Phase Iii

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Abstract: I conducted the following opinion and characteristic poll questions to study; death penalty, health care bill

as passed, President Obama reelection, annual gross income, proposition 8, and characteristics about one another such as handedness, height, weight, ring size, shoe size, education, gender, and the amount of water consumed by the participants in my study randomly selected. While addressing and answering the six questions pertaining to my statistics poll I found out that most of my assumptions were violated meaning based off my methods I had to fail to reject more than reject my question meaning there was not enough evidence to suggest the questions I was answering. Introduction: In America, polling is believed to be a reliable guide to what us 140,000,000 Americans think and feel about certain issues or characteristics about one another resulting in a study. Since only samples of the population are interviewed nal results are always subject to a margin of error. But once data has been studied and properly graphed it is reasonable to show that the participants poll results on certain issues or characteristics can be determined. I have conducted the following opinion and characteristic poll questions to study; death penalty, health care bill as passed, President Obama reelection, annual gross income, proposition 8, and characteristics about one another such as handedness, height, weight, ring size, shoe size, gender, education and the amount of water consumed by the participants in my study randomly selected. Methods:

I obtained a simple random sample of 52 participants in a statistical analysis package for an iPad program called TC STATS. In TC STATS, the rst thing I wanted to do was to determine the percentage of female and male participants in my study, by conducting a Histogram Graph. The percentage that was given for females was 42.31% and the male percentage that was given was 57.69%. The second step I wanted to do was to nd the mean (where "mean" is abbreviated M) of the participants ages, M = 30.673. And the third step I wanted to determine was the participants ethnicity, and out of the 52 participants randomly selected 3 are Black, 12 are Hispanic, 27 are White, and 10 choose Other (meaning there ethnicity was not listed to check mark). Once I determined the above, I needed to conduct a summary statistic for the specic variables I need for my study.

Table 1: Listed above are the summary statistics generated in TC STATS of the

variables needed to conduct my study. Table 2: Listed above are the summary statistics generated in TC STATS of relationships between a person's height, weight, ring, and shoe size.

Figure 1: Box and whisker plot showing any relationship between a person's height,

weight, ring, and shoe size.

Table 3: Frequency distribution table of gender participants.

Figure 2: Histogram graphical display of participants annual gross income.

Figure 3: Histogram graphical display between participants political party afliation.

Figure 4: Histogram graphical display of President Obama's re-election.

Figure 5: Histogram graphical display of participants in favor of the health care bill as passed.

Figure 6: Histogram graphical display of participants in favor of the death penalty.

Figure 7: Histogram graphical display of participants handedness.

Figure 8: Histogram graphical display of the amount of water consumed by participants.

Table 4: Frequency distribution table of education levels.

Table 5: Frequency distribution table of feelings about proposition 8. Results: 1) Using Spearman's Correlation, and a P-Value= 0.049; r= 0.2553 and Rejecting Ho. There is enough evidence to suggest a relationship association correlation between a persons height and weight. I am 95% condent the the data falls between (-0.04472,0.4831). Using Spearman's Correlation, and a P-Value= 1.5325-05; r= 0.6089 and Rejecting Ho. There is enough evidence to suggest a relationship association correlation between a persons ring and shoe size. I am 95% condent the data falls between (0.3864, 0.7968). 2) Using Wilcoxon Rank Sum, and a P-Value= 0.2782 and FTR Ho. There is not enough evidence to suggest that there is a difference in gross income based on gender. 3) Using Test of Independence, and a P-Value= 0.0503 and FTR Ho. There is not enough evidence to suggest there is a relationship between political party and if the respondent feels president Obama will be re-elected. b) Using Test of Independence, and a P-Value= 0.2953 and FTR Ho. There is not enough evidence to suggest there is a relationship between political party and if the respondent is in favor of the health care bill as passed. c) Using Test of Independence, and a P-Value= 0.0545 and FTR Ho. There is not enough evidence to suggest there is a relationship between political party and if the respondent is in favor of the death penalty. 4) Using Test of Independence, and a P-Value= 0.3512 and FTR Ho. There is not enough evidence to suggest there is a relationship between handedness and those in favor of the death penalty. b) P-Value for right handedness with water consumed= 1.874E-33 Reject Ho Wilcoxon Rank Sum P-Value for the left handedness with water consumed= 5.248E-05 The total P-Value= 1.0000 FTR Ho Wilcoxon Rank Sum There is not enough evidence to suggest there is a relationship between handedness and the amount of water consumed. 5) Using Test of Independence, and a P-Value= 0.9565 and FTR Ho. There is not enough evidence to suggest education had a effect on change in political party afliation. 6) Using Test of Independence, and a P-Value= 0.6338 and FTR Ho. There is not enough evidence to suggest there is a relationship between gender and feelings about proposition 8.

Discussion: My data has been studied and properly graphed it is reasonable to show that the participants poll results on certain issues or characteristics have be determined. Using statistical testing to answer the six questions I have concluded that based off my tests done on my data collected, there is not a lot of evidence to suggest the questions that had to be answered in order to get a accurate poll. Appendix: The survey that conducted my data used in this project.

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