also lead to higher customer loyalty by sending deals to frequent customers. Database Design The information that was given pertaining to the stores transactions and customers were examined and split into seven tables in order to make the information easier to analyze. Each of the tables names and attributes can be seen below in the database schema. Transaction(TransactionID, CustomerID, Week, Day, UnitsBought) Item(TransactionID, ItemType, ItemNumber, VendorID) Coupon(TransactionID, CouponValue, CouponOrigin) Customer(CustomerID, FamilySize, Income, Ethnicity, Dogs, Cats, NumberTVs, Children) Subscriptions(CustomerID, Cable, Newspaper, BetterH&G, GoodHouse, LadiesHJ, McCalls, Redbook, ReadersDigest, Cosmopolitan, TVGuide, People, Glamour, Time, Newsweek) MaleInformation(CustomerID, Age, WorkHours, Occupation, Education) FemaleInformation(CustomerID, Age, WorkHours, Occuparion, Education) In order to set up the relationships for each of the tables given above, an ER diagram was constructed. The ER diagram can be found in the Appendix and shows how the whole database is related, as well as the primary keys for each table and all of the remaining attributes. Below are all of the queries that were used in order to analyze the information in the database. For each query there is a short summary of what it is meant to return, the code that was written, and a sample of the results. Types of Items Bought Organized by Number Children: This query organizes the type of item bought along with how many children the customer has. It then gives the number of each of the units bought. This query is used to determine how to advertise to people with children and also to better organize the store.

SELECT customer.children, item.itemtype, count(item.itemtype) AS numberofitems FROM customer, item, [transaction] WHERE customer.customerid = transaction.customerid AND transaction.transactionid = item.transactionid GROUP BY customer.children, item.itemtype;

Image 1

Where the Coupons Came From: This table shows the location where each of the coupons used came from. This query was used to place coupons in locations that they will be used and seen the most. SELECT couponorigin, count(couponorigin) AS number_used FROM coupon WHERE couponorigin > 18 GROUP BY couponorigin ORDER BY count(couponorigin) DESC;

Image 2

Number of Each Subscriptions that the Customers have: This shows an example of the number of subscriptions the customers have for Better home & Gardens. This code was repeated for each of the types of subscriptions. This query was used to determine what are the most popular magazine so that coupons and advertisements can be used more efficiently. SELECT count(betterhg) AS Better_home_garden FROM subsciption WHERE betterhg = "yes";

Image 3

Number of Each of the Items Bought: This query tells the top and bottom number of units sold. This can be analyzed to determine placement in the store along with how to advertise the items. SELECT Item.ItemType, SUM (Transaction.UnitsBought) AS TotalUnits FROM Item, [Transaction] WHERE Item.TransactionID=Transaction.TransactionID

GROUP BY Item.ItemType ORDER BY SUM (Transaction.UnitsBought) DESC;

Image 4

Top Customers: This query tells the top customer by how many units they bought. This information is useful to send special promotions to these people in order to keep them loyal to the company. SELECT TOP 10 Sum(Transaction.UnitsBought) AS TotalUnits, Customer.CustomerID FROM Customer, [Transaction] WHERE Customer.CustomerID = Transaction.CustomerID GROUP BY Customer.CustomerID ORDER BY SUM(Transaction.UnitsBought) DESC;

Image 5

Items Bought by TV Owners: This query tells what units are bought by people who own televisions. This information is useful in determining what items to advertise on television. SELECT item.itemtype, count(transaction.unitsbought) AS number_units_bought FROM item, subsciption, [transaction] WHERE subsciption.customerid = transaction.customerid AND transaction.transactionid = item.transactionid AND subsciption.cable ="yes" GROUP BY item.itemtype;

Image 6

Items Bought by People Who Have the Top 3 Subscriptions: The first query is the types of items bought by people who have a subscription for Better Homes & Gardens. Better home and gardens was determined to be the 3rd most popular subscription so knowing which items people who had this subscription bought can help determine what items to advertise. SELECT item.itemtype, count(item.itemtype) AS Number_of_units FROM item, subsciption, [transaction] WHERE subsciption.customerid = transaction.customerid AND transaction.transactionid = item.transactionid AND subsciption.betterhg = "yes" GROUP BY item.itemtype ORDER BY count(item.itemtype);

Image 7

Items Bought by People Who Have a Subscription to Readers Digest: The next query is the types of items bought by people who have a subscription to Readers Digest. Readers Digest was the 2nd most popular subscription, so knowing which items people who had this subscription bought can help determine what items to advertise. SELECT item.itemtype, count(item.itemtype) AS Number_of_units FROM item, subsciption, [transaction] WHERE subsciption.customerid = transaction.customerid AND transaction.transactionid = item.transactionid AND subsciption.readersdigest = "yes" GROUP BY item.itemtype ORDER BY count(item.itemtype);

Image 8

Items Bought by People Who Have a Subscription to the Newspaper: This query is for people who have a subscription to the newspaper. The newspaper had the most subscriptions of any other magazine so knowing which items people who had this subscription bought can determine what items to advertise. Also because the newspaper is circulated in local areas it is the most effective way to advertise to subscription holders.

SELECT item.itemtype, count(item.itemtype) AS Number_of_units FROM item, subsciption, [transaction] WHERE subsciption.customerid = transaction.customerid AND transaction.transactionid = item.transactionid AND subsciption.newspaper = "yes" GROUP BY item.itemtype ORDER BY count(item.itemtype);

Image 9

Items Bought Together: This query shows what items are bought together by the customers. This information is useful to determine any special deals to place on items along with how to place the items in the store. SELECT Transaction.Week, Item.ItemType, SUM (Transaction.UnitsBought) as Item_Bought FROM [Transaction], Item WHERE Transaction.TransactionID=Item.TransactionID GROUP BY Transaction.Week, Item.ItemType

ORDER BY transaction.week;

Image 10

Number of Units Sold of 17 by Each Vendor: This query breaks down how much each vendor sells of item number 17. This is useful in order to see which vendor has the most popular product in order to buy more from them and less from unpopular types. Select item.vendorid, count(transaction.unitsbought) AS units_bought FROM item, transaction WHERE item.itemtype = 17 AND item.transactionid = transaction.transactionid GROUP BY item.vendorid ORDER BY count(transaction.unitsbought) DESC;


Image 11

Analytics K-means clustering was used in order to group customers together based on the products that they buy. The top four items that customers buy and the bottom two items that customers buy were compared using k-means clustering. First, the number of units bought by each customer was used to construct a list of each customer and how many of each of the two items they bought. Next, the three columns of information, customer ID and the number of each item bought by that individual, was put into an Excel file that already contained the Visual Basic code for k-means clustering. The VBA code was altered for each individual situation. The number of clusters was either 3 or 4, and the number of data points for each situation was different. After the code was properly altered, it was run and the results gave which customer was in each cluster and the centroid of the clusters. From this information a plot could be constructed making it easy to see where the clusters fell on the graph. All of the k-means clustering plots that were used in the analysis can be seen in the Appendix. The plots were then studied in order to determine which groups of customers would be best to use to perform similarity analysis. For instance, if a cluster of customers is buying a lot of one item and only a little bit of another item, these people could be offered promotions that would get them to buy more of the less bought item. Also through k-means clustering, customers can be analyzed to see if there are clusters of people that might already be interested in a certain item and coupons could get them to buy more of these items.

Results Item Sale Analysis Looking at the total sales for each item overall and per day helps visualize and understand overall sales.

Total Volume by Item

9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Item Type

Seen here in graph 1 the total sales of each item over the two year period are shown. This reiterates the data given in the queries.

Units Sold

Item Volume by Day of Week

1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1 2 3 4 Day of Week
Graph 2

Units Sold

Item 17 Item 12 Item 8 Item 5 Item 3 5 6 7

The graph shown here, graph 2, shows the total sales of each item per week. This will help Dr. Yoo to know when the store will be busiest during the week.

Similarity Analysis
Similarity Coefficients Matrix 1 2 3 4 1 - 2 0.33 - 3 0.33 0.67 - 4 0.67 0.67 0.33 - 5 0.67 0.33 0.33 0.67 6 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 7 0.33 0.67 0.67 0.33 8 0.33 1 0.67 0.67 9 0.17 0.5 0.5 0.5 10 0.5 0.17 0.17 0.5 5 - 0.33 0.67 0.33 0.5 0.83 6 - 0.33 0.67 0.5 0.17
Table 1

7 - 0.67 0.5 0.5

8 - 0.5 0.17

9 - 0.67

10 -

This similarity coefficient matrix shows the top ten customers that bought the most items within the analyzed time frame. The matching coefficient was used to obtain the percentages shown. These are based on 6 attributes that were used to determine the similarities between the 10 different families. Analyzing the matrix, the families with the most similar attributes recommended that targeting other families with the same attributes would sell more items in the store. The people that should be targeted when creating advertisements are families of at least three people, with incomes that are average, under 35,000. Both families also did not subscribe to the paper, so newspaper ads wouldnt be as effective as other types of advertisement. Pets were also not present with these families, so specials on the animal supplies would also not affect these shoppers. Similarity analysis on different items These five similarity coefficient matrices were taken from specific clusters in the K-means clustering data. Four of them are comparing the most bought items in order to know the attributes for the people that are buying the most from the store. The attributes that were looked at included family size, income, children and certain subscriptions. The largest number in the matrix gave the two customers that were most similar. Since they are buying the top items, their attributes were analyzed and found whom to target with advertisements.

1 2 3 4 5

Similarity Coefficients Matrix for item 8 and 12 1 2 3 4 - 0.57 - 0.71 0.57 - 0.57 0.71 0.57 - 0.57 0.71 0.57 1.00
Table 2

5 -

Here customer 4 and 5 are the most similar so they were looked at closer to try to generalize what type of person is most likely to buy the two items. The people that are most likely to buy eggs and cook are a family of one person, that doesnt make more than $35,000 and has no subscriptions to cable or the newspaper. This will help in advertising because it is known that for these two items the newspaper and T.V. are not places to advertise towards. Similarity Coefficients Matrix for items 8 and 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 - 2 0.43 - 3 0.43 0.71 - 4 0.43 0.43 0.43 - 5 0.57 0.86 0.57 0.51 -
Table 3

In this matrix items 3 and 8 were compared. Customer 2 and 5 were the most similar, so they were analyzed further. It was observed that a family of one person, that doesnt make more than $35,000 and doesnt subscribe to the newspaper, should be targeted for these two items. It is realized that it would be a good idea to group all the items together when advertising because similar people buy all three. Similarity Coefficients Matrix for items 17 and 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 - 2 0.43 - 3 0.57 0.57 - 4 0.43 0.43 0.57 - 5 0.43 0.43 0.86 0.71 -
Table 4


In this matrix, families 5 and 4 were most similar. Their attributes were not all the same however, they did share the attribute of children under the age of 11. When trying to sell more snacks and butter, it is recommended to target families with kids. It is noted that the families have cable, so using cable advertisements would be efficient to target them. Similarity Coefficients Matrix for items 17 and 12 1 2 3 4 5 1 - 2 0.57 - 3 0.57 0.43 - 4 0.57 0.71 0.43 - 5 0.57 0.71 0.71 0.43 -
Table 5

This similarity matrix did not really do a good job in telling whom to target. Families 2, 4 and 5 are looked at to see what they had in common. It was found that when advertising for snacks and eggs, newspaper ads would not be very effective. This is due to the fact that no one that bought these items subscribes to the newspaper. Similarity Coefficients Matrix for items 17 and 15 1 2 3 4 5 1 - 2 0.57 - 3 0.57 0.14 - 4 0.29 0.43 0.43 - 5 0.57 0.43 0.43 0.71 -
Table 6

This analysis gave the similarities between a top selling item, snacks, and a lower selling item, pizza. The two families that had the same income under $35,000 both had a newspaper subscription; this suggests a newspaper ad would be an effective choice.

Time Series Time series graphs show a visual representation of the amount of each product bought per week over the two year period.
300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 101
Graph 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

This graph 3 shows the time series for all items over the two year period. This is extremely difficult to read, however, from this data in excel, the data for any item can be pulled and placed into an individual graph. Graph 4 shows the sales of the top 5 items while graph 5 shows the sales of the bottom 5 items.
300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Buner Cereal Cook Eggs Snack

1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 101

Graph 4


300 250 200 150 100 50 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 101 0 Cleansers Nuts Pill Pizza Soq

Graph 5

From these graphs it is easy to see the difference in sales while also noting high selling weeks and low selling weeks. This data is taken from queries looking at the weeks, the items, and the number of each item per week. The importance of this data can translate into many areas of the data analysis. Time series allow Dr. Yoo to estimate sales over the year. This leads to ordering and stocking numbers. Cutting down on extra products ordered can save money, likewise, not ordering enough products can cause disappointed customers and declines in sales. Trends of purchases allow Dr. Yoo to be fully prepared each year. Other helpful graphs would be to relate high selling items with low selling items. This will show weeks that high selling items peak and low selling items drop.
300 250 200 150 100 50 0

Buner Eggs Nuts Bacon Pizza

1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 101

Graph 6

As his data supply increases he can view trends in weeks during the year when one item is always particularly high, a spike, year after year. This will allow him to pair this item with

another item that has a particularly low sale during that week. With coupons discounting lower sales items with regularly priced higher sales items, the sales will increase for those lower items. An example could be taken from the data show in the table below. This table shows the time series for butter, eggs, nuts, bacon, and pizza. Butter and eggs are viewed to have spikes over 150 a few times over this two year period. With such a high sale rate, it is likely that this trend appears every year. Looking at week 22 in graph 6, butter spikes to 250 sales in one week. With so many purchases, it would be wise to manufacture a coupon that offers a deal when a customer purchases butter; they get nuts at a discounted price. These nuts are the lowest selling item during that week 22. The sales of nuts should increase, therefore, increasing Dr. Yoos profits. Recommendations After thoroughly analyzing the data that was supplied, recommendations were planned out to help improve Open*Marts business. One of the queries that was written gave the number of each product that was bought by customers that have TVs. From the results of this query it was determined that for the three top items from this list they should be advertised on TV. These items include item 17 (snacks), item 5 (cereal), and item 12 (eggs). A query comparing which products customers that subscribe to Better Home and Garden bought was run in order to determine which item would be best to advertise in this magazine. It was found that item 17 (snacks), item 12 (eggs), and item 8 (cook) would all benefit from being advertised in Better Home and Garden. This would further entice the people that buy these item to come to Open*Mart to buy them. Similar queries were written for Readers Digest and the Newspaper. Both of these resulted in the recommendation to advertise item 17 (snacks), item 5 (cereal), and item 12 (eggs) in the given subscriptions. By analyzing the vendors that supply the stores items it was found that Open*Mart should continue to buy item 17 (snacks) from vendor 28400, 41200, and 17423. These three vendors provide the brands of items that sell best. It was determined that the top 3 customers have the following three ID numbers 15538702, 15514612, and 15104398. Since these three customers are the most loyal to Open*Mart and buy the most items, coupons should be sent to them for a certain percentage off their next purchase. This would be a good way to promote customer loyalty and reward the stores best supporters. By looking into where most of the coupons used originate, the best way of providing coupons was found. Open*Mart should put more coupons in the Sunday Supplement Vendor, the Newspaper Ad Store, and in-pack with other purchases. It was also found that households that have children over 18 buy the most from Open*Mart. Due to this finding, it would be beneficial to send these families coupon booklets so that they keep coming back to Open*Mart to spend their money. The setup of the store can be very helpful in promoting the items that people normally dont buy. Open*Mart should strategically place its lowest selling items in the front of the store

where people constantly walk in and out. Similarly, the top selling items should be placed in the back of the store so that customers have to walk by all the other items and advertisements in order to get to what they came for. This will influence patrons to buy extra items when they come into Open*Mart which in turn will sell more products. The recommendations that sufficed from the similarity analysis could be summed up with these few generalizations. Advertise to people that have lower income salaries, and small families. Also have more advertisements on billboards, because not everyone subscribes to cable, newspaper, or magazines. Families with kids are more inclined to buy snacks; this could be used to advertise other products that might not be selling as well. By putting a coupon on certain snack items it could help boost sales. From the time series graphs seen in the results section, these graphs can assist with couponing and increasing item sales. Dr. Yoo could implement a system that creates coupons for the highest and lowest items per week. As seen in graph 6, the highest and lowest selling items can be paired together and marketed as a group and manufacture a weekly item of the week coupon. This will keep customers enticed and to continue shopping at his store. Group Members and Roles The beginning of the project took a lot of brainstorming. This stage of the project was mainly a group discussion about how we would tackle this assignment. As the assignment went on the tasks became split. Below is a list of team members and their contribution to the team. Patrick Clifford: Queries, Methodology Joe Gigliotti: Similarity Analysis, Data Input Brittany Murphy: Planning, Time Series Analysis, Intro/Problem Description/Project Objective of Report Michael Tomashefski: K-Means Clustering, ER Diagram, Store Layout Insights in Furthering into Future Industrial engineering and consulting are continuous improvement type of work. Dr. Yoos Monroeville location has been given a complete update. The way that he incorporates both the customer and transaction data into how he runs his store have been transformed into more efficient and more beneficial ways toward the customers and profit. However, there is always a way to improve and with unlimited time, Dr. Yoos Quick*Mart could be improved even further. In the future Dr. Yoo could implement further and even more in-depth data analysis. This could include examining more than just the top 10 customers. In order to increase sales it is important to figure out how Dr. Yoo could turn his bottom customers into top customers. The top customers have been analyzed, and now, Dr. Yoo understands what they are interested in and why they shop at Open*Mart. It could be helpful to, someday, understand every customer and what they look for when they shop at Open*Mart.


Through the time analysis chart, it is easy to see the item with the highest peak each week. Dr. Yoo could keep records of the top items each week along with the lowest items each week during the year. He could offer coupons that pair the lowest selling item to the highest selling item of each category, i.e. food, clothing, etc, to increase the sale of the lowest selling item for that week. Analyzing all items would take more time than the few that have been analyzed by Dr. Yoo in his first data analysis. Increasing inventory could be another way Dr. Yoo could reach out to more customers and increase sales. Some of his bottom customers may not be interested in the current inventory. Location expansion could be an idea for the CEO, Dr. Liying to look into for the future of not only the Monroeville location, but all Open*Mart locations across the nation. In addition to location improvements, Dr. Liying could look into overall Open*Mart industry improvements. In order for individual locations to run efficiently it is important for the Open*Mart distribution centers to also run efficiently. Possible improvements in the distribution centers could be automation, warehouse storage, truck packing during shipments, operation hours, and more. Retail works under the domino effect; keeping the top of the company efficient keeps all branches under the Open*Mart name running efficiently as well. Acknowledgements This project was greatly enhanced by the helpfulness and advice of Manini Madireddy and Akshay Ghurye. It would not have been possible without their help. They were a great resource of information throughout this project. References Elmasri, Ramez, and Shamkant Navathe. Fundamentals of Database Systems. 4th. Pearson Addison Wesley, 2003. Print.


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