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::::: Every Bid'ah (Innovation in the Religion) is a Misguidance.

::::: Bid'ah is an Islamic term meaning a reprehensible innovation, the introduction of rites or beliefs into Islam which have no basis in the Qur'an or the Sunnah. It comprises any novelty or innovated practice in Islam that has no evidence in the Shari'a or even in the practice of the Sahaba. Since all acts of 'Ibadah' are Tauqifiyah, i.e. no one is allowed to introduce any practice, rites or principles that are not stated in the Qur'an or in the Sunnah. Bid'ah is a comprehensive Islamic term that includes every word used by translators such as Heresy, Novelty, Schism, Innovation and heterodoxy and so on. The Messenger PBUH has warned this Ummah of introducing Bid'ah. And verily, this is my Straight Path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths, for they will separate you away from His Path. [6:153] The Messenger of Allah PBUH said "I have not left anything that would bring you closer to Allah, except that I have commanded you to do it. And I have not left anything that would distance you from Allah, while bringing you closer to the Hellfire, except that I have forbidden you from doing it." [Musnad Ahmad, Silsilah Sahiha 1803, Sahih by Albani] :::: Beware Of Innovations in Islaam :::: Prophet (SAS) used to say in every Friday Khutbah (sermon, religious talk): "The best discourse is the Book of Allh and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allh, and the worst practice is the introduction of new practices in Islam (i.e. Bidah) and every Bid`ah is a misguidance and all misguidances are in hell fire." [Bukhari, Muslim, an Nasaee] Aishah (Radhiallahu anha) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "If anyone introduces in our matter something which does not belong to it, will be rejected". [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. The narration in Muslim says: "Whoever does an act (in Islaam) which is not in agreement with our matter (in deen), will have it rejected." Narrated Ali ibn Abu Talib: The Messenger of Allah PBUH said "If anyone introduces an innovation, he will be responsible for it. If anyone introduces an innovation or gives shelter to a man who introduces an innovation (in religion), he is cursed by Allah, by His angels, and by all the people." [Abu Dawud :: Book 39 : Hadith 4515, Sahih by Albani] Abu Tufail 'Amir b. Withila reported that Ali RA said that the Messenger of Allah PBUH said "Allah cursed him who accommodates an innovator (in religion). [Muslim :: Book 22 : Hadith 4876] Surah Al-Araf And We have given you (mankind) power in the earth, and appointed for you therein livelihood. Little give ye thanks! (10) Surah Al-Ahzab And they say: Our Lord! Lo! we obeyed our princes and great men, and they misled us from the Way. (67)

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