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8emember Lhere ls rarely a slngle rlghL answer Walk Lhrough Lhe sLeps and make an argumenL

LkL DCC1k-L App|y to D|vers|ty Cases

u|ck and D|rty Lr|e]nanna Doctr|ne
1 nanna rong s Lhere any federal law on polnL LhaL dlrecLly confllcLs
wlLh sLaLe law? f Lhere ls apply Lhe federal law so long as lL ls valld
Lnd of sLory (Panna prong)
a Ialld law? Check 8ules Lnabllng AcL
l Arguably procedural? f so lL's valld ady Grove
b @hls ls based on Lhe supremacy clause of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
Lr|e rong f Lhere's no federal law on polnL
a f sLaLe law ls a atter of substance federal [udge musL follow
sLaLe law
l Commanded by 8uA and 10


3 ubstance? 3 1ests fro 3 Cases 1row 1e A|| n

1 s te state |aw outcoe deter|nat|ve?
Guaranty 1rust
Iacts lederal [udge wanLed Lo lgnore sLaLe sol Supreme CourL sald f courL musL follow sol as Lhe sol
(sLaLe law) was ouLcome deLermlnaLlve and Lherefore subsLanLlve
,ean|ng of ubstant|ve f Lhe SCL was applled case dles f lgnorlng sLaLe law Lhen case would
conLlnue @haL ls a dlfferenL ouLcome CASL MuS@ CCML Cu@ SAML WA? - S@A@L A-u
lLuL8AL CCu8@

?ou could argue LhaL all procedural maLLers deLermlne Lhe ouLcome 8LSS@ @PA@ u8CL uo noL look aL
Lhe lngredlenLs Lo Lhe reclpe look Lo Lhe meaL of Lhe maLLer

8a|ance of Iedera| and tate |nterest be|nd te copet|ng co|ces of |aw

8yrd v 8|ue k|dge (19S8)
Iacts SLaLe law held LhaL a parLlcular lssue ln Lhe case musL be declded by Lhe [udge and noL Lhe [ury
A federal [udge declded Lo lgnore Lhe sLaLe law

Supreme CourL lederal courL should usually follow sLaLe law un|ess Lhere's a federal courL sysLem
lnLeresL ln dolng so dlfferenLly
Je|g te ba|ance of |nterests between te state's |aw and te federa| court's |aw
4 Such federal lnLeresL was found here AllocaLlon of auLhorlLy beLween [udge and [ury
Peavy federal lnLeresL here
alanclng of compeLlng lnLeresLs SLaLe seemed Lo have no lnLeresL behlnd Lhelr
rule lederal was very lnLeresLed consLlLuLlon bound
4 Pow Lo welgh Lhe balances? -obody knows! uL Lry
lollowlng Lhe ConsLlLuLlon on Lhe 8CAu lssue of [udge/[ury has greaLer welghL
Lhan abldlng by a sLaLe law slmply creaLed for [udlclal efflclency

31w|n a|s of Lr|e (Iro nanna)
1 Avold forum shopplng A-u
Avold Lhe lnequlLable admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe law
@o apply Lhe Lwln alms [usL ask 1 quest|on
kea| uest|on f Lhe federal [udge lgnores Lhls sLaLe law wlll lL cause parLles Lo flock Lo federal courL?
(forum shopplng bad!)

rie uoctrine lnfo
ku|es Lnab||ng Act 8
a Sup CL can prescrlbe general rules of pracLlce and procedure and rules of evldence for cases ln
uS dlsLrlcL courLs and courLs of appeals
b Such rules shall noL abrldge enlarge or modlfy any substant|ve r|gt All laws ln confllcL wlLh
such rules shall be of no furLher force or effecL afLer such rules have Laken effecL
ike the 5upremocy c/ouse of the constitution
ku|es of Dec|s|on Act 8 16S
@he laws of Lhe several sLaLes excepL where Lhe ConsLlLuLlon or LreaLles of Lhe unlLed SLaLes or AcLs of
Congress oLherwlse requlre or provlde shall be regarded as rules of declslon ln clvll acLlons ln Lhe courLs
of Lhe unlLed SLaLes ln cases where Lhey apply
ln 5hort 5tote /ows contro/ un/ess fed soys otherwise
1t Aendent
SLaLes reLaln powers noL glven Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon

A||ows for a c|a| to get |nto Iedera| Court desp|te be|ng unab|e to under nora| c|rcustances
I asks Can t|s add|t|ona| c|a| "p|ggy back" on an |n|t|a| c|a| (c|a| of or|g|na| [ur|sd|ct|on)
to enter Ied ct?

6 tep ,etod for upp|eenta| Iur|sd|ct|on App|y|ng 136ac
1 Can boLh Lhe lnlLlal clalm and second clalm geL lnLo federal courL on lC/ulverslLy? ,I ICk
a f ? you're done rlng an lndependenL clalm
b f - S@L

s Lhere a Common -ucleus of CperaLlve lacL beLween lnlLlal and second clalm? (Same
a ?? S@L 3
b -? Clalm barred

3 s Lhere dlverslLy or lC ln Lhe lnlLlal clalm? JnCn ,I?
a lC? ?ou're done S! ls granLed
b ulverslLy? S@L 4

s Lhe second clalm agalnsL a parLy [olned by l8C 1 19 or ?
a ? A88Lu
b - S@L 3

3 l S! occurs (nlLlal + Second Clalm) |s d|vers|ty a|nta|ned beLween all clalms and parLles?
a f [olnder of S! clalm breaches clLlzenshlp dlverslLy second clalm musL leave federal
b AmounL ln ConLroversy for
clalm doesn'L maLLer AC (Lxxon v A||apatta)
6 uo any of Lhe four reasons ln 1367(c) Lake away? k|||ers |n 136c
5l lNlO
IkC 1 19
14 mpleader
19 Compulsory !olnder
0 ermlsslve !olnder of arLles
4 nLervener

8 DC 136 upp|eenta| Iur|sd|ct|on


(c) The district courts may decline to exercise supplemental jurisdiction over a claim under
subsection (a) iI

(1) the claim raises a novel or complex issue oI State law,
(2) the claim substantially predominates over the claim or claims over which the district court
has original jurisdiction,
(3) the district court has dismissed all claims over which it has original jurisdiction, or
(4) in exceptional circumstances, there are other compelling reasons Ior declining jurisdiction.

hLLp//wwwscrlbdcom/doc/344908/ersonal!urlsdlcLlonllowcharL@LS n whaL sLaLes can Lhe
plalnLlff sue Lhe defendanL?"
Ior Assert|ng I a lorum sLaLe musL have CWL8 (ConsLlLuLlonal and SLaLuLory AuLhorlLy) and
have glven -C@CL conslsLenL wlLh Lhe uue rocess Clause SLaLe Long Arm SLaLuLe
CJLk over Lhe person ls granLed by a wlde varleLy of LesLs whlch wlll be exhausLlvely followed Lhrough
1 Long Ar tatute tatutory Autor|ty for I
Lvery sLaLe has one L allows a sLaLe Lo prosecuLe nonresldenLs ouLslde of lLs geographlcal boundarles
4 uoes LAS granL full auLhorlLy Lo ConsLlLuLlonal LlmlL
Lg Callfornla
4 Cr someLhlng less?
Lg Laundry llsLs

CC-11D1C-AL 1L1 Lveryt|ng e|se
D must have such contacts with the forum state that the exercise of PJ would be fair and reasonable. D
must also be given appropriate notice of the action and an opportunity to be heard.

,|n|u Contacts
urposefu| Ava||ent (nanson)
1kLA, CI CC,,LkCL uoes Lhe conLacL saLlsfy !?
Asa| C'Conner
,cntyre G|nsberg

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