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Price: 72p (IR 1.

05 EURO) Monday,

December 12, 2011

The pride of Northern

Since 1737

Homegrown goodness of honey
Pupils from Hunterhouse College, Belfast, try out the homegrown goodness of honey at the Outlet Centre, where they are joined by Chris Boyd, Affairs Manager with N.I. Co-Operative, sponsors of the School in the Young Enterprise programme. The initiative encourages pupils to get involved in a business environment. Included are, from left, back row, Hannah McMullan, Victoria Collins, Rachael Dixon, Alishia Bothwell, Amy Szymura, Ami Thompson and Amy-Louise Whyte. Seated are Emeral Ellison, Chris Boyd and Rachael Moore. The honey was provided by Michael Young, head chef at Malone Golf Club
PICTURE: Stanley Matchett Photography

Allen edged out in final

28-page pUll-oUt INSIDe


W NL oman
News Letter, Monday,


December 12, 2011

Star attraction in fashion P50/51

Win with JNwine


Make your own Christmas P54


Police saw death car

TWO men have been arrested following the death of a young woman in a car crash in Co Londonderry. A 20-year-old woman from Dungiven was a passenger in a car which left the Old Glenshane Road near Claudy and struck a concrete pillar. Police said they had earlier spotted the burgundy Renault Clio being driven dangerously in the Feeny area. See page 4

PMs veto was brave: Robinson

Political Correspondent

Legal bid on gay adoption

NORTHERN Irelands Human Rights Commission will today attempt in court to overturn the discriminatory ban on gay adoption. The quango has taken a judicial review against Stormonts Department of Health, meaning that taxpayers will fund lawyers on both sides of the case. The commission wants unmarried heterosexual or homosexual couples to be allowed to adopt.

FIRST Minister Peter Robinson last night backed David Cameron over his courageous veto of a new EU treaty. As Scotlands First Minister attempted to stoke nationalist sentiment over the move, Mr

Robinson said that the Prime Minister had been right to dramatically reject a proposed EU treaty which would have given Brussels vast new powers. The Prime Ministers decision yesterday led to strains in the coalition government, with Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg criticising the veto. Scottish First Minister Alex

Salmond wrote to Mr Cameron complaining that Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast had not been consulted prior to the veto, and accused him of harming Scotlands interests. The First Minister of Wales, Carwyn Jones, also expressed concern and said it was disappointing that the UK had lost influence.

But Northern Irelands First Minister last night broke ranks to give his support to Mr Cameron even as his DUP colleagues in Westminster were finalising the text of a Commons motion on Europe which will tomorrow give Eurosceptic Tory MPs a further opportunity to press the Prime Minister to abandon the EU altogether. Turn to page 8

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