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Aspects of Spiritism: Spiritism: Science, Philosophy and Religion

Marian Sabat Ramos Centro Resurreccion (Region 7) 2 May 2009

What is Spiritism? What is Science? The Science of Spiritism What is Philosophy? The Philosophy of Spiritism What is Religion? The Religion of Spiritism
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Anong religion mo? Ano yon? Ah ok! Ah Espiritista ka pala. pala.

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Three revelations of Gods Law Mosaic Law Ten Commandments Civil Law Christs Law Love God above all things and your neighbour as yourself
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Third revelation of Gods Law is

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Sa iyong sariling salita, salita, ano ang Espiritismo? Espiritismo? Sino ang Espiritista para sa iyo? iyo?
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What is Spiritism?
Is the set of aws and rinciples, as revealed by the Superior Spirits, contained in the works of Allan constitute the Spiritist Codification Spirits Book Mediums Book Gospel According to Spiritism Heaven and Hell Genesis
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Kardec, which

What is Spiritism?
A science which deals with the nature,

origin and destiny of Spirits as well as

their relationship with the corporeal world It realises what Jesus said about the promised Consoler

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What is Spiritism? Karunungan nauukol sa uri, simula at patutunguhan ng espiritu at sa

pakiki-ugnay ng daigdigang
nakikita (materia) sa daigdigang hindi nakikita (espiritu) sa pamamagitan ng talaytayan o medium
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What is Spiritism?
It reveals

what we are;
where we came from;

Where we are going;

What is the of our existence; and, What is the reason for pain and suffering.
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What it comprises?
Spiritism touches on all areas of knowledge, human activities and behavior Spiritism can and should be studied, fundamental aspects of life such as

analyzed, and practiced in all the

scientific, philosophical, religious, ethical, moral, educational and

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What is Spiritism?

Nagtuturo at nagpapaliwanag
ng mga karunungang

filosofia ciencia
at moral
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What is Science?
the concerted human effort to

understand, or to understand better, the history of the natural world and

how the natural world works, with

observable physical evidence as the BASIS of that

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What is Science?
It is done through observation of natural phenomena, and/or through

experimentation that tries to

simulate natural processes under controlled conditions

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The Science of Spiritism

Spiritism goes from a Philosophy to a

Science, when it confirms, by experimentation, the philosophic knowledge that it preaches and
disseminates. " - Emmanuel, in "O Consolador

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The Science of Spiritism Spiritism and Science complement one another; Science without Spiritism is unable to explain
certain phenomena by the material laws alone; Spiritism without Science, would be without support and examination."- Kardec, in "Genesis"
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The Science of Spiritism

Ang Espiritismo ay batayan ng Agham o ciencia Ito ay MAHAHAYAG sa pamamagitan ng agham o siyensiya Anumang uri ng karunungan ay isang kasangkapan sa pagpapahayag ng karunungan, filosofia at lihim ng Espiritismo
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Lemma ng Espiritismo
Patungo sa Dios sa pamamagitan ng

Karunungan at Pag-ibig
Karunungang walang pag-ibig ay

Pag-ibig na walang karunungan ay

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Scientists Investigate Spiritism

Particularly the existence of spirit, Creation, Evolution of Man, Reincarnation, etc. Denizard Hippolyte Leon Rivail aka Allan Kardec Carl Gustav Jung William Crookes Russel Wallace Elizabeth Kluber-Ross Ian Stevenson and many more
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Science vs Spiritism?
Hindi nakatitigatig sa Espiritismo ang hindi pagkilala ng ciencia, sapagkat walang sapat na aparato na sadyang sensible at pino upang makita ang sutil at penomenosikiko. Huwag manghinayang na hindi marating ng ciencia sa labotoryo ang Espiritismo

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Scientific Methods
avoid preconceived notions observe attentively compare observations deduce the consequences

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Scientific Method of Spiritism

identify the causes of the phenomena by linking the facts logically do not accept an explanation as valid unless it could resolve all the difficulties of the question
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What is Philosophy?

Love of knowledge/wisdom
Philo = love Sophia= knowledge, wisdom

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What is Philosophy?
An activity people undertake when they seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships to the world and to each other perpetually engaged in asking,

answering, and arguing for their

answers to lifes most basic questions
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The Philosophy of Spiritism

Metaphysics study of the nature of reality of what exists in the world what it is like how it is ordered

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The Philosophy of Spiritism

Metaphysics May Dios ba? Ano ang Katotohanan? Sino ang Tao? May free will ba talaga ang tao? May iba pa bang nilalang na katulad natin sa ibang mundo? Ano kaya ang nasa isip ng tao?
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The Philosophy of Spiritism

Epistemology study of knowledge Ano ang pede nating matutunan tungkol at sa Espiritismo? Paano natin matutunan ito? Totoo bang may natutunan na tayo sa Espiritismo? Paano natin malalaman na alam na atin ang mga karunungang espiritual?
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The Philosophy of Spiritism

Ethics Concerns what we ought to do and what it would be best to do Ano ang mabuti at masama? Bakit may taong mabuti at masama? Bakit sila nagiging mabuti at masama? Paano ako makitungo sa aking kapwa? Ang kagandahang asal ba ay tinuturo sa Espiritismo?
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The Philosophy of Spiritism

Logic study the nature and structure of arguments Tama ba ang kanyang pangangatwiran? May katotohan ba sa kanyang pagpapaliwanag? Wala bang nilalabag na katwiran ang aral na ibinaba ng Batlaya?
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The Philosophy of Spiritism

Ang pag-sulong tungo sa kasakdalan o kabanalan ng Espiritu ay bukas lagi na sa lahat ng tao at bawat isa.

Reencarnacion o
Muli at muling pagsapi ng espiritu sa katawan laman
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The Philosophy of Spiritism

Studies the communications with the spiritual world deducing with logic and

reasoning the foundations of science

and of religion Spiritism does

not impose its principles: Spiritist Doctrines

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The Philosophy of Spiritism

Kung Banal ang espiritu ni JesuKristo at si JesuKristo ay mapagkawanggawa at mahinahon. Samaktuwid, ang banal na espiritu ay mapagkawanggawa at mahinahon. Kung ang Dios ay hindi nagtatangi, may nilikha ba siyang banal na sa simulat simula pa?
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What is Religion?
a cultural or behavioural aspect of

ritual, liturgy and organized worship,

often involving a priesthood, and societal norms of morality (ethos) and virtue (arete)

a set of myths or sacred truths held in reverence or believed by adherents

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Classification of Religion
Christianity Islam Judaism Hinduism Buddhism Sikhism Jainism Taoism Shinto Chondogyo Caodaism Yiguandao Zoroastrianism Yazdanism Paganism

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The Religion of Spiritism

Spiritism is not actually a separate,

distinct religion Samaktuwid, ang Espiritismo ay

hindi relihiyon positibo

SECTARIAN asosasyon

Ayon sa UECFI By-Laws 2001, ang UECFI ay isang NON[35 ]

The Religion of Spiritism

Spiritism is practiced with simplicity,

without any external forms of worship, within the Christian

principle that God

should be worshipped in spirit and in truth

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The Religion of Spiritism Has NO clergy, ministry, altars, images, candles, processions, sacraments, communion of sins, incense, amulets or any other objects, rituals or external forms of worship
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The Religion of Spiritism

Spiritism establishes a moral


between men, leading them in the direction of the creator, through the application of the moral teachings of Christ

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The Religion of Spiritism

Kung ang relihiyon ay pakiki-

ugnay sa kataas-taasang simulaing buhay o sa Dios, samaktuwid ang Espiritismo ay

relihiyon per se
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The Religion of Spiritism

Kung ang mga relihiyong positiba ay nagsisimula sa pananampalataya, natutupad sa puso ang katapatan ng paninikluhod at pagpapatirapa sa kadaki-dakilang simulain ng buhay, ang Espiritismo ay nagsisimula, hindi sa paninikluhod, paghanga at pagpintuho na tutop ang puso sa katapatan kundi sa pagsusuri, pag-aaral, pagkaunawa at pagkaranas sa kaugnayan ng mga bagay na hayag sa mga bagay na lihim
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The Religion of Spiritism

Nagtatagpo ang relihiyon at ang Espiritismo sa suliranin ng kabatlayaan ng mga bagay na likas Kung papaanong ang ginagamit sa pananampalatalaya ng relihiyong positiba ay ang tibukin ng puso, ginagamit ng Espiritismo sa kanyang paniniwala sa Diyos ang katutubong udyok ng pag-iisip at ng katwiran
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The Religion of Spiritism

Ang relihiyon at Espiritismo ay kapwa darating sa isang hangganan ng mananampalataya Ang dalawa ay hindi magkalaban sapagkat sa kaluwalhatian ng katotohanan, kumaliwa at kumanan ay sasapit ka sa simulaing pinanggalingan ng lahat

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The Religion of Spiritism

Ang Espiritismo ay siyang simulaing kadluan ng kabatiran ng lahat ng pananampalataya Ito ay siyang pilosopiya o palapahaman ng relihiyon sapagkat ang tanging relihiyon ay ang katotohanan Ang Espiritismo ay siyang kaluluwa ng lahat ng pananampalataya, lahat ng karunungan, lahat ng palapahaman
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The BEST of all religions is that which Nagtuturo ng ayon lamang sa kabutihan at katarungan ng Dios Tumutulong na maging isang mabuti o ng may kabutihang loob ang isang tao Nagtuturo na ibigin ang kapwa
katulad ng sarili at parang isang kapatid
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The BEST of all religions is that which

Di gumagawa ng masama Di nagtuturo ng bagay na labag sa batas natural

Nagtuturo ng kababaang loob, nilalabanan ang Kataasan at pita ng laman

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The Religion of Spiritism

batas ng Dios ang sumasakop sa lahat ng bagay at sa bawat pangyayari, at ang umayon dito ay siyang tunay na relihiyon
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Simulain ng Espiritismo

Sa Labas ng Kawanggawa ay Walang Kaligtasan

= Sin Caridad No Hay Salvacion Posible
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respects all religions, values all efforts towards the practice of goodness

Pagkakapatirang Pandaigdig
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Unshakable faith is only that which can meet reason face to face in every human epoch

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