01 Prelim - Learners, Apprentices, Handicapped

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1 D. HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT. 1. Government Machinery. Policy.

It is the policy of the State to provide relevant, accessible, high quality and efficient technical education and skills development in support of the development of high-quality Filipino middle-level manpower responsive to and in accordance with Philippine development goals and priorities. Power and Functions of TESDA Responsible for formulating, continuing, coordinating, and fully integrating technical education and skills development policies, plans and programs. 2. Apprenticeship and Learnership Learners Apprentices What Persons hired as trainees in semi skilled and other industrial occupations Nonapprenticeable May be learned through practical training on the job in a relatively short period of time Shall not exceed 3 months Practical training on the job Supplemented by related theoretical instruction Covered by a written apprenticeship agreement with an individual employer or entity Needs DOLE approval Shall not exceed 6 months Only in highly technical industries Only in apprenticeable occupations & MANPOWER Ability to comprehend Ability to follow oral and written instructions Any form of employment requiring beyond 3 mos. Practical training on the job supplemented by related theoretical instruction No list REQUISITES FOR A VALID APPRENTICESHIP: 1. 2. 3. 4. qualifications of apprentice are met. the apprentice earns not less than 75% of the prescribed minimum salary. apprenticeship agreement duly executed and signed. apprenticeship program approved by the Sec. of Labor; otherwise, the apprentice shall be deemed as a regular employee. period of apprenticeship not exceed 6 months. At the termination of the apprenticeship, the employer is not required to continue the employment. Employer may not apprenticeship is: pay wage if the


requirement for graduation. required by the School. required by Curriculum. the Training Program

When may be hired

No experienced workers available Prevent curtailment of employment opportunities Not to create unfair competition in labor costs and lower working standards List of learnable trades provided by TESDA

requisite for Board examination.

VENUE OF APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAMS: The plant, shop, premises of the employer or firm concerned if the apprenticeship program is organized by an individual employer or firm. The premises of one or several firms designated for the purpose by the organizer of the program if such organizer is an association of employers, civic groups and the like. DOLE training center or other public training institutions with which the Bureau has made appropriate arrangements.

At least 14 years old Possesses vocational aptitude and capacity for tests


2 1. 2. names and addresses of employer and learner. occupation to be learned and the duration of the training period which shall not exceed 3 months. wage of the learner which shall be at least 75% of the applicable minimum wage. commitment to employ the learner, if he so desires, as a regular employee upon completion of training. A learner who has worked during the first two months shall be deemed a regular employee if training is terminated by the employer before the end of the stipulated period thorough no fault of the learner. Equal Opportunity for Employment. no disabled person shall be denied access to opportunities for suitable employment. Qualified disabled employees shall be subject to same terms and conditions of employment and the same compensation, privileges, benefits, fringe benefits, incentives or allowances as a qualified able-bodied person. EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT; CONTENTS: 1. 2. Names and addresses of the employer and the handicapped worker. Rate of pay of the handicapped worker which shall not be less than 75% of the legal minimum wage. Nature of work to handicapped worker. be performed by the

3. 4.

3. E. HANDICAPPED / DISABLED: Handicapped Workers those whose earning capacity is impaired by age or physical or mental deficiency or injury, disease or illness. There must be a link between the deficiency and the work which entitles the employer to lessen the workers wage. If the disability of the person is not in any way related to the work for which he was hired, he should not be so considered as a handicapped worker. Handicapped Person (RA 7277 Magna Carta for Disabled Persons) Those suffering from restriction or different abilities as a result of a mental, physical or sensory impairment, to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being. 4.

Duration of the employment.

Handicapped Worker (Art. 78 LC)

Those whose earning capacity is impaired by age or physical or mental deficiency or injury

WHEN EMPLOYABLE : 1. 2. 3. their employment is necessary to prevent curtailment of employment opportunities. does not create unfair competition in labor costs. does not impair or lower working standards.

Handicapped Workers May Become Regular Employees. if their handicap is not such as to effectively impede the performance of job operations in the particular occupations for which they were hired.

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