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Menu lists: Subject list consists of all eight subject matter; for uploading of questions per subject Set

Set list - used for creating exam set and set codes for items/paragraphs that have several questions Exam Setup for setting the timer (in seconds) and number of items for each subject Preview question to view/check how the questions would appear on the actual examination page Account for resetting the password Procedures for uploading the questions: Select the Subject from the subject list drop-down menu. Remember to save the questions per subject matter, accordingly. On the New Record section, type the Index code for each questions: (all index are case sensitive when saving items) *Once an item has been saved, the Index code can no longer be edited. Be careful in encoding, otherwise, delete the item with wrong index code and create a new record. Click the Upload Question button. The content article manager will appear where the questions are encoded and saved. Be sure that you have edited and check the word file for any error before copying it to the content article manager. For uniformity, table shall be used for lengthy paragraphs; width: 590px & w/o border lines statements/numbers in columns and rows; maximum width: 500 536px & w/o border lines Click the Submit button when done in copying and editing. Copy the choices on the empty boxes. Be sure to rearrange the options as opposed to its original sequence. Set the key answer (based on the new sequence) then click the Add New Record button. The system will automatically generate the ID number for the new uploaded question. *Set List use this if the question being uploaded is part of a series item (see page 4) *Explanation portion should only be filled in with the correct responses when the answer key is either a None of the above or All of the Above. To preview how the question is formatted or how it would on the exam page select the Preview Question button.

A new tab will appear where you would have to encode the ID number of the question you want to view. The question will appear right after. For editing/updating of a record, click on the item and make the necessary changes. Click the Update Record to save the changes. *Select the Subject drop-down menu when an item is supposed to be saved in other subject matter. SET LIST is used for creating an exam set and set code for items/paragraphs that have several questions Type the Index code of the subject (same as the code used in uploading an item) Use this format for encoding the name: Index code-s/S&number s stands for set while the number is the identified group number for a particular set Click Add New Record to generate the ID and save set code. To include a question as part of a set, click on the item and the Update Record form will appear on the right side of the screen. Note: You can also create new exam sets upon uploading of new items. Choose the set code where the item is supposed to be included/associated. Then click the save/update record button. Notice that the set code is added on the set column on the record list. All questions that pertains to one item or problem scenario should be recorded with the same set code. The first question of a set should be copied along with problem scenario. On the other hand, create separate records for all the succeeding questions (under the same set code) without the problem scenario (as it is already copied with the first question). ***For the meantime, since this feature is not yet complete, copy individually the problem scenario for and in each question. Instead of using set code, all these items are tagged with No Set. Nonetheless, the set code will be applied as soon as the system has been polished.
Preparation of review materials prior to actual uploading. Scanning of books/resources. a. Each page is scanned and saved one at a time.

b. Scanned files should be in PDF format. c. All questions are scanned except for the key answer and lengthy explanations which will be included in the NOTES section found in the users accounts. d. File names are based on their respective page numbers. e. All scanned items are saved and sorted accordingly to each subject folders.

Conversion of PDF files to word files. a. Installation of Able2Extract Professional (preferably the latest version) is needed. b. Follow the instructions of the said program when converting PDF files to word files. c. Each file should be sorted according to their respective subject folders. d. File names should be based on the same page number as with the PDF file. Editing and uploading. Note that the conversion of PDF files to word files may not be 100% accurate (depending on the quality of the scanned files). Refer to the original review materials, the PDF files or the books, when editing. a. Open the word files you are to edit and upload. b. Double check the files for any misspelled words and erroneous number figures. Note that some of special characters or quotation marks may not be recognized when copied on the content article manager. You may have to retype or re-encode some of these characters. c. The format style and font size are already configured so you can directly copy the questions once you have checked on the items. d. Do not rephrase or make any alterations as this may affect the accuracy of the test itself. However, change all persons and company names as well as other terms that refer to people(e.g. Mr. XYZ) into other names e. Go to URL: and log in to the admin account. f. Copy the edited word file and upload it in the system. For uniformity, table shall be used for lengthy paragraphs- width: 590px & w/o border lines statements/numbers in columns and rows - maximum width: 500 536px & w/o border lines g. Rearranged the sequence of the choices/options. h. Follow the Procedures for uploading questions provided on a separate sheet. i. Use the Preview Question to make sure that the questions are uploaded accurately. j. Index ID codes are automatically generated for each saved question/item. We may also called them as Reference Number. k. Save the edited word file as a new file, and keep the unedited version. Use this format in naming the new file: pagenumber_index id code (generated upon saving the new record) * In case there is more than one question included in one page number, use the first index id code that will be generated in naming the files. The index id code should allow us to easily track and retrieve a particular item problem should there be any changes to make. l. Keep the new word file to the Uploaded files folder. m. Update the stats on CPA uploads.

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