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Socials Skit The Japanese Social Classes


(SCENE ONE - SETTING: ARTISAN STORE)) ARTISAN: *painting* SAMURAI: *slams door and walks into ARTISANS store* ARTISAN: *turns around abruptly and immediately bows* SAMURAI: Is this your store? ARTISAN: Yes. SAMURAI: I want you to illustrate this Haiku poem for me. *hands ARTISAN a piece of paper.* ARTISAN: Yes, of course. It will be perfect for you. SAMURAI: Very well then, I shall be back soon. *turns to walk away but stops halfway* I expect it to be perfect. I will not accept anything lower than my standards. *walks away* ARTISAN: *gets up quickly, grabs a writing utensil and starts to write on arm* REMEMBER TO FINISH PROJECT. EXCLAMATION MARK! Hmm, will I be able to finish this in time. Maybe I should go get my fortune told! Yes, thats it! (CUT)

(SCENE TWO SETTING: DARK ALLEYWAY) FORTUNE TELLER: *reading fortune for CLOAKED FIGURE* FORTUNE TELLER: This card represents a long and difficult journey. You must be careful. That is all. Good luck. CLOAKED FIGURE: Thank you for your time. *stands up and leaves table, exits stage* FORTUNE TELLER: *starts to shuffle cards* ARTISAN: *rushes to table, sits and starts to fidget* FORTUNE TELLER: What are you worried about? ARTISAN: *gasps in shock* How did you know that I was worried? FORTUNE TELLER: The cards told me. So, what is this project that you are so worried about? ARTISAN: *gasps even louder* HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT IT WAS A PROJECT?! FORTUNE TELLER: *looks at ARTISANS arm, around and looks back down* Uhh, the cards told me as well. So, whats so important about this project? ARTISAN: *starts babbling* Well, theres this project and the samurai came to me and its really important and I need to finish it but I dont know if Ill finish in time and... FORTUNE TELLER: Wait! Calm down and slow down. ARTISAN: But you dont understand! I really have to finish it because its SUPER important and if I dont I dont know what might happen and... FORTUNE TELLER: WAIT! BE QUIET! CALM YOUR FACE! Give me your palm, Ill read your future. ARTISAN: *shows left palm* FORTUNE TELLER: No, the other palm. Your right palm. ARTISAN: Oh, of course. I knew that. *shows other palm*

FORTUNE TELLER: *examines palm* Hmm, I see. I see. I see that... your hands are actually really dry. I suggest some Aloe Vera lotion mixed in with some Sakura. You know, it would really help. Oh, also some nail polish remover. Pink doesnt really work with your complexion. Try a red like, DRAMATIC RED! Yes! That would work! ARTISAN: Uh, and my project?? FORTUNE TELLER: Huh? What project? OOOHHHH!! That project! Are you sure you didnt come to me for courting advice? Because it looks like you would need it. ANYWAYS! I shall read your palm. Hmm, I see, I see, I see. Actually, all I can see is that your hands are very dry and are in need of lotion. You should use large amounts of it multiple times in order to succeed. Thats about it. Lets try the cards now. Please shuffle these. *hands ARTISAN cards* ARTISAN: Oh yeah. Im like, pro at this. Hold up. *tries to shuffle cards but drops them all on the ground* Ha, just one second. *bends down on the ground to pick them up and haphazardly slams them on the table while getting up* FORTUNE TELLER: Be careful with those! They were my grandmothers! Here, pass them to me. Ill shuffle instead. *shuffles and arranges them on the table* Now, I want you to choose a card from this row and this column. *indicates to the row and column* ARTISAN: Yep got it. *chooses the wrong card* FORTUNE TELLER: No, I meant a card from this row, and this column. Do you understand? ARTISAN: Yes I understand. Its this one. *chooses wrong card* FORTUNE TELLER: No, I dont think you get the concept. There is only one choice, the card from THIS row and THIS column.

ARTISAN: YES! I got it! *chooses wrong card* FORTUNE TELLER: YOU KNOW WHAT?! Ill choose the card. *picks up card* Hmm, this card signifies something very important going on in your life. This is your project, yes? ARTISAN: Yes, it is SUPER important. FORTUNE TELLER: NOW, pick a card from THIS row and THIS column. Do you get the concept now? ARTISAN: Mhm, I get it. I got this. *chooses wrong card* FORTUNE TELLER: Ugh, its this one. *picks up card* Oh, this card signifies that if you succeed you will be granted many wishes. ARTISAN: Really? Thats awesome! FORTUNE TELLER: NOW, pick a card from this row and this... You know what? Im not even going to try. *picks up card* OH, this card signifies that if you fail in your task, you will face dire consequences. AAANNNNDD, thats pretty much it! ARTISAN: What?! Oh no oh no oh no! What should I do then so I wont fail? *stands up* FORTUNE TELLER: The lotion! It will help you succeed! Have a nice day! ARTISAN: Thank you. *starts to leave and exits stage* FORTUNE TELLER: *calls after ARTISAN* Dont forget the lotion! It will help! *looks at palm* Hmm... Oops! I read it wrong. Its the lotion will NOT help you succeed. Eh, oh well. NEXT! (CUT)

(SCENE THREE SETTING: ARTISANS STORE) ARTISAN: *puts on lotion* Lotion will help me succeed! * continues painting the portrait of SAMURAIS love* Ooh, this is kind of slippery. I

hope I dont mess up. Hmm, what shall I ask for as a reward? SAMURAI: *slams door open* ARTISAN: *turns around abruptly and drops brush* Oh, that must be the SAMURAI. Good thing Im almost fin... fin... AH! *turns around and sees painting drawn with a moustache* SAMURAI: Have you completed your task? Where is the picture of my love? *turns to the painting* My... my... MOUSTACHE?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY LOVE?! ARTISAN: *drops down and bows* Well, master, I was doing what you asked of me but then... SAMURAI: YOU HAVE PAINTED A MOUSTACHE ON MY LOVE!! YOU SHALL BE EXECUTED!! TO THE EXECUTION GROUNDS!! *drags ARTISAN off the stage* (CUT)

(SCENE FOUR SETTING: EXECUTION GROUNDS) SAMURAI: You have ruined the beautiful portrait of my love! You will be punished for your mistake! Any last words? ARTISAN: Well, umm... SAMURAI: TOO BAD! Prepare to die!! *draws out katana and slashes ARTISANS throat* ARTISAN: *falls to the ground* SAMURAI: *wipes off katana* OUTCAST! Take this thing out of my sight! OUTCAST: At once master. *drags ARTISANS body off the stage* SAMURAI: Now, who else will paint a portrait of my love?? *exits stage* (CUT) THE END!

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